ITT: Objective reasons why TF2 is better than overwatch

ITT: Objective reasons why TF2 is better than overwatch

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the soldier

the scout



go fuck yourself

>the soldier
You mean Pharah?
>The scout
You mean Genji?
>You mean lootboxes?

It used to be. Now they might as well be the same , with the same amount of cancer (waifufags and SFM-fags on one side, hatfags and autistfags on the other).

Pyro is the only good thing to come out of TF2. I always hated the cartoony style, it looks retarded to be completely honest.

Overwatch is cartoony too, but at least it doesn't have weird blocky characters that are all failed attempts at burly males.

Game is pretty overrated.

Kill yourself

dude yeah I love plastering maps with memes x D

>You mean Pharah?

She's can't do 5 % of what soldier can

TF2 has Capture the Flag.

Overwatch is fun, but despite the different game modes, everything feels the same gameplay-wise, just with different characters. It's all about your entire team versus the entire enemy team all the time.

There's never a situation in Overwatch which requires splitting the team for offense and defense, outside of a King of the Hill match going really, really well for your side.

Weapons, memorable characters, community created content and actual fun.

Doesn't have auto-aim


Despite having lag-compensating hitboxes and shitty pyro hitboxes, at least the hitboxes aren't the size of buildings like in OW

your mum is the size of a building, faggot


The most intelligent OW fan

wouldnt it be the opposite considering tf2's population didnt go down at all when overwatch came out

Ovewatch, while fun, feels very shallow and seems like it will be very short-lived compared to TF2. As someone who spent a lot of time and love in TF2 6-7 years ago (and will play it for a half hour every 8 or 9 months max), even at its current "worst", I have to give it major props for its longevity. The game could have truly exploded in terms of quality and popularity had Valve introduced an official competitive aspect of the game 6 years ago when the talent and demand was there, and not all that stupid shit since Meet the Medic.

TF2 just has/had a spirit about it (when you extract the bronies and anime nerds) that Overwatch just doesn't. The amount of fun TF2 in its prime brought a lot of people I know, including myself, dwarfs Overwatch. TF2 has/had the replayability and fun factor. Overwatch gets stale after 4 games/rounds/whatever.

Maybe it's because I'm an adult playing Overwatch with other shit to do, versus being a young adult in TF2 who still had the patience for games. Not sure. I like Overwatch and jumped the TF2 ship back in 2012, but I gotta give TF2 credit where it's due.

never played it

Custom Sprays.
Custom Maps.
Dedicated Custom Servers, even if it does lead to garbage like trade servers and all that shit.

I don't even need to say anything about the hitboxes or actual gameplay, but the lack of freedom the community has is disgusting.

TF2 isn't a Blizzard game.
TF2 isn't a waifu game.

That was a bug where if your character was nudged by another your aim would stick to the the previous spot, it'd happen the same even without an enemy standing there. They fixed that particular issue though, not that it had too much impact on actual gameplay though which is why you always see this shit with two stationary people taking shots at each other with nothing else going on.

>heavy losing even more now

I've been farming kills for team heavy for 3 days now and it's futile. Pyro faggots will never be happy. They want something like heavy and soldier that can airblast. HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE A WEAK CLASS FUCKERS

>not liking hats
get out of my face nerds

I played TF2 for only about 20 hours. Educated me.

What can soldier do that Pharah can't? Pharah, in my eyes, is an upgraded soldier with auto rocket jumps and hovering abilities.

Overwatch is a Blizzard game.
Overwatch isn't a waifu game.

>People actually believe the hitboxes are like this in the current release.

OW is basically TF2 2.0, though.

>implying community servers are at all alive outside of Trading and 24/7 2fort

Even CS:GO has better community servers. When the last of the community servers I frequented died, I simply stopped playing TF2.

Pyro became insufferable ever since going F2P. Retarded weapons like the Phlog and Backburner have made the Pyro population the most annoying subset of the TF2 playerbase.

32 player servers
that's about it

>Overwatch isn't a waifu game.

>all failed attempts at burly males.
what the fuck am i reading?

Splash damage. Hitscan. Extremely quick horizontal movement.

Soldier is about divebombing and crossing far distances quickly. Pharah doesn't divebomb, she maintains an aerial advantage.

