Rank 60 club

only people rank 60 and above allowed.

like consoles count

I always wondered if every nick is unique on battle.net why do people pick shit like this?

whats wrong with it?

Why the fuck would you ever put numbers in your name? This isn't the year 2000 you 1337 cr3w faget.

the name was already taken the other 123641 times

I wouldn't be part of a club that would have me as a member.

Your whore of a mother was taken 123641 times you fucking faggot.

why are you acting anal over numbers in a username. are you that autistic or butthurt that you're not rank 60 yourself

also party not allowed

So this is what, rank 40 pc?

More like 30.


>Not lvl 70

this nigga

>rank 59 solo
So close yet so far


>Living in a country that doesn't believe in Global Warming becase of MINING!

>acting like console rating matters in the slightest

An effort was made.


Rank 60 on consoles?

So about rank 15 in PC, rite? I guess I'm in.

I guess you would be around rank 28 if you play on PC.


>Mfw Rank 60+ is the exact same as sub 50

People just shit themselves harder when things doesn't go their way.