What was it? Was it good?
Pic related was ok.
What was it? Was it good?
Pic related was ok.
I just replayed Dino Crisis. Doing the puzzles made me realize why I didn't finish when I first played it as a kid.
Was pretty proud of myself, never thought I'd be able to finish a difficult game like that.
And here come the ">hard" replies
SDT, technically I didn't finish it not once, not twice hell not even thrice and I'm still not done with it yet!
What other video games would you consider hard?
>still haven't beat it
Shit times user shit times...
Ninja Gaiden
Get to it, really rewarding game.
It was meh. Started out strong, 3/4 way through it was bad
Working on re6 and 100% mgsv now
Danganronpa 2
It was pretty good.
>Dark Souls 2
Pretty good, not as bad as Sup Forums says
what a suprise
>Zero Time Dilemma
playing morrowind now, then oblivion to compare the difference of 3 years
ibukifags plz go
You don't know hard until you've completed all Souls games without taking damage, resting at bonfires, attacking, moving or summoning.
Get out of here.
Saints row 4: Gat out of hell.
It took me only 4 hours to finish the main campaign, i want to get the plat on it but it has a bullshit multiplayer trophy that need to be done online, which completely kills my will to play it further.
Solid gameplay, but the story was absolute garbage
Mafia II
Solid game, but seem like it has a lot of content cut off. Ending is a major cliffhanger.
Playing that right now, I think it's pretty amazing, way underrated.
Just finished Alan Wake. Story was pretty good, but the gameplay got really boring really quickly.
Isn't the creator dead?
It was much better than I remembered before
Not that it's a challenge to beat it.
Really dug the story. Wish it would have ended on a different note. Regardless, very comfy game and the plot pulls you in. I wish there was more of it. I want more games with the same type of setting and tone. Just work as a fire watch ranger. Sometimes odd things happen. Talk to the girl on the other end of your walkie about fucking her. Cozy.
It was ok, I guess
AC1 is game for adults
AC2 is for teenagers
Everything after is child's play
It was pretty amazing. Got it during the PS Store week 2 sale, and I haven't played a game this impressive in a while. It sounds like a gimmick, but the puzzles were actually very creative and the lore is great. Playing a second time to get the other endings and to complete the size puzzles I never got to solve the first time.
The Jackal was voiced by the same guy who did Max Payne
Anything who says AC1 isn't the best didn't play AC1.
>b-but my combat
AC has never had good combat, it just got faster to deal with it.
mass effect 2
pretty good, final boss is the pinpoint moment where the quality of the writing took a nosedive though