Is it possible to play this game without getting mad?

Is it possible to play this game without getting mad?

I'm a very calm person and even I end up wanting to break shit.

Well in that case, you should probably git gud

But don't you like getting absolutely destroyed by the 12 year old shitter who aimed near the objective and clicked Q?

The game takes skill, get good.

With a coordinated team, perhaps. But even then I can't imagine not getting mad at all. I don't know what it is about it, but dying in this game is one of the most rage inducing things I've encountered in vidya.
On the bright side, killing feels equally good, so I keep playing.

if you buy activision garbage you have brain problems by default, that are considered a common source of madness.
so no.

I posted this in another thread but it's more relevant here.

I rage quit because my whole team gave me shit nonstop because they said I sound like Adam Sandler. I fucked up and said I hate Adam Sandler. That was it. They started laughing everytime I spoke and quoted his movies nonstop.

That was the only time I ever got mad playing a game online. Well, the only time I remember anyway. All that rage and it wasn't even the game pissing me off.

>was trying to play team-based
>always picked heroes situation called for
>could easily swap from tracer to mercy or rein, playing decently at all classes
>got so fucking fed up with retards who pic 3 hanzos, 3 reapers, 5 torjs etc. and end up losing the game because retards
>decided to fuck it all
>pick roadhog every game
>having shit ton of fun
>winrate unironically went up

My experience so far

I only get mad when my team is absolute dog shit
Bastions that refuse to get on the point when the enemy is there to contest it
Genjis thay try and solo winstons and zaryas
Hanzos at all
Mercys that just wanna be fucking heal sluts and refuse to take out their pistol and shoot people from behind my shield I DON'T FUCKING NEED HEALING YOU STUPID CUNT I HAVE FULL FUCKING HEALTH DO SOMETHING USEFUL FOR FUCKS SAKE

>Dying in Overwatch is apparently rage inducing

Nigga you respawn almost instantly.

Why you getting mad tho?
It's just a casual game to have casual fun with normies


I only get mad when I play Reinhardt with a team allergic to my shield. When I get potg it only makes me angrier.
Otherwise I have the time of my life

It's because there's so much shit that should be easy and work but actually doesn't work and requires some bullshit you wouldn't think you had to go through.

Case in point: Reaper's supposed insta-kill-on-command ult that is literally RNG based in its effectiveness and results in surprise bullshit deaths (last time I tried it I was killed by a FUCKING LUCIO) in most situations where it would otherwise prove actually useful.

If you want some real rage, play HotS

Hanzos are just awful to play against at all. They'll shoot at you a few seconds after you've left their crosshairs and get a headshot

Hello, me.

Can advise you to try other tanks though, Winston and Zarya are more team-oriented, yet still very viable for solo playing.

>he doesn't know

They all do the same little gay little dance corner popping little faggots playing peekaboo and exploiting the shit out of their stupid fucking hitboxes.

Oh look its a constantly jumping Reaper tee hee oh u Reaper.

Oh look I've been hooked through a wall, amazing.

Activision does dick but take in money Blizzard products make

If you think Activision leaves Blizzard alone look at what happened to Destiny.
Activision rapes their companies almost as hard as EA

The real reason that people get really fucking angry when playing Overwatch is that nearly all of the heroes have specific weapons, moves, voice lines and play styles that are just irritating to see and fight against.

Its a game filled with TF2 Scouts. That level of irritation just builds every single time you die to some stupid shit that either your team really should have noticed or you had no single say in the matter i.e. A Hanzo arrow spammed across the map.

So its death from a thousand cuts.

play with friends who wear microphones. Teamwork is essential.

Playing with randoms boils down to luck. You may end up in a team with great llayers who understand the different roles needed to win. Or you may end up i. a team filled with shitters who insta pick hanzo or gengi no matter if theres already 2 of them un the damn team.

Then you may end up fighting an eneny team filled with cheap bastards picking cheap characters.

in short just play with friends. it will minimize your chances of getting angry at the end.

I had a chuckle.

>playing competitive
>one of our guys leaves mid match, were left with 5 people
>you can leave the match without being oenalized bur it will still count as a loss

thanks blizzard.

They both are awesome, but playing them you have to rely heavily on your mates (especially as winston), which I can't allow myself to fall into.
Also I don't get everybody saying that hog isn't a proper tank. Doesn't have protection abilities? >DIE DI~AUGHGHH

Also his large body of pure health is like a sweet cinamon pancake for all the enemy shooters, how many times I sipped away being shot at by 4 of the enemies allowing my mates to catch a breath and regroup, ultimately resulting in our win?

