Tfw the best Musou series will never get translated again

>tfw the best Musou series will never get translated again

why even live

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Wow the best turd in the bowl

Try being a Fire Emblem fan.

I don't understand. Emblem games get translated all the time.

Yeah, now-a-days. We've never gotten Roy's game.

At least the new games are coming.

What's wrong user don't you like your square+square+triangle?

The maps were horrid and there was no story mode

IDC about these weeb stories. I enjoy the combat.


what the fuck is wrong with his head

>dynasty warrior pic
No ty user.

It's not very good

>no story mode
Each Character has their own story with different routes
>The maps were horrid
I give you that but at least they're not grey and brown hallways

>Consistent releases and a refined formula
>Out of place over the top designs and traits in an attempt to be the awesome alternate

Yeah, say whatever you want, but Basara's like the cool kid of the 90's. All style and no substance. Even DW's over the top elements still blend in with the ancient Chinese aesthetic.

Everybody can have the same movesets since they allowed anybody to use any weapons. Basara actually have characters with different style of fighting and personality.

And that's due to the edit officer mode in what would be 8E. You still have exclusive EX attacks to take into account. Can you self-insert yourself in Basara and take over China/Japan? There's a reason Japan doesn't buy Basara as much as they do musou titles.

and don't forget that most of the charges have the same properties(as in charge 4 is a scattering attack for almost everyone, charge 2 and 5 lift the enemy into the air etc.)

People still buy these games?

Basara, no.
Musou, yes. Every other musou not made by Koei either has poor optimization, isn't fun or has something that keeps it from being good.

>Basara and any of his merchandising not selling like hotcakes
Please got back to the general to talk about your waifu

>Basara actually have characters with different style of fighting and personality
This holy shit
Only the guys from the Wei faction have some sort of personality all the other are like a wet towel

>tfw playasia never responded back

it's BASARA you idiot don't compare that crap to a masterpiece like Basara

why hasn't koei made a musou of that?

I assume you meant in the west because even if SB sells a little less (50k of difference) they're overall a much more profitable franchise thanks to the merchandising sales.

if i had to get 1 mosou game.
and i most value gameplay.
wich one should i get?
i only have hyrule warriors

Basara for sure. Best combat you can get.

fuck off

Buy SW4 and Sengoku Basara 3, import SB3 Utage if you can.

but wich basara

>here's a reason Japan doesn't buy Basara as much as they do musou titles.
except you are wrong basara is more popular than any musou in japan sells a lot more too

Depends on which console and if you don't mind reading Japanese.

It's mostly because of fujoshi shits

I prefer the xxx and the yyy and the xxx

i have every console
i don't speak japanese and while i don't mind importing i would prefer a western release.


The only ones in english are the first one and the third, buy 3 it has no dual audio but the dub is amazing Mitsunari is Troy Barker best role AAAgames my ass.If you can import do as says and import Sengoku Basara 3 Utage

you can get SB3 in english. SB4S is the best one but its in Japanese only.

is Sengoku Basara 4 not good or what?

>Dante as Masamune
>Nero as Yukimura
>whoever the fuck is Saika VA

It's good, but if you don't know Nip the menus are way harder to use even if you use a guide.

>Still no 'Troy Baker yells IEYASU for 10 hours' video on youtube.

You forgot Akihiko as Ieyasu.


>Masamune chill, I'm not going to kill Mitsunari
>Proceds to kill Mitsunari in Sekigahara literally the next stage
Always bothered me

The mission based structure Musou moved to in 7th gen really killed the formula. Being thrown into a battlefield and slaughtering hundreds of dudes is all it ever needed to be.

Musou games haven't had a map that felt like a genuine battlefield in a long time user.

I recently imported Basara 4 Sumeragi, and boy am I glad I did. I was impressed by how every character felt unique to play in SB3, and I still am they managed to do it for so many characters.

Which characters do you guys like to play as the most?

that's not dqh


The ninjas. They are combo machines.

Man, Tiger and Bunny was amazing. Fucking hell, fuck your insecure typical otaku who only like generic harem shounens.

Tiger and Bunny, OPM and even Boku no Pico Academia have made me realise what I've been missing from western superhero comics.

Academia wouldn't be a bad musou game in its own right.

>western superhero comics
Well those completely went to shit so even if you're not a weeb the Japanese media is still miles better as an alternative.


If you dont chill, You get the Drill!

>All style and no substance.
Except Basaras combat is actually combat. I like musous games too but fucking come one user

>We've never gotten Roy's game.
wait what?

You mean even though Roy was literally an advertisement for the series, we never got his game? Thats kinda funny.

SB3 Samurai Heroes is the easiest way to enter the series since it's fully translated.
If you can handle moonrunes with a guide you can jump right into SB4 Sumeragi which is the best one gameplay wise and has the largest cast of playable characters.

If you have enough time though I really suggest you to play them in order Samurai Heroes -> Utage -> Sumeragi. SB3 is amazing game and even better than SB4 in some aspects and you'll appreciate SB4's gameplay improvements even more after playing SB3.

It's a shame game sales aren't that high. Now we getting weird -den series instead of proper SB5. I want dam next gen Basara with Nouhime god dammit!


>it's a thread where dmc fans try to convince other people that doing 100 hit combos to defenseless ragdolls makes the combat good

It's not about combos but about fundamentals of good action game. Basara has them, musou don't.

im not convinced, i played it on my wii and it was just another musou but with better potentials to do combos
still repetitive

Depends on what game you played. Vanilla SB3 doesn't have Basara difficulty where mooks actually attack you quite agressively. Basara 4 adds a lot of variety with unique enemy formations.

Combat is not on DMC levels of course but it's still much more entertaining and creative than Samurai\Dynasty Warriors.




How hard is Sengoku 4 if I don't speak a lick of japanese? I can use a guide at least, but I've never played a whole game in nip. I can figure out those Yakuza demos enough to complete them but that's it.

I just feel like we'll never get another one of these games and I really want to play one again.

the guide is really helpful. The wiki has images translating the menu.

OP it seems you spelled "Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2" wrong.

Those are the actual best musou games.

I own DQH1 and it is really slow paced and not very combo friendly for a musou game.

o-oh, i just bought the game for $15

If I got no experience in moonrunes, how hard is Sumeragi to trek through?
I loved the shit out of Samurai Heroes and I just can't get into Dynasty Warriors because mashing square is boring as fuck.

It's 100% playable. You'll only miss the story (which doesn't make much sense anyway) and character dialogs (which is a shame, since sometimes it's quite fun) but you can play the game just fine.

There's a guide for everything. After a few hours you'll memorize menus and will be able to play with moonrunes just fine.

Alright awesome, is it okay to pick up the one that's out right now or is waiting for the whatever new edition?
I'll grab this too thanks.

Sumeragi is the latest expanded version of SB4 so get it.

Sumeragi is the full edition that came out.

Basara best musou user.


frost best character.

Oh wow, that looks kinda fun.

It is because it's samurai warriors meets devil may cry. And literally anything meets devil may cry is better than the original version.

Give it a go. Its not your usual musou. If you like crazy, this will be your cup of tea.

animations looks pretty bad, but also looks like fun.


Its not even made by the musou team you curr.