Super Nintendo is more powerful than Sega Genesis

>Super Nintendo is more powerful than Sega Genesis

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The one on the right doesn't hurt my eyes.

1. It's called the Sega Mega Drive
2. The Snes is more powerful in some areas, but ultimately the Mega Drive is the more competent system
3. The Lion King sucked

The left one is higher resolution though, and uses square pixels. The SNES version looks squashed out because it doesn't use square pixels.

Well, the dev of the game says he thinks the SNES version is better, although mainly for the stampede stage, they were able to make it run smooth on SNES; but very choppy on Genesis


honestly surprised the SNES version fucked up Maui Mallard so badly.

SNES isn't even the same game.

SNES had a lot of hardware features that the Genesis / MD was lacking, and it also had much better color processing. However, the Genesis was faster and could output at a higher resolution-- 320x240 was the standard for most games, and it could also output in a special 480i mode that a handful of games utilized.

Another place where the two systems differed greatly was sound processing. The SNES had a special sampling audio chip designed by Sony, which used recorded sound clips to simulate instruments. The SNES had no on-board synthesizer, and all the audio samples were on the cartridges. The Genesis had a Yamaha FM synthesizer which could be tuned by programmers to synthetically mimmick the sound of various instruments (this chip was used in many 80s and 90s PC sound cards and Yamaha keyboards). The SNES audio processor is more advanced, although each has their pros and cons. SNES music could only be as good as the samples that the game developer utilized, and Genesis music could only be as good as the sound voices that the programmers could create, though the SNES ultimately had a higher ceiling for creativity and quality.

In the case of The Lion King, the two games actually compare quite favorably when it comes to music, although the big difference is that in the SNES version you can hear a much more accurate rendition of "Circle of Life" on the title screen due to samples from the real song being used, which includes vocals. The Genesis version has no vocals in the title screen because the system can't handle sampling that well.

they're both good, not gonna sit around and argue with you

Genesis has less color, FM sound, wider screen resolution and a powerful CPU
SNES is a bit newer, sound is purely sample based, has a smaller resolution, but can display a wide array of colors. It also has many sprite layers and video modes. CPU is said to be slow but don't let a low clock rate fool you. Looking at MHz alone when judging the capabilities of something is ill informed.

a few SNES games came equipped with chips that assist in 3D like the FX chip or the thing that comes with Megaman X2 or X3 for displaying wireframe (I forget)
the only genesis game I know of that came with an additional chip was Virtual Racing but it was costly. The 32x was supposed to be a stopgap to help fight off the lack of Donkey Kong Country and Star Fox but was mostly a pointless endeavor with the Saturn on the way.

I'm digging the SNES version more from that screenshot alone

>CPU is said to be slow but don't let a low clock rate fool you. Looking at MHz alone when judging the capabilities of something is ill informed.

No just look at the games, snes games are slow as hell and tend to not have as much going on at once.

Also the genesis had faster ram.

>Sup Forums is so obsessed with flame wars that they try and revive ones from the fucking early 90s

To be fair though, that game was somewhat of a disaster in terms of development. Crazy deadlines, poor communication between Disney and the studio, and lots of people who had never worked together before. It's quite an interesting game though just because Disney rarely ever creates IP specifically for video games.

It's a much simpler game, and not nearly as well animated.

Not him but he's right, you can't judge a whole library of games just based on CPU speed alone. The way developers used the hardware and made the software is more important than the numbers alone.

Take for instance Mega Man Wily Wars on Megadrive, it has tons of slowdowns, more than any average SNES game, yet Megaman X or Megaman VII on SNES run pretty smooth for the most part.

Maui on SNES is better in every way, sure it's missing this cool boss theme from the MD ver but detail in this version more than enough makes up for it.

Yeah but Genesis has the worse sound chip

how do people even defend the Seega Gemini

And significantly worse animation and not nearly as many things to do. Besides you can have both.

It's a great system though, tons of great games.

SNES vs Genesis was the best console war ever. If you were an idort back then, you were in for a wild ride.

The 32X was an ill-advised piece of hardware intended for the North American market. Sega of Japan figured that since the Genesis was so popular in America, rather than give America the Saturn right away they'd make a more powerful version of the Genesis / Megadrive. It was a terrible idea, and Sega of America talked them down to just making it an accessory for the Genesis, although no-one at SOA actually believed in the 32X and just wanted the stupid thing to die quietly so that they could focus on the Saturn launch.

It's too bad the 3D chip in Virtua Racing never got utilized by other games. It was a very impressive piece of tech but only that one game used it. If they had focused on making it cheaper instead of wasting money on the 32X they could have stayed competetive with the SNES a little while longer.

They ended up being distracted by new hardware platforms instead of squeezing the most out of what they already had, which was Nintendo's strategy with Star Fox and Donkey Kong Country. You can go a long way just by putting new "helper chips" in a game cartridge.

How people can stand the Genesis blaring sound and color limitations is beyond me.

Games as a whole tended to run better on the genesis. There's a reason why people like treasure almost only worked on the genesis. It was the only thing that could handle all the craziness.

