>lose literally 38 games in a row
thanks Blizzard, really fair matchmaking system you got here
>lose literally 38 games in a row
thanks Blizzard, really fair matchmaking system you got here
you are the common thread in that sample.
consider the possibility that you are shit.
shit game, user
Then why do I always have at least 2 golds?
Stupid frogposter
you're so incredibly shit that even statistics cant help you
lmao git-fucking-gud
>dotards have been living this hell for over a decade
>now everyone can know the self loathing hell that is a game built around ranked matchmaking
it's like gambling addiction imo, a special kind of greed except what you hunger for is virtual good boy points
>win game
>I'm such a god of videogames
>lose game
>awful team why am I playing again tryhard competitive cheaters forced 50-50 fucking matchmaking
OP is literally retarded. He must have autisim or something if he literally can't win games in a non-skill based shooter.
seriously user i play ranked and try to lose on purpose and even i accidentally win more often than that.
you're just pure trash
If this isn't bait I would suggest getting into a new game.
If this is bait however FUCK YOU
What does losing games in Overwatch feel so much worse than losing games in other vidya?
Because it's a team effort, when someone doesn't do their part and you get stomped by the other team, you feel bad because you couldn't play your best because of your lack of skill and your lack of a good team.
Because no matter how hard you try, you can't control whether one of your teammates is a dank 420 bongscoper that doesn't understand teamwork.
Get gud, the game dosen't have a high skill celling, but you can find a way without cheating.
>be level 15
>gets matched up with level 70 and above
>It's a "I'm a perfect god player but I can't carry my team whom are always retards who can't play" thread
If only people would learn to stay on the objective.
>be level 5
>get matched up with level 100+
That's more like it.
how did they actually think this was okay?
Im level 40ish and Ive been matched against teams where every player has at least one prestige, mostly 2
How about you git gud
How many golds you get is actually completely irrelevant, especially if you're the only healer and therefore guaranteed to get at least one. You can get 4 golds super easy as Lucio by just jumping around the objective and randomly spraying your shots because of how the game tracks kills.
Total opposite for me
> Lose game
> God I'm fucking shit I should just hang myself
> Win game
> Eh, I got carried. That reinhardt/lucio/76/whatever was doing all the work
Medals don't mean shit, son.
>Playing Lucio in ranked without a party
There's your problem OP, he's great if you have a pre made, but solo queuing you need to play someone who you can can carry your team with
>mfw get gold on damage dealt, eliminations, and objective time as fucking Mei, and practically carry the team to victory.
>play of the game goes to a genji who managed to get few lucky kills with his dragon blade at one point, and did fuck all the rest of the match.
>don't even get any votes at the end.
>Caring about PotG or the shitty votes
>Plays Mei
Just end your pathetic life.
>Caring about votes
>Playing Mei
As expected.
Being recognized for your efforts towards victory is always nice m8.
Also, Mei is bae.
I love playing as her, she can be so god damn annoying to the enemy team.
The objective? Why would anyone want to go there when there's a Genji or Tracer to go play chasies with all the way over here?
The thing about supports is that your job is so basic and easy even in games where you get stomped you probably did your role reasonably well, so when you lose it feels like it must be everyone elses fault. This is why there exists so many stuck up healsluts who never stop complaining about everyone else. They cant be the problem cause they have such an easy role its impossible to fuck it up.
>try to git gud with Genji cause I am a giant faggot
>Lose 5 games in a row
>Take full responsibility for each loss
>Accept my fate and switch back to Papa76
>Kick ass and win 3 games in a row
>Quit playing and wonder why I ever switched in the first place
>lose 38 games in a row
>be the only common factor in all those failures
>don't even consider he might be the problem himself
>blames the matchmaking instead of gitting gud
Eternal scrub detected. Might as well kill yourself now, it's never going to get any better.
Seriously though, most of the time I play Mercy and I try to fly in to heal some guys in trouble I get slaughtered (along with them) since they didn't consider positioning whatsoever, standing the worst possible spot where they were prime targets for a gang rape by the enemy.
Then I think to myself to just keep pocketing that Pharah next time.
Dota's matchmaking system is 10x better than Overwatch's. At least a positive winrate in ranked there means you're climbing up in MMR, whereas in Overwatch you could have a 60% winrate but decreasing in levels.
Reminder: people who complain about Overwatch play it on consoles.
Holy shit
There he goes again
He said it once again!
Isn't he just the funniest, coolest guy around?
Git gud! Git gud! Git gud! X--DDD oh man am I fucking champion for telling someone they're bad at a videogame
Oh boy I'm gunna tell my Skype group about this one after we finish watching My Little Pony
Kill your self FAGGOT
>achievement unlocked: brain damage
Keep doing it, and you maybe reach the heart attack achievement.
