How come Sup Forums is ok with one, but not the other?
How come Sup Forums is ok with one, but not the other?
because the other is half white
because rockstar aren't sjws muppets
Because most of gtav you can play as godtier Michael
one is a black dude being a career criminal in modern day america; believable
the other is a half black dude being in the extremely racist italian mafia in the 60s; very unbelievable.
>generic middle aged dad
but why?
oh nm apparently he starts his own mob to fight the italian mob? thats even more stupid.
i bet you loved the le random xD trevor
I'm a person who's actually enjoyed Franklin (Solo)'s other acting work in works such as The Wash
His banter with DJ Pooh is definitely one of cinematic highlights we will never see again after the niggerization of America
Because being black in 2013 LA makes sense. Being A Black Mafia Member doesn't
Fuck off, he was the only well written character in game.
I didn't love him. He was entertaining. I was asking what set michael apart in your mind as godtier, not memeing you fuck
I just found him the most interesting of the three, maybe i'm just becoming old and boring
Because despite the shit story writing for GTA V Michael is the only character who feels like they fleshed out the most before deciding to add the other guys in.
one is set in a game that makes fun of all americans, has believable characters, doesn't center itself on race alone, and the series already has a set history of using a different main character each game release
the other is set in a game that takes itself super cereal, everyone expected more vito/being in the mafia, is centered on race exclusively, and is handed off to new devs who we know nothing about except they love this racism shit
Sup Forums is filled with hypocrite white male fuccbois. I don't understand why they won't go to reddit with the rest of the white devils
>well written
Nigger fucking what? He was a total faggot and little bitch and 99% of the problems in the game he fucking caused them. Fuck him
Trying too hard nigger
>complaining that a man going through a mid life crisis causes his own problems
It's like you've never met people outside of Sup Forums before.
It's the fact he puts up with all of it like it's fucking nothing then blames all his fucking problems that it's own fucking fault on other people. Mid life crisis or not it's not good writing. Michael is honestly the worst out of three with trevor not being that far behind.
I'm not okay with franklin, he adds nothing to the story and is probably straight pandering.
CJ was the story, franklin is not okay.
Because left didn't feel forced, wasn't pushing some message and was a pretty likeable character
Right is just KILL WHITEY lmao
get mad white boi
Because the game is called MAFIA
if you went to the psychiatrist you can see michael whine about how he doesnt know what the fuck he wants and how his family is dysfunctional but it isnt his fault. Its not like he commited a bunch of crimes, lied to his partners and tried to piss off to a comfy life or anything
Left is literally a nigger simulator
>he puts up with all of it like it's fucking nothing then blames all his fucking problems that it's own fucking fault on other people
Again, it sounds like you've never met people outside of Sup Forums
This is how many, many people deflect the acceptance of their own faults.
>How come Sup Forums is ok with one, but not the other?
That doesn't make him good son. All those people in real life are also total faggots and little bitches. That doesn't mean it's good you dumb motherfucker.
How is that bad writing? You mean you don't like his character?
please fucking stop
>one is believable and expected
>the other is pure pandering propaganda that has no logical sense and goes as far as to push an agenda where you kill trump. add to the fact that people wanted to have an actual mafia game and not a muh opresssion meme lemme take down whitey mafia
I don't man. Really makes you think.
How is it good writing? Good writting would be him learning from his fucking mistakes in the end not fucking off and killing trevor and going along with the fbi shit.
>mafia game
>you're not mafia
because they got it out of their system 15 years ago with GTA
You seem to be conflating a personally unappealing character with an objectivly poorly written one.
You just conceded that Micheal is realistically written, yet proceeded to insist that he is poorly written because you personally find him unappealing. This is entirely erroneous - for example, Hamlet is far from likable, yet you'd have to be daft as fuck to try and argue that he is a poorly written character.
Explain how Michael is well written then? If we are going off how realistically they are written then Franklin is hands down the best but you will just ignore him because he's black.
left one its a shit nigger character
right one its a shit nigger (dunno if its a shit character too)
No, I completely agree that Franklin is the most realistically written.
