That time you ignored all the bad signs about a game and bought it anyway just to regret it

>that time you ignored all the bad signs about a game and bought it anyway just to regret it

What's her name, Sup Forums?



alan wake.

Monster Hunter 3.

warammer vermintide. refunded it after 10 minutes.

TMNT Mutants in Manhattan

The division

Gothic 3
These german rpgs just aren't my thing, why do I still keep buying them?

Star Wars:Battlefront

I liked the beta and ignored Sup Forums's criticism that it was shallow with too little content. I bought the $120 deluxe version with the season pass. After 2 weeks I got bored and uninstalled. Never even bothered trying the DLC anyway.

my condolences

Way of the Samurai 4

>I bought the $120 deluxe version with the season pass

Dynasty Warriors 8

Bioshock Infinite

I thought Sup Forums was just being Sup Forums I bought it a week after launch for 60$

Dead by Daylight

Dragon Age 2


You have shit taste

the phantom pain


Wet. I was a dumb kid.

I regret playing it, not looking at it.

ArmA 3
Killing Floor 2
Guild Wars 2
Divinity: Original Sin

That game just dissapeared completely. What the hell hapened?

X Rebirth
Total War: Rome 2, but they fixed it.

Meh. On a $ per hour level, I got something semi decent.

I wonder if they're even going to bother with the dlc at this point.

I know that I don't care if they ever do

Star Citizen

Because I'm an all in type of person. Didn't work that time.

Killing floor 2
Fallout 4.

Fable 3

I don't know what I was thinking..


and overwatch

DayZ a couple of years back

But Gothic 3 is actually decent with the community patch. And only with it.

No, 4 was shit.

I think first one is better. i did enjoyed 4 a little bit though playing as a white samurai woman was great for a while.

I don't know what you mean, you can still buy it and watch videos of it and whatever. Sometimes there are threads here too about it, but mostly it's just shitposting and posting ME images.

The rest of us are just disappointed it became a tiny open world time trial game that costs $60 buckz

Sword Coast Legends.

I just REALLY wanted a game that was based on the new 5th edition rules of D&D. I just sort of ignored the graphical interface, the hints of 4th edition in it, etc.

What I wound up with was a really bad MMORPG-lite with skill trees and cooldown times. It tried so hard to LOOK like an infinity engine game, but just wound up being so boring with flashly lights to convince me that it wasn't.

I dropped it mid-chapter 2.

Overwatch, not even memeing

Oh my god you made me remember I actually bought tor and played it for less than an hour.

no that's just fucking wrong user

You won't regret it when Squadron 42 comes out this year. Game development takes time.

gothic 3 is an abomination, 1 and 2 are plain GOATs

Star Wars Battlefront

To be fair I used a mexican proxy to get it and the season pass for like $40 but even then I feel ripped off. I'm still amazed that a game that good could get boring so quickly.

>It's ok maybe the Season pass will fix it
>2 skins and a new level, fuck you players
>ok never again

Sword Art Online RE:Hollow Fragment

I don't even like the anime why the fuck did I buy this?!

remember how many years Sup Forums was dreaming about a sequel and how awesome it could be? then anita and feminism and streamlines controlles happened and no one cared anymore, the game was so fucking bland holy shit it just vanished

I haven't heard a peep from this game.
Is it really shit?
I remember the first one was one of those five hour long blasts that left really a really good memory, but that's it


Drakengard 3

that game looks really good though, i'd probably just go around taking screenshots and then uninstalling the game

Fallout 4
I wanted to believe that Bethesda had learned from NV.


holy shit, you poor soul

Assassins Creed 3

Warlords of Draenor

Oh shit senpai. I feel you there. Got it on sale for like $2 because gf was an sao fan. She just wanted to watch and she was fucking pissed. Game is a cluster fuck from the opening seconds. Don't think I've ever seen something so bad

Duke nukem forever

Why did I do that to myself

Fallout 4. I didn't think it would be that bad. I mean, it fucked up in ways that I never would have imagined.


I regret buying Re;Birth 2.
Nepgear is so fucking boring as a lead.
Re;Birth 3 is great again though.

Warlords of Draenor. I got caught up in the WC nostalgia baiting and didn't see how fucked everything was til I got to 100 and saw how half-assed everything was. Like god damn, the amount of cut content is just depressing. I know every expansion has some cut content but WoD was literally half an expansion.

