when was the last time a video game made you happy
When was the last time a video game made you happy
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SSX 2012 and Bayonetta 1
Zero Time Dilemma
The game had flaws, but seeing the ride through to the end was fun. Of course, now I'm disappointed that I have no more VN/puzzle games to play until the next Phoenix Wright.
War for the overworld. Admittedly its nostalgia
winning in SFV & Overwatch.
Transformers/any P* game.
been happy playing it everyday since release
Experiencing Robocraft
Finally actually playing RTS, specifically SupCom FA
Victor Vran
Finally trying Dota 2 ..It's aight, but 45-60m games isn't an interesting feature.
Playing the monster hunter generations demo
videogame stoles my happyness
the entirety of persona 4 golden
then utter depression when it ended
Almost here brother.
Easily Dark Souls. It may be ridiculously hard, but god is it rewarding to defeat those bosses.
black mesa source
Last winter.
Played Rome total war with total realism mod and had a very lucky run with Trachians.
Been playing Witcher 3 again since Blood and Wine came out. That game sure as fuck makes me happy.
Im replaying all main story resident evil games. In the order they were released. Im really enjoying myself. So i would say today.
around 1999
Furi yesterday. Fun game.
Nuclear throne
>be mediocre at best
>One day I pick Melting
>No strong spirit
> No rhino skin
>Dodging bullets like no tomorrow
> Instaraped Lil Hunter
> Loop
>Become one with the sky
>Die at 1-3L
Playing pic related after waiting 9 years for it to release.
It's doing it right now, in fact. Although you fags wouldn't call it a game - it's Umineko.
I also had tonnes of fun with ZTD, as flawed as it is, and Stellaris. So yeah, unless you're an epic Sup Forums memer xD you can still have fun with videogames, no matter the actual gameplay.
Been playing Dragon Quest 5, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, and Yoshi's WW.
Sorry you don't get enjoyment out of them anymore. I would suggest to try another Hobbie.
Yesterday when I finished Tales of Symphonia. It was my firs Tales game and I was glad it wasn't ass and that I had fun.
Yesterday. Gothic 2 is truly a great game.
I miss it..
playing Freelancer multiplayer 10 years ago. Comfiest game ever made
A few minutes ago when I was playing FF XV's Platinum Demo. Sorry PC-friends.
yesterday. I played Dead Rising 2, Dual Destinies, and I will play Thief again soon. I fucking love videogames
Demon's/ Dark souls
wasn't able to enjoy anything after those. I actually turned away from gaming because I dont find any enjoyment in it anymore and have taken up reading literature. Had more fun reading good novels and novella in a month more than i did playing vidya in the past 5 years.
I'm never happy, I both fear and long for death
fallout 4
dressed up piper and she reminded me of an ex
would ask her how our relationship is for feels
Reading is the cure to modern vidya
>when was the last time a video game made you happy
honestly i can't even remember
This morning when I was playing black flag.
>mfw crew singing shanties while we go head on with storms and tornadoes
Teach me how to enjoy fiction. Shit bores me to death. Nowadays I can only read academic journals and books because everything else feels banal boring after a few pages.
Last night when I destroyed the scourge in Stellaris.
Massive Chalice. I just beat it this morning, take that Sup Forums.
Browse /lit/ for a bit. You'll learn soon enough.
Dog looks like it's on meth
Vanilla WoW
I am having massive amounts of fun with Hard Reset at the moment.
Fairly recent. I enjoy being a little rabbit girl unintentionally bullying other animal girls.
manjimutt more like methlab
Time to cry in a corner.
Playing any fighting games with friends
>aquire new fighting game
>screw around with the characters together, test them all out
>pick our faves and take them to the fun modes to get gud at them
>go back to normal mode and do a best of 3 with our new mains
This is the coolest shit ever, did it a few days ago with MK X
Bought a PS4 with Bloodborne not long ago. It's been a while since I had such a good time with a game.
The new Phoenix Wright looks kinda cool, going to a foreign land and showing their methods are wrong sounds like a cool concept
Learn to play and make it 20 min.
Today. I've been grinding to beat the hidden superbosses in the Dragon Quest remakes for the DS. Dragon Quest is super comfy.
pokemon go
with fake gps locator so i can play at home
Last time I completely lost myself in a game was Skyrim.
Don't laugh.
