Any Pokemon GO horror stories yet?

Any Pokemon GO horror stories yet?

I haven't been able to confirm this, but apparently in my friend's hometown someone put a gym at an elementary school, which resulted in some guy being arrested for pointing his phone camera at the kids. And, allegedly, in my town some strip clubs have their own gym in order to ring in customers.

Oh, and this:

Other urls found in this thread:


Robbers set up a pokestop or whatever the fuck it's called and mugged like seven people or something.

>Start heading to closest Pokestop
>See girls outside hanging out with each other
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away

I hope you enjoyed crashing into those girls.

>28 year old
>pedobear driving the van

What did they meme by this

>360 degrees and walk away
nigga, you walking in the same direction then

Heard some guy was streaming Pokemon GO in his car and he witnessed a murder. Then the guy who killed the person started driving after him.

Sounds staged.

Hey newfriends

He moonwalked away, ya dumbuns.

This is who browses Sup Forums now

All three of you people get (You)'s for this horrible performance. Great job I wish I were dead 10/10

clearly a staged event to gain viewers

This is the end times

>moonwalked away

Google "turn 360 and walk away". The first hit is a reddit thread asking about it. Go there and stay there.

I bet you think you can't target Emrakul with Oblivion Ring, too.

>People don't know about this anymore
I've been here too long.

Good job Nintendo

Has it been that long?

Apparently I've got a Pokemon right upstairs in my building. I could not give less of a fuck.

what game is he from?

>which resulted in some guy being arrested for pointing his phone camera at the kids
this isn't illegal in any state as far as i'm aware

also how is strip clubs bringing in customers with it a horror story, sounds like a happy ending if you ask me

D-do you know know what a moonwalk is?

>redditor outs himself as a new fag

Why does reddit come here if they can't even google a simple phrase? He literally had to go and create a post for a question?

See the thing is, the people that go "oh don't you remember this" are redditors too. You guys just want to fit in or something and knowing an epik maymay from days gone by is for some reason important to you. Noone gives a shit you mongs

There was a thread earlier and just about 90% of the people there admitted they browsed reddit

neo-Sup Forums indeed

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.

You got me. Reddit's still a shitpit though.

About 11 years now.

Why are people into this so much? Why do people lack so much self control?

>Why does reddit come here
Spicy memes.

You obviously give a shit, I can taste the tears from here.

>americans glued to their phone to the point of causing physical harm

And I thought the Wii-strap messages were retarded and unnecessary

thanks for the visualized help, but i still donĀ“t get it

Get the fuck out of here reddit

It's as real as the stories of people runing into traffic to catch a mon

i've never been on reddit aside from the occasion where i've been linked there by someone else (or for back when i played diablo 2 on their server, they still have the best d2 server available imo)

i only know it from back when i first found Sup Forums in like 2008, people were posting it a lot then

i didn't say it is or isn't real, just that i'm pretty sure it's not illegal

Those warnings weren't a joke user. My grandpa died in a freak wiimote/woodchipper accident.

When the Xbox 360 was announced, some retard said it was called the 360 because when you see it you turn 360 degrees (i.e. a full circle) and walk away.

Thus it was decided that the only logical way this could happen would be for the person to, after making the turn, to moonwalk away from the Xbox.

>giving (YOU)s to such a retarded post

You're the reason they keep shit posting.

i dont get it

its like those old barcode scan games but they show up in the wild and you captured them and thats it

are people just nostalgia-cumming because its pokemon?

The only reason I haven't thought about using Reddit is because you have to set up an account and the banter isn't that great.


this punk has great dancing skills

>Those old barcode scan games
Fuck me that was a nostalgia trip I wasn't expecting.

Basically yeah.

Did I hear spicy

it was either 2009 or 2010 (let's say 2011 -- but no later) since i've last heard of this meme.

When the Xbox 360 came out, some very clever sonyfag posted that it is called the 360 because when you see it you turn around 360 degrees and walk away. This requires you to walk backwards, a dance move popularized by American pop singer Michael Jackson, called the moonwalk.

Are you saying the only reason you're here is to shitpost?

Isn't that why we're all here? We're posting in a Pokemon GO thread, after all.

>being this much of a newfag

are you not?

We are all little girls on the inside

he must be australian

Don't know if this is real or not, but closest one to actually be related to pedophile stories

>this isn't illegal in any state as far as i'm aware
Not enough for a conviction, no. But, for example, if a school staffer found such a person a credible enough threat to the children on property, it's at least enough to call the cops and have the person escorted somewhere else. County jail at best, if I'm predicting this correctly. And if there were any charges, they would likely be just misdemeanors.

