The King is Back !

KoF XIV > Street Fighter V

KoF XIV have :
> Better gameplay, more complexe and profond with max mode, roll and many jump
> 3 Max by characters for KoF against one for SFV
> Better casting with 50 characters against 16 for SFV
> 19 news characters for KoF against 4 for SFV (kek)
> More stage. 19 for KoF
> Better music (check this : )
> More content (Story mode / Gallery / Trial / Time Attack / Survival )
> For the online : Party Battle / Training Online and lobby like GGrxd

Street Fighters V have :
> Better Graphics
> 8 input lag (kek)

So Sup Forums why you still play SFV and don't preorder KoF XIV !?
Why stupid America-fat don't play KoF ??

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I don't want to play with 3rd worlders like chinks and spics and get stabbed.

>implying OP knows anything about fighting games

You'll play for a week, drop it, then go back to Neptunia, you fuck.

this reeks like a shill thread but i still support kof


I'm still supporting this game but goddamn this feels like a bait thread. SFV is just doing its own thing, there's no need to stir up a fuss.


Implying KOF Mai doesn't look better because the face is less generic.

KOF Mai looks like... well, Mai.
I couldn't tell if DOA Mai was a costume or not, I had to go searching around.

Feels like the only DOA girl with a unique face is Nyotengu

KOF seems like the ultimate "quantity over quality" fighting game. Yeah let's just throw 50 fucking characters in there, that'll probably work out fine and not be an unbalanced piece of shit!

everyone who plays SFV is getting bored their mind out of it


>KoF XIV > Street Fighter V
Thats not really saying much, SFV is absolute shit.

Historically speaking, the series has had a damn solid track record and there's a reason why the games have stuck around for as long as they have. And while there are disparities between tiers in the games, what game doesn't have that to some extent? I think SNK lost the graphics in favor of what looks to be great gameplay while still having a huge ass roster.

You guys need glasses.

>the series has had a damn solid track record and there's a reason why the games have stuck around for as long as they have

The only games that stuck are 98 and 02

You forgot about how SNK deals with the SJWs

To be honest I can't think of a KoF game where one character was so extremely overcentralizing that everyone played them.

Iori is popular but he's not powerful.

>input lag

>300ms BR lag

There's no escape

>what game doesn't have that to some extent?

Anyone getting UNIEL tomorrow? It kinds like those two games but it's actually fun

What's BR lag?

Wanna know why SFV is gonna stay more popular than the new KOF?

Precisely because its easier. Not to say that's a bad thing. Its a fine line to understand that something being easier doesn't mean its inherently worse.

I hope the KOF community gets bigger from this though, it'd be nice to see more KoF players.

I'm a large fan of all fightan, and I'm still enjoying SFV and looking forward to KoF XIV. Saying something like "Better gameplay" and "Better music" is really vague. Yes KoF features more content, and I'm sure it's really good content too, but the games are completely different veins of fighting and you're trying to start a rivalry between two games in a great emergence in fighting games ranging from SFV, to Tekken, and now KoF. Stop trying to stir up shit you fucking faggot. Go start a console war thread.

KoF XIV looks good and fun to me. Day One.



Jesus christ man, if I were to pick with between capcom and SNK I'd pick SNK, but goddamn man, you're the worst kind of faggot for inciting shit flinging. Either that or you're some sort of false flagger or some shit. I hope you are though because if you're a fan you should kill yourself for starting shit.

Who else hopes for a DOA team as DLC?

>kof shills
you will never stop, won't you?

You might get your wish in KoF XV.

>Will there be a crossover guest team in next KOF?


Also did some of those questions in that interview sound retarded to anyone else?

But it's fun.

XIII seems to be going well critically and it did a fair job attracting new players so I think it might stick around. I should've clarified by saying that there's a reason the, "series" as a whole has stuck around. 98 and 02 standout for their rosters but there's still some love for XI, 2000 and 97.

You've been shilling this for months now and you still haven't bothered to improve your english.

I would have a better attitude about the upcoming KoF if it wasn't for the fact that 90% of the discussion about it is concerning how it's better than SFV rather than how it stands up on its own.

