The best GTA

The best GTA
Disagree? you're wrong

Mechanically, probably. I prefer Vice City in both setting and story.

GTA IV is better because of smooth gameplay. SA is clunky as fug, even if it would be my favorite GTA, all inclusive.

Story is pretty AIDS

For fun though? I agree It's probably the best, but I'll always have a soft spot for the ramps around Vice City. 720 vertical flips over half the city

No, THIS is the best GTA

Do you commit grand theft auto?
If not, it's not a gta game.

Vice City

I wanted to like V but the shitty car handling just killed it for me
I don't even want to mention the meemey story and other shit cause i don't care about that in gtas

Guess that's what happens when you tailor tour game to 14yo meemers

This game was bad looking for its time, the story was ever as dull, the world interaction was shallow.
What do you even want, kid?

Gta V is good also.

grand theft (hourseto)

are you serious? GTA V has the best car mechanics ive ever seen. tuesdays update looks sick it will kill trackmania

The shitty car handling killed V but Vice City's horseshit car controls get a pass?


>slightly let off gas at 130mph
>take corner without problems
It's an RC car game.


The best GTA is San Andreas with Things to do in San Andreas ('Til You're Dead) installed.

>The shitty car handling killed V

How retarded are you exactly?

Did they every complete it, or is it a """work in progress""" (ETA: 2030) like all ambitious mods with shitloads of content and changes?

For me it's the worst, funnily enough. Big world was cool though, good music as always. Took RPG elements a bit too far, a lot of slow cars, didn't care for the main character and story much.

III and Vice city are much more memorable for me, IV and V are better too. For me.

I think for a lot of people on the internet these days San Andreas was their first GTA maybe, or the first one they were hyped about because of age. Just a guess.

People that hate on V are contrarian hipsters that hate fun. I have played every single GTA game (including the first gen), they are always tons of fun, and V gives you the best most alive world and most content so far.

Volume 1 is out and already adds a metric shitton of cut content.

It's just fun. RPG gameplay, 90s as fuck, hood, humorous, and not overplayed R* memes.

>"I wanted to like V but the shitty car handling just killed it for me"
I don't know, how retarded am I? Retarded enough to follow the fucking reply chain before chiming in?

>tfw no gta 6