What's next for them?

What's next for them?

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I dunno, video games?

PSVR exclusive Kings Field/ Shadow Tower

Deep Souls

It's known that they're currently working on

>DaS 3 DLC
>A new multiplat with VR support
>The first of two post-Bloodborne collaborations with Sony Japan Studio for the PS4
>A revived old IP (So King's Field or Armored Core, you'd assume)

I'm a little worried they might be stretched a bit thin, considering they only have about 200 personnel.

You mean like a deep sea-themed King's Field game? That'd be friggin sweet.

Something bad

Hopefully nothing. I want to see this shitty ass nigger studio fucking crash and burn. They make nothing but garbage "hardcore" games. Fucking piece of jewish shit studio. They're going to go bankrupt and I am going to laugh and masturbate at the same time.

I know about the Sony collabs, but where are you getting the rest from user?

Also, do we know if the Sony collabs are going to be knew IP or are they just going to make sequels to Bloodborn? I heard they're done with Souls-like games.

why are you so upset? did anything these guys did actually affect you?


no but really I hope they don't do this

I thought they'd be making Bloodborne 2 but I think they said that wasn't a project.
So I have no Idea anymore.
Another Tenchu would be sweet.

armored core isn't a resting IP, its had entries in recent years, so how do you revive it?

I'd love kings field though, but seems unlikely

yeah from is going to go bankrupt, they totally haven't existed for like 30 years with nearly no major success before souls games, I think they are going to be fine, but you will remain salty

Well they certainly have the wind on their sails are the moment, they could be brave enough to try something like that.

They posted a video on their YouTube channel a little while back about a "new project", which was listed for release next year on the PS4, PSVR, Xbone and PC.

And I don't really think anything is actually known about the first of the two Japan Studio collaborations they're doing, only that it's an RPG of some kind (The guy who leaked it originally said that it's a "JRPG", though he also lumps Souls-type games into that grouping). I've read a few people suggesting that it's sci-fi/horror (Think Giger's Alien), but I don't know where that came from originally or if there's anything behind it.

Also for about the "rebooted IP", I was misremembering it slightly.

>"The second was suggested as potentially being a reboot of an existing franchise, with Miyazaki also saying this could surface as an original title with ideas and themes taken from a past series."


Plus they got bought out a couple of years ago by Kadokawa.

either they will fade back into irrelevancy or make one or two games that sell shit followed by their publishers forcing them to make souls games until the end of time

Inb4 same faggot wishing for Sci FI souls based off of blame.


fuck off

New soulslike game, I hope. Miyazaki said that they won't make a game with this style of gameplay, but we all know that he says one thing and do another ("I will literally never make a sequel to my souls game!")

>Implying it would not be a great game

Dark Souls 3 : Scholar of the Last Sins



The only Tenchu game From did was Z and I hear it sucked.

There he is

if its PS4 only everyone will shit on it because its not on their glorious PC where it will crash constantly for 2 months before its fixed

It'd actually be funny to see bloodborne get a PC release just to watch all the PC players who talked shit about it, flocking to it and suddenly calling it the best souls ever

friendly reminder that the Lords of the Fallen developer is working on a Sci Fi Souls clone

I think the general consensus is that he doesn't want to do a new one, but others in the team might (prepare for more b-team memes) and that he won't rule out returning to the series himself.
He just wants to at least put out a few different games himself first.

I think this is a legit possibility.

Not being released annually is dead for Armored Core. V would be considered a revival except it came out so late because it was in development hell rather than intentionally.

>A new multiplat with VR support
>A revived old IP (So King's Field

One in the same I bet. King's Field could be easily turned into youtuber bait like RE7.

First person ps4 exclusive rpg with optional vr support.

new setting souls like multiplat

something armored core-ish.

BLAME! is the best setting for a Soulslike I can think of.


What do we think of this Sci-Fi Souls-like?

And what do we think of this weird Soul-like making game studio?

Sounds like you had a little bit too much of this.

I would really love an original series that plays like Lost Kingdoms.

And probably this.

fuck off with Mech games. There is a reason they dont make them anymore

the whole thing has one big flaw, that a real scifi souls would have too: if laser rifles guns etc exist, why the fuck would anyone ever go melee? it made no sense in star wars and it doesn't make sense anywhere else

Dark Souls 4
with constant references to dark souls 1

Yeah! We need more sword rolly monster fighty games!

And if they do make another swordy game, it better be fucking Kings Field and they better not fuck it up with PVP bullshit

You're right. And that weapon he's using seems really unsatisfying to use, but I've never been one for blunts.

at least in star wars lightsabers could deflect shit and space magic made it so they didn't need guns, in a standard fantasy sci-fi that is trying to not rip off star wars, it basically would make about 0 sense to use only melee weapons

Point up is the most offensive gesture for me. Easily outdoes pic related which just makes me laugh, as I pan the camera when they do it and sometimes walk away before the host finishes and walks away themselves.

I win fights for hosts and they point up. I stopped playing Dark Souls 3's coop because of this as it looks like they're giving me the finger after beating bosses for them, sometimes with no Estus. What does pointing up to a summoned phantom even mean? Makes me wish I'd let them die instead, which I have done once or twice after seeing "point up" abusers.

