Game you're playing for the first time and your thoughts about it so far

Resident Evil Remake. Wanted to play it since it came out in 2002, but didn't have a gamecube. Thoughts: spookier than Mr. Skellington, but man, the inventory system took away my rose tinted glasses about games decades past...

>but man, the inventory system took away my rose tinted glasses about games decades past...
Nah, you're just a huge casual if that's any kind of "issue" to you. It's part of the whole experiences charm, adding more challenge AND making you expose yourself to unnecessary dangers if you fuck up.

I witnessed a complete RESI newbie start the series with REmake just last fall, and after the spoopy start, she totally fell in love with it and replayed it 3 times in a row.

turn that brightness down

Started RE in 97, just after it came out on PS1, without a memory card at first. Got spooked beyond belief, loved/hated every second of it. Guess you're too cool for me. Inventory system is pretty bad still though. But you're hardcore/.Congratulations.

I don't mind the inventory system as much as the fake loading screens on an ssd

Aren't they skippable in the REmake, though? Or is my memory failing me?

kill yourself


Never played nearly any FF except for 9 back in the day and one of the pixel ones. Started playing this and its amazing. That end game grind though, it be real.

I'm very very sorry

What's wrong with the inventory system exactly? It's simple as fuck. Are you talking about item box management?

ah don't be mean, puppsykins

the inventory system is alright, but the cancer is the combination of fixed camera angles and the fact that you can't pick up/use/swap/put down items in your inventory. For example, after Moonlight Sonata, I went into the room it opened and tried to grab the golden shield. My inventory was full, and the game doesnt let me drop or put down anything. So I had to backtrack to a save room to drop something to open a slot. Then went back to the room, grabbed the shield. Oh, turns out grabbing the shield causes the door to seal, I know how to solve this, use the wood shield I picked up earlier. Time to backtrack to the save room again, grab the wood shield, head back to the gold shield- oh fuck, I cant just swap the wood shield for the gold shield, I need AN EXTRA EMPTY SPACE IN MY INVENTORY, so I can pick up and store the the gold shield, then set the wood shield into the slot, because I guess Chris is too retarded to be able to remove the gold shield from the slot, place it gently on the ground, place the wood shield into the slot, then grab the gold shield and store it in his extremely wide pockets.

Shit like this is constant throughout the game.

Having only 6/8 slots? Thats fine, I actually love that.

Every interaction with items requires an empty slot, even if it makes no logical sense, requiring you to backtrack through half the mansion to an item box to swap shit constantly? That is pure cancer.

Fixed Camera Angles are also ass, but I sort of let that slide a bit since this was the era before dual analogue sticks.

Absolutely everything else about the game is fantastic though.

> There is this one autist who likes REmake so it must be good
You can't be this delusional, user. Re inventory system is pure garbage. All the way until at least re5 where they finally fix shit.

try to be more subtle next time


lmao the beta nu-male army has arrived. stick to your pleb shit like overwatch and pokeman you fucking retards.

I guess I can see the difficulty if it's your first time playing the game. I've beaten all the REs so many times I've memorized how many slots I need and where exactly I need to go, so inventory management isn't an issue. But I can see a first time player getting frustrated.

Who /real survival mode/ here? Also who /invisible enemy mode/ here?

its not difficult at all, its just stupid and wastes time. There is nothing difficult about running back and forth to an item box, its just a huge waste of time and kills the pacing and makes no sense. Still a great game, but this aspect and the camera angles havent aged well at all.

Aside from the inability to drop items, I don't see how the inventory is garbage.

Nah if you're a RE autist like me, there's almost no backtracking at all. Very optimal paths you can take to avoid using an item box often.

There's nothing delusional about enjoying a nice, yet quite easily dealt-with challenge, which keeps the game from becoming another shooter or linear pipe running fest.

tl;dr: you're just another Xbox-generation fagget.

Well, yeah. Playing for the first time and running back and forth between boxes is quite obnoxious. I dindn't mind it when i first played the original, but it should have been better in the remake. Like, carry a single weapon, a slot of ammo and a healing item. and there's 6 or 8 slots for key items. Guess modern games, with all their awful design choices, have spoiled me. Old games had awful things too,though.

>calling exploration and non-linear maps "back tracking"
I wish I could gas all of your kind off this planet.

