>Implying this won't be the GOTY 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
It sure as shit will be OST of the year
Where the fuck are the Kingsglaive camrips?
>Ruining your experience of this visual and artistic masterpiece by watching a shitty camrip
After the garbage that is FFXIII and how incredibly hyped it was, I'm going in with low expectations this time
Jokes aside, it really is the rop-ranked movie on Yahoo Japan right now, with more ratings than other highly rated but niche stuff.
pretty sure GOTY will be Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Nigga, I don't give a shit. I just want to watch it. I'll watch it again, no matter what, when they release it here anyway.
Uhh.... I wasn't joking m8
>Dues Ex fans are THIS delusional
>Look I posted it AGAIN HAHAH XD
Kill thy self asap ma mayn
>Amazing graphics
>amazing voice acting
>amazing soundtrack
>brilliant story
>brilliant gameplay
>lots of choice
What's there not to like?
Cmon. Who the fuck thought the game would look like that?
It's deeper than graphics.
FF XV has all that along with a huge open world to explore. The new Deus Ex may be good but it doesn't hold a candle to the actual GOTY 2016.
I opened this thread for this post
Thank you for still believing user. Your bitter tears will be delicious when it's a huge but uninteresting world.
>that one faggot posting all those meme pics again
fuck this thread
Keep dreaming faggot fanboy.
>huge open world
With nothing in it
Hubs with lots of interesting things > huge open world with nothing in it.
Also, tell me where all the choice is in FFXV? Can you choose your style of play (stealth vs action? Can you make choices that affect the story? No.
Yes it has good graphics, but it runs at a very low frame rate.
shut the fuck up bazztek. Nobody gives a shit about FFXV.
Report and ignore, mate.
>2015 reflexions are way better than 2014
How is that a downgrade?
>With nothing in it
Stopped reading right there. You obviously know nothing about the game so there's no point in arguing with you. Just a braindead consumer that parrots the misinformed opinions of others. Kindly leave my thread. I don't care whether or not you buy FF XV over Dues Ex or not. Your loss cucklord. All due to your blatant fanboyism.
But he's right. The world is objectively empty.
Fuck off xv-kun.
name 3 good open world maps
I'm still waiting for the yugimonz camrip.
I-I can't! It's literally impossible :^)
Have you ever went to a field? Do you think it is like World of Warcraft with animals having small civilizations?
The Witcher 3
Fallout New Vegas
Any GTA game
Witcher 3
Red Dead Redemption
the map is going to be mostly fields. Why would you want constant fields?
The entire game is a field with nothing in it.
>You get to travel around in vast and scenic fantasy lands with your Bros
No fun allowed: The Post
>you get to play gta without the fun
Right. Nips can't make good games.
Speaking of KG, there's some CGWorld Nicovideo program about it airing in 10 minutes.
Faggots with shit opinions like yours should be banned. Reading the things you come up with from your vomit encrusted keyboard would make anyone dumber.
It's not an opinion nigger.
>Anons still being anal-pained about changes made to a game during development that happens all the time and they whine for nothing because it was all just trailers and nobody knows how the game was like and played anyway
Never, just wait for the worldwide release in August.
>Comparing CGI vs in-game cinematic
Were you born stupid?
Anyone here watching that CGWorld stream on nico?
>Nips can't make good games
Bloodborne/Souls series are bad games
Tekken series are bad games
Persona series are bad games
Platinum games are bad as well
These are all FACTS. Have I got this right you deranged shitposting tasteless mongoloid?
The fact that Kingsglaive is getting near-universal praise is hyping me again. Jesus fuck I cannot handle the rollercoaster ride this game is putting me through.
>Nips can't make good games.
Everyone and his mother have been praised it. Even the critics, when we already know they hate CGI.
So the deflection begins.
Why did you let your hopes down in the first place you shameless scum?
Everything we've been shown so far regarding XV should only have served to increase your enthusiasm.
>xv-kun talking to himself
you're so pathetic.
That's not what deflection is.
Having you utterly BTFO is not deflection.
You're just a trainwreck of a person aren't you?
Yes. Nyx confirmed for ikemen.
>Every person praising the game in question must be XV-Kun
Not all jap games are shit, for instance Cave Story is good. Can't think of any other good jap games off the top of my head though.
>FF movie strikes back!
Top kek.
Have you even played the demo's they've put out?