What if it's like mass effect and everyone has some kind of shields to protect them against high speed projectiles.

Wish I had the source for it but I believe they mentioned future focus on another ps4 exclusive.

Dark souls Go!
You walk around with your phone out until you find undead to beat up and gain exp from and treasure chests to loot.

Invasion features also available which allows you to compete with other players for these rare and unique wonders.

>Credits roll
>Assistant Director: ENB

Post favorite gestures

You mean a game with customizable parts from head, armor, arms and legs and weapons?

That would be called armored core.

A MOBA / FPS based on Bloodborne, call it Battleborne

why did they take out the classic shrug gesture from 3. so many times where that would of been useful online.

You mean "quiet resolve"? Yeah it's pretty edgy but I think people are aware of that and they are just doing it ironically.


How is that offensive? Pointing up doesn't even remotely look like giving the finger.

There's two more From/Japan Studio games in the pipeline, according to Verendus, a NeoFAG dude who more than likely works for Sony and has a good track record (The most recent thing being him calling Tokyo Xanadu Ex for the PS4 months and months ago).

I can think of at least three games now not made from From that follow the Souls formula.

You think it'll ever reach a point where it'll evolve into its own little genre? Kinda like how Doom Clones became FPS games.

I don't know. When you beat a boss for someone and they go up to you just to use that gesture it really makes you think that they're ungrateful jerks.

Pic semi related. Try going to a public place and motioning your arm towards their face with your palm open as if you would give them the finger. Not even a Euro myself but I feel it. I guess its the context of the situation.

>Lords of the Fallen (And a sequel was confirmed a while back to be in the works)
>The Surge
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Death's Gambit

Any others?


Demon's Souls 6: Bloodborne 2.

If they were to make Demon's Souls 2, how would they differentiate it enough? Dark Souls itself was born due more to licensing red tape than anything.

Would the emphasis on less of an open world justify it?

Macross game


I can't imagine how it'll be though


forget nioh.


>what does point up even mean?

is bloodborne good?

without the DLC it's alright
with the DLC it's a legit 10/10

forgot pic

Bring back World tendency because it adds double layers of replayability for each area. Don't bring back character tendency. Have story choices deal with character development.

On world tendency, either have online servers switch from pure black to pure white as the week goes.
>Monday = Normal world tendency, Tuesday = dark, Wednesday = Pure Black, Thursday = Dark, Friday = Normal, Saturday = White, Sunday = Pure White.

Or have world tendency completely player driven/ no influence from servers. That way the player can manipulate it while online through PVP and not have to switch their game offline and suicide in the Nexus.

Maps don't need to be open world at all. They just need to be self contained like in Demons Souls. That way Fromsoft will not have to worry so much about geographical consistency among maps. The hub world will connect them all anyway if its Demons Souls 2.

Also if there is a hub world like the Nexus, an item/ event that turns the hub to a PVP arena would be nice. This solves all world tendency issues easily and Fromsoft doesn't need to create a covenant and arena for that stuff anymore.

>How would they differentiate it enough?
Weapon scaling like the original DeS, where its easy to see S scaling on many weapons as long as you upgrade/ infuse.

what makes the dlc so great? how's the story? got bored of DaS after a time.

It's fucking good

It's like Artorias of the Abyss but better

it's pretty complicated, with eldritch bullshit and multiple realities and shit. there's probably some lorefag out there who can explain.

but it has the best bosses in the series, interesting and fun weapons that really fix the sore lack of weapons that plague the game, stellar level design, and lots of original enemies that are hard but (mostly) fun to fight


Divine Souls
A Souls game MMO

I am fed up with Dark Souls type game.

git gud

No user.
YOU git good.

>What's next for them?
Bankruptcy and mass suicide of their fanbase hopefully

man mecha games look cool

are they just strafe right and attack like souls?

That depends on a lot of things from how you build your mech, how far into the game you are and what kind of mission that is in the first place.

Strafe right + hold down attack while trying to aim isn't going to get you far in the AC fights in the arena and certainly not in the missions themselves.


>implying it's not Chromehounds 2

>FROM will never return to the Lost Kingdoms series

I know it was niche as fuck but it's still one of my favourites.

Not-SoulsBorne 6 revengeance

Tenchu and kings field are ded.
Idk about Armored Core but it probably has a better chance of getting a new game than the other two.

Fixing DaSIII invasions.

Oh yeah wait they still hate invaders.

Armored Souls.

A hybrid between Dark souls and Armored Core.

You fight insane robots and giant monsters and mutants on a Abandoned colony planet.

Its like Dark souls only instead of magic you have missiles and lasers.
And instead of equipping armor you equip body parts.
And its all scaled to a bigger size because its giant robots.


Kill yourself.
I am so sick of this stupid meme.

Armored Core or a new shinobido game

Ninja Blade 2


bloodborne 2, new armored core and sci fi souls


It's dead and never coming back ;_;

Soulified Armored Core

I cringe everytime i see this pic

he didnt like 3 though

>Xanadu getting localized
>Not EX


>There is a reason they dont make them anymore

people don't buy them because of the their shit taste (inlcuding you)?

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