Post Favorite PS4 Games

I'm getting some spending money soon and I'm wondering what to buy. I already have the Nathan Drake Collection and Guilty Gear Xrd.

I'm leaning Towards Disgaea 5 but it will be my first Disgaea game.

Basically, just post your favorite PS4 games/Reccomendations so that it will make picking a little easier.

Other urls found in this thread:

MGS Ground Zeroes and Sleeping Dogs, if you didn't play them on PS3.

The Last of Us
Resident Evil 4 is coming out next month

Earth Defense Force 4.1
Odin Sphere
Atelier Sophie

Uncharted 4

those and Guilty Gear are the only reason to own a PS4

The Last of Us is the most insanely trite game of all time.

It's literally just a normie game machine, I regret buying it because it has little worthwhile exclusives.

I have:
Until Dawn
EDF 4.1
Odin Sphere HD
Gravity Rush

and not much else other than PSN+ games.

Disgaea 5 is great too.

Still playin Destiny waiting on dat RoI.

>fite me faggers

I'm a huge sucker for jrpg's & if you already like jrpg's you'll like the shit out of it. Most in-depth game from a jrpg imo.
Since it's your first Disgaea game you're gonna spend a fuckload of time researching the mechanics online no doubt.

>Decide to boot up destiny today
>Do Heroic weekly
>Get the mission with the thing that falls from the sky and you need to stand around it to uplink
>Die once
>Realize the game is still a piece of shit that cant even properly make dungeons with 0 cover and mediocre shooting mechanics
>apparently they have adopted the cancer lootbox shit to further lure the addicts
>close game

Surely you realize its just a massive grind with very little accomplishment.

Bloodborne really is a must. Blew away even my high expectations.

Uncharted 4's on my wishlist, as I really enjoyed the first three games.

Odin Sphere's great if you haven't played it, and I've heard really good things about its rerelease.

Arkham Knight was actually good. Liked the psychological angle. Don't expect to find any bosses though, and while battletanks with the batmobile is a pretty common thing, it's not quite as common as I was led to believe.
Also prepare for the best Harley ass to date.

Other than that, I'm just waiting for games to come out for it. Only had my PS4 for a couple of weeks now.

Putting 20 bucks away from my next three paychecks for FFXV preorder. It just looks like it's right up my alley, and I'd be interested with or without the brand recognition.

bloodborne and the order 1866

fuck all the haters

1866 was G O A T

pic unrelated
some shitty west cuck game

Nathan Drake fucks a girl and you never will.

I have it on my list and am waiting on a sale. The small playtime is holding me back from forking over 20 bucks, but the graphics, atmosphere, and story all look intriguing enough for me to go for.

That doesn't make anybody look pathetic. He's literally a modern day version of Indiana Jones. Of course he swims in pussy.

Chrischan, on the other hand, also has had sex with a woman, which makes him ahead of most of you.

Gameplay is The Order was painfully mediocre. To date it's also the only game to make me feel sick so I would recommend anyone tries before they buy.

I actually really strongly disagree with most if the recommendations except Bloodborne. But that's opinions I guess.

Bloodborne and....?

Earth Defense Force 4.1

Odin Sphere is the tightest shit ever.

It got off to a pretty slow start, though it's nice that it's finally getting its shit together on the exclusives front.

I need to go out and buy Disgaea 5, the Odin Sphere pseudo-remake and Grand Kingdom.

Nioh, Gravity Rush 2, and 13 Sentinels will be first-day buys. Also From and Japan Studio have another 2 exclusive collaborations in the pipeline, so those as well.

Project Diva Future Tone if you like vocaloid

If you've never listened to vocaloid I can give you some songs to listen to to see if you like it

why does the cover is white and the bloodborne title is in arial or something?

Because he's a dirty third-worlder.

>tfw I got a pawned PS4 two weeks ago that happened to have PT

I actually accepted that I'd never play it, so it was a hell of a surprise.

Klaus, Art of Balance, Journey, Rayman Legends, Transistor, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, VVVVV, Fat Princess Adventures, Amplitude, BitTrip, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Killzone Shadowfall, God of War 3 remastered, GTA5, and Alienation.