>>implying community servers are at all alive outside of Trading and 24/7 2fort
Does that matter?
Whether or not people actually use them doesn't make removing the option a good thing. Don't defend removal of choice.

Besides, now that Valve pubs have been switched out for the garbage matchmaking system, I've seen a decent spike in community server activity.

Keep dreaming

is Sup Forums man enough to wear this?

soldier require skill and pharah dosn't

I'd buy it if I had the cash
i'm afraid my parents would disown me on the spot though

I like both now what?

>caring what your parents think


Player limit

If i wanted to play 6vs6 matches i would play a moba. I play tf for the absolute carnage and chaos of 32+ servers.


honestly true desu

>I don't care about you
>that's why I made this picture and I post it in every TF2 thread


>pyro's puffy vulva hood

MOBAs and shooters are not the same style of games. It's like saying "Well if I wanted a 1 v 1 game, I'll go play a RTS.

You can have 6 v 6 in more than a single genre.

tf2 is great because you can vote for team pyro x3

Does it have a WarioWare game mode yet?

does it have any custom game modes yet period

Surf maps

Does Overwatch have developer supported community content akin to TF2's?

I'm so mad this got taken out of CS. Why. Why Valve why.

the lack of custom sprays and servers in overwatch seriously bothers me

But there are no hot girls in TF2.

Its just a personal opinion, i dont play shooters for the teamplay, i play them for the "everything is on fire and everyone is dead" sensation. Thats why i stopped playing CoD when MW 2 Removed dedicated server, before that i always used to play on the 64 players servers, same thing with all the shooters ive played since the late 90s. Overwatch just doesnt work at that level, i would consider playing it if they released alternative game modes that remove the player limit.

A asked a guy why he prefered Overwatch over TF2 and he replied "WAIFUS"

I like the Arena game mode where the map is smaller and you only have one life.

TF2 actually requires some amount of skill.
OW is like a paddling pool. It's literally like HOTS in 3D.

The freedom it offers.

You aren't limited to 6v6. You can play matches ranging from 1v1 to 16v16.

There are thousands of community created maps.

There are hundreds community created gamemodes, as well as 20 official ones.

Hundreds of weapons, that change how classes are played or even create new sub-classes.

Thousands of cosmetic items that can be modified even further, allowing you to create a unique character
appearance. And if you aren't a fan of hats you can always mod them out.

The ability to change and customize your in-game HUD.

It's completely free. You can get all of the unique weapons for the equivalent of $0.50.

>TF2 actually requires some amount of skill.
>mfw TF2 poorfags really believe this

Because TF2 isn't the same it was 5 or 4 years ago. It's filled to the brim with shitty cosmetics, dumb, nonsensical weapons, people who care more about hats than gameplay and garbage custom servers with terrible, unbalanced maps and game-modes.

Also because I sold off my entire $500 inventory 4 years ago

Who's A, and does he have more info about which a guy he asked

Competitive tf2 was far more interesting and took way more skill than Overwatch. Soldier, scout, and demoman in a 6v6 had a way higher skill ceiling to play than literally every Overwatch hero.

>people who care more about hats than gameplay

>It's filled to the brim with shitty cosmetics
>Also because I sold off my entire $500 inventory 4 years ago

U for real.

Sure, but tf2's population didn't go up at all when an update trying to compete with overwatch came out.

>It's filled to the brim with shitty cosmetics
Which you can easily ignore
>dumb, nonsensical weapons
Which you can't easily counter using other dumb, nonsensical weapons
>people who care more about hats than gameplay
That's what you get for joining pubs
>and garbage custom servers with terrible, unbalanced maps and game-modes
Why do you play in custom servers anyways?


Every single character is way better than any of the ones in Overwatch.

>you can't

Yes. I never traded while in-game, unlike many others.
Pubs were basically unplayable in the last couple of years that I played, since a lot of people were either afking or spamming the chat with their retarded trade call-outs.
The only thing left were pugs, but once most of my friends stopped playing - so did I.

>your mum is the size of a building

I wish


Hats!... no wait...
The Community!... well shit...
Steam!... fuck...
Art style?