I pirated Fallout 4 and I still feel ripped off, I want my band-with back

Did you think the latter half was written like bad fanfiction too?

Fallout 4
I just knew there was something wrong with the game when i get accepted into the vault minutes before the bombs hit and i get Power Armor and a dead Deathclaw within 30 minutes


Mighty No. 9

I honestly cannot think of a single game except for Legion

The Division

Magna Carta
what a piece of shit

Tropical Freeze.

It's just more Returns, but without the waggle this time.

Devils Third at launch. Full price

Between a non-existent leaver penalty, and a poorly conceived 6 player per team limit while filling up the entire roster with tf2 spy and sniper -esque 0 field presence characters, I regret ever thinking blizzard would notice they fucked up and fix their shit before competitive rolled out.

I didn't got to that part, only until they fixed the boat

Same here. I still hope I'll get a good time out of it later. Maybe in combination with friends and alcohol.
I had a lot of faith in the multiplayer, but it turned out to be shit.

alan wake (i got memed on)
The division (not much pain since it was a gift, my who gifted it to me was also dissapointed)
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

What bad signs did these have?

Fallout 4, haven't even rescued valentine once I always get bored when I enter downtown boston.

Same, but i got a chance to buy it for 30€ (for ps4
)with my bank so i just sold it for 30 like 2 weeks later.

Just Cause 3, though admittedly videos of it made it look awesome, just the reviews which said it'd be bad.

Still had fun with it but yeah, not a great game.

Why's everyone hate alan wake?

It's going to be Legion.
I just can't resist it, lads.


this heap of shit. bought it for the trailer that came with it, which was decent. traded it back 2 hours later for half the price. my first and last vidya dick purchase

It gets a lot of things wrong, and all of these pieces cohesively make a giant piece of shit that somewhat resembles the game we were all hoping for.

Mechanically the game has never been better, and technically it also runs really smooth. Runner's vision was improved, but you can also just disable it or put it back to classic.
Visually, still beautiful, but a different aesthetic than the original ME.
Story is somehow even fucking worse than the original game. Mostly because this one takes itself so fucking serious, but the original was delivered in a comic-style format making it feel more light hearted.
Characters are abysmal. Voice acting is really great, but holy fuck these characters had to have been written within a day.
Level design is mediocre. Not a huge map, although it can sometimes feel that way because there are a lot of these zones that you cannot just swing across and therefore have to run around in the same path (this gets really tedious).
Combat is the worst combat system I have seen in a game so far. I would much rather have the old "disarm and take his gun" style in the first game over this "knock him into his friend and they both suddenly die" system. The stronger enemy types don't feel stronger, they just feel utterly annoying as shit.
Missions are lacking, only one of the missions feels breathtaking and it's the last one.
Side quests are all the same, or at least they feel that way because they put zero effort into making side quests feel interesting. I know, essentially the game is just all about running from point A to B, but if you actually write the characters well, develop interesting side plots, all this running from A to B actually becomes enjoyable and worthwhile, you forget how simple the game is. Too bad they didn't do this
Hated the unlock system at first, but unlocking it wasn't a grind at all, just annoying they didn't develop another system or develop more interesting unlocks to lengthen out the games life.

I bet you joined Huan Po Lan didnt you?

Scholar of the First Sin.

Funny enough.MP while still alive was the only thing I enjoyed

Fallout 4

I somehow expected the gyro controlls to work, like splatoon, and fell flat on my face.

Me too. I want to believe Blizzard learned from their mistakes when I know they didn't.

This, but with the expansions too. Every time I kept going back thinking 'maybe this time Bungie got it right'.

Me too. I played through it all the way anyway. Only part I enjoyed was the Alonne fight and that was DLC

krauts are master of memes

i seriously don't know what i was thinking when i bought this

>"Scholar fixed EVERYTHING!"
>it made it worse

Fuck me

magna carta

Yep. Last time I ever listen to Sup Forums.


Homefront: The Revolution

it ever grilled my GPU for fucks sake

The hardest I've ever been memed on was 358/2 Days. I paid full price for Metroid: Other M and consider it to be a lesser mistake than that abortion.