Zelda Wind Waker

its a great game, probably the cutest zelda game

cant believe i missed this classic for so long when emulation was so easy

Controls are excellent, visuals are excellent, writing is meh
characters are interesting except for some random villagers ive met
towns feel alive
combat is kinda boring tho
Exploration is amazing, i love sailing

And for last and not least, the fucking amount of pedobait on this game is simply astounding, thankfully im not into loli and rather into some more degenerate stuff so i can spend a lot of time playing without looking for R34, but yeah, the cocktease is almost intentional, i stopped playing yesterday when you had to pick up medli to throw her against a wall several times and you could almost see below her dress when you lifted , shes pretty cute desu fampai

You can say that about any game after completing it multiple times and knowing it like the back of your hand though. That is like saying a puzzle or a riddle is easy after you have already done it a bunch of times and have it memorized! It isn't even a puzzle or riddle anymore, its just you going through the motions with what you memorized!

Its the equivilent of running the game with a guide memorized in your head, and with a game like RE, which is designed solely around the fact that you dont know where to go or what to do or how to do it and have to explore and figure it out yourself, it completely ruins the point of what the game is designed around.

>get trolled into getting this game on PC
>no quicksaves
>limited amount of saves
>can't even save game now because out of ink ribbons

how can a modern game not have any of the basic features???

it's failing you.
They're only skippable in the DS port of RE1.

Google door skip mod. You can thank me later.

>Inventory system to hard

After you get the shotty put away the pistol and only carry that and shotty ammo

Aim for the head when you shoot

Yeah, your first time should be a struggle honestly. You're meant to explore and figure things out.

I hope they remove the door transitions in RE2HD. If not that, at least make the transitions specifically for rooms you haven't visited yet.

hope you were playing hard difficulty because at the end I had something like 20 ink ribbons left.

Deadly Premonition: Just why. Everything in game makes me cringe. Except driving, it's fun.

Nigga, I like the game, my favorite part about IS exploration. My complaint is not about exploration or the non linear map, but walking back and forth to the item box 3 times to do a puzzle, not because I did not know the solution or did not have the proper item to do so, but rather because the inventory system is a bit retarded and I need an empty slot to do something that should not require an empty slot. Having an item box in the Piano Room would have actually completely resolved this flaw for that particular puzzle, but there are similar puzzles or design issues that create similar problems.

For example, if you do not know in advance that the save point/item box in the shack in the woods past the graveyard is going to become completely inaccessible after grabbing the crank, then you have to backtrack all the way back to the mansion to a save point way out of your way just to retrieve the Wind Crest from you box to advance.

it was a feature of the original RE1 PC port too

The inventory is kind of part of the game, without it you simply wouldn't be forced to actually manage it.

OP you need to play on Real Survival mode to experience the true struggle

Mind you I've played it before but only as a dumb teenager who liked cheats and rampaging, this time I'm all business and story missions.
I'm really enjoying it, just got done with the funeral. Pleased to say all the missions that were hard back then are piss easy now that I've beaten V so many times. Honestly the hardest thing is making it across town without dinging my car when I go to hang with a friend.
Also, this game is really fun to play autistically, I've been going out of my way to make sure Niko eats regularly and sleeps 6 hours a day, 12 if I take a lot of damage in a gunfight.

Furi. I just got to the edge boss fight.

These shooting sections where there is just a ton of shit onscreen are bullet hells right? These are pretty fun segments. Rewarding at least. I wish I knew what the fuck happened in the game. Not a ton is explained though I haven't finished it yet. Each boss is a master of its own style. The song really tested how good my shooting was cuz I almost never engaged her in melee. Now I'm getting fucked up by the edge and his 3 hit death sword swings.

I might have to get into bullet hells if they're anything like the shooting segments. Probably harder.

exploring and figuring things out is not what I am complaining about though! Exploring and figuring things out is what I actually like most about the game!

I also like the limited inventory!

I cant stress those previous points enough, because you seem to be missing the point.