That's a pretty lucky find!

You end up enjoying it?

I bought this as a Bloodborne machine and while I enjoyed that I figured there would be more than just AAA multiplats to play on it. Did all the Japanese devs jump ship onto the Vita or something?

There are a lot of japanese games on it what are you talking about

You should try Sun and Moon.

The Evil Within
DmC: Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider
SFV is getting better and better over time.

No you're the one who is a dirty third-worlder

odin sphere leifarthrasirirer
i'd play another disgaea game first, 3 is a decent entry point
destiny is really fun for me, even though people like don't understand how to use movement and abilities in a game that gives you lots of movement and abilities, but it is a skinner box

I really did, yeah. Way better than the RE7 demo. Damned shame it got cancelled.

I did end up resorting to a guide after about an hour getting stuck on the last puzzle, though. How was I supposed to know I needed a headset? Fucking Kojima and his shenanigans.

Paragon, Another World, Hitman GO, Cosmo Police Galivan, Galaga, Crazy Strike Bowling Ex, 3-on-3 Basketball, Downwell, Last Blade 2, Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator, Sound Shapes, Velocity 2x, Calvino Noir, Unfinished Swan, Defense Grid 2, Resogun, Tropico 5, Xeodrifter, Hyper Void, Ninja Senki DX, Bastion, Stories Path of Destinies, there a million great games to play on ps4. Just look.

Enter the gungeon
Rouge legacy
Rouge galaxy
The witcher 3
Metro redux
Dying light
7 days to die
Rayman legends

What is Resogun, a shoot em up?
It's like 4 dollars on psn right now

>this thread

I would think a place dedicated to game enthusiasts would play more than surface level casual shit.

The Witch and the Hundred Knight, Project Diva Future Tone, Disgaea 5 and Gravity Rush were all pretty great.

Also don't worry about 5 being your first Disgaea, the story is self contained and the mechanics will be overwhelming at first but you'll somehow manage to go through the game regardless.

Buy it. Best game on ps4. Also buy Alienation made by Housemarque as well. Can't wait to see Matterfall by them. One of the best devs today.

Has everyone played Furi? It was a great addition to PS+ this go around. I felt more compelled to beat it than Saint's Row.

Tell us your impeccable taste then user

DoA Xtreme 3

I've never played a Guilty Gear game before. What's it like compared to other well-known fighters? Is the community active?

Wait one fucking second. They did a remaster of Rogue Galaxy?

Will the price ever drop?

I'd cum buckets to it, but not at 50 bucks plus shipping.

And yet I was telling people about the game last month in a ps4 thread but no one gave a shit. I didn't even know it was going to be a plus game. Can you people actually do your research? Actually keep track of ALL upcoming releases on playstation?? We got I Am Setsuna, Rabi Ribi, and Gal Gun coming this month as well.

The community is kinda small but very dedicated and active. It's faster than your typical SF-type game so it can feel unapproachable for beginners but it's honestly very rewarding to play. You can get some great constructive criticism from the community too. If you want to play fightan you could do a lot worse than GG.

Not technically
They made a PS2 emulator for the PS4 and have been putting games up on PSN to buy

Ah, okay, it's one of those. Still cool that it made PSN, though, considering it never sold.



This OP, if you have PS+ grab Furi, great hack n'slash/bullet hell game

Much better!

Level 5 were confirmed a while back to have something cooking with Sony (It was clarified that it ISN'T the Ni no Kuni sequel), so maybe they put Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicle and Rogue Galaxy up there to potentially ignite a bit of interest for when it's finally revealed?

Anyone knows if there's going to be a goty edition of arkham knight. i've been wanting to play it but i'd like if it comes with all the dlc included




>no King of Fighter XiV
>No Tekken 7: Dark Retribution
>Guilty Gear Xrd: Revalator
If you're gonna get street fighter V, ps4 is the better platform since the pc port is shit

if not, might as well grab it now that is $20 and just pay 20 more for the season pass

I was more surprised because it was (iirc) a brand new game.
The soundtrack is top-notch, too. I remember looking up reviews after I had beaten it, and some bitch at Kotaku complained it was "the wrong kind of hard". Like no, you just suck at this game, sorry you can't learn mechanics.

