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When you pre-order Skyrim remastered of course



how would this even work ?

What do you mean? It would be a Los Santos game set in the 80's. Not very complicated.



Why in Los Santos?


when will I be the rider?

That literally looks like 5

Because Los Angeles was the center of the universe in the 80's.
It's downtown Los Angeles.

Why not Vice City, I'm so done with the GTA V map

Why not both?

>tfw no San Andreas Stories
>tfw no Los Santos Stories

Maybe if the Vita hadn't flopped so hard.

>not vice city

I wouldn't mind it if they just kept adding to the GTA V map like Saints Row 2 did instead of starting all over

There's a lot of LA that isn't in GTA V. The entire San Fernando Valley, for instance.

I guess they could somehow make the V map accessible via airplane or some other shit, but I'd really like a new city soon

So just put some more landmass down and add San Fierro or Las Venturas or even both.

Yeah I've thought that could work, though it would make load times even longer. Venturas would fit the whole heist theme but it would be pretty lame as a standalone game. That map also makes quite a bit of sense with how things are laid out, there are the mountain ranges to the northeast giving the illusion that the desert continues on the other side, plus that highway that doesn't go anywhere when you drive out of Los Santos

>I'd really like a new city soon
What's left that would be worth the time to create? Chicago? That's just New York Jr.

A new Vice City, San Fierro or Venturas. It's going to be one of them

Why don't they just make loading screens like in Vice City if the world map size is an issue? But more likely it's the cost of creating it.

>A new Vice City,
Instant GOAT
>San Fierro
No one gives a shit about San Francisco any more, and there's nothing there but a fucking bridge.
>or Venturas.
A mob story would probably come off as trite and rehashed, but there's not much else you can do with Vegas.
>It's going to be one of them
The choice seems clear.

This map would be so good. Imagine standing at the top of Mt. Chilliad and seeing 3 different cities.

Now imagine it in the 80's.

Honestly HD los santos already gave me that vibe. The colourful sunsets in V remind me a lot of vice city.

Honestly Chicago would be perfect. I'm tired of the Gta series recycling old enviroments, but rockstar will probably remake maimi because everyone has such a hard on for vice city and they know it will sell.

>Honestly Chicago would be perfect

You know that the term vice is solely associated with maimi right? It's not a general term for 80's aesthetic and has nothing to do with 80's L.A. Culture

>I guess they could somehow make the V map accessible via airplane

See this is something they could've done if consoles hadn't held PCs back. This is easily done for PC users now.

You mean Carcer City?

Sup Forums kiddies getting BTFO

You're an idiot. Vice isn't a term, it's a standard, everyday word. And it's associated with Miami because of Miami Vice. And it was called Miami Vice because the show was about 2 detectives on Miami PD's "Vice" squad. And every city had/has a "Vice" squad.
Vice has nothing to do with Miami, dumbass.
TWO retards?

Because it has a high amount of gang violence and crime.
It's one of the most dangerous places to live in the United States.
There's a lot of story potential and it's relevant.
It's a place that rockstar can reinvent and make something new.
Fits into the Gta platform well

Please, Just Cause is much larger than any GTA map and it runs fine on consoles

I'm talking about using GTAV as an optional map to travel to from another game.

But Chicago is a boring city. Aesthetically it's boring and the city design/layout would make for a bland game. And only the one area of Chicago is fucked up.

Yeah no shit. Everyone knows it comes from Miami vice, but over the years the word has turned into a staple for 80's Miami, examples: archer vice & vice city.
fucking retard

>only one area of Chicago is fucked up

>fucking retard
>You know that the term vice is solely associated with maimi right?
ayy lmao
You really are a clueless dipshit, huh?

>not just wanting Rockstar to make Stingray:The Game
Come on.

>wanting to play in San Andreas AGAIN

I'd like to play a GTA game that's not set in "not New York" or "not LA" please

>archer vice
Only like 2 episodes of that season were in Miami.
So play Vice City and Vice City Stories, nigger.

Fuck you, you know I meant I wanted a modern GTA.
Vice city stories sucks ass too

>Vice city stories sucks ass too
No worse than the other "Stories" games.

Hey guys, have you heard of this Miami news website, Vice dot com?

There's only one other Stories game

Isn't there Liberty City Stories and Chinatown Stories?

Chinatown Wars

Was anyone else disappointed with how small downtown Los Santos was, it barely had any skyscrapers.


Well, when you consider the area of the whole city it was pretty proprtional. But I kinda wish the whole thing was larger. You never really get the feeling that you're in a sprawling metropolis, especially with the road layout which makes it entirely too simple to drive straight across the whole thing. It helped IV that you had to take bridges from one borough to another

I'm honestly waiting for the day Rockstar says "Fuck it" and brings back the 3D Universe timeline.

