>No Necropolis threads
So it comes out tomorrow.
Anyone planning on buying it?
Anyone preorder?
Necropolis discussions & opinions welcomed.

Other urls found in this thread:

how well would that run on a 4 years old mid range laptop?


thank you, i should tell you that this thread it too obviously chilling for something not many people care about to work

try to see how the board works (it's a cesspit of shitholes) and try again later

is this the dark souls rogue like dungeon crawler game thing?

>the only threads i make that are successful are the ones where I'm baiting
guess ill just make a thread tomorrow in /vg/ when the game comes out

just looked it up, yeah looks like it.

are there any more in depth details about the game anywhere? what's the progression like? is it "die and start from scratch" kind of roguelike, or rogue legacy like where you keep unlocking new stuff with each new ruN?


it's confirmed to be perma-death.
once you die you restart.
idk how you collect all items in the game but i know you can collect items by looting dead enemies and chest

painfully few gameplay details in previews. probably gonna skip this one until reviews are in.

Agreed. The basic idea sounds fun, and the videos do show some of the combat, but I wish they'd fill us in about menus and how it all actually works.

Bumping for more info on the game

here's a video with some info guys

but this game look like shit

>asking to have a discussion about a game with no threads on Sup Forums is shilling
you need to kill yourself immediately. shills are obvious when they post the same pictures every few hours with threads that start with vaguely positive comments about the game. this dude is just asking about to. why do you go back to tumblr or contain your faggotry in one of the autistic pokemon go threads you fucking hack

Seen quite a bit if this so far and had it pre-ordered since I have the day off tommorrow and plan to just sit there playing this all day

Onteresting stuff so far:
>randomly generated loot (duh) with varying movessts and stats, so you will be forced to switch upyou playstyle if you want better combat results
>random potion effects from healing to paralysis for like 30 seconds
>good variety of monster which have "factions" (they fight eachother)
>great narrator
>great visuals
>responsibe controls (apparently)
>up to 3player co-op

Have played all the Souls games and about 80% of all the recent rouge-lites so will report back on the quality in one of the threads that will inevitably appear

>once you die you restart
dropped. it's like these retards want their game to flop.

it's stylized for budget reasons

shill your indie cuck shit elsewhere, shill

This. Where is my safe space cinematic experience? Why not make a game #4theplayers?

but requirements don't make any sens

you're an incredibly big faggot. I didn't even defend the game. I'm pointing out that you're an enormous retard when there is literally 0 reason to believe the guy is shilling. it's a fucking game coming out tomorrow, of course some people are will be aware of it so what's the problem if he makes a thread?
maybe if you actually used your brain instead of focusing on getting your shitposting degree you'd realize what a faggot you sound like

yes yes everyone who doesn't want to lose all their progression every time they die is a sonygger. great labeling ya hit the nail on the head with that one. I'm sure this will finally be the indie roguelike that breaks 1million sales

but souls series and most survival games have this mechanic and those games tend to make their money back and have faithful followings.
even doom has perma-death is in doom on it's hardest difficulty and doom is doing great right now too.

>even doom has perma-death is in doom on it's hardest difficulty and doom is doing great right now too.
sorry for that broken English

it's coming out TOMORROW you dumb cuck nigger

cheers mate
this game piqued my interest but im not 100% on it yet

those requirements aren't that high.
my pc will be able to run it and it's around 3 years old.

I've seen a few youtube ads for this and thought it looked mildly interesting BUT the animations kill my interest. Everything just looks so stiff and non flow-inducing.

>Rogue-like Dark Souls
Add in "Zombies" while you're at it. Wait, this game is called Necropolis, so it might actually be about Zombies.

Does it have crafting too?

Fuck outta here.

so the fuck what? we have nier, zelda and fucking horizon threads and those games come out in 2017 you fucking retard holy shit

ill see you in game tomorrow brother!

>ITT shills getting mad as hell because of they're obvious marketing that they resort to petty name calling

Your product won't sell well if you insult potential buyers

>finally a good looking loypoly game

>it looks like shit guise

whens a good time to shill your game?
try promoting your shit on reddit you dumb nigger

souls doesn't have that perma death at all. have you never played one? you start from the last checkpoint and only lose exp. you're dumb. permanent death isn't a mechanic in a single popular game that I can think of except maybe some indie steam shit and those sales are miniscule compared to multi million sellers that catch on

>nub feet

I hate this design meme

I forget is i5 worse or better than i3?

gonna pick this up on g2a
thank you mr. shill :)

I was honestly looking forward to this until I saw gameplay videos a few weeks back. Everything from the animations to the environments looks half finished - like they had a solid, stylised idea for how the game should look and play, but gave up halfway during development.

it's a procedural roguelike survival crafting game with memes and zombies and a progressive grrl power social justice message

op here.
i'm not shilling
it's not my game, i didn't even preorder it.
if you dont want to buy it that's fine.
i was just curious on what Sup Forums thought of it since i haven't seen a thread on here about it lately.
sorry if i triggered you.
have another image.

yeah you caught me. I'm a shill. I get paid by tiny indie dev teams with no money to post on Sup Forums. what are you gonna do about it?

I hope that's not your example of "good" low-poly.

I'll wait for the torrent desu

>>No Necropolis threads

Hype died when they decided that it would only launch with one character class and the rest will be paid DLC.


Why the fuck are you still replying to him? He's a fucking retard or he's pretending to be. Jesus fuck

wow guy. you literally have no idea how shilling works. first of all, they don't make neutral threads like these. and they post around the clock when they're getting paid. also this is a low budget game by some literally who devs who probably couldn't even afford to hire 1 person to post on social media. and either way, the day before a games released is a very common time to see threads about a game, I'm surprised there aren't more since people have been somewhat interested in the indie dark souls clone. maybe you're jus paranoid from too much shitposting in a dark room.
now if you want to see some blatant by the numbers shilling check out those no mans sky threads that repeat every few hours with the same picture and wording

replying to him is a good reason to bump my thread. i can't speak for the other user.


these gol'durn youngsters and their exotic genders

in jesus' name i pray

>progressive grrl power social justice message
is that true? I dont think I can handle any more of those for awhile

Dropped. I don't have that kind of time.

