>these games OBJECTIVELY have shitty gameplay
People basically just like them because they're pretty
>these games OBJECTIVELY have shitty gameplay
People basically just like them because they're pretty
I play these with my parents, i only do so because i go in with the mindset that its a movie, and it works pretty well.
this is true
>mfw people try to tell me Uncharted 4 is GOTY material
>OBJECTIVELY have shitty gameplay
Combining platforming with third person cover shooting lead to some interesting gameplay scenarios specifically in the third and fourth games. Doesn't mean the games are good, but they have moments where they shine. The only objectively shit thing in your post is your opinion.
It's gonna get the award cuz the casual fuckbags who judge these games don't even have to play it they can just watch it on youtube
Triggered, user?
I would pay ten US dollars to play these games.
Are you? You're the one shit talking a game you know next to nothing about.
I like them because I love goofy treasure hunting adventures and there's been a massive shortage of that kind of story in any media lately.
Yeah, people referring to opinions as an objective metric for anything bothers me. You can go ahead and frame me as someone that likes or defends the Uncharted series, nevermind that I said they weren't any good to start with. I know this is what your shitposting mandate compels you to do, might as well get it over with.
They're just 'okay' really. Not that good, not terrible either. Mediocre.
They really do have shallow, repetitive gameplay but the presentation and production values at least somewhat make up for that. Also the multiplayer.
It's sufficient minus the first who was rather shit. I like the games because of the sass and the action pop cinema feel which Uncharted does better than anything else.
So Sup Forums would rather play a very dull looking 3rd person cover shooter but with good gameplay? What are some examples of this?
Last of us
>its another Uncharted is shit because it's Sony thread
PCucks are just mad because Sony will never port its games.
Wrong. Pure Sonyfag, hate Uncharted and The Last of Us.
>mash x to shamble up/across collapsing terrain
>TPS shooting without the powerslides/chainsaws or other toys that make Warfame Vanquish GoW or Bulletstorm fun.
Also Im still salty about the new Tomb Raiders being like this.
>People basically just like them because they're exclusive
make it multiplat with an Ubi soft sticker on the cover, and nobody would bother to defend it.
I sincerely doubt that. I've yet to walk behind somebody for hours in an Uncharted game.
No shit. Why do you think they are so successful? Because dudebros and gamer girls can act like they play video games.
sure the gameplay isnt complex its just basic and fun.
Uncharted 1 is pretty shit tho