Stale pasta senpai.
Git gud and get better pasta.
>Win a few matchez
>Not enough players searching for new blah blah
>Game found
>Enemy team are all level 100 - 200
>My team are all 33 and under (me being 33)
Wellp. Thanks blitz.
But in this case your copypasta doesnt apply.
Git gud is overused when people try to deflect any argument about a games design with "LEL GIT GUD JUST ADAPT XDDD".
But in this case OP is complaining about loosing too much in a competitive videogame, git gud applies to that in full force without being a shitpost.
>38 loses in a row
>tfw you lose two games
>quit for an hour
t. widowmaker & mccree main
>Be level 92
>Get paired with level 10-
Fuck you Blizzard
The sentiment for Overwatch on this board is 90% negative. Why do you people still play?
Then don't fly to them? Jesus you're fucking stupid.
Too bad Dota 2 uses a forced 50% winrate then so no one can climb unless you carry the fuck out of your retarded teammates
>Playing with level We get paired with level >100 constantly
Every time it happens we just stack six S76 and stomp through the whole game since you have to be brain-damaged not to be good with it. Fuck this balance.
You saved my owl picture!!!!!
you paid 40 bucks for all the heroes, not to win.
>I suck at video games
>better come up with a scapegoat
Maybe don't buy the game 2 months after everyone else then?
>my owl picture
>my picture
>random image on google
It's easier to carry in Dota 2 than in Overwatch.
But to be honest, most matchmaking systems are abhorrent for the solo-queuing player.
>playing blizzard games in 2016
>accidentally ice-walled our path to the objective during overtime and we lost.
thanks Blizzard, really fair matchmaking system you got here
>plays mei
>doesnt know how to cancel ice wall
>cries about
Mei is on the same level as hanzo, genji and senyatta where i never want them on my team because theyre garbage
Just press E dumbo
>Teammate jump off a cliff
>I must also jump off a cliff!
>WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW how was I supposed to know that would kill me?!
>tfw got quick play MMR so high that it sticks me with a 2 minute queue and everyone on each team is either skill rating mid-60's to high-70's or are unrated with a really low level(making it a balance game for them).
Honestly it's really fucking annoying. It makes the team either way too good(meaning it's a full on roll with little to nothing to do), or you're stuck with 1-2 completely useless people against an actually competent team that will have 2 people in your backlines 24/7 trying to pick off fresh spawns.
Occasionally there's some actually really balanced high-tier gameplay but it's a rarity.
I carried like 7 accounts to 5k in dota2.
The 50% thing is an excuse from shitty players.
>literally 5 gold as 76
>lose hard and get stomped
>around 1/3 games like that when I play 76 even though team goes tank and heals and insist we need damage
>>lose game
>>awful team why am I playing again tryhard competitive cheaters forced 50-50 fucking matchmaking
I don't like to think like that but some times people just do way too much shit.
>See level 59 Reindhart and a lvl 80 genji
>Nigga never uses his shield nor reflects the turret shots
So what comp ranking did you guys get assigned initially? I got a 62 which is apparently good but it's mostly because I play a lot of mercy with my buds
53 because I tried to actually win games instead of gaming my medal count.
>play Lucio "good"
>win rate increases
>win some in a row
>finally lose because teammates suck
Not because of uneven levels, or instant join you lose games, or even late backfill games, but because they suck.
Because /v is full of faggot hipster that hate everything popular
Overwatch was praised by Sup Forums in the first week and beta, then it got popular and they say its shit
>"we need a tank"
>"i am the tank"
>rein charges across the map into a bastion nest to die and never puts up his shield.l
Im still surprised we won in the end because that was pathetic.
>Play Roadhog
>Successfully land almost all of my hooks
>Reel em in
>They always end up to the side
This is beyond bullshit.
>Git gud is overused when people try to deflect any argument about a games design with "LEL GIT GUD JUST ADAPT XDDD".
If I could pay money to force everyone on this website to read this, I would.
>if you lose, it can't possibly be the fault of the team, it's all your fault
Is it really fucking impossible for someone's team to be complete shit? Have you never had a game where your team is eating crayons the entire match? Has every sing loss you've ever had have a team where every player was working their hardest?
Level has nothing to do with skill :^)
the trick is to play hanzo every single game
You literally shouldn't play this game if you don't have friends who also regularly play it.
>meet someone in a match that uses mic and send him a friend request
>play some more competitive
>we start losing a match and he just quits on me followed by two other people leaving me and some other guy vs a FULL TEAM
>solo Qing. I ALWAYS get matched against groups who are talking to each other. Nobody on my group will talk or change to healer.
