What spec are you going to play, Sup Forums?
What spec are you going to play, Sup Forums?
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Balance druid, The new models look sick
Dwarven Windwalker Monk
Haters gonna hate
Probably as a BM hunter, running around showing off muh slimes.
Tried Survival but it just doesn't make sense. Its *survivability* is shit and melee-raping AoEs are quite aggressive in PvE this expansion.
Ret as always.
Will be fun to have more than 4 buttons now.
With WoD I think any person that isn't tied down to guild commitments or ingame relationships quit. And they'd be fools to come back.
staying comfy on my private servers cro
Why would anyone be a Shaman? Lore-wise, it's literally just Mage for idiots: the class.
A mage can do anything a Shaman can do, but better. And a Mage doesn't have to be the bitch of some primal force, instead all the Mage's power is his own.
Notice how Shamanism is always present in stupid, primitive races? Yeah.
tfw those same "primitive" races can also all be mages
catch me lavalashin your girls gash
The only reason i am coming back is because Legion seems like a better way to end my time with the game. My character gets his special snowflake status and the fucking ashbringer and gets to push back the Legion one more time
I honestly dont care what they do after that
Well I intend to main Shadow, but recently have been having second thoughts about maining Warlock.
Probably going to play Havoc a lot too
Blood elf fire mage. The artifact looks awesome.
whatever the best rogue spec is
enhance shaman is fun as all hell so probably that
Assassination rouge.
Can mages heal? Didn't think so retard.
my fellow space chicken
Demo lock and Unholy DK
I can get away with it now that Demon Hunters are going to be a lightning rod for all the edgelords so they can fuck off away from my classes.
Mages can heal and melee, got it.
Uninstall Wizard
There is nothing gratifying about WoD 2.0
And mages are warlocks for pussies, whats your point?
Guardian Druid. Go onto the PTR and try this. Its absolutely off the chain if theres even more than 1 enemy.
Fury Warrior.
Haven't played since firelands. How's blood DK doing? PvE wise, who gives a shit about pvp
I wish there were more plant related spells instead of all kinds of arcane moonfire.
Subtlety Rogue.
Unholy Death Knight, if only to see the new DK story play out and disappoint me. I just wish we could go back in time to when Frozen Throne was fresh. When DKs finally became available in WotLK, it was like a dream come true and the fact that all 3 specs could tank was the most dope shit the game has ever done. Then Blizzard FUCKED IT ALL UP
Is that your transmog, user?
Because Mages cannot wrap their hands in elemental forces and punch the fuck out of shit. I want to be the god damn avatar and with the new Enhancement shaman (which I've extensively played on the beta) I can finally be that.
No shitting here, Enhancement fucking rocks now.
nice fedora
It's a huge work in progress. Getting any outfit to work on forsaken is difficult. The model updates made it even more difficult than it was before.
mein negro
I'm pretty happy with the mog I have on my deathstalker.
Hats are necessary for forsaken at this point. Hoods look stupid since forsaken are so fucking hunched and face guards just don't look right.
One of the drones working on balancing Legion mains shaman so they're guaranteed to be not bad.
Outlaw Rogue.
Why does it have to be so RNG?
Shadow Priest. I have to start reading Lovecraft for quotes for Surrender to Madness.
WW monk.
The new mastery and the talent Hit combo look pretty neat.
But RNG is great
Black Mage/Ninja
Hasn't that always been the case in a way. The only reason I stopped playing Runescape was bc 2 friends wanted to play TBC.
Now that Demon Hunters have set the precedent for a class with two specs only, do you think Blizz will start deleting useless specs from the game?
It'll be kinda hard with that GCD, don't you think?
No, the fans would moan too much.
Are prot paladins still good?
Blade of the Black Empire is so fucking cool. It pisses me off that with how they've retuned Subtlety rogues into more shadow-based lore that they're given one of the most pathetic artifact weapons in Legion.
There is nothing subtle about Sargeras dead dog's fangs nor the eredar that wielded them given we dispatch her easily. Subtlety rogues should have gotten something equivalent to the Shadow Priest dagger.
See, that's one of the classes I'd play as an alt.
Before going for assassination rogue I was conflicted between shadow priest, assassination rogue, marksmanship hunter and enhancement shaman.
No, but they may focus on making new classes that otherwise wouln't have fit. After all, DK was originally meant to be two or three smaller classes, but they got mixed together for the three specs.
Shoot down one of the Druid specs because fuck any class that can perform the same role twice. Also Druids are OP as fuck.
It's still CAPTAIN AMERICA shield spam, they even implemented the Tier 18 bonuses (which are mandatory for current WoD content) into the artifact traits/talents. Self-healing is nowhere close to WoD's but that's common throughout all tanks.
Now that SotR is a charge-based system and Avenging Wrath is back, Prot Pallies are doing hilarious bursts of damage. Probably will get nerfed before release.
Tanks in PVP on beta are hilariously over powered right now. They live up to their name and more.
It's called Battle Mage.
>being a pussy healer
I like the lore behind it but I hate how it looks. I saw a lot of people are mad that it was a dagger but I am glad it's not another fucking staff.
I don't know what they wanted to do with sub rogues, but yeah, those daggers are not something you would associate with stealth.
Dark Ranger class soon?
>Avenging Wrath
Fuck yes.
>SotR is a charge-based system
So, no more haste stacking? Did they remove holy power? For what purpose?