Mako is a badass tank

Why does everyone call him Gengi. Is it similar to why people say 'rouge' over rogue?

Come on you know that's not true. Those five seconds feel like an eternity, and then you need to do the walk of shame on top of it.

Another thing to keep in mind is how you approach game where shit like two slots are taken up by Hanzo instantly, do you rage and attempt to carry the game or do you pick Hanzo as well and just roll around in your own shit?

One will make you angrier than the other.

Inbetween those hooks most, no pretty much all Roadhogs do fucking nothing apart from get shot.

I have no idea how none of them get fucking bored but then this is a game where people play nothing but Mercy every game so there must be something I'm missing.

Shut up Jack!

>nothing but mercy every game
What game are you playing? All I see are Junkrats and Hanzos

>5 seconds
it takes 9 seconds to respaw
then 500 years to walk over to the point
only to get instanly killed again by some bullshit ultimate

>Literally just copy-pasting Pyro's personality
>Literally just copying Valve's use of comics to tell story in a multiplayer game


Quick PSA:

There's no reason any longer to get mad at quick play.

Quick play is now live practice. Now that competitive is a thing, where I always play Reinhardt, Zarya, Mercy, or Lucio, the only real chance I have to try and git gud with other heroes is in quick play.

So fuck all of you try hards who start raging about team comp in quick play. Play to win? Sure. But fuck off just because the meta would insist on a 2nd support over my trying to practice with an assault hero for once.

Even if everyone is fucking around, just chill. If you want hella coordinated play, go to ranked.

i try to be a team player but whenever i go in and see two hanzos i just fucking lose my shit. I imagine those people are 10 year olds completely oblivious about the teamwork mechanics or just some douchebag misanthrope who ia in it for himself.

i try to pull through most of the time.

There are three heroes that get picked every single game without fail, regardless of the map or attack or defend or skill or talent. Genji, Hanzo and Raodhog.

Its like the beginners class of being a fucking shit. Streetpig is for every person that wants to kill with one hit and think they are secretly fucking amazing. Hanzo is for people that want to think they are actually really good at aiming and not at all just exploiting a pretty poor system to have an archer class in and Genji is for true pure blooded tryharding.

Competitive is a whole another story
>1st placement match
>we have 2 reapers, 2 genjis and a mei in defence
>I swap between lucio and hog
>got 4 gold medals
>we lost

>2nd placement match
>Anubis temple
>We have torb, 2 mercys and 2 bastions (last two being complete fucking clueless shitters)
>I swap between rein and tracer
>lost 1st round on defence in 3 minutes

>3rd placement match
>Gibraltar again
>Well balanced team for starters
>They pull the cart to 2nd checkpoint
>3 of our team mates left the match
>"You won't be penalized if you leave now"
>Fuck it I leave because 3v6 is a joke
>Result in loss

So far so good

Now before anyone points that I'm a shitter, I don't pretend being the best fucking player ever, but for fucking sakes why do I get all the gold medals and am the only one trying to fucking win instead of "I MAINED REAPER SINCE CLOSED BETA FUCK OFF NEWB"
Fucking hell man, this is some toxic shitters right here

>Every game that has a competitive mode
>There's this on faggot
>Who uses "it's not competitive though" to justify his shit plays
>His shit choices
>His shit everything

Just because it's not competitive doesn't mean I want some mouthbreather dragging the game down and making shit unfun for me

If I wanted to spend my time with retards with no regard for their teams I'd play League

Solo queue is a nightmare. Don't do it. Playing with friends is a bit more tolerable

You're probably not as calm as you think you are then.

Our team of four once got moaned at by the enemy team for not putting up a fight when the 2 extra pubbers both locked Genji so we all went Genji as well.

Theres a really fucking strange sense of no fun allowed in Overwatch. Its bizarre when you see it. Like only meta teams are allowed to play against meta teams. What I have begun to notice is that I have some of the most fun with completely fucking strange builds like double Sym, double Torb, Lucio and Pharah on Anubis. That was amazing.

Play an actually competitive game like starcraft. Getting mad at team games is basically admitting you are more emotional than a woman.

I get that team comp is important and winning is fun, but there is literally no consequences to losing so sometimes its fun to try new things too.

Playing with friends, lowering Standards and getting ready to flex pick seemed to work for me. I guess it also helps that there are just some matches where I'm low impact so I don't really hold it against other dudes if they're not doing so hot. Only time I actually get mad anymore is when idiots bitch in chat. Yeah its frustrating to lose but its done, no need to be salty and get mad just move on to the next game.

