Why does this company still exist?
Why does this company still exist?
They make fun games, OP.
They make games and toys. People buy the games and toys.
>company creates things I am not personally interested in
>I wonder why they even exist
>I am the center of the universe
they have a shitton of money with little debts, while also making some profits.
You mean the emulators? Why can they not exist?
probably because of the decent number of great and diverse games available on their systems
The company's been around since your great great grandfather popped his cherry.
They don't have the best business sense but they still know how to make money.
To upset you.
How can this be happening? I thought Nintendo was dying bros. I thought this SHITTY company was done for good. Why does it still exist?
Pokemon Go made NintenSHIT's stock jump 8.84%. Why is this happening? I thought the bad guys were supposed to lose bros? It wasn't supposed to end like this, we were supposed to get Bayonetta 2 on PS4....
Because it has and makes enough money to still be a company.
hello reeeddit
Because they were once good and people refuse to accept that they've turned to shit
because the success of the Wii and DS is enough to keep them alive for your entire lifetime
What happened in July 6th?
>once good
They were never good
>always been shit on the hardware dept
>moreso in the gfx dept
>only making money pandering to casuals
>YT monetization is shit
really when did nintendo start making video games again? the last one I heard of was sometime in 2006.
They make money.
>nintendo literally depends on the mobile market now
if they hadn't abandoned their core audience instead of courting grandma and toddlers for the last decade this would he happening. anybody who defends nintendo at this point is the ultimate cuck. this from someone who grew up only with nintendo consoles
You got Sony and Nintendo mixed up user.
>They make games
>Literaly nothing coming for Wii u until march of next year
Explain this
Probably one of the funniest headlines I've ever seen.
Wow, their stock is back to gamecube levels! Surely a Facebook meme will finally save Nintendo!
Cause autists support them.
they are not catering towards grandmas and toddlers, they simply want the normies. they got them with the Wii and they will get them with their stupid phone games. The thing is hardcore gamers are such a small minority that it's not even worth it to develope for that market, it is way better to develope for all the normies out there.
you autists should be glad to see nintendo make money, you're set for two more decades of shitposting, be grateful
>what went wrong?
>people will defend that downgrade!
>muh censorship
>kek they're going third party for real this time
until the end of times
>LOL nintendo is making money
>going mobile means zelda on my ps4.5!
this, sonyggers fail to realize that the only reason their consoles sell well is because of the normie titles on it
fifa, nba 2k, madden, call of duty
>fifa, nba 2k, madden, call of duty
All great games that nintenbabbies dont have on their PiiU. Enjoy your mobileshit tho. :^)
>Nintendo is making just as much money as during their early 2000s slump
OK kid, glad you got that "b-but Sony!" jab in there for good measure.
Nintendo made more money than the Xbox or Ps2 with the gamecube.
That because they are the biggest jews milking soccermoms with balanceboards. You sure you are a gaming fan?
>gaming fan?
is that why I can play them all on pc?
i'm sorry i'm not a poor sonygger like you
>Enjoy your mobileshit tho. :^)
yes, i'll enjoy being healthy as fuck
>Pokemon games
>Fire Emblem games
>Animal Crossing games
"Why does Nintendo still exist?"
Are you fucking KIDDING me?
>Talking shit about fifa, nba 2k, madden, call of duty while celebrating mobiletrash
Just kill yourself, Im serious.
No they didn't. It couldn't even outsell the dreamcast despite 5 years on the market
Because they utilise their character and series branding in a smart manner.
Unlike MS, Sony and Sega.
I think Nintendo should be bought up by Apple.
I like to think they're very similar. They both do the "innovation" thing when it comes to their new hardware and imagine if Nintendo games became OS X exclusives.
Yeah, I'm not particularly a big fan of Apple, but I think it would be very fitting.
>the console that lost them so much money that they literally didn't have enough to make a more powerful system was more successful than the best selling console of all time
OK kid, keep living in your fantasy land.
once sony gets on the mobile hype train i expect you to kill yourself as well
oh wait you won't, you probably did this back when you were dogging xbox about paid online
>B-but sony!
Kek, it just keeps on coming.
What will save sony?
fucking pathetic losef
I don't know if No Man's Sky is normie territory but the rest sure is.
the answer is: handhelds
For you to make EPIC MEME threads like this epic one right here xDDD *continues to upboat*
Apple should buy Sony and sell SCE off to Nintendo.
What happened in 2000?
This post is just embarrassing. I mean, Jesus Christ
Friendly reminder to all the retard sonyggers hating Nintendo for some reason, this is a 2003 definition of Nintendo on Urban Dictionary.
B-but sony!
DVD player 2
And a friendly reminder that PSN alone made more money than the entirety of Nintendo in 2015
>if they hadn't abandoned their core audience
You mean the audience that rushed out in droves to catapult the N64 and GCN to massive success over their competitors?
Damn nice, how did you benefit from that?
Of course they did. Look at the most popular PS4 games. They are almost all multiplayer and therefore they require PS+.
By the end of the year Pokemon GO alone will probably make more money than PSN :^)
>tfw you look back and realize you haven't enjoyed a Nintendo game in ages
>TP was 10 years ago
>Mario galaxy was nearly 10 years ago
>WW was 14 years ago
>Metroid prime 3 was 9 years ago
>all they keep pumping out now is trash and they refuse to make proper sequels to their staple IPs like they used to
>they're making phone apps now
this wasn't supposed to happen.
I..... I just want BOTW to be good. just one last game is all I ask. them I don't care anymore. please Nintendo.
pokemon go is one step closer to third party
NX will prolly be the last console from Nintendo
cant wait someone sue nintendo because pokemon GO make his son die
Except it won't. Their stock is now at amiibo levels, which was in 2015 and, despite drones insisting it was a success, still made less money than PSN in the same year.
Mobile shit doesn't last. Flappy Bird got 50 million installs in a month, yet left as quickly as it came and the creators career is pretty much dead. His new app can't even break 200k
He says, typing this sentence for the 1000th time
They made money with psn, but how much of those are profits?
it left because he pulled it from the app store because of all the death threats and shit he got. so your example is pretty bad user.
Nintendo is literally only popular because of PKMN right now. Not their console, and not their console agmes.
>being this underage
It left because it stopped being popular, and none of the ripoffs carried the momentum.
Remember candy crush, and how that was a thing, and now it isn't?
You know it bro!