XIII got my attention with how beautiful the sprite work is. The execution level is a little too hard though.

As far as I know in more recent threads the people who start that kind of thing or start shit flinging get shat on.

SFV is balanced as fuck I can't lie about that.

It's kind of sad that even now, all fighting games are compared to the standard that's set by Street Fighter. It would be nice to talk about something other than how it stacks up with SF.

Cause Street Fighter is and will always be better than KOF

I mean it's not like there weren't other viable picks for anchors but still.

I hope they remix arashi no saxophone cool jam, they remixed 95 in XI and 96 in XIII.

SFIV is more balanced than SFV

>XIII seems to be going well

It's dead as fuck no one plays it. It was just a streamboar circlejerk game.

You haven't been actually reading the threads.

Hello there person who has not kept up with competitive XIII in like 3 years.

This is true, but the only reason SFIV is "more balanced" is because of the awful defensive gameplay. The retarded idea of Ultra comeback paired with the defensive tactics is what made it "balanced." Execution-wise, I'd be willing to say SFIV is 10x more complex than SFV, but that doesn't necessarily make it better, y'know? There was a lot of hype for Vanilla, but it died out incredibly fast for me. I'm still enjoying SFV to date despite its many flaws.

I wish for that too, but since it's the most known fighting game people will always compare it. I too wish for KoF discussion without ever mentioning other fighting games. As far as I noticed in the threads it's usually people who go in with the ps2 meme that start shit flinging. There was also this one guy who would always go into the threads and post a pic of feng, he's mostly ignored now and the most recently of all was this one user complaining about how vanessa and blue mary aren't in proclaiming the series dead and declaring everyone who is looking forward to the game as neo-SNK. Still when someone tries to start shit flinging with SF they get shat on now too.

>This shit again
Why can't I like both?

Compromises are not allowed on the Internet.

But the top tiers in SFIV were all aggressive and rushdown.

Because faggots. I like both too, I prefer KoF more though, but I wish faggots like OP would off themselves.

It's very simple, people straight up do not know anything about other fighting games and not all of them know about sf. This makes it the easiest thing for people to use as a point of reference and the most likely to be shat on cause faults can be identified where as I doubt half the people in this thread understand high level kof play

This is some stupid shit. I don't know why this happens, but KoF, SF, and Tekken have the trashiest fan base like this faggot OP. You don't see other game fans from Samsho or Darkstalkers or Soul Calibur starting shit and needing to talk down fans of other games for validation. What the hell is going on with that?

You don't see sf or tekken threads doing it either. There is just a dedicated group of kof shills

>You don't see other game fans from Samsho or Darkstalkers or Soul Calibur
You're right, you don't see those fans.

Hmm maybe not in general, because I don't go to /vg/, but you see that shit all the time elsewhere in the web. Jewtube, twitch, etc.

Even people who like KoF hate people like op. They've been getting shat on when they deliberately try to start shit.

Reminder that the true King of Fighters is the King of Iron Fist Tournament

I feel bad for people who can only pick between these two.

>in the web. Jewtube, twitch, etc.
Where? SFV has generally been met with harsh criticism and T7 has mostly gotten hey this looks cool do you mind releasing it already?

Yeah but you guys really haven't been keeping them turbo autist of the fans in check. Like if it wasn't for SNK being poor I would legit think some of those threads are real shills especially with that guy who image dumps

It's just this one KOF shill with bad english who's been shitposting here and on steam/youtube comments. Other than that it's just the usual banter.

you're alright, user.

Believe me, the OP is not a KOF player and he won't play the game a week after it drops. He's a faceless fuck trying to start shit instead of talking about the game he "supposedly" loves. KOF players will be too busy playing, talking about the game instead ofccomparing to SF so they can get a circle jerk going. OPs plan backfired.


ikr, they're missing out on all the Waku Waku 7 action.

No way the yellow in the left is that moves hit box

>classic fps series making a comeback
>fighting games jumping to 2.5D and turning out great
what's next?

Probably because those games are dead af.

