Why the stealth release? Are you going to buy it Sup Forums?
So this game is coming out tomorrow
What's it coming out on?
>mecha shit
Exvs Force is pretty bad though. You're better buying out Gundam Breaker 3 if you want a Gundam game for Vita.
It's not really stealth release, they announced it way back. Most gaming related news sites covered it.
The real problem, as you can see from the replies in this thread, that nobody really gives a shit.
its for vita only.
They patched in a large amount of content since launch
It's coming out on who gives a fuck.
Pic related
I've actually played it and can confirm with the extra content they added it's actually a really solid game right now. GB3 is great as well though
Do you still need a Singapore account for the dlc or are they just patching it in for NA and EU accounts?
>buy it digitally and support vita in the west
>or buy physical asian english release and support vita releases there
Decisions decisions
is there a summary of what was added? Honestly the original content was really disappointing
>no online
>tfw maxi boost never ever because this game is gonna tank fucking hard
is really really bad
i wont suggest waste money on this
I bought the physical release.
I liked the game. Don't really care if Maxi Boost doesn't come out in the west, I'll just import it.
I want to support it so we might get some of the really great Gundam games in the US but money's tight so probably not for a month or two
Do the updates for the game install to the cart or on your memory card
So what's the best Gundam game on the market? Don't care about the age, what I'm most intersted in is the game with most mobile suits.
Memory card.
Extreme Vs. Full Boost is solid on the PS3. Gundam Breaker 3 is really good if you like creating your own Franken-mech
You cant go wrong with Gundam Breaker 3 although I'm not too good at creating suits
Extreme Vs. Full Boost or
>the game with most mobile suits.
G Generation Overworld If you aren't triggered by SD style
> Don't really care if Maxi Boost doesn't come out in the west, I'll just import it.
I've got some bad news
I love the portability, but the game looks so good on the PS4. I think I might have to get both versions.
Anyone know if you can transfer saves between the two?
I'd love physical release, but I'll get it.
it got better, I played asia release friend got.
Might be cool.
I'll be getting something else though.
>if you aren't triggered by SD style
Man, I'll take what I can get but I'd rather not have to deal with SD style if I can get away with it. What's the next best game with the most suits? Also I take it EX Vs. FB is the gundam game with the best gameplay?
Full Boost has a cast of 100+ suits and the strongest gameplay of a gundam game (think somewhere between virtua ON and Dissidia), but the matches are 2v2 by nature and you may not get the most out of it unless you have a decent connection with JP players. Vanilla extreme vs has a robust single player mode, however, and is cheap on playasia.
Breaker 3 gives you crazy customization so your autism can run free but the gameplay is more shallow (think dynasty warriors) and can feel repetitive
I own and enjoy both games.
why not both
Eh. Sure. I'll consider it. Not like the game I wanted costs much.
buy all giant robot games
Well I guess I'll go with breaker 3, since I don't want to risk connecting to japs. Is there a localized release or will I have to settle for an Asian copy?
You will have to import an asian copy, but there are english subs.
Gonna have to import.
asia english release.
no western anything
B-But. Fine.
>Already pre-ordered MD
>Now this
>And the Assault suit leynos PS4 remake.
Fucking hell.
>I love the portability, but the game looks so good on the PS4. I think I might have to get both versions.
I've never actually douple dipped before but for this game I couldn't help myself.
>>And the Assault suit leynos PS4 remake.
I kinda want it, but that remake looks like ass tho
but yeah
2016 is great year for giant robots
Does the MS really need a scope on that gun?
That's fine, I'm sure I can get it relatively inexpensive. Thanks for the info anons, there a lot of singleplayer content in it? I'd like to dump about 100 hours into it if I get it.
I actually did play it before. Well a bit but I liked it.
Now I'll actually be able to understand shit too.
The original game is alright if also very damn hard(Didn't finish that either go figure)
It's not crazy long but it's not short.
You'll wanna switch weapons often to keep the game interesting.
It has a chapter where nothing happens.
Yeah but Vs Force is a lot more single player oriented, you play story sequences from the anime
isn't original had fantranslation tho?
Naw. The original was officially translated back then it was known as Target Earth overseas.
>there a lot of singleplayer content in it?
it's basically singleplayer, I don't have PS+ and played quite a bit of it already
isn't online portion is basically same stuff but coop?
I confused with that sidescrolling front mission game then
Ah. You mixed it up with Gunhazard. That's understandable.
>that robot design
>not liking super robot types
what are you doing in Gundam thread?
Yep, for some reason always do that
I dont give a shit about customization and collectathon. How's Gundam Breaker's combat? It looks as boring as Dynasty Warriors.
It is.
Combat isn't Gundam Breaker's strong point.
What a shame. I want to get into Gundam Extreme vs but my internet isnt good enough to play with Jap players. Seems like theres no other good single player real time gundam game
>I want to get into Gundam Extreme vs but my internet isnt good enough to play with Jap players.
just find some players locally from your country or nearby ones.
I made a group of 4-5 people, playing on sundays regularly.
Going to use this as my vita wallpaper, looks dope
english release when?
few months ago
western - probably never
Where's Virtual On when you need it?
Dead, and it's spiritual successor is mobile-only. :(
>Where's Virtual On when you need it?
SEGA won't produce anything good, let's not dream
>you will never battle in a vr simulation with a gunpla you built.
This is suffering. Guess GB3 is as close as I'll get
>implying Bamco won't milk the shit out of that idea after VR will become mainstream
user, plz
Sounds good to me senpai.
Rather sooner than later
give it a few years, price of hardware drops fast.