Megaman is for

Megaman is for...


being dead on the moon.

That is a very lewd Rock in that pic I want to cuddle and spank his shota butt

That's lewd

Replaying games until your total time is under a half hour.

Shotafags are the absolute worst

Which one has Megaman at his cutest?

Probably 9.


What does megaman look like without his helmet?


>That pic

I played Megaman Legends 2 for the first a few months ago.

I was surprised to see Megaman canonically wearing an apron.

I would have thought it was Powered Up because you could play as Megaman in his helperbot outfit

Meh. Looks like astroboy.

Roll threads are nice, but it's good to see Mega Man getting some love too.

I'm kinda surprised you don't know, even if you don't play the series.

Why would I?

> looks like astro boy


Just from browsing Sup Forums.

I know a lot about games I never played even when browsing unrelated threads, especially if the game is as big as Megaman, and you appear to be into shota, so maybe you'd come across a lot of the cute pics like OPs where he doesn't have the helmet.

There's also the Smash 4 trailer, but he's obscured there.

Maybe I'm just autistic.

I'm disappointed that Smash 4 Megaman didn't have a helper bot alternate costume

capcom probably had his design locked in like sonic where nintendo had very little power over what the pallet swaps would actually be

Honestly never seen him posted and if I have, I didn't recognize it as megaman.


leaving his franchise to die out and without any proper successor to come forth


I like his sister more.

His new robot design looks like shit, but I'm still hoping his casual mode looks cute.

Compared to Sonic and Pac-Man Megaman's palettes are leaps and bounds more creative. It's actually embarrassing with how bad the Smash Bros. history with character colors is.

Does Megaman poop?

I doubt it
