Monster Hunter Generations

Give me a one good reason why you aren't playing MHG right now.

waiting for US version

>but you can transfer saves!
why fucking bother. i'll just wait until it drops and do something else in the meantime. i have A LOT of porn to get through

I got my 64GB card full.
I haven't played MH3 and 4 for more than 2 hours

I played 3 and 4 to high end G-rank and got bored after a while.

It's always the same, at one point you have the coolest weapons and armor and the game is basically over.

I like Monster Hunter, but it lost it's charme after a while.

Im not a theif piece of shit.

Someone make a room.

Where can i get the rom?


exam week and I preordered it from FUCKING GAMESTOP becaus I got a gift card from my fucking grandmother on my 24 birthday. I hate this bitch.
But I already played X, but my gf, my best gay friend and my asexual femal friend want to play it with me.
I may choose SNS, I played LA since FU and played CB in 4U.

> but my gf, my best gay friend and my asexual femal friend


It's not released here yet.

More importantly, I don't have my n3ds yet. Picking both up saturday.

Playing Overwatch plus I already played the japanese version.

I've tried to play other games in the series and could never get into them. Specifically, 3 Ultimate.

I know a lot of people love this series, but what's the appeal? How do I get into it? Does this new game have any features that makes getting into it easier? Does it have cute girls?

Worse than mh4u

Whats the best weapon / style this time around?

It doesn't matter how long since the series started, the games start incredibly slow and force you to do these terrible gathering quests that literally nobody likes.

But a few hours into the game you can start fighting against actual large monsters which is where the fun is. Go try the weapon tutorial quests and try out the weapons that look cool and their different styles (btw you can see in the menu all of the attacks and combos for each weapon+their style versions so do that).

It's about as easy to get into as 4U was, which was much more easy to get into compared to 3U.

Yeah, pretty much all the NPCs from previous games return in this game so you get all the previous cute girls in addition to the new ones.

Because it's censored

No G Rank No fuckin Buy
how much more simple can I put it?

they are the nicest people on the world, especially my best mate, he hates lesbians with a passion though.

>Tripping him with the LA from behind and yell "choo choo the meatrocket enters chocolateland" always makes my day. :^)

Since we know each other since we were like 12 years old, it wasn´t a problem who wants to fuck which sex.

In 4U you literally fight a Dah'ren as soon as the game starts, and after a few ez starter missions, a Seltas.

>end game difficulty is similar to 140GQ
>because it isn't arbitrarily labelled G you won't play it

>tfw literally every time I use the Long Sword Parry hunter art it misses

Haven't hacked my 3ds,waiting for either my store to relase it early, or get it from the e-shop.

I need to swap and update my CFW from the RXtools I put on it ages ago but I'm lazy and keep putting it off

Also I'm not really chomping at the bit to play through it again for the third time

>literally downloading some files and putting them on a SD card is too much work for me

Thanks for posting your blog that's why I come to Sup Forums to read your blog

Is X missing Dahren and giant snek? If so thank fucking god

Eventually I'll become too lazy to breath

It doesn't have any of the siege style fights, which is pretty weird for an anniversary game

Thanks m8, I recently read on that it´s called shitposting.
Even though all of the things I said are true, it doesn´t belong in this thread. Haha.

Please stop posting.

I guarantee you're not as clever as you think you are. Stop posting please.

Chill dudes, I was just trolling y´all.

Are you guys going online or waiting till 16?

>Also I'm not really chomping at the bit to play through it again for the third time
Just hack yourself a good armor to power through low rank.

You Australian, mate?

Online, of course.

nice try to get other people banned

>not beating all of the hub quests solo


Hr1s get in here. Gonna do key quests


Because im playing MHX and finished mostly everything.

What now autismo? Give me a good reason why havent you played this before?

post the pass for non /mhg/ fags please.
Pass is 7243

Im and dont be afraid. Check my shitty set

SO I'm practising bow in MH4U for when I eventually get Gen.

I've reached the first split in the upgrade tree for the beginner bow. What's the best choice? the one that allows power coatings?

Because I don't own a fucking 3DS.

I can't. Waiting for the 15th bruh. I might not go after keys right away though. I'll probably check all the monsters armor before i decide to bump up each rank.

Shhhhh is okay. Im 147 and am bored. Lets just hunt random shit. Im waiting inside of your room using my most shitty stuff

isn;t that still hr armor?

Im Charlotte. Is lr

Dumb question, I'm new to CFW. Will I be able to play this (and my other network games) online? Even if I might be several versions behind the latest firmware release?

You will be able to play online, but you need to be on latest firmware, and there isn't reason you shouldn't be.

yes but nintendo can backtrack your IP and take legal action

I'm on 10.7 with Menuhax Luma and can play online just fine.

Waiting on my preorder.

