Whats a good Weeabo video game series to get into?
What about that alchemy game? I remember people talking about that
Whats a good Weeabo video game series to get into?
What about that alchemy game? I remember people talking about that
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but if you suck then nepu works too
Yakuza or Persona
for that definitive "it's like i'm actually japanese" experience
Do you mean Kamidori Alchemy Meister?
Atelier is the one I think you are talking about. And remember, brat is cute! CUTE!
.hack is fun
I second these 3 recommendations. It also helps that the Ys games don't take that long to finish unless you're going full Nightmare+bonus/hidden bosses.
Orange Juice games.
What do I need to play to fully experience the Orange Juice games? I know about 100% Orange Juice and 200% Mixed Juice on Steam, but I heard that they feature characters form the dev's previous games.
Also how long are 100% and 200%'s story modes?
Valkyria Chrroncels
If you want to get into some of the games the characters come from, there's a couple on Steam. Most of them are shoot 'em ups which are pretty cool if you're into those.
After that, 100% OJ can be fun for multiplayer. I wouldn't recommend 200% MJ unless you just want a OJ collecting simulator.
As for story modes, 100% has a bunch of campaigns for some prominent characters. I think there's like 5 excluding DLC. They're all pretty much the same thing from different POVs. How long they take really just depends on how lucky you are. Each of them should take about a couple of hours if you're on game speed 4 and get reasonably lucky. It's mainly a multiplayer game, so you should only be playing campaigns for unlocking stuff.
200% may take about 6-8 hours including the required grinding. Gameplay isn't very good, and multiplayer is completely dead. So yeah, I don't recommend it unless you're a big OJ fan.
i literally cant even
I kinda like the art-style they've got going in those 2 games. Simple but pleasant.
time to erase this anime meme
Why is the brat so flat?
I thought he meant atlier miruru.
Speaking about weeaboo alchemy games, is Mana Khemia any good?
Get sora or QP Shooting Dangerous. If you like sora, then try Suguri and Acceleration of Suguri.
100% orange juice
atelier games are pretty comfy
i might try this series out and start from the first
Nep is easy both in term of being accessible and easy gameplay
Man, I wanna commit a crime on Sakurako.
not OP but I have nep 1 and have no idea what to do
Yeah use that arm motion but she has to grip something.
eww, no!
Sakurako is so cute and cuddly. I want to snuggle her.
Remember: lolis are not for lewd!
Sorry, I'm fucked up.
Why not?
Try Tea Party Adventure with Lola-tan.
Stupid boob monster.
what's that?
Sakurako is a good doggy.
I want to plaster that flatness with my cum, telling her that it will make her boobs grow should be enough to have her let me do it
Castrate yourself.
Stop playing videogames and go do something productive
So are we going to get a fourth season or no? Did the third season even do well in nipland?
Third season was horrible and effectively kill the Yuru Yuri anime, manga still going strong tough
Never ever.
People say no.
I liked the third season, though. It had just the right amount of Kyoko and brat, though the jokes have gotten really stale.
Oh shut up it was a piece of unfunny shit with dead colors
I liked it too.
Any Falcom game.
I'm doing a NG+ run on Meruru right now, the games are good fun but there's a learning cure and honestly some of the endings are a pain to get without a guide but they are good.
You are thinking of Atelier. Go ahead, it's a fun series.
>top on
lel faggot
My first and only Atelier game was Ayesha and I fuckin' loved it.
Only epic memers hate S3, same with DaS2
I liked her better when she was in a wheelchair and denied the Rape of Nanking
I would say Persona but Persona 5 seems ready to jump into mainstream territory.
Why has no-one made an Atelier general thread on /vg/ yet either. There honestly needs to be one, would make finding things out when you're playing so much easier.
Too slow, wouldn't survive. There's a Gust general on /jp/, close enough.
Cool, didn't know about that off I go then.
Where are her panties?
she doesn't wear any
How weeb are we talking here? Give Senran Kagura a try.
What's the fucking sauce you cunts?