You can't judge a game library on the CPU speed, obviously, although Sega made sure to take advantage of the Genesis's faster CPU when they made the Sonic games. The Sonic games simply wouldn't have worked on the SNES hardware because they milked the Genesis CPU for all it was worth. "Blast processing", even though it was just a silly marketing term, was actually a reference to the Genesis's faster CPU.

Yeah but I'll miss the Elevator music with random screams of terror in the background during the volcano.

Reminded me of Earthworm Jim.

Better framerates and smoother gameplay, shit that actually effects gameplay.

I dunno, Treasure didn't choose the Genesis, they were just paid by Sega to do so, they could have come up with some crazy shit on SNES as well.

If you want a dev that exploited the SNES hardware well, look at Natsume.

So, no, games "as a whole" didn't run better on Genesis, it greatly depended on the developers and their knowledge on the hardware and how to make the best out of it.

>If you were an idort back then, you were in for a wild ride.

>had both consoles and a PC

Literally the greatest era.

and even then, the SNES version still looks and sounds better

I'm not even sweating those frames of animation you're freaking out over

The 16 bit war was the one that really mattered. You had two consoles with in some ways equal yet different capabilities, completely different attitudes towards marketing, age demographics and game development, and each had their own mascot who were as recognizeable as Mickey Mouse.

The big thing that came out of that generation though, was that it proved that there was room in the pond for more than one fish, although Sega had to scrape and claw for every inch that they gained over Nintendo, because Nintendo had set themselves up as the console market's only superpower. There might not have been a Playstation if Sega hadn't opened up the market for more competition and spearheaded a space for non-Nintendo consoles in all the major retailers.

My nigga.

Playing Super Metroid and F-Zero on SNES, Revenge of Shinobi and SOR2 on Genesis, and Doom on PC.

Kids who only had 1 system were missing out.

>looks and sounds better than the PC

>something that most genesis games could do
>look at this impressive snes game

>unironic emulator filters

Donkey Kong feels like cheating when you talk about system power. Especially the third game's really fucking fancy water effects.

You can do better than this.

Treasure did impressive stuff on Genesis, and Natsume did impressive stuff on SNES. They knew the hardware and worked it good.

You're just a console warrior and that's fine, but remember, what matters isn't the numbers alone, it's mostly the devs.

Fun fact: most emulators make Genesis games sound like shit. You need a real Genesis to get the real experience, and some of the systems sound better than others.

>that surround sound built into the game

I really wished I used that headphone jack on my genesis back then.

I said that the SNES version had the Sega version beat, I never said anything about PC though

you're trying way too hard to annoy people

I'll never forgive the Saturn for what it did to X3's OST.

the one on the right doesn't make my ears bleed :^)

composition ≠ sound quality. If that was the case then Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance's OST would be among the best

So much nostalgia in this thread
Back when there was a reason to own every console.


And nothing of value was lost. I don't see why Capcom has to be so anal about keeping that shitpile ported almost 1:1 of all things. I guess technically there's nothing wrong with it but they could have added something to make up for those empty levels.

That remix is pretty shit too.

What the fuck happened to X's OSTs after SNES X3? Why did everything go techno-y and funk?

When you listen to X1-3 you can HEAR the fucking electric guitars. It's all supposed to be heavy rock.

How do you hear
and think that this is a good idea?

We don't need all that techy flashy bullshit. Just arrange the whole soundtrack as hard rock. Why was that so hard?

>consoles weren't just different specs but had different things they were good at
>completely different sound
>completely different controllers
>multiplats were the exception

I still associate this
with the snes as a whole. Just because it was a sound you couldn't get on the genesis. And genesis had it's stuff too.

Hey fuck you it had the best single track in the series.

unless it's this version

>sound better than others
>posts a song from the awful OST that is Sonic 3
>instead of superior Sonic 2

Sonic 2 knew what its limits were. Sonic 3 tries to outdo what that that FM synth can do and the whole soundtrack is just tinny ear rape.

X3 was garbage anyways., I don't know what hte fuck they were doing with the sound set in that game. X1's was the only good soundtrack.

>X2's was so good they had to bring back the ocean level's song for X5

Hah, go jump off a bridge, faggot. Hope your tits fall off.

X3 's music is fine. The rest of the game is the problem.

So play it 8:7? What's the big deal?
And there's very few straight ports in that era. Most games were just different.

I still play retro games and I'm really looking to get a decent stereo amp to hook up my gear to. I never had one back in the 16 bit days and I had to make due with just the audio from my TV speakers, which suffice to say didn't come close to capturing the wide array of beautiful tones that these consoles could output.

>SNES had a lot of hardware features that the Genesis / MD was lacking, and it also had much better color processing

No fucking shit Sherlock, did you know the Megadrive was 2 fucking years older than the SNES right?

The PSX version of X3 was superior. And thankfully, that's the version that's included in the X collection for PS2.

>3. The Lion King sucked
Well fuck you

Lion King is the best game Westwood has ever made

>So play it 8:7? What's the big deal?
Narrower field of view. In the case of The Lion King, it's harder to see upcoming jumps and secrets in the SNES version. They for the most part did a good job of keeping important stuff like that within the field of view, but on the whole it's just easier to see stuff in the Genesis version.