>you must be from Sup Forums if you don't like this black character
Maybe he just seems like shit character from what they shown us, I swear Sup Forums has such a fucking hateboner for Sup Forums that this place is turning into second Sup Forums
10/10 movie
at least we can agree on that
Mafia III is based on Bumpy Johnson and the Harlem/Italian mafia alliance and all that shit. Go check out the movie Hoodlum. Shit really happened. This reminds me of people complaining about a black dude in World War 1 when the Harlem Hellfighters really did exist.
I want to be the niggest
its ok
/v hates everything now they even think fucking winston a giant ape is suppose to be a token black man now.
One is in a game people want (gta5)
And the other isnt.
How is Sup Forums ok with one, but not the others?
It's because Sup Forums is full of retards whose opinions you should take with a grain of salt, just like every other website on the internet.
Remember that time Nintendo tried to establish Wigger Wednesday?
Franklin was a pretty ok character that wasn't shoehorned in while the guy from mafia 3 is.
ITT: ubisoft using race as a marketing tool
yeah becuase michael running around los santos killing random civilians, stealing cars etc looks very right
What's his problem?
not enough whitey to kill
hahahaha holy shit
He barely looks black. Honestly, shrink the mouth and narrow the nose and he'd be white.
He looks mixed-race. Which is fine.
t. bak gwei
One has been done in the past with San Andreas and it came with 2 other characters to play with.
The other one is a spit in the face of Mafia fans.
He IS mixed race. He's the son of the old protag.
But Franklin was the worst Character of GTAV, prove me wrong
Because right is about "mah racist white devils".
Ubisoft also has a game coming out with a black protagonist so shitposters who don't play games can't keep their talking points straight.
There is nothing to proof, that is a fact of life
He was the worst, but that didn't make him a bad character
holy fucking shit batman
you know it's going to be the twist in the end
The Italian mafia family he killed was actually his family
Nobody likes Sup Forums tho
even Sup Forums hates Sup Forums
Because Franklin is a spin on the modern day nigga gang banger with the word nigga thrown in massive amounts and everything he does fuck him over. Even in the final ending he's rich and all alone in a big house with Lamar and that girl out of his life.
While the new hero won't use the word nigga. And is probably going to be a serious ass mafia man.
And it just isn't beliavable.
If they do make a Single Player DLC, I hope it involves Lamar and him. Lamar is just such a fun nigger to have around
Maybe if they didn't shitpost WE WUZ KANGZ every fucking thread you could convince me this isn't about race
>that look
Where did I say anyone likes Sup Forums but Sup Forums just jumps on anyone hating a black character or saying nigger
>le hivemind, one person
Just get rid of that yee-yee ass haircut and maybe he might hang out with you more.
One of them lives in a ghetto and does nigger things as a nigger. The other one is the protagonist of a mafia game.
>le hivemind, one person
I haven't seen a single argument for why he is a bad character that didn't involve race. In fact I never see Sup Forums discuss why a character is totally going to be a terrible character unless that character happens to be some sort of minority.
That's why there's 3 endings you shitfuck
One is you kill Trevor
The other, you kill Michael
The third, you kill neither and kill all your enemies
It's like you haven't even played the game
would been better if you could kill both of them
It's because he's basically Tony Soprano.
what game
>this is what race-mixing results in
Jesus how red-pilled.
I'm half black and I look beautiful
fym you white nigger
>Cuck done wrong
Franklin is smart enough to know that he's a fucking idiot.
Le random trevurrr xDDDD and Franklin was a mistake. We should have only had Michael.
>Mom said it's my turn to organised crime now
No wonder Sup Forums would praise a guy cucked by an indian.
>Franklin was a mistake
I disagree. I actually really like Franklin. His ending was pretty great too, he had everything but the one thing he really wanted. He was obviously miserable, and nothing will replace the feelings he had for the girl
Every time I see this image I just think of pic related
He's not even random, he has a consistent moral code, even if it's fucked up.