Hey guys! Redditor here. So I was browsing on r/gaming and I kinda got fed up. I need a little more edge, you know...

Hey guys! Redditor here. So I was browsing on r/gaming and I kinda got fed up. I need a little more edge, you know? So I figured this was the place to go! You guys really don't hold back! Haha. Anyway, this is my first post and I read on r/Sup Forums that is has to be on topic so, what's your favorite videogame, channers? Let's talk!

Oh, and I know how you guys feel about us redditors (haha) so feel free to rip into me! I can take it!

simply epic!!! xDD
welcome to le board, have le upboat and i le tip my le fedora at le (You).

Welcome friendo!

Hahaha! Aw man you guys are giving me a hard time already! One does not simply make a post on Sup Forums huh? :) Anyways I forgot to mention my favorite game! It's BioShock Infinite! No Man's Sky would be a close second. I mean I know it's not out yet, but doesn't it look great?!

I bet you actually are from reddit.

Well, sure! That's a bet you'd win cause that's what I said!

Source: am a redditor haha

I don't know whats real anymore

This thread

Band name: Reddit

Is this a meme? Can anyone explain this to me? :) Oh, and any other memes I should know about guys? I wanna be caught up.

Hey what's your favorite videogame man?

I don't know... should I ignore this thread or... well fuck.

See, this is actually a really interesting tactic I have not seen before

1. You're clearly being ironic, you are not actually trying to fool anyone
2. The act of being ironic in this way actually does get a rise out of people, even if in a small way
3. In your responses to people mocking you are somehow both sincerely mocking them through sarcasm, yet remaining to use ironic terms and personalities
4. In your mocking responses, you are both mocking them for falling for the bait (even if it's in a way they don't understand) and mocking them for countering you with more irony

I really do admire this actually

And I thought this thread would be stupid

Good show

What you should to is tell me what your favorite game is! Let's talk about videogames! I heard you guys don't really do that here haha. I like BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Overwatch, lots of others.

I hear Sup Forums is a nice reddit vacation spot this time of year. :^)

Bad self-aware bait, interesting tactic. 7/10, I'll keep an eye on this.

Hey dude! I remember you from those several Reddit things we were in together! My favourite game is Diablo 3, it really took all of the boring shit out of Diablo 2 that I hated including those ugly 2D "graphics" haha :D

Oh man you guys are some regular George Carlins over here huh? I don't even GET this post man! Haha anyway, what's your favorite game, fellow user? :)

Sup Forums? That does sound nice! Like the North Pole? Don't know if I'd vacation there but I'll check it out! (That's a pun, just some leftover Reddit humor hehe)

Geez user, I like Diablo 3 a lot but give credit where it's due! Diablo 2 was awesome sauce at the time! That cow level tho

Yeah, Sup Forums is dank memay central, all of our fresh meemes come from there, now that Sup Forums is ruined. They talk a lot about some guy named "moot" overthere, though.

I can't tell who the OP is anymore.

b8 gets stupider every day I browse this place
don't you idiots have anything better to do with your time than trying to get a bunch of (you)s on some shitty videogame board

Moot? Sounds familiar, but I don't know why. Anyway, I heard Sup Forums is where all the memes started, so it's an honor to be here! Did they all come from the Sup Forums board? What's Sup Forums stand for?

Hey, can you explain to me what b8 stands for? Like I said in the OP, I'm a first timer :) Have mercy! Haha. Anyways, I guess I don't have anything better to do than talk about videogames! I am, as they say, le no-life. Hey what's your favorite game man?


LOL! I guess it's true what they say, you guys really don't like talking about videogames! Ha, just kidding man. What's your favorite? :)

>34 points

Shitposting is shitposting is cancer


whalecum to the board ;)))

Don't joke about cancer, dude. Not cool! Instead, tell me what's your favorite game :)

Thank you! Man, you guys aren't nearly as bad as they say :) What's your favorite game, channerino?


Mind if I save it user?

It's kind of sad this is shitposting

4chans etiquette is so defined that speaking like normal texting is considered absurd.

We really do lack variety to the point were all this same, jaded cynic

Here's your (you) (haha)

I like Rhythm Heaven. But I can only play it only because showing anyone makes me feel autistic. You are literally pressing one or to buttons over and over and over again.

Hey! First of all, how are ya, fellow user? I hope good! I have a few questions about some of the memes here:
1. Why do people keep putting "you" in parentheses? Anyone can explain this joke?
2. What's a shitpost? And how is this one?

I'm just trying to understand y'all's lingo here! So lost haha

Rhythm Heaven is pretty cool, user, and why would you feel autistic showing someone that you play it? Elite Beat Agents is a pretty similar game conceptually, and lots of people love that one! Don't have shame in your game, my brotha!

>1. Why do people keep putting "you" in parentheses? Anyone can explain this joke?
It's le upboat.

This thread has confused me to the point where I'm actually going to go play video games

You guys are pulling my chain again, aren't you! Don't worry user, I'll figure it out myself! Don't forget, I'm here forever! Haha anyway what's your favorite game dude?

Hell yeah! I'm trying to be as transparent as possible here but hey, if you wanna go play some vidya, by all means!

Oh dang it I forgot to ask, watcha gonna play?

Yeah, but EBA has songs people know and the shrinking rings keep you on your toes. RH is repeating the same patterns a la simon says.


I see what ya mean, I just looked up some gameplay footage so I'd know what I'm talking about here. It does seem like the motions are repetitive sure, but you're just trying to keep the music video going! Its not like you're tapping on a black screen with music playing, y'know?

I'm trying my hardest here to keep it vidya, user! Here, you can help me out! What's your favorite game? :)