Recommend games for a "new" PC gamer

Whilst I used to play PC a bit during the period between Sega CD and the end of the PS1, I've been a console games since. Now starting to get back into PC games so recommend me some that I might have missed. Only had Sony consoles so any Xbox games that are on PC would also apply.

In to most things (VNs, JRPG, WRPG, action-y games, physics puzzlers, etc.) but am shit with FPS on PCs. Steam preferable as can't be fucked with messing around with other stores. GPU isn't great but can play most things, Overwatch included. Bought a few things during the steam sales but probably missed out on some good shit.

So let me know your best games.

>Inb4 consoles suck

Other urls found in this thread:


>he actually believed the PC gaming meme

Should've saved yourself $4,000 and just bought a PS4, idiot

why do people unironically act like PC games are better than console games? PS4 has the best games other systems can't even compete lmao.

"PC Gaming" yeah u mean downloading Pokemon GO on your computer and pretending u live in fucking japan.

wsg sucks, the elites on Sup Forums are more trustworthy

OP here, I have a PS4.

I spent $500 on my PC. It's not like I've not had a PC in all that time, I've had a PC since about '88. I use it for work, study and comms.

There are some great games on PC too. And Xbox. And Sony. Games are games. Wars between systems are insipid rubbish for children.

Skyrim is decent for a few dozen hours until you notice how shallow and repetitive it is. You can get longer out of it if you have fun modding. Dark Souls 2 and 3 are both decent. Dark Souls 2 runs really smoothly on PC and feels pretty good. Talos Principle is an excellent first person puzzle game. It looks beautiful and runs like a smooth, buttery dream. Antichamber is another first person puzzler and is absolutely unique and definitely worth the couple of hours to play it will take you. Warframe is free to play and enjoyable for at least a few hours before you realise how grindy it is. It's stupid and mindless but good action nonetheless. Path of Exile is also free to play and like Warframe it's great for a while and since it's f2p it's worth checking out.

I dunno. Even if this is just a dumb bait thread trying to stir up shit I hope at least one person reading this plays Antichamber.

What types of western RPGs do you like?

Because the PC has the potential to be stronger and faster than any console that has ever been made or ever will be made. There will never at any time be a frame of time where a PC cannot be better than even the next-est of gen console, assuming the PC is kept up with the times, considering how the console generations are going so fast nowadays.

Also pretty much any multiplat that reaches Computers generally has the computer game as the definitive version, what with mods, 60 fps, and whatnot.

The reason people Unironically act like PC gaming is better is because PC gaming "is" better. What a stupid question.

Yeah played Skyrim on PS3, sure without mods etc but it got a bit tedious after a while. Don't think I ever went to the city to the far south east.

Added Talos principle, antichamber and path of exile to wishlist to check out. Thanks.

An no, not a bait thread, it was a serious thread to ask for suggestions.

I like the Witcher, Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. I've added Undertale to my list as I hear it's good. I tend to never finish them though, sadly. I always plan to come back to them eventually

spoken like a true microsoft dicksucker

Fallout 1 and 2?

If so, you should look into Underrail.

Played Warframe on PS4 but couldn't really get into it as it was a bit too grindy and noticed pretty soon into it.

You sure showed me with those zero facts or even opinons for that matter.

You're just shitposting. Fuck outta here.

nice rebuttal. as if your OP had any facts in it at all lmao

Looks pretty good. My Fallout experience began with 3. I lost the disc during a move and never found it again though!

Underrail looks pretty good. Added, thanks

Fallout NV
Any Civ or grand strategy game
Xcom 1
Xcom 2
Any shooter

It did have facts. I said that modern PC's are more powerful than modern consoles, which is a fact, and I also stated that PC versions of multiplat games usually have mods; that is also a fact.

Those are just two that I'm counting now, but you already know that I'm right; you're not here to be right or prove me wrong, you're just here to shitpost. There's no win state for me.

