Is buying from G2A immoral?

Is buying from G2A immoral?

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might as well just pirate it, the dev sees none of your purchase and it just goes to some scammer russian

its actually immoral NOT to buy from g2a because it makes redditfags and indyfags so mad

here's to (you)


But what if I like having Steam keys?

It's a black market.
Make of that what you will.

>just do something illegal instead of something morally grey

but when you buy on G2A some faggot hacker did it with a stolen credit card.
Either way, SOMEONE's breaking the law.

>when you buy on G2A marketplace
fixed for you
also they've already put regulations on it, they did a blog post where devs can now claim from marketplace purchases

>>when you buy on G2A marketplace
>fixed for you
That's pretty clearly what OP is referring to.

>07/11/16(Mon)08:11:55 No.344619668
Buying games full price when you can get them cheaper is immoral.


it has some pretty spicy deals.


Not at all.

>scammer russian
I like this meme. g2a lets anyone sell their key, meaning, people that get codes with their gpu and don't want it can make money from it.

majority of Sup Forums paid $60 for the division(some $90 since they bought the dlc). I paid $27. all of us lost money on that game, but at least I lost a lot less.

What do you mean. Are you telling me every keys are stolen or what?

A significant amount of their stock was originally purchased with stolen credit cards that get chargeback'd later.

A lot of them are.

You are the consumer.

The consumer has the privilege to choose where they shop, and should take advantage of the best possible deals they can.

It is not illegal for people to buy game keys from G2A, plain and simple.

If developers and game stores dislike G2A, they should have prices competitive to G2A's.

multiplayer games, idiot.

>implying I was dumb enough to buy The Division

Buying stolen goods is literally illegal.

>I don't actually play games
>I don't fully understand g2a
>I just come here to shitpost
we get it.

>take advantage of the best possible deals they can.
then by that logic everyone should be pirating

>be developer
>make my prices competitive to G2A
>faggots buy a ton of copies with stolen credit cards that end up getting chargebacked
>now G2A's prices are even lower

They aren't stolen.

bought Doom... saved 2 euros

I understand what a "grey" market is and that is what G2A is. Stop fucking shilling.

You are hurting the guys that get smaller prices due to living in shitty places, like South America and Russia, because if people exploit regional keys to sell to american/europeans players, they'll have to make a single price for everybody and more likely than not, they'll pick the most expensive price.

So in the end the american/europeans players will go back to playing full price and the fuckers that live in shitholes won't buy the game anyway and go back to pirating.

There isn't anything wrong with that either.

Then they should offer something that G2A doesn't.
>inb4 "What?"

>There isn't anything wrong with that either.
what makes you think that? obviously there are some benefits to piracy, but if people making games don't get money from their work then they'll stop making games. i suppose it forces innovation though, by making people come up with new ways to earn money instead of rehashing the same games forever.

Pirates aren't going to buy games even if they are good, because that's just what they do.

Developers would rather you pirate their games than use G2A

A pirated game doe not equal a lost sale, it simply copies a game's files. Not to mention a pirate gains the benefit of no DRM.

That word does not mean what you think it means

I use it to buy multiplayer games published by shit publishers like EA ubisoft and 2K

>mfw EA expects me as a 3rd worlder to pay 60 euros for a new game

I'd rather pay G2A $50 USD and call it a day

What if I consider standard video game prices (50-60€) immoral?

Also this

I bought about 30 games from g2a, none of them were removed. This is just mad indiefags trying to raise a stink.

>none of them were removed
Nobody said they would be.

Perhaps not in this thread but it's part of the whole argument. People would give even less of a shit if the narrative only relied on the immorality angle.

better than steam sales

The business model of g2a is completely legal under eu consumer protection laws. There is nothing wrong with buying keys second hand. Butthurt publishers have created a false narrative that a majority of these keys are stolen to trick moralfags into not using these types of services because they believe they are entitled to a cut of second hand sales. It is sad that so many people are such uniformed consumers that they buy into what is essentially corporate propaganda. In reality only a small percentage of keys come from theft or fraud much like ebay or any other marketplace. People should probably stop getting their opinions from totalbisquick and start thinking for themselves.