>be me
>HotH on Lijiang Tower
>be reaper
>get 84 eliminations with like 60 killing blows
>we lose

I loved that match.

Cool I didn't know Valve invented comics. Someone should go back in time and sue the people who made the DOOM comic for future theft.

i know there are tons of shitbags doing shitbaggy things but let's talk about a real problem I run into all of the time. It's too intense fuckers who shit all over their team and try to dictate their every move and hero selection. Whenever you have one of those overbearing fucks on the team, people quit because they don't want to put up with him. Then, he proceeds to bitch about the quitters ruining the game. I'm not defending Hanzo shitters or anything like that but the guys who are so overbearing make the game no fun. If the game isn't fun, they quit. Some people need to just understand it isn't an elaborate chess game where they call the shots.

You will not make this shot, ya jackass!

you are allowed to sue whoever you want for whatever reason you want.

I agree, I'm not saying don't not play to win. Make smart choices, because winning is always more fun than losing.

But what I'm saying is that since it's basically a dick move not to be a character that you are at your most effective with in competitive, there is no way to try something new and get better outside of quick play.

So when you do choose to do that, its a little tiring to get chewed out for not being the second tank, or second support, or being the hard counter to their Pharah, or whatever. Be reasonable, theres no other way to play this game outside of teams and just chill out without going to quick play. So, just chill.

>be on defense for Kings Row
>Reap4Lyfe instalocks Reaper
>a low level player picks Reaper as well
>Reap4Lyfe berates other player for choosing Reaper
>spends whole day chasing Genjis, Hanzos, Widowmakers and Tracers across the map and getting smashed because their team knew to protect each other
>barely on the point
>team loses the match because it was pretty much 5 v 6
>he gets potg because he Fag Blossomed down on the cart around the corner before the last point (few minutes before we lost )
>tells us that we all suck and that he was carrying the team

Sorry OP, but ANY game that you can't solo/carry for your team can and eventually will be rage inducing. Have fun with the casuals :(

>getting mad in a team based game.

t. pussy

>If I wanted to spend my time with retards
Well you're already here

Once me and my 2 buddies all picked bastions on temple of anubis just for shits and giggle, we positioned in a way that we all saw each other as well as ways for enemy to approach, 3 of our pubs picked bastions as well.
No matter how hard they tried to counter us with genjis or tracers, now matter how many of us was destroyed by hanzo\widow, the fuckers didn't manage to capture the first point while we laughed our asses off
Truly hilarious match that was

you know guys dota player here. i read the shit you guys say about the state of your pubs and i'm not seeing how this is any different than standard mobashit.

seems like a shit time except you're paying 60$ for it.

so much for 'paywall' keeping out the subhuman retards, huh.

Tell me DVa isnt a shit Hero

A sitting duck when shooting, doesnt even have decent enough damage to balance it out.

Advantage is that you can fly around and kamikaze. Which is funny, kamikaze was a thing when Japanese thing during WW2

>so much for 'paywall' keeping out the subhuman retards, huh.
It has worked wonders to keep russians and BR monkeys out, and that's all that really matters.

i have fun by instalocking genji everytime and bathing in the ire of my team

ive dragged many a man down with me in my plummet from 55 to 36

>Doesn't keep out swedes, britbongs, itallians, french, germans, americans


The only time D. Va is any good is when she has Mercy glued to her while she fires into crowds making them split up and get picked off by teammates.

One on one is utter shit and Winston can do everything she can but better.

Stick her in a team with someone that actually really knows how to hit and run and actually harass and shes passable, that same player would do far more damage as a Tracer if they are good enough to make D.Va work.

She is like Winston, except Winston can deal damage while shielding, actually kill low hp heroes, has a larger shield, and is credit to the team

Just for the record, dota is unfun unless you're at least decent at it, which comes at a helluva shit of time.
Also, overwatch kiddies are nowhere even remotely near dotards in terms of toxicity, it's a whole another level, and you can't argue with that.

I was something about 4.3k solo mmr when I quit dota for good, so I had my share of salt
Dota is shit by the way

She's a great second tank, but she needs a buff.

This may not hold up in pro tier competitive, but on payload maps, having a Winston or Reinhardt sticking with the main party, and then having a flanky D.Va hitting Mercy or other nests from the side, I've seen it be pretty effective.

But I agree she's weak, she needs a buff. I feel like if they fixed the hit box, reduce the speed drop when she's shooting, and possibly increase the distance before the gun falloff, that could be a decent fix.