>this punk

>knowing a meme makes you a redditor
>not knowing a meme makes you a redditor
>yfw we are all redditors
>yfw Sup Forums is now reddit

Someone just used a lure at a park nearby
No one should be awake at this time
Do I go?

Obvious shot at adults being the main users of the app comparing them to children that can be lured with the promise of a rare pokemon like a dumb preschooler with candy

>le me playing Pokemon Go on campus
>Go to a starbucks to train my bitchin' Charizard like a boss
>Meet some cute girls wearing the Love Pink clothing brand all huddled together
>They're playing Pokemon Go
>Me Gusta
>Have a Socially Awesome penguin moment as I approach them and bring up how cool Pokemon is
>"OMG yaaassss I feel like I'm 10 years old again"
>[Wanz voice] This is fucking awesome!
>We beat the Gym battle and bae catches Onyx
>She names the Onyx after me
>Before saying goodbye we trade numbers and 3DS friendcodes (fuck yes, she's a gamer too!)

Gentlemen I require maximum brofist because this was a triumph, im making a note here HUGE SUCCESS

>also how is strip clubs bringing in customers with it a horror story, sounds like a happy ending if you ask me
It's still a little weird seeing a franchise I associate childhood with being used by... not kid-friendly things. But I shouldn't be surprised. I've met a couple strippers who had a Pokemon tattoo somewhere.

>Not enough for a conviction, no. But, for example, if a school staffer found such a person a credible enough threat to the children on property, it's at least enough to call the cops and have the person escorted somewhere else.
they can call the cops and have them escort you off the property, but they can't detain you if they're not charging you with a crime

also they'd be real assholes to do that without at least first asking you to leave themselves

Fuck off

this is bait, do not reply. I am sacrificing myself for others sake.

pokemon is pretty ubiquitous, it's not surprising that people want to leverage its popularity to bring in customers


I came here in 2014 but holy fucking shit you two are new.

If this isn't pasta, it needs to be in the future.


>all these people who don't know what moonwalking is
>lel it's just reddit meme I don't have to know this!
>I'm not 13 years old I swear!


do we have any consolidated tips yet? how do u get great throws?

Cool story, bro 9_9

>how to catch a normie in 2016

>tfw 29 and have never listened to single song by michael jackson OR prince

Wanna fight about it?

I unironically laughed at this

Here's one that surprisingly very few people seem to know: after throwing a pokeball and missing, you can recollect them again by just tapping on them.

>which resulted in some guy being arrested for pointing his phone camera at the kids.

do people not fucking realize the AR aspect is fucking optional and toggle-able even

my phone has a flip-cover which obscures the camera so I don't even fucking bother

You don't need to listen to MJ to know what moonwalking or the 360 meme is

Really? I need to try that shit.

Me neither, but to completely block out major pop culture memes takes a special kind of autism.

can vouch for this type shit

found a blastoise hotspot in the middle of ghettopolis NOWHERE NEAR WATER. I valued my phone more than some rare mon.

Once upon a time people used to browse this site as a means of creating mutual enjoyment.

But then people decided being funny was too "reddit" and we all had to make each other miserable or it wasn't Sup Forums. Ironically, this rule was probably devised by reddit rejects who never understood Sup Forums to begin with.

Fake as fuuuck

>never listening to MJ or Prince
Your life is shit m8

fake as fuck

fake as fuck

It annoys me that they didn't use RBY's in-game font for this

>major pop culture memes
>pop culture memes
>culture memes

Everything is a meme now.

>no job
>no phone
>never owned a phone before
>no money
>no friends

everywhere I look it's this game.. I was walking yesterday and last night and people were out everywhere playing this game. I was by a park late last night, 2AM, people were out there for this game doing stuff. More were pulling up in their cars, rolling down the window and doing something with their phones. Two people stopped, rolled down their window and asked me what color I was, but I didn't know what they were talking about at the time.

>Because no one can join /v's family anymore
I'm disappointed in you user

Whats so bad about it? Game makes kids go outside and even talk to others. Or get their shit beat up, it's still better than zero interaction with world.

>no phone



I live with my parents, they have cell phones but keep paying for home phone.

Home phone is the only phone I have access to.

Are you happy?

Except MIlhouse

I'd actually like to see this posted on Reddit so I could see their reactions to it.

Surely not even them would take it seriously r-right..?

get a job lol

>Kyrie Tompkins, a 22-year-old freelance web designer, fell on the pavement and twisted her ankle while wandering in Waterville, Maine, last week.
>"It vibrated to let me know there was something nearby and I looked up and just fell in a hole," she says.

Pokemon GO is weeding out the retards.