>tfw the only character on the autism spectrum is an Indian so any discussion gets drowned out by POO IN LOO
This isn't fair, there's plenty of LGBT and furry representation in the gaming community.
Tfw the only character on the autism spectrum is an Indian so any discussion gets drowned out by POO IN LOO
This is worse than "Pharah is an amputee." Just because you're a retard doesn't mean your games have to have retards.
>he doesn't fap to quadriplegic amputees
i hate when people think they should have reps in games.
>i'm retarded, you should cater to my needs and have a retard in video game
>oh that's offensive why did you put a retard in video game
and the cycle continues
Wait you are upset there isn't any autistic characters?
There is a reason for that, no one would want to be it.
>play sym
>get the most eliminations in every match
stay salt
>furry representation
EPIC meme bro xDDD
Upboating in 3...2...1
the autist in overwatch isn't symmetra, its the person who picks her
I sure hope you don't mean the monkey.
You're literally playing a tech support joke.
This really, I am a fat white guy and even when there is a white guy or even fat doesn't mean that character represents me.
What represents me as the player is one I control. What it looks like is irrelevant other than good graphics.
only damage done matters
>Complaining about a lack of autists in videogames
Take your self-insert crap elsewhere.
>implying Naked Snake is autistic
Have you even played MGS3?
Having representation in video games isn't a bad thing at all, but it shouldn't be mandatory because then it'll feel forced as fuck and it shouldn't be realistic or relatable, at least not all the time.
wtf does poo in the loo even mean is it a joke about how poor hygiene is in india?
>the only character on the autism spectrum is an Indian
But 47 is canonically autistic.
Why do indians literally shit on designated shitting streets, anyway?
>delicious brown
>destroyed by memes
fuck this place
No, delicious brown girls still have blue or green eyes and sometimes even light colored hair.
Brown skin = nice
Brown hair = okay in some cases
Brown eyes = shit
>tfw shitter team
>put teleporter next to ledge
>write POO IN LOO in chat
>watch as the poo flushes itself down
>finger my lubed asshole in joy
Witch demons live in toilets
In india a minority of people still poo in the streets
They don't have toilets in their home
They go on the side of the street, and shit, not always in groups but sometimes.
Its based on fact like any good meme
Here's a video from UNICEF India that should help you understand.
Symmetra gives me a raging boner.
Why does her in-game model ruin it with that manjaw?
No. Minority in the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia poo outside because they don't have toilets. That is the minority.
Indian street pooping is almost part of their modern culture. Of course the rich, and educated folks are not doing it. But how many rich and educated Indians are in India?
UN produced a video telling Indians to 'Take the Poo to the Loo'. Here's the video:
There are no 'designated' shitting streets, but most rural people go out in the fields because they believe the shit is good for crops. (It is) In urban areas you can find people relieveing themselves on the corners or roads due to lack of clean toilets/running water, etc. Basically every street is a potentialshitting street and there are no designated shitting streets.
oink oink
>win a 5v6 comp match
>get 1 mm of xp
worst thing is, we were the underdogs.
That's some fucking broken bullshit.
>India has the highest number of people practicing open defecation: around 620 million people, or nearly half of the population. Most of it occurs in rural areas, where the prevalence is estimated at 52 percent of the population, as opposed to urban areas, where prevalence is estimated at 7.5 percent.
If a person shits in a street, then that person has designated the street a shitting street.
If a person murders someone in a street is the street a designated murdering street?
Except Symmetra has been confirmed autist, to the point where all she talks about is order, and even has a highlight intro where she straightens the camera.
Headcanon doesn't count nigger. If the character was autistic she would be constantly flailing her arms about and screaming because of something causing a sensory overload that is only detectable by the autist.
There's different levels of autism.
There's Symmetra who can function in society.
Then there's you.
The "designated" part came from some Indian on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or something attempting to defend his shitty country.
>camera needs adjusted.
>That character must be autistic! Thank god I can finally relate to a video game character!
That's ocd not autism .... is it?
>killing people doesnt mean damage
she straight up says she is on the spectrum in the comic
>implying she isn't talking about the spectrum of Good and Evil
[Citation needed]
How is she autistic again? Is it because she wears blue and that's the same color as the Autism Speaks logo?
read the FUCKING comic retard
>then there's you.
maybe your autistic
Better cough up that source to back up that claim.
It's a crime scene.
Spectrum can mean any spectrum you idiot. Only because you're on Sup Forums do you assume it means the autistic spectrum.
>straightens the camera
only autism is overwatch are hanzo and genji players
>Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by recurrent obsessive thoughts or compulsive acts. About 30% of individuals with autism spectrum disorders also have OCD.[34]
And I think many of them have obsessive-compulsive tendencies that aren't pathological.
>forgetting edgelord players
Die! Die! Die!
>Taken from a young age by Vishkar
>Taught her entire life about order and perfection
>Everything must be perfect and harmonic in order to achieve true peace
>Follows those ordeals to this day, is even thier best employee
Hurrrrr shes autistic
You faggots are worse than amputee fags
Spergs are the worst people. They can't into eye contact, they can't read body language, they can't read tone of voice.
I fucking hage spergs so much goddamn.
>high-functioning savant
>afraid of crowds
>easily manipulated by evil companies
>obsessed with order
>poor empathy
>confirms herself to be on the spectrum
Why don't they look at mcree who literally is an amputee with his robot arm
If you read up on her lore she constantly thinks if what she is doing is the right thing. Hell, in the end of her comic she pretty much straight up lies to herself that what she did was the best while looking at the girl she saved with a burnt face.