>bunch of boring white guys all dressed the same and a token POC, all with shallow bland personalities that are only played for cheap laughs
>better than the diverse and colorful cast of Overwatch and their intricate, detailed backstories

Art style
Game modes
Skill ceiling
Competitive scene

The TF2 guys are funny and memorable. You can name all of them. Can you remember the names of every overwatch character off the top of your head?

>diverse and colorful cast of Overwatch and their intricate, detailed backstories
too obvious

>liking hats
>being the cancer that killed TF2

the only people that hate cosmetics have no fashion sense

>Can you remember the names of every overwatch character off the top of your head?
Do you have memory issues? I can remember all of them and I don't even play that game, just being exposed to them being spammed 24/7 by blizzdrones should be enough to memorize their names

1 guy in the entire world can do shazbot rocket jumps at 9 trillion QPU units around the map, so TF2 soldier is a high skill MLG class for rocket scientists and physicists only.

I main Pharah. And ironically enough, what you described is actually the TF2 soldier skill ceiling compared to that of Pharah.

medic here

heal priority goes from best dressed to gibus

>You are a ragtag team of misfits and imbeciles. Your job is to drag your worthless bag of flesh to the objective and win! Use whatever questionable arsenal at your disposal to complete your mission, whatever the cost.

>The world needs more heroes like you, player! You are special, strong, intelligent and unique, like the other 5 members of your team! Each of you are gifted with powerful abilities that could shift the tide of battle! Remember to always love yourself as I reward you with a kill if you as much sneezed at a defeated enemy player. We also added POTG just to celebrate those very special players, who happened to have killed more players by pressing Q.

You and your kind ruined the game.

underrated post

>Characters are objectively more fleshed out and the story and characters in general are more interesting
>Far more gamemodes
>Modding and map making tools
>Community servers and server browser
>Non-gigantic hitboxes
>More useful voice commands
>Gitting gud at TF2 requires hundreds of hours of practicing advanced movement techniques in additon to aiming, whereas OW is just aiming at liberal hitboxes with easy to land skillshots/abilities that usually guarantee free or easy kills
>Custom sprays
>Not made by Blizzard so you can't get banned for berating shitters or having fun with exploits
OW has TF2 beat with polish and overall feel though.

>Also we got rid of the scoreboard so you don't need to feel bad about playing shit.

Shooting Mercy is illegal in Overwatch

>I don't have any hats

I'm sorry

>tf2's population didn't go up at all when an update trying to compete with overwatch came out.
Meaning what exactly? Do you seriously believe they tried to poach Overwatch players with that patch? lmao

They obviosly tried to dip their cup in the competitive well when they saw how well received it was with certain other compeators, grantid, its been in the works for little over a year, but overwatch pushed the release

>le ebin hats killed le tf2 meme xd

The update was unplayable on day one (as is tradition). This week (maybe even today) we are getting a fix that hopefully is going to shorten queue times and add all the features requested by the community.

>Why do you play in custom servers anyways?
Because quickplay is filled BR's and 12 year olds and other people attracted to f2p over everything else. Also because all my friends quit years ago as well, and in my steam friends list of 100+ nearly all of whom were picked up from Tf2, none of them play Tf2 anymore, ever.

I'm pretty sure most people who played during its heyday left, and it's no surprise considering it was on a decline post-2011. Cosmetics got increasingly garish, performance got worse because Valve never bothered with LoS models, the team working on Tf2 got smaller and lazier every update. It was a dozen or so people in 2012, I'd be surprised if it's more than 5 now, and most of the "content" they add in is user-created anyway. The maps that are getting added more look like shit, so even the quality control for that went downhill.

The weapons they added got weirder and weirder over time, with the last decent weapon pack being the engi update. In fact, nearly every major update besides the class updates should never have happened. Uber was okay, MvM was good, this new one is good but just too little too late. Going through a list of major tf2 updates, the vast majority are trash, some straight up detrimental to the game. Half the weapons are weird, useless, and unbalanced gimmicks, shit like Mann Up mode clearly shows the Tf2 team is massively out of touch, and is just throwing shit and seeing what sticks.

You have literally no clue about anything, yet you choose to run your mouth and show everyone you're a retard.

why does this never happen for me as McCree? Not as Hanzo either honestly despite the memes

I don't get the complaints about queue times. I've been playing since release and both comp and casuals queues have been less than 1 minute for me every time.
I'm European, maybe that has an effect on it?