Which one should I marry in Stardew Valley? Leah or Penny?

Which one should I marry in Stardew Valley? Leah or Penny?

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penny best girl

help her escape from her white trash life

Bob Saget.

Penny, leah is a vegan and penny is pure and has a hard life

Hmmm, I've never played this game OP but I will give you my analysis for naught regardless:

Both women seem to be very beautiful.
Left would be a better mother.
Right is better educated and would prolly let you be DINKS together (Double Income No Kids)

Cant see size of left's titties but going to have to assume they'd be reasonable.

Right is cute and knows it. She could potentially cheat on your ass or leave you if she gets bored.

Left definitely appears to be the safest bet. I hope you like kids, OP.

pick right

Abigail, you retard.

Is this a serious question? Obviously Leah is the better choice.

>marrying the reddit-tier tumblrhaired gamurgurl wife
neck yourself

Robin is best girl.

>tfw no tomboy carpenter countrybumpkin gf

>can't marry the manly men
>my only options are a bunch of anime fuccbois

I want to shelter and care for Linus

shes married to a nigger

>the girl who has zero practical skills or ambitions in life
>the girl who is stuck in the first level of a videogame for several years (to be precise, as long as you play)
>the rude entitled girl who doesn't respect her parents because she wants to be a special snowflake
>the girl who pretends to be a stronk womyn who don't need no man and doesn't conform to gender roles but shits her pants the second she sees a bat
>the girl who openly tells you she thinks she should've married Sebastian if you marry her

As if my little white dick could please her anyway

That was the point in the game when I just gave up on the idea of romance and just stuck to farming.

There's only one real answer.

The shota.

Wich one says that shit about Sebastian?

Leah because she doesn't make you pity her into marriage

Penny has green eyes, but Leah has better hair.

>tfw no Jas porn

Leah is the only one confirmed to be used goods

They all suck. Stardew Valley is an ok game but contrary to the games that inspired it, it has shit tier waifus.
>no nami
>no kate
>no ann

>muh purity

>doesn't want a pure wife
top cuck

>muh cuck porn

Leah will cuck you with Elliott. And to be fair, who wouldn't.

>caring about the purity of a video game character


That's Abigail right? What a bitch! Thanks user.

>Marrying Sebastian, the emo NEET
>Good idea

>cuter eyes
>cuter face
>cuter hair
>better fashion sense

*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*

>worthless, skill-less special snowflake tumblrina
>latching onto the manlet shut-in

Well seems like I will choose penny

>1.1 never

>getting cucked in a video game

>Implying this is after you've neglected her enough times to go through the first 8 stages
>Begins to openly regret her loveless marriage after her feelings go ignored for a long period of time
>lol what a bitch

Sasuga, Sup Forums

So now that the general is dead, what are some visual and appearance mods that are recommended? Haven't really played since it came out.

>tfw punching Leah's ex in the face


>trying to talk about shit you don't know nothing about
The "_9" means it's one of the 9 possible dialogue lines.

Even if you feed her an amethyst from your crystallizer on a daily basis she can still randomly wake up in a bad mood one day.

This tbqh.

>best girl
>can't marry
Why must they make me suffer.

>ctrl+f Emily
>0 of 0

Mayor takes what he wants and there's nothing you can do about it, farmer.

You mean her, right?

true suffering

>tumblr hair
no thanks

Why not both?

coloured hair = mental ilness

>anime hair color trope = tumblrhair

She was just with someone. Doesn't mean they boned.

Will Stardew Valley punish me for taking my time?
I'm only 15 or so days through Spring, but I'm afraid I'll get a shitty ending or something if I go multiple years in.
How much time am I allowed to waste making my farm looking pretty and wasting time in the Mines?

This drove me fucking insane.

>Start playing the game
>Talk to each bachelorette to see personalities
>Literally every one acts like a bitch
>Even talk to some of the bachelors
>They're all nicer than the girls
>See another "young" girl in town
>Talk to her
>She's genuinely nice to you
>Even says she wishes she could help you on the farm
>Goes to work unlike the others
>Takes on responsibility when her immature cunt of a sister won't
>Look her up and she's the only one you can't marry

yeah i bet you also believe sam didn't fuck penny when she was """"helping her up a tree""""

Infinite time.

As long as you want

There's an evaluation at the start of year 3, but it only gives you an item if you pass it (still, it's a very good one), and you get no penalties if you fail it

You can also take that evaluation again at any time

I can hope
But nah, Penny and Sam fucked.

Take as long as you need. There's only one event (Sam's) you can miss until the end of the first year because it makes no sense on the second year, but it's not really that important anyway.

She's not even married! WTF

>best girls are married
The fuck's the point of having marriage if you can't marry the good ones.
He even fucking went and made the best one marry a nigger

Thanks my friends, I'm going to take my sweet old time then.

All girls say the same thing about their paired partners if you neglect them.

Not anymore.

She and Shane are supposedly going to be marriage candidates in 1.1 whenever that happens.

just like real life bro....

When the fuck is the patch happening so I can fuck the blue haired tavern wench?

Also what do should I do during winter, I'm only half way through and it is boring

>can marry a depressed drunk

>another user talking about shit he doesn't know about
Hm, I wonder who I should believe, some stranger's baseless claims on a singaporean handpainting forum or the files I've extracted from the game?

Transform the kids room into a wine cellar, make money, live in peace.

>insulting my husbando

Don't get my hopes up user...

I realize that but I feel completely burned out from playing this game, I can't do another playthrough at least for another year maybe it'll actually be released by then


She really is.
Did you not read the game's website?

Marnie is always the right answer.

Haley > Abigail > Penny >>>> Mauru >>>>>>> Leah

I'd be more ok with it if he made the nigger decent
But he isn't
He's the fucking worst written character in the game
His entire character is "Hey look how smart I am isn't it amazing how I'm black and a scientist!"
and you know they barely fuck, he's "too busy with his research to notice you"

I went with Penny.

>having opinions this shit

>(note: anything in this list is subject to change)
One can dream, right? Thanks for the heads up tho

>vanilla portraits

It's been confirmed they'll add her as an option next update fampai

They probably won't. And if it does change, it won't change to Marnie.

This, the scientist is a cunt who only talks about his work and has literally no hobbies or interests. He also fucking hates you and tried to threaten you to stay away from his daughter because he believes you'll make her stupid just being around her.

Leah is hands down the most attractive pixelface in this game but she's a hipster and has a backstory involving an ex bf

Penny is just pure wife material. Maybe a little boring but that's a good trait in women. Also look at that chest.

>has a backstory involving an ex bf

If you play a girl it's an ex gf

Robin and Blackman dance together every fucking chance they get. They intentionally do it in front of you and everyone else.

Flames are still burning hot and Blackman's BBC is still tearing that shit up on a nightly basis.

to be fair, you've been neglecting her

Pretty sure the ex is just meant to be androgynous

Aren't they arguing while dancing in one event or something? Or was it someone else?

It's been a few weeks since I played but I'm pretty sure the ex was called a she in the cutscenes for me.

see spouses can randomly wake up in a rotten mood

>Wake up in a bad mood
>Husband/Wife has just finished working the fields and has made you a hot meal and given you a peck on the cheek before checking on your kids
>Say you hate them and wish you'd married somebody else

Jesus Christ

Abigail eats rocks and flowers.

post more pls

Do you have anything specific in mind?

Post Leah's?
She's only had one bad day with me, and all she said was "I don't want to get out of bed" or something along the lines of that

nice meme my fellow dragonkin headcannoneer XDDDD upboated

Is this supposed to be ironic?
She really does.

>being a Penny whiteknight