Fallout 3 is a very different game from the original Fallout games. Underrail is closer to the originals. It has a very elaborate system for character building and crafting and the combat system (which is single-character turn-based combat) involves quite a bit of tactical depth. Otherwise I'd also recommend Age of Decadence, which I consider one of the most important RPG titles of the past two decades. This too requires a very high frustration tolerance though, so keep that in mind before spending money. I think they've also released a demo you might try.

Yeah I mean Warframe is grindy but I still found it entertaining for maybe 15 hours. Some full price AAA games don't entertain me for that long so considering Warframe is f2p I say it's worth at least trying.

But yeah in the long run it's a shit game. It's designed to be played for 1000 hours and it manages to be fun for 10-20.

Actually you are wrong. If I wanted to I could go out right now and build my own system and my own OS and it could be stronger than most PCs if I wanted. Fuck outta here

>Only exclusives are Undertale or Early Access games
>No reason to get multiplats because console parity
>Games improved by mods are usually garbage regardless
>Toxic community
Yeah, I fell for the meme hard. At least I can shitpost.

OP here,

Both PC and consoles are good - get over the "my system is better than yours". It doesn't help anything unless you're trolls. Sure, PCs will always be more powerful but so what? It's prettier? Pretty games are like pretty women. All well and good to look at but if the personality (gameplay) is shit, then they get boring quick.

Consoles will never be as powerful as PCs but are easier for the majority of users which is also fine. Meh. Both have their benefits. I'm on my PC more of the time then my consoles but I love my consoles too. I have 5 PCs in my house including my one for my cycling trainer, two laptops, my HTPC and my desktop for ArcGIS and other work programs so love PCs too. I've been a console gamer since my Sega Master System too so really, guys, please, this is a serious discussion and it doesn't really need a console vs PC war in it...there are plenty enough of those already.

I dont even understand the angle you're trying to take.

There is no "the PC" you humongous faggot.

you're an actual retard that doesn't know the difference between Windows 8 and Windows 9

thanks. I had Xcom 1 on PS3 but never played it. Love Civ and city sim games though, and like city skylines currently. Will have a look at Xcom again.

Used to play a few of the early total war games and command and conquer too (up to Tiberian Sun)

Are you just saying words at this point?

Also there's no Windows 9.


I dont know what you consolefags are trying to say. But I'm confused and frightened at how numerous and retarded you are. I'm leaving now.

Someone post the Sup Forums recommends list that is full of PC games.

This one?

yep that one

If you don't like FPS games, PC might not be the thing for you. It's been its strongest genre since DOOM

Thanks for the list. Played half of those over the years on one system or another but still worthwhile having a look through at the ones I'd missed. Is the list quite old? Some of those games seem it.

Currently playing Portal 2.

Love FPS, but mainly not PC multiplayer ones as I like using a controller if I can. PC multiplayer on controller is terrible (understandably) and whilst I've tried to get better at kb/m controls in FPSs, I still suck. Hence I play most my FPSs on PS3/4, even though I know they're better on PCs

It's not that bad as since most PC games are console ports using the controller activates aim assist

>Is the list quite old?
No idea.Just play the game on it.

Should be something for you in here.

Just recommending some random steam games per genre:

Metroidvanias: La-Mulana, Rabi-Ribi

Platformers: Wings of Vi, Freedom Planet, Dustforce, Shovel Knight, Volgarr the Viking, VVVVVV

Roguelites: Enter the Gungeon, Nuclear Throne, Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

ARPGs: Literally any Ys game, seriously just go play them all. Half Minute Hero.

FPS: Serious Sam series, Painkiller series, Devil Daggers, Payday 2, E.Y.E.

Whatever genre Mount and Blade is: Mount and Blade: Warband

Puzzle games: Talos Principle, Snakebird, Antichamber

Thanks, those all help a lot. Looks like I'll be busy for a while!

Get pic related.
It's cheap and fun.

Looks pretty good, will give it a go. Good thing with the older games is that even my laptop can manage them.