Souls doesn't have perma-death, you ignorant shill.

>literally promoting your indie shit on Sup Forums

souls are also meme garbage.

>implying small indie devs don't shill the game themselves

you can do perma-death runs in dark souls

I wanna know this, too.



O-oh, wrong one...
dem legs

Are you able to play this well using kb+m?
shows only scrub controller setups

oh boy...

people in this thread acting like perma-death isn't a common thing in rougelike games.
have you guys seriously not even played a rougelike before.
all runs are different in necropolis so what does it matter if you have to restart, it's going to be a different experience.

of course you can use kb+m

>shills get called out
>thread dies

use or "use" like in souls games

>great concept
>somehow manage to fuck up combat in a souls clone
>only feedback you get from hitting an enemy is they flash red. No sound effect, no reaction from them, nothing.

idk i've never played it. we'll see

im still here trying to keep it alive. it's kind of sad that the shill arguments are keeping my thread alive

>GTX 750ti
For WHAT? More geometrical figures?

self bump

>but souls series and most survival games have this mechanic and those games tend to make their money back and have faithful followings

souls has no perma-death
if souls had perma-death, most people, and I mean 90%+ would have never gotten past gargoyle, let alone finish the game.

>you can do perma-death runs in dark souls
yes, of course, but not a fucking new player. no-death runs are for people who have played the souls series so often, they literally got so gud, everything else bores them.

I don't care for perma-death games anymore desu, because they offer no value besides trying them over and over again. I had my fair share of those, and I prefer games that are actually well designed and not have a random dungeon as their main selling point. random dungeon always means "you have 1 level, but sometimes you go left instead of right or will find gold there instead of nothing". fuck this, seriously.

DaS2 has an achievement for not dying, and never using a bonfire

and how many people have said achievement?

Also this game focus on combat vs groups of enemies, which is where souls combat is the worst.

Looks neat. I need more info about it, need to know how varied enemies and areas can be. I love exploration in roguelikes, delving into the unknown even after hours of gametime and still finding new areas and enemies is great.

Wait, no, i'm an idiot. You get rings for doing those

Whoaaa, $29.99? Seems a bit steep for something like this. It better have a lot of content .

Does anyone know how many weapons/movesets there are?
The game succeeds/fails with that number imo.

yeah, seems insanely expensive. from the looks of it the game looks like a 10 hour thing where 90% of the content is procedurally generated. doesn't sound worth it.


i'll pirate it

Only one class, seriously? How the fuck are you gonna release a 4 player co-op experience with only one class?


Looks nice. I can accept covering up the lack of budget by stylizing the graphics, especially if you can pick the colors well. Faggots don't know how much effort picking colors requires.

I just hope it doesn't play like ass.

Color theory is fucking hard

I remember ;_;7

>not being able to recognize a joke
fucking christ just watch a video of the goddamn thing

you're a faceless beatemupper running around beating them up.

you have perma death like a roguelike
there is emphasis on attack timing, blocks, and parrying which heavily influences the rythm of combat like (most recently and recognizably) darksouls.

from what I gather there are no classes, your character is made by the equipment and stuff you find in the dungeons.

there are four different characters, i.e. personas.

From one of the videos, the a dev said that movesets would depend on the combination of weapon + character. So for example, a rogue might swing a longsword around in a flashy way, while the knight may have more traditional slashes, etc.


What the fuck

I don't fucking understand this board, I don't even know why I still come here. Why can we never talk about games without being called a shill? Even so why do you feel compelled to cry shill when discussing a game? Would you rather op post more LOL threads and twitter screen caps so you faggots can get angry at the latest sjw?

> more souls clones

Yea, that's what we need.

>Why can we never talk about games without being called a shill?
Because only shills create these threads

>Even so why do you feel compelled to cry shill when discussing a game?
Gives our life and this board a purpose

>Would you rather op post more LOL threads and twitter screen caps so you faggots can get angry at the latest sjw?

Good to know.
Hope this will help.
I highly recommend this game as it will reinvent the genre and be a 10/10 game. It will have absolutely no flaws whatsoever! It plays fantastically and no other game can compare or compete. It is highly interesting and immersive.I must also mention that I have been no way involved in the development of this game of have I been paid by the developers of this game. I know all this information because I hacked the game off of the devs phone. Buy this game for full price and do not pirate it.
Not a shill btw

Is it souls like as in dodges are OP full of iframes, camera lock easy mode and spam L1 to win or is it "souls like" as in the combat is somewhat heavy so LEL IT'S JUST LIKE DARK SAWLS :DD?

>Why can we never talk about games without being called a shill?

because nobody cares about your 4 hour indie rogue-like. jesus christ why do people keep making these?

small team of develoeprs that want to make a living, user.

this isn't a shill thread
nothing about op's post comes off like a shill.
it's a neutral thread that shill memers ruined yet again
kys cancer

Permadeath generally fits short games (1-3 hours), like FTL, Teleglitch. If it's a soul game but with 4 areas, I'm not really buying the hype but if a winning playthrough is 30 hour long it is pure madness.

I can't see permadeath working for a souls game honestly.

Looks okay enough. I don't know many details so I'll lurk after this post. I'll pirate it tomorrow. Can't hurt.

Because, to the underage shitposters who have completely destroyed the website, any game that has a positive reception is "shilled" due to black/white mentality.