The game looks nice but it doesnt play nice at all.
From left to right
>The typical bully in school that punched gay guys just because he was a gay guy as well
>Sociopatic 30 years old male that smells like shit and tries to look like a Metallica member, hanging out with teenagers because adults dislike him
>Nothing personnel skinny small kid that's fixated with looking like an anime character and probably did a school shooting or two
>Rich kid that dresses like a douchebag and treats everyone like they were inferior. Nobody can stand him, but his dad gives him so much money that if you need a favor, that's the guy. Also, confirmed cuck.
Prove me wrong.
>huge open world to explore
That's what they also said about MGSV
And then it came out
>The worst final fantasies are the ones with 100% human cast.
Just a coincidence right?
>Manchild feels insecure because people are not complimenting the game he likes
>Blames it all on one person
Ebin... simply ebin laddie. But I'd drink bleach if I were a useless waste of space like you.
>drink bleach
Hi bazztek
>Kingsglaive is a massive success
>Blizzard still insists on doing live action because muh Hollywood
I don't think so.
Have put in 14 hours of playtime in Platinum Demo. So I'm a little bit more knowledgeable about the potential of the game than you faggerino. Pic related.
>Have put in 14 hours of playtime in Platinum Demo.
you are be a complete autist.
I might as well post some more screenshots I took of PD. Check this one out from the comfy indoor room section. Notice that the 'King' of the playing cards on the ground looks like King Regis himself. Has such level of detail ever before witnessed in an open world Action RPG other than TW3?
I don't think the game has really convinced enough people it will be GOAT. Everything IMO seems to be overhyped about the game. I dunno if it is the movie coming out along with the game or if the expectations Sqaure themselves are setting and sharing with the public isn't exactly realistic.
At this point since there is no evidence thus far, I'll just be a skeptic and watch from the sidelines We might get a good shitshow either way.
>Calling someone autistic just because they enjoyed a game
wew lad
Yes... 14 hours... as of this moment that is. Call me an autist all you want if you've run out of things to spout. Like I give a fuck.
Why do you talk like you're autistic?
It's not even a game. It's a demo that's supposed to show off the game but all it does is show off bad framerate and shit combat.
It's fine if you enjoyed it, but the demo is objectively bad.
>a game
It's literally a buggy 20 minute demo.
You're severely autistic.
Doesn't change the fact that it's still a fraction of a game which makes it a fucking game.
>It's bad because I say so.
There are these things called personal opinions. You might want to open the dictionary sometimes and educate yourself.
>the demo is objectively bad
Your tears and desperation are delicious.
Fuck... why didn't I notice that before? Nice one user thx. Glad I shared it.
It's not though, it's a tech demo that is objectively buggy and 20 minutes long.
You're an autist wasting your life.
>My hot and worthless "opinions" are objective
Just because I disliked the demo doesn't mean I will dislike the final product you retard.
The demo is bad. There is nothing to do, combat is hold a button and shit happens, framerate is awful. Objectively it's bad.
I'm not judging you for liking the demo, but the demo is not objectively good.
Oh jesus does this mean FNC stuff is still in the game?
Honestly I'm not that opposed to it as long as there are no direct references or god forbid cameos to XIII
>Nozue: Everybody was telling us we would fail.
Nouze must feeling smug as hell as now.
It's just a reference. People have also spotted FFVI, VII, and VIII references already.
How are you going to make a main Final Fantasy game without Lightning
It's like "autist" is the only word you know. Might wanna get out of your mother's basement sometime.
I won't argue about the framerate but wow you yourself said it was "just a demo" so why do you think is "nothing to do" a legitimate complaint? You might want to say that there's "little to do" seeing as there were clear objectives such as collecting gems, unlocking hidden shit, and beating monsters as well as a boss but, hey, that means there was something to do. Amazing.
>hold a button to win
I would've believed you had you said "cast magic to win" but I see you're just parroting whatever you read here.
>Le meme Bethesda game.
>The worst downgrade since Watch_Dogs (but not as bad as FFXV's).
>The most overrated open-world game.
>implying GTAs are fun.
Literally last hope of gaming
I know. Don't worry Square Enix WILL deliver. FF XV is shaping up to set the benchmark for JRPGs for years to come.
The one with the cloth on his head is hilarious
Here she is. Dragoon in all her glory.
We are not worthy to behold such majesty!