Post overrated fighting game characters with obnoxious fanbase despite them being trash in their respective games

Post overrated fighting game characters with obnoxious fanbase despite them being trash in their respective games.

Also, what the fuck did they do to her design? I loved the TKD inspiration in IV, now she is just pervbait

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no one likes you

You think she's the only character that got turdified in V? laff.


This guy. He was low tier in 3S, still low tier in V. His design used to be pretty cool in 3S but it got totally ruined in V.

yeah i know

Ibuki was mid tier and high tier in USFIV. I don't know about her in V but she used to be good and actually picked.

>Ibuki was mid tier
*in 3S

She was great in SF3. But you never played that.

The console version looks so ugly.

You know there are people who aren't FGCucks and enjoy games for what they are without really giving too much of a shit about tier lists, right?

>she is just pervbait

She was always pervbait
t. pervert

Who the fuck cares about tier lists? Alex is one of the more fun characters to use in V.

Why don't you start, OP? Im sure you have Makoto pics

Kind of, but her SFIV design was more well-thought. This one is just her femme fatale side despite lacking of the TKD inspiration. Also bigger tits because Ono is a cuck.
Makoto has always been good, that's far from trash.

Juri is pretty great, user-chan.


>There are people who find Cassie Cage attractive
>Western """women"""
Looks like a fucking dyke giraffe

The king of all the posers. And this one doesn't even have a great design. It's just overly blown up by Maxishitass Poop and his large autistic fanbase.

>that resolution

>juri players

At least she doesn't have manhands and giant feets like the entire cast of street fighter

>decapre players
>can't fadc
>can't hitconfirm a jump fierce

Wow, Artgerms lines are not as clean as I thought they were.

>implying anyone can beat Cody
shit doujin

But he did hit confirm jump fierce

>Juri doujin
She probably gets turbo-raped literally the next panel

sagat is a crutch for kids who don't wanna learn to play neutral desu

Into jab tic throw when he could have just easily killed him? You don't do that when you see it hit, you do that when your grandpa reflexes aren't enough.

nope she rapes him but she does succumb to his penis's superiority

Maybe Cody likes to be bullied?

It was obviously bait for the ultra, no need to be mad Fuhajins.

while we're at it cody's a meme too

literally only online warriors pick him

why do her feet have to be so big?

It would've been a bait if he didn't walk forward after the jab. This way it was just as bad as the random retard.

I play SF since 94, kid. Deal with it, Ibuki is shit, relying on vortex to win games ONLINE (USFIV). Literally only 1 relevant person used her in competitive and still didn't win shit. Go back to fap to your shitty waifu, virgin.

Momochi use to main him.

>It would've been a bait if he didn't walk forward after the jab.
Are you retarded?

>Juri waifufags are mad about no divekick
>Ibuki waifufags are mad about no neck breaker
>Sakura doesn't have scrub magnet moves so she'll be fine no matter what

I do find her Attractive

t. 500pp

Because she's actually a man. Like Poison or Mika. Fools keep insisting she's not though despite all the evidence because they're afraid to be homosexuals.

Are you? I want you to try to ultra someone taking a step forward. It doesn't do shit other than it might get you caught because lmao online delay. if they are mashing they are going to mash no matter what. Literally fucking retarded, especially when hitting 2 buttons would've killed after the fierce.

>Ibuki waifufags are mad about no neck breaker
I'm mad because they took away tsumuji. Still waiting for Sakura.

Do you ever think of something better in life than getting angry at videogames?

gross feet

>one of the waifus people actually use

>I want you to try to ultra someone taking a step forward. It doesn't do shit other than it might get you caught because lmao online delay. if they are mashing they are going to mash no matter what.
Is this bait or am i literally talking to a 100pp shitter?


>overrated fighting game characters with obnoxious fanbase

Do explain how the walk forward was necessary if that was a tic throw bait you fucking mongoloid.
I have my dick out, entertain me.

Do you ever think of something better in life than getting angry at OP for not liking your shitty waifu?

>mad autist

I'm not even a Juri fan, user. Stuff like this is like getting angry about a paint job on someone's car just because you don't care for the color.

Juri's SFV design is so shit. All the girls have the same body templet now.

Your waifu is shit, animufag.

Neck breakers only purpose was to punish fireballs using the ex version.
Now her ground kunai do the same thing.
And her Ex ground kunai even launches opponents.

