>Playing Pokemon White 2 while at work.
>Female coworker walks up.
"user, did you finish the weekly... you still play Pokemon?"
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, I emailed Boss user earlier."
"You still play Pokemon?"
"Uh, sorta? I recently thought I might try it again after all these years."
>This is true.
"Don't lie to me, you just don't want to admit you're a just a huge child."
"No, really, I don't usually..."
"Why don't you just try growing up a little and not play Pokemon?"
>She starts talking about how I never grew up/am immature.
>Office starts asking if I still watch cartoons/play Magic/Yugioh.

>Fast forward 3 years to today.
"user, you should play this new game, Pokemon GO!"
>Want to say it's for children. That she should grow up.That she shouldn't be wasting her time on things like that.
>Can't do it without looking like a dick.

Couldn't be more assblasted.

it sounds like the real problem is you're a pushover

>Flash forward 3 years to today

What a cuck lmao

Time travelers are not allowed on Sup Forums. Get out and don't post any 2019 spoilers, faggot.

>Letting people talk down to you
Stop being a beta.

Missing the part where you spilled your spaghetti

normies, not even once

I meant 2013, but whatever, my point still stands, I'm annoyed that I can be made fun of for playing Pokemon while she can push Pokemon on others with no repercussion.

> working with women
topkek, I bet you went to university too

She was right you know

>"Don't lie to me, you just don't want to admit you're a just a huge child."
>"No, really, I don't usually..."

that's where you went wrong you dumbass.
you're backpedaling like an embarrassed cuck and getting all defensive over being called a child.

a simple "yep. so what?" would have ended it right there and prevented any further cuckoldry

>things that LITERALLY happened

Things that never happened for $500

>caring about being a dick

unless the person can beat you up you should always threat them like a raging asshole

not to mention women love it

You should have said that you dont care about her shitty opinion.

So what you're saying is that you're upset that you can't verbally abuse a woman? Typical Sup Forums misogynistic bullshit yet again. Grow up you manchild.

They're right, you are a child faggot if you are over 17 playing Pokémon in public and you are also right that the same applies to them. I haven't hated every character in a story so much since Eternal Sunshine (fucking trash movie)

How does game of Thrones end?


Well, you kinda let it happen when you let her talk shit to you. Going full "OMG I'M AN ADULT I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT" isn't a good thing either, you could've just gone full "well i enjoy it and it helps me relax" or whatever.

Also, Good for you for not being a mongoloid and treating her like she treated you. Life helps those who don't act like fucking faggots.


>Getting told by a fucking woman

What the fuck

Man up to it, faggot.

If you act like you're the shit for enjoying cat videos on YouTube, she'll think there might be something cool about it. Or not but the chance of you getting shit on is a lot lower.

Stannis captures a shiny ponyta

>Has a time machine
>Still plays Pokemon

Naw, I worked at a Best Buy when I was a teen a stroke of luck got me promoted to manager which let me apply to an office building as a resident technician at a comfy $19+/hr.

>Playing Pokemon 2013 bad.
>Playing Pokemon 2016 good.

You're right, I was too naive for my own good back then.

What is I don't live with my parents so me being a kind enough person secures my job?

Smug queen revives and gives you a blowjob.

Nah this sounds legit. I only took my 3ds out in public once to hatch some eggs while I was waiting in line at a midnight showing for some movie. Some cock sleeve jock-types laughed about how I was on my 3ds, then proceed to get on their phone to play a mobile game.

What's more I can only imagine they are playing PokemonGo just like everyone else with a dead phone battery because muh nostalgia.

It's not even that great of a game, it's just that it has the name pokemon on it.

>yep. so what?

Manchild spotted. Just because you don't care what other people think of you doesn't make you any less pathetic. Go back to watching mlp

You're a pushover who thinks he's smarter than he actually is

so you came from the future OP, right?

how was The Last Guardian?

That never happened

It's a completely different game. Traditional pokemon promotes autism while GO combats it.

>being the workplace pushover manbabby that everyone shits on in private

lol nerd

Anyone who tells you to "grow up" for having a hobby is a cunt and should be treated like one

Give her the same treatment, you faggot

The problem is you were playing Pokemon on a game console as opposed to a phone. Normalfags are fine with games as long as it's on a phone.

You know, the problem isnt even playing pokemon. It's because you need to use a handheld system to play pokemon white 2, which may look childish from a girls or even a normie's perspective. Pokemon go in the other hand is played on a cellphone, which everyone already has and use for other stuff as well as playing for some minutes, so its much more socially acceptable.

People just cant accept that someone is willing to bring a handheld just for gaming while they can 'game' on their cellphones.

Rate my catch pendejos.

>everyone calling OP a cuck or manbabby
so what was the right course of action?


>Want to say it's for children. That she should grow up.That she shouldn't be wasting her time on things like that.

By doing exactly that and pointing out her hypocrisy

le funny paint image meme :D simply epic!

>this happened

She was obviously trying to hit on him you autist. Why is this even a question?

You're the one who chose to not say anything.

>letting the woman dominate the conversation in the first place
>not just shutting the dumb bitch down

>put lure on pokestop
>children come

Women have no sense of critical taste, the sooner you don't care about what they think the better.
That's not to say they can't be critical, they just can't discern what to be critical about - they will routinely flip-flop on an issue or hop on the bandwagon endlessly to fit in with the current fads. They cannot appreciate something as good at its core without its 'coolness' (as dictated by normie opinion) severely affecting their judgment. It happens somewhere between the tween an teenage years.

>year 200X
>tell a girl about GitS
>constantly bitches and moans about how boring it is, basically need to force her to watch past 5 episodes of SAC
>user it's so boring etc etc
>2016, GitS movie announced. Acts like she's been a longtime fan who knows everything about the series
>repeat ad infinitum with every book series, video game franchise, cartoon, movie, music ever

Is it true that better types of Pokémon appear when you're a higher level?

Telling that cunt to shut the fuck up and stop ridiculing him.

>you can borrow it if you want to play it so badly
All he had to say. She clearly was too shy to admit she likes Pokemon and was bullying him because she liked him.

Please stop shitposting

i'm level 13 and almost got moltres after 2 great bolls but then he fled

>Calling out something that happened fucking 3 years ago
Sometimes i wonder if you people get out of your basements

Been there, done that, damn cowards, say that shit to my face!

Fucking cowards, gossip like women.

You sound like the betaest of cucks I've ever heard.

How about you grow some balls and tell that bitch to mind her own fucking business and that nobody asked for her shitty fucking opinion.

If she's not actively sucking your dick you owe her 0 explanations. Man the fuck up OP

You think that is basement dweller shit? You've never been in a relationship, have you?