"Better than X" shitposting is always just faggots trying to start shit, nobody really tries to seriously lord their game over anyone because at the end of the day it's just video games and feeling superior about video games is pathetic.

I remember that Blue Mary user. I don't think I will ever be able to understand the immense frustration that they seem to be enduring with their favorite characters missing from the game. I am glad we shit on the people who want to start shit though, there's no need for that here.

I'll admit they were mostly ignored before, but more recently they've been shat on. I think it'll be more common to shit on those retards as time goes on, at least I know I will. It's getting really annoying when hype gets killed because of that. As for other social media, well even looking at the comments is asking for a brain tumor. Shit's why the only thing I have is damn youtube account.

I seen that shit in gameplay at some EVO finale. I thought that was crazy nroken.

It's not.
That's the proximity block box

Looks like shit
Plays like shit

Not as much "turning out great" as it is the gameplay being the same but the game looking significantly worse than in 2D.

Virtua Fighter and other old 3D games come back.

I think it was just a baiter. I'll admit and fell for the bait several times. At first I tried to be friendly, but then I just shat on him. Now all he will be getting is anime girl headpats as an user came and outed him as a fake.

>smash-tier party game
>King of fighters

I haven't played tekken in almost a decade and even I know you're baiting.

Ooooh...that would be cool.

>So Sup Forums why you still play SFV and don't preorder KoF XIV !?

>King of Fighters XIV
>Platform(s) PlayStation 4

Who would it even be?

>classic fps series making a comeback

like what? this shit doesnt exist

>early PS3 tier character models
>soundtrack is all ove rthe place in terms of quality
>netcode guaranteed to be shit because SNK
>more characters means they're all shallow, that has always been how KoF works
>never has players in the west that aren't in Mexico
>will be dead by next year
>NO mainstream appeal

I'm frothing at the mouth for this one, OP

I tried KOF at a the Sony stand of the Japan Expo and honestly it was super fun.
I fighted a guy who said things like "In SF, even if you are new to the game you can win, but you'll see that here, that's not the same thing.".
I picked the takewando white and blue guy, Mai and the brasilian Naruto, and almost beat him.
It's fun, fast paced, combos looks good and it actually doesn't look bad.

Doom ?
Quake ?

>In SF, even if you are new to the game you can win
I don't think that has been true since SF2, where the damage on everything was high enough that lesser player could get lucky and score a win, but in most other fighting games with big enough skillcap better player wins.

KOF is like the PES of Fightan games
Bootleg shit played by third worlders because FIFA's too pricey

>NO mainstream appeal

what the fuck?

>KOF is like the PES of Fightan games

Kek, shut up boys.

It doesn't. Normies love graphics, this looks like shit. KoF is not a big name in most of the west and in places it is they don't buy consoles. The game hasn't done anything to stand out above the pile of fighting games we are getting now. The only thing it sort of has above others is 50 characters but that doesn't get people going any more, they get scared about having to learn so many when most can barely play one and if they look like shit it nullifies the any advantage that does give

Just look at the youtube views, most of the videos get fuck all so the advertising isn't working either. They don't know about the game and don't care to learn

>In SF, even if you are new to the game you can win
isn't that what new players want?

You dont even need to try to be better than sf5 at this point.

>implying you play anything but online anyways

>SFV is just doing its own thing, there's no need to stir up a fuss.

Its own thing full of garbage probably.
I'd have never thought i would say this, but i actually want SF4 back as the main FGC game.

>OP replying to his own thread

It also has better animations than KOF XIV, at least KOF looks better in motion than Injustice 2 that is rigid as fuck. I'm still getting KOF.


It also has a lot of metrosexual character designs. Part of the reason why SF and MK were so popular were because of the character designs.

I'm eagerly awaiting for release of this game. Fuck yeah

>> Better gameplay, more complexe and profond with max mode, roll and many jump

Already debatable. KoF XIII was better than SF4 because it had all those things but SF5 realized a lot of what made SF4 tick was bullshit so they stripped it out.

DOA girls are shit tier and DOA Mai looks like a bad in-universe cosplay right down to the soul-less eyes.