>trying new things
Don't pretend QP is anything but people auto-locking Genjis, Hanzos, Reapers and McCrees.

objectively garbage.
she needs to be able to farm ult about 3x faster.
it should be done with autism since the that's what the character is. so I propose she gets 3% ult for small health packs and 6% ult for big health packs so she does farming routines.

>whole another

Go go gadget autism.

By not playing with random people

Also if you're getting mad at unranked play seek help

>me and 2 buddies

"two of my buddies and I" you dumb millenial piece of human waste.

>le its just a game bro xDD y u mad

The thing is that it'a not only you playing the game. There are other people playing the game who can't enjoy it because you and your faggot friends are being cowardly little cunts on purpose. People like you should be lined up and shot and the world would be a better place.

>misquoting and linking the wrong person

Well done, Generak Autismo

Grand rebuttal, shitter
Here, try again

I don't know how we won, but we sure as hell all coordinated with mic.

Im on mobile. Eat a dick. The person who i was quoting should be able to tell.

So many flavors and you choose to be salty.

Top kek

>Itt things we hate about overwatch
>enemy junkrat yells "fire in the hole!"
>team doesnt separate
>they stay on the point
>edge if screen is filled with the enemy junkrat's portrait and my team mates portraits


epik meme bro
simbly ebin

all my friends quite playing because giant hitboxes, press Q to win.

There is no skill involved with this game. It is pure casual.

>Playing Lucio
>Speed boost and scatter!
>Team all runs in the same direction.

Bonus points to the Soldier 76 jumping directly towards me while being stickied by a Tracer.

>Fire up Overwatch
>Play round win
>Play another round win
>quit game

Every game is so similar I never end up playing more than two games

I never got the Dva gremlin meme

She was initially drawn very lewd but now she's drawn as a 1 foot tall goblin with mountain dew... I don't get it...

Immediately after they get wiped, the chat fills with

>wtf [class youre playing, even if its mercy] why didnt you shoot the tire

>lose match
>One person on my team begins to tell the rest of the team that they were shit and asks what we were doing the whole match
>Regardless of what his personal contribution to the game was


>Teams are evenly matched the whole game
>Stuck on last point for most of the round
>Enemy team wins at the last second because somebody pressed Q
>They all still type "GG EZ" "SO EZ LMAO" into chat

A number of factors contribute to the rage. For me its the hitboxes of projectiles and the poor balance.

I only get mad when I get absolutely destroyed by the enemy team before even reaching the first point.

You already have a comp mode to tryhard in, and you want the casual mode to also be tryhard unfun bullshit? Nah, go fuck yourself you cunt

Ofc its possible. I just aim to do better than everyone on my team. Gold medals or bust.

Fuck even tough i got most gold medals with most objective kills/objective time, in my placement matches. I mostly lost them.

At one point kill cams were literally killing my sides, when i watched my lvl 70+ teammates ran in circles not even shooting at the enemies, just panicking.

I mostly get annoyed by team mates who stick to the same character they're doing shit with and refuse to adapt

I'm too shit to get mad.

I feel like the only video games I get angry at are games that I feel I'm actually pretty good at.

Overwatch is a game that I'm admittedly awful at, so I just can't even get mad.

is there any way i can play support while keeping my team alive during skirmishes and still contribute to killing the enemy team? i feel like i'm taking up a slot and not doing much at all.

I have yet to see either of these happen. I've thought the first one to myself, though.

Why dont people just shoot the tire tough? Like 90% of junkrats drive the tire straight at you.

I get upset when I know I'm playing like shit. Usually that results in an abysmal loss. I'm never lucky enough to get carried.

Just play Roadhog. I am not being faceitous or ironic or anything the best thing you can do is just fuck the objective and do one hit kills.

You barely have to aim with the hook and holding down Left Mouse as they get reeled in is more or less a one shot kill.

That and you can heal through pretty much ever Ult. and you can eat Rein charges and just one shot him at the other end because he comes out with shield down and pointblank range.

So yeah just play Roadhog.

One of the reasons I like playing Roadhog. One well placed RMB takes that shit out.

They really need to fix her falloff. I can imagine a squadron of Mekas attacking the omnic monstrosity in her back story by getting like 2 ft away from it and just shooting for piddly damage.

>on attack
>be Reinhart
>tell team to get behind me
>take down two heroes myself
>die to third hero but it was close
>not once did any of my teammates get on the point
>we never got any closer to the point than that moment
>lose without taking the first objective

i think is pretty garbage but its fun unleashing my mecha Hiroshima nuke upon the other team

You know whats more fun? Getting instant On Fire as Mei by just putting a wall in front of it.