After an overall disappointing day of sales, vidya at least, last year...

After an overall disappointing day of sales, vidya at least, last year, are you guys looking forward to Prime Day in a day or two?

The only thing I got last year of value was an ass load of beef jerky, but I've still got a little faith in Amazon.
not a shill

>I've still got a little faith in Amazon
I sure as hell don't. Not after those fags bumped the free shipping from 25 dollars to 50.

lol can't wait for that tupperware set to go on sale again

what brand jerky?
im actually in the mood for it

Prime Day with Sup Forums was an adventure last year
Led to some funny OC though

No I don't trust online shopping. I just buy from my local gamestop and samsclub

It's like they're testing the water, trying to see how much bullshit they can get away with. I signed up for Prime last year, then they started spamming me with adverts for "Prime Plus" or some shit.

I remember that. Quite a few anons bought that. Good deal

pls respond

I fucking HATE OP'S that just make a thread and fuck off

Not op but try buffalo bills. That shit is the tits

>are you guys looking forward to Prime Day in a day or two?

No, 'cause I gotta work overtime.

It was just JL's

Prime Day was a fucking riot


>Amazon promised us video games
>there was no video games

>sex toys as far as they eye could see


>expecting amazon to have vidya deals
It's not a vidya based site, so not sure why you fags got disappointed last year. Why did you even assume they would in the first place?

>25 pounds of synthetic pussy and ass

They literally said they would have video game deals in their advertisements for prime day last year

Jeff Bezos pls go

>Prime Day

More like amazon garage sale

I missed out on the chef's hat last year

>still not having Prime
Fucking lel.

If you don't want to buy it yourself tell your mom or a friend to share their Prime with you. Yes, you can do that. I've never paid for Prime because my mom shares her membership with me.