So that means CFW is currently available for the latest firmware version?
Sorry again if this sounds stupid. Last CFW I did was on my PSP over five years ago.

Doesn't matter. I live in a third world country where Pokémon Go is probably never coming to anyway.

Why are you practicing bow only for Gen? You're not a tier whore are you?

Nintendo can't even detect if you download games from the eshop without buying them, let alone do that.

He's wrong, you don't need to be on the latest firmware to play online. The Luma3DS CFW can play online without needing to be on the latest firmware.

Anyway, you don't want to update unless you are only updating EmuNand or are already using A9LH

how's the content in this one, is it as much as 4u at least? not interested in otherstyles, so I would just stick to guild

It comes out this Friday user


fun run lads, sorry for carting against blangonga. I got punished har when I fucked up my critical juncture

No, I've been an SnS main since I started with MH3u and occasionally used GS for when I needed to braek certian parts that were too tough for my usual weapon

I got an N3DS recently and decided I? wanted to try a ranged weapon. I heard bow was only good in mh3u anyway.

Not even close. By 150 hours i manage to do everything

It's strange. Just as MHG is about to release, I suddenly regain my flame for MH4U and have been playing it a lot recently, trying new weapons and sets. When MHG comes out then I can start collecting my resources all over again I guess.

Same here. Kinda dropped it after beating that giant black goo monster in G rank. Pretty sure that was the "end" anyway.


>It doesn't have any of the siege style fights, which is pretty weird for an anniversary game
>they didn't try to bring back lao and make his fight a bit more interesting
Shame. I always liked his design. Just a big ass dragon.inb4 I trigger someone because "hurr, it's not a dragon, it doesn't have wings."

>Prowler mode doesn't need tools to gather shit.
Fuck yes.

Should i wait for MHG or just get MHU now?

Waiting for the USA leak.

Don't forget, with both prowlers and hunters, you can just hold down A to gather now. Faster than before, at that.

These are long haul games and, due to the endurance battle nature of the hunts and nature of the grind as a carrot and stick to keep you hunting, you probably wouldn't get far enough to feel satisfied with MH4U before Gen drops.

Also literally four days 'til Gen. This Friday.

I'd say wait for MHG to experience it will its online is fairly active.
If you want more go for 4U afterwards. You probably need to find some guys in a forum or something since the early game won't be as active as the end game.

theres no difference

They probably didn't work too well with the style system.
Or they're being saved for MHXG.

How do they actually perform in combat if I don't use a boomerang build?
Since alot of people say that's the only way to make them have good times, but how much worse will there times be with a different build?

Anyone wanna make a lobby for 4U, for those waiting until the 15th?

The best cat will be around a mid-tier weapon.

The worst cat will be lower than the worst tier of weapons, significantly.

They're not primarily designed to be an attack class, even if you can buff them up to that point. From what I understand, most of the best cat builds came from one particular trait that was basically an event cat that buffed shit through the roof, but I can't speak on that for sure as it's merely hearsay.

Sure, I'll make a lobby

A 4U lobby for those wanting to wrap some stuff up before moving onto Generations.

ID: 05-0767-9271-6045
Pass: rage


Why does your charged lightning ball attack home in on my dumbass?

Come join for HH fun.

Do I miss anything for skipping postgame MH4U and just going straight to generations?

Just waiting for my pre-order. Yeah I can just play it now but I don't really care.

You miss some of the most unfun shit to ever grace the MH series.

Did you at least kill gogmazios?
That would be acceptable i guess. Not much to miss except for some monsters buffed to retarded levels and the white fatalis event quest.
Also, you miss on farming 140 rajang which is like the most unfun thing to do.

With skipping postgame I meant I killed Shigeru but not much after that.

Then you were still in the midgame.

The village one? then you did like 1/5 of the game. you tell me.
There are alot of monsters that are only in the guild hall or starting to appear in high rank or g-Rank


Back to being chairman of the bored at the moment.

I only had to go because I forgot to charge my 3DS.
Hope you find more people, user.

>No localization of Stories
Fucking hell Capcom. I just want to raise my cute little monsters and fight for me.

got 'em really gud brotha hehexd

adept is cancer. Why even touch the online in this game if it's a bunch of naruto faggots running around with evasion 3

Well, it could be worse due to timezone fuckery. I'll keep the room up for a bit longer and maybe I'll create a mono weapon room on /mhg/ tomorrow or something.

It's been a while since I played but I just checked, I was at HR5 guild hall.

How many monsters show up only above that point?

The worst part is that most of these fucks don't even take advantage of the moves you get after a successful dodge.

Wasnt there too long, but got so damn hungry, and it stopped being a lighingstorm over my appartment, so I could finally hit the showers.
Was fun, I sucked at the last battle

I don't think I picked the best horn, though at least the earplugs came handy.

I'm waiting so I can play with my girlfriend