All the moves she lost all ware only used for punishing fireballs.
And while her Chain kicks ware nice there only purpose was vortex because they actually dealt less damage than her target combo.

When is /keep it classy/

Are you seriously this fucking retarded?
You do realize you can hold back during super freeze and it will block the ultra 100% of the time if no button was pressed.

Dont try and worm your way out of it because you though an obvious bait was a dropped combo, you D rank shitter.

I'm not angry, my dear user. I actually find your reaction of my reaction to be angry. Which is pretty sad.

>overrated fighting game characters with obnoxious fanbase
Every grappler main is obnoxious.

Is Juri good for a pervert?

Ibuki is not my waifu.


Its the whole game's style, handa and feet are big, as well as all the characters haveing exaggerated muscle, I mean fucking look at Karin, her arms are RIPPED

There are more than just personality, you fucking shallow fuck!
Look at her tits, hips and ass for example!

I have eaten shittier ultras when doing nothing, especially after the steamworks port.

>an obvious bait was a dropped combo
>jab walk forward after a jump in is bait
No, it's for literal shitters who can't hitconfirm a half an hour jump in normal.
Why would you even bait when you could kill? Oh, because you literally can't into hitconfirms and you just do jump fierce jab into throw.

This is true. They'll never shut up about maining big guys and think they're more entertaining than they are.

Harmageddon when?

I wanna say it's for hitbox telegraphing purposes. There have been mods that shrink the feet down some in IV. Maybe the same's prone to happen.

So true.
They also throw lots of guesses and call them "hard reads" when they guess right.

She's girl Geki

While not grapplers, you've pretty much described Wariofags on a whole. Not even pertaining to Smash as this includes Waluigi as well.

>Baits out the ultra, taunts, then kills


Juri spends half an hour in the air, it's not like it's hard to taunt.
I never once said it was a dropped combo, if he dropped it he would've eaten the ultra. I said he can't hit confirm the jump fierce and has to resort to autopilot shit like jab tic throw.

>cant hitconfirm
>he hitconfirms multiple times in the webm, including the time you said he didnt hitconfirm.
>If it was a tic throw like you keep claiming he would have been hit by the ultra
>clearly baited the ultra
Nah, you are retarded.

>muh jab jab strong
>jump fierce jab walk forward is a hit confirm
He is too shit to even know the throw range, he got lucky. He is just as shit as the random Juri.

Do you even know what hit confirming means?

Okay, if you want to get technical it was a hit confirm. But you know well that it was braindead autopilot shit to jab.
Is that all you have? I'm starting to feel like you are the Decapre shitter posting these webms of your wins against people who don't know the matchup.
I liked the Sakura one more.

At worst, Alex is R. Mika tier in SF5. He is better in the neutral and isn't quite as good in the corner but pretty close. I'd even say he's easier to use than R. Mika.

>Gets baited into doing ultra and loses
Oh fuhajins, you so funny.

>can take the round
>launcher TC into air grab doesn't even require execution
>lmao lemme just throw that away on the off chance he is mashing ultra
Oh child, you are so shit.

Fuhasjins please it was obvious you got baited, lose with some dignity.

Decapre shitters are just mad cause juri is way better

Decapre has better, cuter feet

What a comeback. Good job, if you keep repeating it I'm sure it will work.
Both players played like ass in that game. Don't be upset that your epic win didn't get the same circlejerk reaction like on /vg/.

Nice try Fuhajins

I don't like Juri though, I like Sakura. Post the Sakura webm.

You got BTFO fuhajins, its time to move on with your life now.

>ITT manchildren cry about cartoon tits.

So what goes through your mind when you keep posting shit like this? Are you winning?

> Letting anyone in Mika's stable get screen time

Never gonna happen. Fuck, Nadeshiko didn't even get an appearance in the story mode, or even Mika's personal story. Mika pretty much just exist to suck Zangief's dick.


>edgy mask
>classy trench coat + fedora combination

the supreme gentleman of fighting games

>King Mememe mains
>Gayman Watch mains
>Rob mains

Worst character fanbase in Street Fighter is Juri followed closely by Ingrid.

>tfw everyone forgets about most underrated SF character


But she's so thicc

necro was just a redone version of gandhi. 12 was a better albino freak

>His design used to be pretty cool in 3S
No, it did not.

>that ass
>them legs
>that cute ponytail
holy shit