My issue with the game is that I cannot drop stuff on the ground, or simply swap key items for a puzzle that requires it (like swapping the gold shield for the wood shield directly). Why does this bother me? Because it means even though I have everything I need for a puzzle, and know exactly what to do and why, I have to go halfway across the map to drop a random item into a box, because for some reason I can't just place the item on the ground for a couple seconds while I do the puzzle, or the game just wont let me swap the shit without having an extra space in my inventory slot. Its a stupid waste of time that adds nothing to the gameplay, kills the momentum, and makes no sense from a gameplay perspective, story perspective, or even a puzzle solving/logical perspective. Its just a design oversight. The developers straight up didn't consider "what should we do if a player has everything he needs to solve a puzzle, knows how to solve the puzzle, and tries to solve the puzzle, but his inventory is full?"

I decided to do a chapter a day so I don't get burned out by it. I finished chapter 2 last night and holy shit this game is a fucking blast. the combat is insanely fun and the story is pretty interesting so far. can't wait to finish it and then play pm64

Real Survival isn't that much of a departure from the regular modes once you've already played through the game once.

Onimusha hasn't aged well, but I can see where the appeal came from. I like that the mechanic for collecting souls leaves you open for attacks, but otherwise this game is piss easy. Maybe if there was a mechanic for loosing gear levels it would keep you on your feet more.

Plant 42 on invisible enemy mode is one of the most annoying things you'll face. The camera angles on the balcony are a killer. Might be easier to just stay on the ground floor but I haven't tried it

Just played it myself for the first time a couple months ago. I liked the inventory, but IMO there should've been a default keyring. There's no reason each individual key should take up the same space as a grenade launcher. Just stick em all on the same slot.

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>mfw it plays like PSO on Dreamcast if it was heavilly updated and given a massive budget

Where has this game been all my life?

Can you transfer weapon/armor modifications? I was hoping I could put those great mods in the joke items that I've found so far to use.

I meant to play Onimusha, the last time I did was around it's release on PS2 when a friend lend it to me and I couldn't finish it.

A modern game cab be a tense and exciting experience without those basic features. Just without awful inventory system.

Fist one is OK, second is great, never played third but I heard it was dogshit.

What the fuck is this shit/10
>Fantasy Life
Not bad
Not bad
>dragon's dogma
Bretty gud

you heard wrong

Third is bretty good. Its the 4th that stinks a bit

I just beat Inside. What the fuck am I playing?

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I´m at 15% and its great so far.

I can already say it has the best gameplay in the series.

The mission-objektivs are quiet repetive but i dont have a problem with that.

you have enough weapons and gadgets for variety so you dont get bored.

yep. Its a great game. Everyone's problem is with the story and the second "half" of the game.

But if you only care about gameplay then its undeniably fantastic.

You'll enjoy it until you have to fight SaladOctopus, its drawn out because the damn thing has a gorillion HP if you're not using a super ranked up version of the Killer Bee.
I actually dropped the game for a while because of that, even 15 RAYs weren't that bad.

Thanks for all those who answered my question, rather than criticize my criticisms of Resident Evil Remake, i'll be sure to check those games once i have a PC capable of emulating stuff. Loved Darksiders, sure i'll love Zelda shit. Peace out, gotta do some projectile vomiting.

>its drawn out because the damn thing has a gorillion HP if you're not using a super ranked up version of the Killer Bee.

What ? I didn't invest much in researching weapons and took him down quite easily with a dumbfire rocket launcher.

im playing the original final fantasy 1 for NES seriously for the first time

it's actually pretty good

>but man, the inventory system took away my rose tinted glasses about games decades past...

literally the best part of the game. And I literally mean literally.

Even more than spoopy zombies?

The GBA remake is a lot better.

The inventory system's good though, it makes you think about what you actually need at any given moment, limits your resources to build tension, makes you figure out the quickest/safest routes to the storage rooms and is very rewarding on subsequent playthroughs. Any tedium that comes with it is absolutely worth it.

DIdn't they rework the magic system to use MP in that? Whatever version did that was a downgrade.

>a limited inventory system in a SURVIVAL HORROR GAME that forces you to consider what you're going to take during each excursion to more dangerous parts of the game is bad

This is the current stat of Sup Forums

Yeah man why can't I just take ALL my guns and ammo at one time and not have to ever think and plan.

Playing nu-Doom. It's been pretty good so far.

