Why don't people like this game?

Why don't people like this game?
It's one of the best super hero games ever

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Because ther series went in the wrong direction, it went full retard.

I don't want a super hero game

>virtual reality
Call me autistic but this is always a deal breaker for me.

it's very fun when it comes to gameplay but there isn't much to do after you get 100%, and the co-op experience is full of game breaking bugs

Lazy as fuck sequel using not only the same engine, but the same map as SRIII. Superpowers also made vehicles utterly redundant.

Because copy-paste steelport.
Open-world feels dead outside of missions.

Powers r fun but feel too gimmicky, like just more weapons rather than an innate part of the game like InFamous or prototype.

Why is Gat out of Hell so terrible? A game around Gat would have been great but this is awful.

Agents of Mayhem seems pretty terrible too.

Should have gone with Saints Row: Cops

They took a game series known for customization, especially vehicle modding, and threw it out the fucking window. There was virtually no reason to use cars in SR4.


Game and gameplay is fun as fuck on its own, only autists complain about it and their only complain is that series changed direction like this retard here My complain is the lack of text based chat function, and not to much clothes to dress in. Also there is a huge amount of dumb dlc

I don't like it because It's too obsessed with showing how cool It is, shouting how you probably don't care about the story and just want some excuses to blow up stuff, I get It, stop making the protagonist say It to me every single fucking mission, also the powers feel clunky, and
make the cars useless.
But I liked this tower missions, where you climb those giant buildings with your powers, those were kinda fun.

because it was made cheaply

>Should have gone with Saints Row: Cops
it would look the same with Agents of Mayhem.
volition is gearbox now

>Waaaah, why don't you like what i like?
Maybe some people wanted a new Saints Row instead of Crackdown 2.1.

They went for the Memelands crowd, and it worked. So they decided to keep making 'le ironic memes XD' games. I seriously hate this trend. The dubstep gun is the most crinigy thing I ever fucking seen in a video game

At least they could have gone back to Stillwater. The boss and the gang as cops.

At least then we would go back to customisation and dressing up.

True Crime: Saints of Stillwater

it sucked

engine sucks customization sucks side missions suck take out all the DLCs you don't even have a game

it fucking sucks

>Also there is a huge amount of dumb dlc
Daily reminder that the Cuck King himself is a DLC character in this game

I liked the tiddiephysics. Too bad it was all virtual, it's the only uncensored version I could by thanks to that.

It's a shit super hero game. Should have stuck to being a good GTA-like instead

It was obviously just a large saints 3 expansion pack, they relied too much on "oh for this mission your super powers don't work for handwaved reasons" instead of figuring out how to work them in, it was repetitive as all fuck, there wasn't anything new and they took out some of the better side missions. All in all it was fun but you could tell they rushed to turn an expansion pack into a full priced game.

There is even a DLC where they discuss this and what they wanted to pack into the expansion. It was forced by the publisher.

Because it's shit.
Jesus, I wish I could play Saints Row 2 again. But I can't. That game port is broken as fuck.

2 layers of irony don't make the shitty QTEs, shooting, design and writing any good.

Bought it for $5 on sale.

I regret everything. Shit Game.


SR2/1 fags want their gangsta simulator back.

play gta then

Because it relied entirely on established things in Saints Row 3, to the point where it honestly should have been called Saints Row 3.5 or something similar, instead of opping to make it seem like it was an entirely new game filled with actual new content.

Not to mention the superhero powers got old really quick and made steelport seem SUPER small compared to when you had to use vehicles to get anywhere.

The use of aliens and no gangs also basically killed many points that were part of the last three games, leaving a empty hull of a game that could honestly be branded as 'generic superhero game' rather than an open-world action adventure.

Now I see why Sup Forums hates it, at first I had similar opinion as OP, and I still agree.

If you haven't played any previous games and this is your first Saint's row, then you will undoubtedly love it, since the gameplay in incredible fun - from powers to weapons to vehicles(that you can summon) also the humour is legitimately good(again, on it's own) and there is LOT of content.

Idc if they decide to keep going in this direction, but oldfags might have problems with it.
However it sold well, so we know what will happen.

Is this your first SR too OP?


It took place in VR

After playing SR2 for the first time in 2015, I can't enjoy SR4 anymore.

No I played 3 for my first SR then 4.
I tried to play 2 and didn't realize how shit pc version was, I thought people were exaggerating. I haven't tried with the gentleman of the row mod yet

I know right, fuck that noise. What was the point of making a virtual replica of a destroyed city and having it occupied by the ayylmaos as well? Jesus fuck. Why not just have the aliens occupy the fucking real city.

It felt more like an expansion to SR3 than a full-fledged game because of the reuse of Steelport, and while the superpowers were fun, it's really obvious that Steelport and the game itself were absolutely not designed with them in mind. Not to mention the general disappointment with the odd direction the Saint's Row series went after 2.

I can't bring myself to hate a game that shares my love for City of Heroes though.

I'm convinced the series is dead.
>earth destroyed
>gang in space
how to write yourself out of that corner?

>It felt more like an expansion to SR3
Because it actually was. Everything including the DLC was planned to be DLC for 3, but their german publisher told them to make it a new game.

Gat met God and retconned everything. They either found a new planet or are now cops in the past.

SR 3 was the first SR game I played. It was fun, not too serious, and I could play as a thick milf with big fat tits. I liked it so much I went back and bought SR 2 right before GTA V came out and played that for a bit to pass the time before it released.
I did not like 4 at all. The powers felt half assed and clunky. The map was boring as well. The whole earth being blown up and being in a virtual reality didn't sit well with me either. I hope they do a soft reboot for the next one if anything. Just make it a silly-ish GTA.

Are mods from Saints Row Mods good and even working?

Any recommendations?

they're cops now