>Ultra casual console fuck who never played glorious Dune 2000

look at the background in the SNES version, it's clear they weren't really trying or else the dithering in the background would be gone.

Pick an example when the developer used effort next time.

you're an idiot, it's the z80 sound chip that's the problem. It's one of the most well known and emulatable chips in history. In fact all the hardware in the genesis had hardware and software emulation for other platforms BEFORE the genesis was released for compatibility. A genesis emu is just putting and cobbling together these well known ideas.

Joke's on you, PC master race since Win 3.1
I fucking hate RTS though. I could never get into the genre.

No wonder you have such shit taste in Westwood games then

Natsume is practically the only developer that was able to get fast paced action games with a decent amount of things going on at once like Wild Guns or Pocky & Rocky to actually work on the SNES with little to no slowdown, while on the Genesis, fast paced action games with a decent amount going on at once and little to no slowdown is basically the norm.
This is entirely due to the difference in CPU speed.
Sure, taking advantage of it is up to specific developers, but you don't have to work as hard to make a fast paced action game functional on the Genesis as you do on the SNES, and no matter how hard you try on the SNES, something like Red Zone would always be out of reach without the use of extra chips.

>I'll never forgive the Saturn for what it did to X3's OST.

What, made it bareable?

>The PSX version of X3 was superior.
How? You trade a shittier version of the soundtrack for shitty looking anime cutscenes.


>It's called the Sega Mega Drive
It's called the Genesis everywhere that matters.

Well from OP's picture it looks like they only cropped on the left side of the screen. You should be able to see upcoming jumps on the right just as easily.

Shitty taste my friend

You were replying to a post that talks about the PC version. It even has an accompanying image. Read.

This is coming from the man who thinks X3's soundtrack is actually good.

It's the weakest out of the entire series and that's entirely because of the shitty samples they used for X3's instruments. I have no idea why they used that piece of shit guitar when X1's guitar was already perfect.

>If that was the case then Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance's OST would be among the best
It is.

The GBA's sound hardware is fucking god awful overall, but Harmony of Dissonance's 8-bit style lent itself well to the game. People who bitch about HoD's soundtrack are both underage and are poorly remembering how bad the GBA's sound hardware was.

Also, before you post Venus Lighthouse from that garbage game called Golden Sun, I'll tell you that yes, it sounds like shit.

>you're an idiot, it's the z80 sound chip that's the problem.
the guy you're replying to said that the real console sounds better and that's mostly true depending on what make and model you have.

the z80 merely controls the YM2612 and SN76489, not sure why you're trying to blame it

Fuck off

>sounds better
>more buttons

Why not let results speak for themselves?


The emulator clearly isn't emulating well enough to play this song properly.

>It's the weakest out of the entire series and that's entirely because of the shitty samples they used for X3's instruments. I have no idea why they used that piece of shit guitar when X1's guitar was already perfect.

You cannot honestly think it's worse than the shit at the end of the series.

>Sounding anything like this

I'm convinced he's just trolling. There are problems with X3's soundtrack, but they're completely separate from the samples used. And it's undeniable that the good bits on the SNES were butchered in the Arranged version.

>Also, before you post Venus Lighthouse from that garbage game called Golden Sun,

Then how about the main menu theme?

Right looks better by far.

How the fuck did they get the GBA to sound so good?

That percussion sounds legit.

Now compare Earthworm Jim, Genesis and SNES versions

SNES version is better in terms of graphics and music synthesizing

>>Super Nintendo is more powerful than Sega Genesis
>Super Nintendo
>Sega Genesis

>Sony and Nintendo working together
>Sony hardware inside Nintendo console

Yeah nah sorry I don't believe this for asecond

Something that's easy to forget is that the Genesis used dithering as a means of stretching its color pallet further, as well as being a way to create transparency effects. Unfortunately this means that the dithering effect becomes very obvious when viewed on better quality displays, although at the time it would have been imperceptible to players because the games would look just as blurry on the SNES.

>Now compare Earthworm Jim, Genesis and SNES versions
>lower resolution
>fewer voice clips
>missing level
>washed out colors


Golden Sun and its sequel were games that deserved better than the GBA. I don't think I've ever played a game that gave me more of a grand sense of adventure and scale.

The fact is that the persistence of dithering in the SNES version, which had much wider colour palettes than the Genesis was capable of, is evidence of the game being a lazy port and not a good candidate for comparing the power of the consoles.



The only screen shot in the OP image that is cropped is the Genesis version, because the overscan area is cropped out. The SNES version is the native resolution displayed at the correct pixel aspect ratio that it would have been on the TV with nothing cropped out, and it has a much narrower field of view.

Multiplatform ports in a nutshell

>Turn on SNES
>*Muffled but recognizable music starts playing*

>Turn on Genesis

They both sound "technically" the same, for lack of a better word. The emulated one sounds more treble-ly since that low-pass filter used on the console isn't being emulated. Raw and clear.

I know that the electric guitar sample in the SNES Megaman X games is a tad too electric but it doesn't sound at all like a trumpet.