Katawa Shoujo actually inspired me to lose 100lb, get a job, and get a gf
W-what... ahahahhahahha
this list is memetastic
Not him, but hey it's better than the other way around. I have no idea what the fuck Katawa Shoujo is though.
This morning finishing Soul Sacrifice Delta
But wait, there's more
Pic related.
Played and completed it last year. Why i didn't listen to the advise of others and play it before is beyond me.
Currently playing Witcher 3, hands down best game I have ever played.
Before that?
I dunno.
It reminded me of how it felt to be a scared kid. What that felt like. And I felt like I knew myself better, and I was happy because that feeling was mixed with good and bad.
all them memories. Stop it
Last week when playing D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, and then the game ended on a cliffhanger. Right before things got really interesting. Thank god, I've got Yakuza 5 and the rest of the Persona series to finish. Just got the first two games and The Answer to finish with Persona.
And I've finished all the earlier Yakuza games before the fifth game.
I still crave death, but I'm going to delay it as much as possible while enjoying the things I want to enjoy in life.
I played Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows a few days ago.
Probably one of my new favorite games, honestly.
Finally getting to the throne in nuclear throne.
>when geralt looks into the camera
So fucking satisfying
Last week, playing Sonic Generations.
It's the most fun I've had with a game in about a month.
That feel when murderboning piece of shit tator with supermatter shard slips on cluwne PDA and gets thrown into his shard.
Shantae and the the Pirate's Curse.
Thank fuck HGH is coming soon.
My nigga, played it when it was released and still go back to it every now and then
ff12 yesterday was pretty fun.
Half an hour ago.
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
no shit, I play less of my other games and I'm happier, the game is just fun and you can't take it seriously, which is my problem with most including CSGO.
And every now and then you get matched against literal children and shit down fire upon them doing 30-0
Age of Decadence, Today
Serious Sam BFE, Yesterday
Serious Sam HD: TSE, A week ago
the fuck are you doing OP?
>play il2 bos
>go full autism an learn about boom and zoom/turn and burn shit
>friend does the same
>put the most effort we have ever put into a game into formation flying
>we shoot down nazi stukas
>our newfound autism power prevents us from taking a single hit
>crash land on airfield
>don't even care
>shoot flares at each other
putting some effort into something and having it pay off felt bretty gud
tfw 40 hours forever "you did not reach the nuclear throne"
If a game is good I'll enjoy it, unless it's supposed to make me feel a different emotion like sadness.
If a game is shit I won't have fun playing it so I won't be happy.
Games that I've played recently that I enjoyed:
Commando Republic, Final Fantasy 9, System Shock 2
Games that I've played recently that I haven't enjoyed:
Deus Ex, System Shock 1, Thief Gold
I just beat System Shock and System Shock 2 a couple days ago, so those.
Ace combat 5.
My Man.
I was going to post this, too. I played it three times already. It reminded me of playing the GOTYAY Oddworld.
Dude you are a straight up pussy
Probably Xenoblade chronicles X, before that Bayonetta 2.
Now I just play Fifa and fm16 bc everything else cant hold my attention.
beat metro 2033 a few weeks ago, im shit at games so for me it was quit ean accomplishment though that was the last time in a few years a game has made me feel anything other than boredom.
A couple hours ago playing pic related.
>back to 2000
>7 years old
>Pokemon and the GameBoyColor where the shit back then
>birthday, want to jump the wagon
>ask mom for a GBC and pokemon red
>she say yes
>go to local game stop
>ask for a copy of pokemon red and a GBC
>the guy told us that they are sell out
>about to cry
>mom ask the clerk if there was other stuff similar to the GBC
>dude show NeoGeoPocketColor along with pic related
>moms buy it
>being a piece of shit, i was very upset
>get home start playing
>realized game is goat
>best birthday ever.
I still play it along with Gal Fighters on my way to work on daily basis.
When I was 6 years old and played
Secret of Evermore
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Street Fighter II
Super Mario World
Super Castlevania IV
Witcher 3
I haven't been happy for a while until I picked up Grim Dawn on a whim last night...what a fun fuckin game. I was up all night and blew through all of my weed. Now I'm at work and tired as hell, looking at builds
Dunno how you can play games like Grim Dawn high, I never have the mental capacity to pay attention so I play ranked overwatch
The wait is killing me
When the black guy finally died at the end of Walking Dead
Glad you mentioned Terranigma. I just so happened to finish replaying Ilusion of Gaia a few months ago before life happened. It was the last time I was genuinely happy and I'm glad it was with vidya