Don't forget
>Blizzard obviously trying to score brownie points with the muh diversity crowd
Most of the cast has a robotic arm or at least some augmentation
Not every scientist/inventor is autistic.
overcucks are worse then tumbler
You dont actually kill them tho retard. Hitti g a guy once with 1 dmg gets you a "kill" wich is really just an assist
You're both way off on representation and how it applies to gaming.
It's not "I'm going to intentionally create a character that is non male, non white, non muscular, in this video game, to pander to specific demographics."
It's "I'm creating a character and I dont want a bland, blank, self insert husk for the player because it doesn't fit the tone. Not only because it's overdone, but because it's boring."
So when there's a canon autist, you can choose to dwell on that. It doesn't cross my mind when I see we could use a teleporter on Numbani. I've never even heard of this character trait outside of this board, and I don't care for the lore of the game.
The purpose of a colorful cast of characters is variety. It's not quota filling. Pharah wouldn't have an Egyptian eye tattoo/war paint if she were a white female, Lucio would lose all charm if he were a white DJ, making Mercy African just wouldn't fit the generally "angelic - white pallate - halo" trope as well. Zarya is a literal paradox and throws all arguments out of the window (which is surprisingly very much like real world human beings with contradictory opinions).
There are no "reps" in Overwatch, there are characters with traits. If you choose to get attached to Mei because you have a thing for Chinese assassins then you're allowed.
Sounds like that's just being delusional
Autism is having social issues and not picking up on social cues
>Literally says she is different because she is on the spectrum
guys I bet she's talking about the light spectrum
>It's not "I'm going to intentionally create a character that is non male, non white, non muscular, in this video game, to pander to specific demographics."
You should probably tell actual video game companies this.
She thinks she's a purple.
>possibly spiritual spectrum reference, karma and weighted decisions, etc
>dark skin white hair mercy
Bland boring is subjective, and what people think is bland and boring based on personal bias.
Now you are right to say they do it to make a colorful cast, but they have to make one that pulls gamers in, I. E. Know your audience.
But the point was the annoyance that people need representation in these games. Not that this game is filled with representatives from real life communities.
>spectrum = autism
>What is context
The way you perceive the creative decisions of creatives in video games is entirely formed from your experience, which is outside of theirs.
If you believe Ubisoft had gone out of their way to have one (?) trans character in Assassins Creed Syndicate because they had a trans dev on staff, then you probably believe in other things related to paranoia.
While Ubisoft is a very pc company that advertises their diversity, their doing so is for exactly that: advertising. Not for their games, but for their company and careers in gaming development. It's to show aspiring college grads that there is a space for everyone, even at major companies. Because of this diversity they've been successful. Grants. Donations. Higher volume of applicants. Ubisoft is in a weird position where they feel they need to lead by example.
If a character is gay and written poorly, it will be remembered as a gay character that is written poorly. Gay people won't say "oh yay a gay!" and give him/her a free pass unless they're easily impressed.
It's literally in her backstory comic, it isn't a heaecanon.
Is D.va the only character with something not robotized/augmented?
Roadhogg, Mercy, Lucio
>Zarya is a literal paradox and throws all arguments out of the window (which is surprisingly very much like real world human beings with contradictory opinions).
Huge Russian women is a well known cliche. They show up in Bond films and in other spy stuff, like Alpha Protocol.
That's not autism you fucktard.
Autism is being unable to socialize properly, i.e. you.
I know all that, I agree with how characters should be different to have an interesting cast etc. But when I hear or read about representation in fictional stories, especially video games, it's always in badly written arguments like:
>there should be more non male, non white, non muscular etc. characters in that one specific video game because there are women/LGBT/POC who play these games
I'm not a white guy and yet when I read shit like this, written by people who barely play video games, it pisses me off because it doesn't feel sincere. I really love when games have varied characters if they're well written or if I like the gameplay and the story,
By the way, when I'm said representation doesn't have to be realistic, I meant things like people saying they headcanon whatever character as a muslim or some really other specific religion or ethnic group when the character comes from a completely different setting/world than ours.
>high-functioning savant
[citation needed]
>poor empathy
not true, she cares a lot about people.
That's why she does the shit she does.
Lucio's entire bottom half is robotic.
If you think people who are casual gamers look at Overwatch, check out the cast, and say OH SHIT A SCOTTISH DWARF, BRB GAMESTOP RUN, then you grossly overestimate the investment that casual people put in to game research.
When you're that invested, the game is already in your hands.
I don't know anyone at all who has begged for representation in a game. I don't know all these "tumblr rejects," never seen/heard/read about one outside of accusations of this board.
My girlfriend is a good example to use here. Her response was "who gives a fuck, she's just cute and has a bunny sticker" when it came to me asking if she picked D.VA because she was a female.
No one needs representation. Anyone who feels entitled enough to beg for representation gets ignored. You dont listen to the small minority when you're making crucial business decisions for a video game.
He's just wearing them like pants, he has actual legs.
>Then there's you
MErcy IS nanonmachines
Lucio has no legs
Roadhogg fucked up face
White people just jealous because India will surpass their civilization in next 10 years
Please show me where it says Lucio has no legs.
Also hog's face is not fucked up, it's just a police sketch from people describing what he looked like.
So what happened to all of the shit?
That's why there's objective kills and elims
Objective kills are just elims while they(or you?) are on the objective
A racist gay white woman in real life who pushes for gay rights is probably one of the most fundemently confused individuals on the planet, and they exist. Not saying this is Zarya entirely, but she debunks any and all claims around "SJW pandering" that gets thrown at Overwatch.
And then there are people paranoid enough to say she was included as a red herring to the real SJW pandering from all the other characters.