>we are on attack, they all pick defense characters
>we are on defense, they all pick attack characters
>massive losing streak with the occasional win now and then
This game is literally a number countdown simulator for me
>just now
>playing comp
>literally the only one trying to kill their mercy and get rid of players
>team has picked fucking Hanzo and Bastion
>team keeps running to the point and dying, feeding their ults
>mercy isn't being focused on at all, she just keeps reviving
>while on defense the players who picked defense classes switched without saying anything so we suddenly had 0 defense on defense
>still push through, get gold for damage, elimination and a potg but team loses
>after my potg quad kill team mate says "user we would have won that if not for you to be honest"
>what the fuck
>"you should have rushed the objective"
>despite me carrying the whole match they're blaming me because I didn't run fast enough to the payload surrounded by a mercy, Rein, Roadhog and Reaper to keep the timer going 3 seconds more before we lost
Yes, but people being unwilling to assume responsibility for their losses is a bigger problem. At the end of the day the only constant in all of your games is going to be you. If you can't look at yourself, what you did wrong and what you could improve on then you'll never get better. I mean, there's no need to get better, right? After all it was all your team's fault that you lost.
49 because I thought playing the placements in the middle of the night during Ruski hours was a good idea, and I kept getting teammates that either picked dual Hanzos/Genjis or no support/tank and I had atleast 2 games where my team was literally bullied into spawn on KotH.
Now steadily climbing my way above 60 though, it just sucks that the placements are so much based on how good luck you have with getting decent teammates if you solo queue.
Same. I am going to do the foolish thing though and keep trying to git gud with Genji.
>Achievement unlocked: first week on Sup Forums
Keep doing it, and you maybe reach the first month achievement.
That shit seriously needs to get fixed.
>Play Lucio
>Use my rightclick while aiming RIGHT AT an enemy
>He either doesn't move one inch or gets knocked back one step
>Enemy Lucio rightclicks me from mid range
>I get sent flying to the other side of the fucking map
I swear to fucking god that Lucio rightclick is bugged or doesn't work against laggers
>its ok when i do it
This. When I play 8 out 10 one team (either mine or the enemy) completly devastates the other. There is no competition, no lucky ults, one team completly shuts down the other one. Most of the matches are decided in the first minute.
I don't brag about gold, I don't always get all of them (especially because if I don't pick Reinhardt then we never get out from the spawn) but when your teammates can't kill enemies using their hard counters against them you know your team is weak.
>nepal shrine
>pick lucio because no healer
>take the team to the bottom of the stairs on our side
>nobody goes up the stairs
>people walk away in every direction imaginable
>taking potshots at the cap
>enemy team runs up entrenches and proceeeds to team kill us at our spawn
I'm not even angry at my teammates but the fucking matchmaking. Even random pairing would be better than this shit. I won't complain if it puts me with shitters if the enemy is at the same level. But this fucking "you don't have a fucking chance but play another 2 rounds or you lose rank" makes me beyond mad.
>>we are on defense, they all pick attack characters
Nothing wrong with that. The issue is when drooling retards such as yourself see "Defense" on the hero select screen and only pick those heroes and doesn't get why he got ran over in one push by the attacking team with good mobility and accurate heroes.
>kitten in sock
I did that once. That cat didn't like me. I was still sad when she ran away, though.
Try watching my teams. It never works out for them. I'm not saying I'm some MLG pro I do suck but I'm not taking the full blame for they're retardation.
>calib at 51
>now at 68
Who /climb/ here?
I almost never play multiplayer games with other because I have 2 or 3 friends and I'm extremely anoxious to talk. But I enjoyed the beta so much I actually forced myself to find a few people to play with.
They are all shitters of course. It is like everything you guys post here is true. I asked them to not main characters and at least don't drink that much before and during matches but it is impossible. I have better games playing alone.
Got from 56 to 58 in 2 days
I'm glad you're atleast able to climb in this game unlike some other matchmaking games, because the placement matches are straight up unfair and random.
As a regular lucio player I know your pain.
Yesterday I heard the push only works wonders if you boost before you are using it. I'm gonna test this today.
>I asked them to not main characters and at least don't drink that much before and during matches but it is impossible
Based slavs.
I have Ruskis in my MMO raid group and half the time they are drunk while playing.
It's not my fault when I have a random quit out as we're pushing the cart and have a lot of momentum.
It's also not my fault when I outheal our Lucio as a non-support class because he thinks it's a good idea to only ever give people speed.
Hey, I played 6 games of my calib games on KotH and won like 5. That was when the KotH bug was a thing