SNK does what Crapcom don't

SNK does what Crapcom don't

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They look worse, good job.

I'm more glad Angel cut back on the cocaine.

Literally gayman: the post.

and removing shadows too apparently

Hold on, they made the model worse? What's up with her face on the right? I thought they were improving the graphics, not making them worse.

bigger is not automatically better

Capcom makes sales ;)

I wish I could vote with my wallet for these fighting games but I hate fighting games.

But isn't that just the jiggle physics captured at 2 different stages of bouncing? Second pic while going down, first pic while bouncing back up?


>Being this much of a triggered little faggot

Go beta orbit around some thick framed, dyed hair Tumblrite you nu-male cuck.

Not according to their latest SF V report

>niche fucking game since 1994
>SJW finally complains

what the fuck

what a fag

I prefer the other girl desu senpai

I'd bang both honestly. Very cute faces.

Shape > Size

You're into Ryan Gosling?

a real man loves breasts of all sizes

bigger is better tho

they are not bigger, it seems they took the screenshot while they were bouncing mid animation, their shape is too weird to be their resting pose

If Ryan Gosling had a sister, I wouldn't mind him watching.

Those boobs are photoshopped, lads. Look closely.

>t. pixel expert


That's a pretty roundabout way of asking for source.

nobody complained about this shit. Where are these so called complaining SJWs?

>Colors on the boobs are more crisp than anywhere else in the photo
>Bra looks blurry
>Boobs so big should cast a bigger shadow under them
It's photoshop, it's pretty damn obvious.

You'd think japanese companies would pretend to not understand english.

>responding at all
just keep your shit intact you fucking idiots

They actually aren't. That's some fucking old school Christina Model.

So it's like I said.
>t. pixel expert

Large tits are fine.
HUGE tits are not.

>they made her bigger boobs
and completely removed shadows?

Why does the one on the right look like a PS2 model?

No one complained about Angel. SJWs don't even know what KoF is.

>Her left boob is smaller than the right one
Can't unsee.

They're the same size. Only the angle and lighting are different. It's still good that they ignored it.

I’m a woman who has played a fucking loads of video games and here’s something I’ve noticed on Sup Forums: whenever you talk about female protagonists in games, you always hear exactly the same responses.

Always. I’m not talking about the absolute meat-heads here; the ones who genuinely think that women aren’t really proper people and don’t welcome their presence online or anywhere.

I’m talking about the people who don’t seem to understand why this stuff is even an issue. Why is having female characters with big breasts such a big deal? Aren’t we living in a post-race, post-feminist world where we don’t need to get so angry about these things?

Well, no, we’re not, unfortunately, and though great progress is being made, it is important to keep these issues in mind if we’re ever going to break through the narrow marketing-defined definition of what games and gamers are. So here are five of the most frequent responses to recurring requests for more playable women in games, and why they’re misguided.

Just my two cent, also fuck you guys and this thread. Its true what they say about this place

Looks oily.

Because you never played a PS2 game like every one who says that.

I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.

Then go back to Tumblr, nigger

Cutting your dick off doesn't make you a girl

Pretty sure I have, else I wouldn't have anything to compare it to. The one on the left looks like an actual modern, up-to-date character model.


lol what a gay

Pretty good bait senpai
Had me for a moment

I'm glad they did that but why does the model look worse? Did they use all the budget on her tit job?

>came to a thread about breasts
>on an image board known for anonymity
>Find horndogs and trolls

Wow, its almost like you should have known better.

Why does everyone poke fun at kof's graphics but ignore P5 and nepnep?

>People actually falling for old-ass copypastas

here's (You)r (You)

nice pasta

nice pasta

>So here are five of the most frequent responses to recurring requests for more playable women in games, and why they’re misguided.
Where the fuck are the 5 responses?

>replying to copypasta
Don't shit up this KOF thread any more than you have to.


People mock Nepnep for so much else, and P5 is too busy having constant consolewars to actually talk about the game, good or bad.

Because neps are literally retarded

It's too late. The newfriends have arrived in droves.

tits or fuck off you know the rules

I genuinely used to care what everyone had to say about everything, but it got to a point where it just wore me down.
My complete disconnect and contempt for other people has lead me back into loving video games again.

Let people think what they want. The generation of people who didn't grow up with games, who think they're just electronic toys will die son.

The world is transient user, let go of your worries and let time engulf everything you ever cared about. Block it out with retro video games whatever truly makes you happy.

STFU nigger.

You seem to think something matters in this world. Big news: nothing matters and taking at heart stupid matters just make you look silly. The world will go on and your opinion will be forgotten. Peace.

You could not be any more new if you tried.

>Lazy shadows and thousand yard stare
Is this why people think KOFXIV doesn't look leagues better than SFIV?
Just a bunch of haphazard lighting and effects that age like milk?

Not gonna post them, literally getting attacked by you people as soon as I post

This goes to show

you mad faget?

This man gets it

Good job desu

The model on the left has only direct lighting, and no normal mapping

The model on the right has proper skin normal mapping but its not complete with the pbr indirect lighting.

Totally agree.
I'm *waves* nice to meet you.
Let's enjoy our fleeting existence and video game titties. I'm not being sarcastic.

Western developed games and movies care too much about opinion without focussing on making something good or fun, and it's why they're shitty most of the time. Good point.

I geuinely only play games for my carnal desires. Why the fuck else would you bother with them?

Yes. Wanna have hatesex? ;)

bouncing breasts in fighting games look stupid as fuck. just look at this shit


Literally dont give a shit since i wont be using her.

artfag here. The photo is tinted orange + overexposed. This leads to the blue being more greyed into a color that's a pretty normal shadow color for white objects. It's not so weird that people would indentify it as white and gold even though anyone which rudimentary color vision and knowledge would easily see the right colors

SJWs, like most people, don't even know this game exists. I'm almost certain now it's just paid marketers and desperate animefags trying to shill this game to death on Sup Forums and other websites. SNK is in for a rude awakening when they find out their "fanbase" is annoying the fuck out of everyone and killing the game.

but Ryona is my fetish and I like beating girls

t. virgin

Honestly the new KOF looks completely awful. And i dont like sf

And the graphics look shitter


People like you are why the word "pussy" will never die out.

I love Viperposters.

>would easily see the right colors

The right colors are white and gold.

Your art degree up your ass.

It's white and gold. Deal with it fagqueer.

>steelbook is ugly af
man, why not put a cute girl on it or something.
it's not like they shy away from using the girls for their marketing.
or at least multiple characters, or at least least terry bogard.

Based devs

Martin Luther King was a SJW.

Bull Connor was an anti-SJW.

HAHAHAHAHA get fucked, faggot. They weren't on a level where more bobs would hurt. Stop being so fucking gay.

I love how the capitalized on how retarded this was and made a white and gold dress. They undoubtedly made some mad bank from it.


Here's my pic you fag

Hey bb, wanna wrassle?

It always astounds me how easy it is to get some virgins defend literally ANYTHING you do as soon as you pander to them. Like, make some tits a bit bigger, add tit ""physics""", make one or two slutty outfits and you are guaranteed to have a bunch of useful tools who attack anyone who critizes the game for the rest of its lifespan.

Man, Cosmo really fucked up

Look closelier.

>Neofag the post
Get fucked, liberal faggot.

The rgb values are literally white and gold
