What's all of your favorite bosses? Can be for any reason be it nostalgia, lore, the battle itself, etc. My favorite is Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. Also general SoulsBorne thread
Favorite SoulsBorne Bosses
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I doubt anything can top Ludwig for me. I do hope I'm proven wrong after both DS3 DLCs.
Ludwig was actually my second favorite. Only reason Maria beat him for me was that she hates using any technique involving blood yet she starts doing so in her second phase. Basically she wants to stop you so badly she'd go against her own will to do so. Badass as fuck.
Vicar Amelia easily my fav
Sic filii scite tibi vi sacramentum
Erit praemium sanguine sanctum
Erit praemium sanguine sanctum absconditum
Vel venio hūmānitās tendo pendēre
Sanguine sanctum
Honesta rete sanguinem
Expectare iste blasphemia
Es vītae ita dissimilum
Terrēs vīcerit trānem bestia
Honesta rete sanguinem
Expectare iste blasphemia
Hac mystērium obsumus
Arguam vitae ere non absolvis
Dido tuus
Dido tuus
Venēna scitis.
Festiva praestābere
Sanguine Sanctum
Ita venīte iste vinum
O, succus temero
Ludwig is my favorite in the entire franchise, I need to reinstall Bloodborne at some point.
Other highlights are old monk (bring that fucking concept back from, the fuck are you doing) and O&S
This is Ecclesiastic Latin, btw, Google translate works with Classical Latin and will give you gibberish.
>bring that fucking concept back from, the fuck are you doing
If you typed out those lyrics to Laurence's theme by heart you deserve a damn platinum trophy
I think he meant he wants to fight the summon without a clunky as all hell mirror knight blasting magic from across the room
Copy pasted from YouTUber comment.
I do have the platty though, fighting Gerhman with an under-leveled Kirkhammer user was so fucking fun.
Yeah that was awesome, but it happened way too infrequently. I made a build just to fight alongside him, using the Agape Ring to stay at the perfect soul memory and it could take upwards of an hour to actually connect.
On top of that I want to be the boss, not a temporary ally of the boss. Imagine if the mirror knight was controlled by a player instead, but you're as slow as hell to make up for it
Hardest Gherman fight I've ever had (also the funnest) was with a character I called "The Opposite" who only leveled strength and used an unupgraded Chikage. Did about 75-90 damage per hit and took forever.
Kaathe boss fight is arguably the best in the series
Gehrman is my favourite guy to fight, but oike all BB bosses, it feels like he has way too much health.
It's one of my main gripes about it. Every boss feels way too tanky.
I only played BB and DS3. My fav would probably have to be Blood starved beast, simply because I really sucked then, didn't know what I was doing and almost quit the entire game. Defeating it felt cathartic.
Well, the fights are supposed to last a little while. It adds to the atmosphere and challenge, gives you time to appreciate the bosses' various phases, and forces you to prepare properly until you can really carve through their health. Gehrman definitely needed a large health bar since he's a potential final boss. The Celestial Emissary arguably had too little HP, since most players wipe it out before it can put up a fight. Ebrietas, Rom, Laurence, Mergo's Wet Nurse, and some of the Chalice bosses might have had too much though.
>Gehrman is my favourite guy to fight, but oike all BB bosses, it feels like he has way too much health.
>It's one of my main gripes about it. Every boss feels way too tanky.
After BB, every boss in DS3 felt like paper.
>Ebrietas, Rom, Laurence, Mergo's Wet Nurse, and some of the Chalice bosses might have had too much though.
MWN is just a fucking slog for me on every playthrough, I hate it.
Lady Maria is the most overrated boss ever
Everyone just picks her because she's hot
All of you sicken me
I find her generally bearable since she's not a tough fight and I like the music and visuals during it, but that battle does take forever.
No, we pick her because of the fucking anime blood fire blades.
No, because she's anime as fuck and what said. Fucking Blood fire blades
Fuck off, I like Maria because you can use the Old Hunter Bone and play teleport tag with her. Only casuals fap to her anyway. The sexiest bosses in Bloodborne are Amygdala, Vicar Amelia, Rom, and Mergo's Wet Nurse.
She has 47 chromosomes ya know.
Ludwig had, by far, the hypest transformation, but Maria is my all-time favorite because I'm a sucker for the Fight Your Equal type of battles. Zipping around, dodging her anime blades of fire, was the best, without a doubt.
She was also pretty cute.
Gehrman will always be my favorite. Everything just clicked for that fight. Plus it's not everyday you fight a boss that's fighting you in order to save you. In a sense you both were trying to save each other.
SoC disappointed me so much
I thought Soul of Cinder was pretty well done, but nothing in Dark Souls 3 really holds a candle to Bloodborne's best bosses
Orphan of Kos by far, just the eerie beach you fight him, his screeches, Kos's corpse laying there, how important he is to the lore itself.
And the fight itself, just frantic and fast, almost chaotic, shit drove me up against the wall badly.
Dark Souls 3 was generally disappointing, but it did have a few great bosses. Abyss Watchers, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Twin Princes, and Nameless King in particular.
any pic with all the bosses of the souls games? (only have the one with BB bosses)
i will be spoiled with 2 and 3 but not like i care of those shits
Even his theme laughs at you as you fight him: youtube.com
I think it's a well done boss, but after experiencing Gehrman it just seems like a step down. Hell the arena looks like a dead hunter's dream. And don't get me started on the untended graves
Lady Maria.
Great music.
Pretty girl.
Fight gets better as you progress.
Nice to see you here DeModcracy
My favorite is Soul of Cinder. When he showed off his vast moveset, I was pleasantly surprised by it. But when his Gwyn phase kicked in, I got really foggy eyed because I knew who I was rematching. I just wish SoC was a little more difficult and aggressive.
Is someone just really dedicated to shitposting about this guy on Sup Forums lately? I heard nothing about him for the longest time and then suddenly he's mentioned at least once per Souls thread.
He's just a youtuber/streamer. He recently made a series ranking soulsborne bosses by his personal taste. And he was raving about the Maria fight saying a lot of what this user said .
I've seen the list, but I can't see why everyone keeps bringing it up here. It's not like he's the first to try something of the kind.
Maybe his popularity compared to other souls youtubers?
Good taste.
Not a hard boss, but a really good one.
Rather, it feels like he gained more popularity due to his souls lists.
i enjoyed gwyndolin a bunch for some reason, really gave you a sense of "you fucked up" even if the fight was piss easy
otherwise, cinderella was great
Furfag spotted
For me it's artorias, but I've only played ds1 and 2
best boss: artorias
best area: undead settlement
best waifu: yuria
Orphan of Kos was fucking fun, my favorite boss
Ludwig was the most challenging, I still haven't beaten him without others' help
Old Monk
Why was Fume Knight such a dickhead, Sup Forums?