How come Sup Forums shits on PC gaming but Sup Forums loves PC gaming?
How come Sup Forums shits on PC gaming but Sup Forums loves PC gaming?
PC gaming is shit
Because the majority of Sup Forums have setups (linux) that aren't compatible with games in the first place
Because PC gaming generally involves the use of windows.
Probably because they don't want retards with no tech knowledge coming there begging for Sup Forums to help them with build advice
Because Sup Forums is about technology, and video games has a seperate board.
ur mum
PC gaming is good shit
Flat girls with hips are great.
But not midget girls like Elins and Lalafells.
They view video games as things for children, so they circlejerk about gentoo
Sup Forums doesn't shit on PC gaming. Just PC gamers since most PC gamers are ignorant nvidiots that spread bullshit lies and misinformation. Then they invade Sup Forums with all these stupid nonsense that it just get annoying.
>They view video games as things for children
Games also cut into their Weaboo custom desktop ricing time and are therefore a waste of time.
dude how often do you browse
there're people who mock Sup Forums fucking constantly
Their just jealous because Linux has no gaems.
I don't understand Sup Forums sometimes.
They go through all of this effort to make their desktop look a nice as possible and promptly ruin it by putting an image of a little anime girl in the backround.
stop this
>there're people who mock Sup Forums fucking constantly
That's nothing new. Everyone mocks Sup Forums constantly, including Sup Forums.
To be a PC gamer you have to support everything Sup Forums hates. You probably want an Nvidia card and windows 10 to keep up with games using DX12. Hardly any video games are open source, even indie projects with no intention of making a profit. And you're constantly downloading spyware/rootkit "anti-cheat" programs to play online with other people.
I think the real question is why the opinion of one of the worst boards on Sup Forums is worth anything
well consoles are probably the only thing keeping gaming in general alive and, most importantly, profitable. Mass appeal and ease of use is far more important to a company than 1080p 60fps. The truly cancerous thing is this whole DLC debacle that almost every game has, thats whats ruining everything and will eventually lead to the next big crash.
>well consoles are probably the only thing keeping gaming in general alive and, most importantly, profitable
>assfaggots in general
top meme
Because there are still people who know what they are talking about but you have to wade through 20 threads of various consumer electronics generals or drama about anime pictures in the OP which was supposed to be on programming and various help threads to find topics on that are actually technology related and worth discussing.
The smartphone popularity wave and Sup Forums flooding in retards who only talk about consumer electronics and not actual technological topics like bandwitdh, pixel fillrate and scheduling on a graphics card instead of its pricing and where it fits in a company's lineup and why X product is better than Y.
I really only go for CPU releases and Apple conference livestreams. The process of finding any good topics to discuss on a regular basis is a massive pain. I actually only browse this board when I can do a search on the board and find a keyword on something I want to discuss and then just look through the rest of the board for some topics like this to put a comment down and then leave.
Because Sup Forums shits on games in general.
>Doesn't like Elin master race
It's like you don't even have a penis, user.
Sup Forums pretends to hate video games but anytime new graphics cards come out you could mistake the thread for Sup Forums.
>being a nigger with a micropenis
Is this literally the worst thing you could be born as?
because deep down, Sup Forums realises that PC gaming could put hundreds of engineers just like them out of business
They don't shit on PC gaming, they shit on console fags with a Steam account.
It's because they still remember this is an anime bbs instead of having been taken over by triggered reddit posters.