Evil Within

It's pretty okay, paid 15 bucks for it. Though I heard some people refer to it as RE4 2.0. Game's just been okay, not particularly bad but also not anything to write home about what-so-ever. I'd be mad if I paid full price for it.

Couldn't disagree with you more.

If you like the bullet hell segments, just wait for the after credits boss.

How does it feel being more retarded than 11 year olds?

Should I buy RE 1/2/3 for vita or Factorio?

I go out birdwatching and I can take a hell of a lot more than 6 items in my pockets. The equivalent of SWAT officers should be able to fit even more than that.

it somehow manages to feel more tedious despite being a much faster game

yeah, that's the version

i prefer the D&D spell system

I'm actually playing RE5, OP.

It's a decent action game so far. Not really what I wanted from a Resident Evil game. They haven't made an RE game I've enjoyed since CVX and Zero. 4 was okay. And 7 still doesn't look like what I want. I just want a classic RE game. Hopefully RE 2 Remake will deliver. Oh well at least Sheva is nice to look at.

>muh realism

In bed+Vita is a really nice way to play them I must say. Going through RE2 again on there soon, just did Nemesis.

>They haven't made an RE game I've enjoyed since CVX and Zero

Actually I take it back. Revelations 1 was good. 2 was just okay.

RE7 gave me hope that REmake 2 will be done right.

Between the total shift in gameplay and tone from the newer games to 7, and the fact they were totally ready to bring REmake and 0 back proved to me this series isn't beyond saving.

As much as I would love REmake 2 to just be a HD Resi 2; after playing the RE7 demo and getting hyped for PSVR, I would love a first person RE2.

Just put me in that world, pls capcom.

i like Jill's bouncing boobies

If your'e an old angry fuck, Resident Evil. Don't know what Factorio is. If you do, maybe it's for you.

She's a sandwitch.

it's about being hardcore you spastic

you're just completely missing the point of the limited inventory

Cool, got it. You can be proud of yoursfelf.

Resident Evil is such a bizarre and over-milked series that I think they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to it at this stage. It's been the original campy survival horror with puzzle elements, a first and third person shooter, several movies (both live action and CGI) books and a even a fucking stage play. It's been action, horror, thrill and unintentional comedy. They could make a dating sim and it wouldn't be too much of a departure.

Although, yeah, I would like the mainline games to return to their roots rather than how 5 and 6 turned out. Even if I enjoyed them immensely

Fewer items doesn't make the game more scary, it just makes it more tedious having to do more trips back to the save room to get your herbs.

not being able to carry more weapons/ammo and healing items make combat situations way more tense
being able to carry more items would have made the game a worse

Yeah, to squeeze as much "gameplay" they could by having you run back and forth between inventory boxes.

Give me one good reason why key item should take up a spot in your inventory. So I can be given the choice to sacrifice ammo for the sake of saving myself the hassle of going back to get them?

classic resident evil doesn't have a limited inventory, it just splits it between the stuff you can hold and the infinite inventive boxes

play RE4 without buying attache case upgrades, now THAT is a game with a limited inventory and all the tactical/resource management gameplay that comes from that.

I wasn't a big fan of the inventory system either. It didn't bother me that much, but could've been better.

The combat isn't tense to begin with. It's very slow paced and you take on enemies one at a time. The only things that are quick are those gremlin things in the power generator room near the end. Everything else you can just stand there and shoot it as it walks up to you.

These threads get me way more mad than they should. You faggots won that shit up that franchise listening to you and yet still cry.

It's tense on the harder difficulties where you have to weigh up whether something is worth the bullets or if you can get around it.

when i played REmake i didn't spend any significant time backtracking to item boxes

i conserved ammo and only picked up key items when i knew where to use them
maybe you're just bad at the game user

just because the combat is fairly slow-paced doesn't mean it's any less tense

>i conserved ammo and only picked up key items when i knew where to use them

So you're still having to backtrack to get them.

that shit takes like 30 seconds

It's still an inconvenience that forces you to could be avoided by not having it take up a slot in your inventory.

Kill yourself and play RE6 or Call of Duty, they're more your pace you fucking imbecile.

I've been playing REmake and I don't know, I feel the original is much better. There's something about the atmosphere of the original I enjoy more.

Also, fuck crimsom heads.

>Resident Evil 5
>Good inventory system