I just use gmg and gamesplanet

Nearly the same price and those guys don't give any issues while G2A occasionally does

Why is it people bring up g2a but never the more popular gmg

>wahhhhh these video game come from questionable sources, this is not right!!!!!!!!!
>excuse me while i go to the store and buy clothes made from indonesian/central american slave labor, fruit and vegetables picked by multinational slave labor, shoes made by vietnamese slave children, and computer parts and iphones made in the foxconn factory where employees have literally killed themselves

Because g2a has a user marketplace

Its all the same thing really. The publishers already got their cut when these keys were purchased from them. Now they want to double dip and get a cut from the secondhand market.

gmg already went through a thing with cdpr where they got witcher 3 keys from "questionable sources" that everyone already conveniently forgot about.

Only if it's for a dev you care about.

I don't give two shits about giving money to Blizzard or EA so I'll buy that shit.

The "questionable sources" was cdpr being butthurt that their distributors undercut them and let keys go for less than msrp in the eu region.

>Please pay 80 dollars for a new release

Fuck you

But the dev already got paid for every key on these sites.

since when was grey market immoral?

Really, people are making the assumption that everyone on g2a is a thief selling stolen goods. Do you guys make the same assumption while buying stuff from ebay, or amazon market place, or the flea market?


They asked them to buy keys directly and they didn't want to budge. Gmg is partnered with other official publishers are well. It's not like G2A where other people can sell their stolen or not stolen keys on a marketplace. What likely happens is they sell their keys and take a far smaller profit that valve would have but if many people buy it's still decent cash.

CDPR just got asshurt about it since Gmg bought it from another distributor that they greenlit

No. If you live in a capitalist country you shouldnt care.

It's legal and moral.
Not G2A fault that some stupid developers give out Steam gift keys for promotions. G2A will gather all these valid keys and then sell them. If anything it's a lesson on how to be very careful at how many gift keys to give out before they are activated.
In general, I suggest publishers to deactivate steam gift keys for their games. It's too prone to stolen credit card abuse, and then the chargebacks come. Real life lesson right there, and a faulty system that scumbags like G2A will take advantage from. If anything it's Valve's fault.

I use g2a for the denuvo games that I want to play because as long as the filthy publisher (or indie dev i guess) doesn't see any of my money I'm cool with it. supporting credit card fraud or physical theft is an acceptable alternative to piracy when the latter is rendered impossible.

games without denuvo that I pirate and like are then purchased on steam for full price

I do the exact same thing are you me?

i agree about the part with no DRM and that's one of the benefits of piracy. but i feel like "it's just a copy, not stealing" is a lame argument. i'm sure plenty of people pirated games and bought less just because they could.

What's immoral is Steam raising base prices during sales, and passing off more expensive products as big price drops.

grey markets are filled with stolen goods. that is the cess pool that is g2a. they're parasites. even piracy is a better alternative

>ayo imma jus drive this car for 200000 miles if i like it i'll pay you maybe

The whole idea that it is a grey market is a meme. Is ebay a grey market?

It's a doggy dog world so if there's the legit game for sale cheaper than it is on steam, I'm gonna do that.

I bought DOOM for £26 of cdkeys instead of paying £35ish for it.

G2A isn't grey. They're like yellow because of the marketplace where anyone can put shit there. It can be legit or stolen.

Gmg is more like a gray market. You're not buying directly but they tend to just buy from the publisher's themselves and don't allow others to sell their keys. So there's a bit of security at least.

>A grey market is the trade of a commodity through distribution channels that are legal but unintended by the original manufacturer.

I guess since we can resell what we physically buy it's intended on ebay. However digital shit is complicated. So there's a difference. Then again there are cd keys sold on ebay so you can say some parts are a grey market.

I don't think you know what gray market is user

I think its immoral to charge 60 bucks for 20 bucks worth of content.

Fuck devs.

I'm not gonna argue with you for hours just because you're far too retarded to know what it is. Good day

The deals are not that great either and I want to support my favourite devs.

You can test drive cars though.

games are outrageously overpriced, so no.

Is buying a pre-owned game immoral?

But they didn't from G2A if they were bought with stolen credit cards

That's not Steam. The devs and publishers set the prices.

Unless your received steam key gets revoked, then the publisher still receives money for it.

It is if the previous owner stole the game.

Since when? The money goes to the seller and G2A takes a cut.

It's risky, that's what it is.
They are shady as fuck.

tasty meme

If the key was purchased, then money goes to the developer. if the card was stolen to buy the key in the first place, then the money is refunded and the key forfeited (if its discovered).

