Suddenly it's cool to like Pokemon

>suddenly it's cool to like Pokemon

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Because you can play it on your iphone. Which is obviously more socially acceptable than a handheld device.

>normalfags are so boring that the highlight of their year so far will be poketrash go

>they'll just get bored of it in 3 weeks and go back to having nothing to do

Yet again normalfags ruin everything.
Fucking genwunner idiotic moron retards

>suddenly liking Berserk makes you a fag

Ha...I got Pokemon from Gen 3 to 6 AND finished the Pokedex, the normalfags have nothing...

berserk really is the gayest manliest manga in all of existence

>people in their mid 20s to mid 30s
>roaming the streets trying to collect virtual monsters
>actually getting into accidents and killing themselves
how is this worse than bronies and furries?

>some blonde chick on my street
>pikachu hood ornament

Anime sucks in general.. doesn't surprise me

>Brother who used to make fun of my Nintendo kiddie games suddenly asks me to put Pokemon Go on his phone.

>pokemon dubstep remix
>club starrs

There's a difference between revisiting your childhood with a mobile game and autistically grinding perfect EVs in the 90th rehash, robot.


Have you actually been living under a rock? It's been cool to like Pokemon since at least Gen 4, which was released when everyone was riding the "OMG NOSTALGIA 4 POKEMON XD" train.

Normalfags have been playing Pokemon for years.

why are normals so fucking obnoxious

pokemon isn't anime though


>suddenly it's cool
>th-th-those normies amirite haha...

I swear there's something freaky magic shit going on. I'm seeing adults who never liked pokemans, suddenly start getting obsessed over this shitty mobile game.

It's like one of those episodes in mystery stories where a whole town just starts walking out into the forest in a zombie state while you watch it all with a horrified expression.

their young



oh so the site is being raided by false 90's kids

its like all pokemon fags just never stopped being newfags, cant hiroshimoot kick these fucking normies into their terrible containment board

it was

calm thine tits

>Muh sekret club
>Muh stolen childhood

No one cares you kissless beta

It already died, it was a weekend-long thing.

It's been cool to like Pokemon for awhile now.

My beef with that shit is that it's not cool to like most other handheld games. Where the fuck was that shit when Kid Icarus: Uprising came out?