On the PS4 and Xbone, yeah, it's coming at the end of this month. No idea about a PC release, though probably not, given WB made it pretty clear they don't give a shit with how much they half-assed the port.

>game that isn't out until next month
>game with no actual release date
If you want fighting games get either SF V, GG Revalator or Dead or Alive

The DLC ain't worth is brahs, you're better off saving the extra $20 for another game

Makes sense to me.

I can't fucking wait until PSVR and Gran Turismo Sport. Sim fans that demoed it at E3 said it's going to be playstation's iracing and is more sim-like than ever before. This hasn't been done on consoles since Enthusia Racing, and now we got the whole fia partnership and global tournaments holy fucking shit I'm on the edge of my seat!! My most aniticipated game this year by far

>pc port is shit
>free fight money
>no 8f delay
>faster loading times

Don't kid yourself.

Get DoA 5 and Blazblue, OP!!

really? not even the extra missions?

Thanks for the response, user. I'll definitely look into it a bit more.

What if I really just want to walk around with Batgirl's character for hours?

Cover artwork's crap though, unsurprisingly.

Bloodborne. I'm helping scrubs right now, free and easy echoes and insight.

Mad Max and Doom are really fun. Unity as well, they been fixed the game. It looks gorgeous. Also Far Cry 4.

Super Star Wars, Shadow of the Beast, Vice City, San Andreas, and Okage: Shadow King

I mean if you're really into the characters themselves then go ahead, but the missions are really copy-paste and don't at all come even close to the level the AC Catwoman or Harley Quinn's Revenge missions were at.

Unless Koei Techmo has become better at porting, PS4 is probably your best bet for musou games as well.

Last I heard their pc ports are still pretty shit.


>Loved Blood Dragon
>See a sequel is released
>Trials game
I'm still mad. How can you fuck that up Ubi? I never intend to play, nor own a Trials game.

I enjoyed the shit out of Ratchet & Clank. The low pricing also helps with the decision.

Yeah, I'll just pay extra for DOAX3 if I wanna fap to asses that badly.

Plus they sometimes don't even bother bringing over content. Toukiden on the PC was missing a bit of the DLC that the PS4 and Vita versions got, which to add insult to injury, some of which was given away for free on the week of release.

Megadimension Neptuna VII was one of the reasons I was going to get a PS4.

>Mad Max

Glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed it. Had a blast and liked the climax.

The PS4 has some of my favorite games already it's pretty crazy

Rayman Legends
The Evil Within
Wolfenstein new order
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Tales of Zestiria
Metro Redux
Tomb Raider definition edition

PS4 has a lot of great games. Might play Fallout 4 next or Neptunia VII

Yeah same, I hope Insomniac makes a new Ratchet but it probably won't happen for a while since they're making Spiderman.

Insomniac actually has a budget game coming out like tomorrow as well, some metroidvania called Song of the Deep

Truly. I got 20 Vermin in the last 2 days. I don't know if I should have a lower level character to help out, I think I am overpowered for these guys, even with the stat balancing.


Trials games are pretty damn fun though, dude. Certainly underrated in the hardcore crowd. People dismiss it as a phone game, but they're pretty, deep, wacky, and complex. You can spend hours playing them. Really fun with friends too.

What's the second from the bottom game in july?

I love Rayman Legends!!

"I Am Setsuna", that pseudo-Chrono Trigger game.

I am Setsuna

The throwback style jrpg square made.
It's PS4/PC in the west

Gears Of War. kek.

I had no idea it was an RPG. Looks like it might be cool.

Remake of Up your Arsenal would be my wet dream even though it still holds up.

Yup, I'm glad I waited so I could get the superior version. Bought it on release day, been playing it a shitload.

PS4 now only has Bloodbourne again. Not worth it.


Honorable mention to Project Diva Future Tone

Even better it's the only current gen console that has exclusives now. XBone exclusives are all now playable on windows 10 and Wii U has a fucking emulator that's getting better with every build.