Even games resold from videocard sales will net something to the original developer.


Unless the customer does a chargeback, as their "legitimate" key has been taken away from them. It then COSTS the developer money.

It's just kind of stupid, since you can do it yourself and cut out the middleman

1) Get Russian VPN access
2) Make a brand new Steam account using the VPN
3) Make a new Paypal account and set your country as Russian, put in a Russian address (doesn't matter as long as it's a real address)
4) Use your existing paypal account (if you don't have one, make a real one and link your credit card/bank account etc)
5) send paypal to the fake russian account in the exact total in rubs
6) using the VPN and the russian steam account, pay for the game with your new russian paypal account that has a russian billing address
7) voila, dirt cheap games with no middleman taking a cut

You can then setup offline mode to play single player games or enable family sharing and authorize your real steam account to play multiplayer games. Since you haven't actually broken any rules with your real steam account, even if they catch you (they won't) there's not shit they can do except to your fake russian account, since the only policy violation was using a VPN and that was done on the fake account

That is what some publishers claim. But other then a few highly publicised cases where keys were purchased in bulk fraudulently there is not really any evidence that this is true. It is corporate propaganda from publishers who are upset that a legal secondary market exists. They think they deserve a cut of these sales and are upset that these prices undercut msrp.

He's saying in cases of chargeback, the product key is revoked. So you'd know if the developer lost money because the game would disappear from your collection.

If the game doesn't disappear, then the developer kept the money, because you kept the game.

>digital shit is complicated
Maybe in the us. But in the eu (where these resellers operate) the resale of digital goods is legal under consumer protection laws.

>some keys were stolen, it must mean every single other key is stolen too

G2A gets legit keys, however they buy it from secondary sources that use stolen credit cards that buy it from the primary source.

Only people who get fucked over are the primary sources, basically people who made the game and sold the keys. When people realize they have unauthorized charges, they report to their bank/credit card company and then the chargeback happens. The primary source ends up paying back for the key and they get fined a small fee. This really hurts smaller companies and indies since they end up losing more money than making. Doesn't really affect big giants much.

So yes, it's better if you pirate games than buy from places like G2A.

A good example is what happened to mangagamer earlier this year. Mangagamer themselves were hit by tons of fraud charges. Too many fraud charges forced them to temporary stop all transactions on their store.

The developer doesn't lose money anyway, since it didn't cost them anything to destroy the key and refund the money.

But if you read the thread, or knew anything about steam, you'd know that games that were chargebacked are removed.

So as long as you have the game, the money went through okay.

They actually do
My business is retail, chargebacks cost you the cost+alpha
Say it was $20, it gets reversed so you lose that $20, and in addition there's also like a $10 chargeback fee, so the total loss was $30. Add the cost of the goods to that.

For software there is no cost of goods but there's still the chargeback fee

People seem to think grey market means illegal instead of what it actually is "A grey market is the trade of a commodity through distribution channels that are legal but unintended by the original manufacturer." As already posted.
Emphasis on that are legal but unintended.

>The developer doesn't lose money anyway

They do. Store gets fined a small fee for every chargeback. Those things add up especially when you also have to pay back the initial cost of any key you sold.

>you'd know that games that were chargebacked are removed.

I think that only applies to games that Steam sold themselves and then you do a chargeback.. in fact they lock your account so you can never buy anything else ever again. If it's sold from some third party source, I don't think steam gives a fuck.

Butthurt indie devs are trying to crush grey market sites. Hell those tinybuild faggots wanted to get royalties from key sales. Greedy double dipping cunts and their smear campaigns, they even lied about the situation to make G2A seem worse than it is.

Nigger what, it's practically a steam sale every day.

if my game comes out I'm gonna sell some of the keys to g2a periodically to make sure i can get some money from customers who would love the game enough to pay for it but don't have money for the full price

How're they double dipping if their keys are bought with stolen credit cards and charged back? What is with these G2A shills? Can't you just admit you're happy with buying maybe stolen goods as long as you get it for cheap?

Tinybuild literally said, they don't want their product sold on any greymarket sites whatsoever regardless of trustworthiness unless they get royalties from the selling of the key.

That's double dipping you dumb cunt.

And I bet a scalper would see your lonely key for mad cheap and buy it off you so he can resell it at a much higher price. So in the end, poor people won't get that key. Nice job genius.