DTLA is actually pretty huge in proportion to the incorporated and unincorporated cities within LA.


All of this is DTLA. It's basically a giant circle in the middle of LA.
Refresh my memory on the difference.

>this is americans city of dreams

>Paris is the most beautiful city on Earth

Said noone ever.

I wonder how long it would take for Rockstar to make a city this size given their stubbornness with never copypasting buildings.


No no no no no no

Please stop with this. Haven't you fucked this corpse enough?

There are better corpses to fuck.

Why don't you idiots want a 70s blaxploitation GTA?

Are you that afraid of niggers?

There would be no benefit to perfectly replicating that much sprawl when there's so much more to the city that they still haven't gotten to.
The 70's were boring, culturally. Shit was so fucking bland Jimmy Carter got elected.

Will it have things to do or will it be like IV and V?

Bowling and Yoga don't quality as activities

Who the fuck ever cared about mini games in GTA? Even in San Andreas it was just something you tried out once just to see what it was before going back to the meat of the game which is drive around doing crazy stunts, chilling while listening to music, pretending to be a psychopath or mess with the police.

San Andreas and Vice City had all kinds of activities, like the dirt racing in the stadium, bike stunts in the same stadium, the bike ring challenge at the dry docks of San Fierro and more. You simply had more things to do in VC/SA than IV/V, and the things you do in the HD era games are garbage, I don't want to play tennis or darts in a fucking driving/shooting game.

Im just really afreiad of black people. I go on Sup Forums to state my dominance tho.

Why the hell would you need a dirt bike min game when you can just drive dirt bikes doing all kind of crazy stunts directly in free roam?

the element of challenge, racing by yourself alone in some mountain is just autism while the dirt races were entertaining

also the demolition derby you could do in SA was great, ramming cars in open world in IV/V simply is not as good

You can set up your own challenges sperglord

I'm not autistic, I enjoy a good dirt race, but I'm not going as far as imagining shit just to enjoy a game. Sounds like a person desperate for content he has to play make believe.

>i want to virtually ride dirtbikes competitively in GRAND THEFT AUTO

Well what can I say. Enjoy having others telling you how to have fun then.

But in San Andreas there were two dirt bike mini games AND you could fuck around on a dirt bike if you wanted to. Why only have one choice?

GTAV has a totally unused motocross track, it wouldn't take a huge effort to add a few more races.

this guy nailed it >I would like to see content in an open world game that the previous ones delivered
yeah, what a bizarre concept, those entitled little shits thinking they know what they want

>i want the same dumb shit over and over, OK!?

>I want less content than 20 years old games, OK!?

Here. Next time you play GTA V, go to that dirt road and then look at this image. This mini game is free of charge. Maybe now you too can find enjoyment in riding dirt bikes in GTA :^)

>i don't know what [current year] is, OK!?
All games have less content now than 20 years ago, you stupid nigger. A much larger portion of resources have to be put into graphics now. Only an entitled little bitch thinks GTA V is lacking in content. It's $60, not $600.

You may not find Los Angeles beautiful (I do), but you must admit that it is sublime.

But make no sense. One of the faggots from "Love Fist" isn't alive in GTA V? What a fuck these timelines?

What exactly is troubling you my son?

Who cares about niggers. That is why I don't like San Andreas. Is pure "dindu nuffin" and "gangsta" shit. Half of the radios play fucking rap about dicks, pussies and gold chains. I hate ghetto culture.
Vice city has class. Mafia, sports cars and party suits.

70s niggers =/= 90s niggers.

If you don't want a nigger with an afro karate chopping his way through a bunch of mafiosos and yakuza, you're a total faggot.

>The 70's were boring, culturally

The 80s are much less entertaining culturally than the 70s.

Timelines are not the same? The City looks different, but Zelda Games do that too. And the Timeline still is the same.

I usually race online, the load times are a bitch but despite everything I still enjoy fucking around in V

If GTA timelines confuse you it must be hell for you to try to comprehend how all the different batman movies fit in on one timeline.

It just annoys me that all the streets are straight but the highway is crooked. But I guess it's something to do with safety, drivers won't just zone out if they have to turn a little

Boy, have I got just the game for you.

Is that danald trump up top?

No, it's Tonald Drump.

Nah. No way Nolan movies and Schumacher crap are in the same universe.

Yes, to allow cuckolds everywhere to live out their fantasy of being a proud african warrior killing that racist, sexist, xenophobic white bigot Trump.

Good. Now apply that line of thought to the GTA games

This game isn't way before the crazy SJW thing in gaming?

They included Trump as a killable NPC and it isn't coming out for another three months. What the fuck do you think, retard?

SJW have always been around

Gaming is just their newest conquest