>Self-healing is nowhere close
Oh shit. I haven't raided much in WoD can you compare it to Pandaria, last time i main tanked
I wanted to keep playing my warlock.
but they butchered destro and affliction.
Don't even mention demonology, that shit sucks.
The good thing about it being a dagger is that there are countless other daggers in the game it can be transmogged with and there are tons of old god-looking daggers out there.
all classes and specs available for fem orcs
Havoc DH/Survival Hunter. No other melee specs really look very fun anymore. DH has the mobility that I want and Surv has the utility that keeps things fun.
I saw there is even an invisible dagger model, and you have a lot of off hand transmog options as well.
Destro for trash/5-mans and Affliction for raid bosses/pvp, demo is going to likely be garbage at launch but because of how hilariously clunky it is, will likely get overbuffed sometime in the middle of the expansion, so I'll go with that then
Sticking with what I've been playing for years.
Fury Warrior
Frost Death Knight
Beast Mastery Hunter
Windwalker Monk
Demonology Warlock
Balance Druid
And going to play Havoc Demon Hunter.
Will he become based in Legion?
Dark Ranger is less likely, with some of the new Hunter chages.
Warden, Spell-Breaker, Lightbreaker, and Tinker would be more likely.
>it's literally just Mage for idiots: the class.
you misspelled "warlock for people who aren't evil"
I honestly don't even notice it but I'm fairly new and there is always something I should be doing in a group. I've played WoW since vanilla. Black Mage is quite a bit harder to effectively deeps with than any WoW mage spec.. especially arcane. The world in WoW is better than Eorzea but the fighting mechanics leave a bit to be desired.
No, he will prove himself to be the faggot he is.
I want wardens for their armour, but it would be another elf only class.
Pfft, lel no.
Genn Greymane becomes the actual leader of the alliance. Anduin is just faggot fuccboi that gets pushed around by everyone.
>Emerald Dream finally gets added
>it's a shitty first tier raid
>it isn't even green, most of it is RED
But I thought corruption was GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN
Calling it now - With all the attention on "Light and Shadow" Anduin the Priest king will go corrupt and become a Shadow Priest like literally both the heads of the cathedral did.
the devs said in a Q&A that they want the classic warden armor to be a cosmetic set
Not when the Emerald Dream is now the Emerald NIGHTMARE (which is probably just N'Zoth fucking around what a guy that guy)
affliction/demo lock
resto/balance druid
arms/fury war
tfw would roll horde if all my friends werent ally plebs
2/3 of ally races are just humans in different sizes and forms so bland and boring
>Anything but a butthurt furry who got a little too much plague rubbed up his anus
>2/3 of ally races are just humans in different sizes and forms so bland and boring
All races are just humanoids.
>jaina 2.0
The only difference between Anduin and pre-cata Jaina is that Anduin didn't get his father killed by savages.
I love that picture of Sylvanas so much.
>So, no more haste stacking? Did they remove holy power? For what purpose?
Haste still reduces the CD of all your skills but I haven't looked at the numbers to see if it's worth it. Not sure why Holy Power was removed. Maybe it's because you won't use it for Word of Glory.
>Oh shit. I haven't raided much in WoD can you compare it to Pandaria, last time i main tanked
In WoD they introduced a mechanic called Resolve for tanking. It buffs the tank's self-heals and absorbs based on the damage intake. During a huge damage spike, I can use a full bastion of glory WoG to top myself up from 30% to full health. In developer interviews, they said that this mechanic lessens the reliance on healers, thus group play, so they are removing that in legion.
Demo didn't feel clunky to me but it definitely didn't feel satisfying. Being a demon summoning machine is cool but none of your buttons are fun to press.
But wind walker has been casualised and ruined
>What , Sup Forums?
> changed op pic name
> still same op pic
> op never speak
Also gz for retarded anons who cant create normal thread. Congrats for helping paid marketers from blizz/ea in swarming Sup Forums with their useless threads
sage/report and wait for mod to go full nuclear with bans. last time we had a 8 days without ea/blizz spamers
>tfw i'm a human arms warrior
>tfw my weapon used to belong to the king of all men, the progenitor to the Trollbanes themselves and sundered the Troll kingdoms that ruled Azeroth so greatly that they never recovered
>this sword committed to so much troll anal devastation that a hidden quirk to it causes all enemy troll npcs to flee in terror at the sight of it in combat
>tfw I can turn this into an homage to the Arcanite Reaper by facing fucking Saurfang in honorable combat
The only problem now is I'm an arms warrior.
It's obviously marketing though.
shill thread
What's the story behind the rogue's weapon by the way?
Either Assassination or Outlaw Rogue, not really feeling Sub anymore.
>missing the point completely
my negro companionoid I'm a human irl, I'd rather be a orc/tauren/undead/troll but I think maybe its more so to do with the whole alliance aesthetic if that makes sense? although I'll admit old ironforge was the shit and easily my favorite city from back then
To be fair those could easily be genuine Blizzard shiteaters.
Which one?
Combat Rogues get cursed weaponry which are cursed because they've killed so many people?
Assassination rogues get Garona's boring daggers.
Subtlety rogues get even more boring daggers that belong to Sargeras' pet which is now dead
Rogues got the worst artifact weapons lore wise.
Just check archive and look at wow threads. Most have same pictures and similiar text being reused every week
>ctrl+f uninstall wizard
>1 result
you're alright m8
Yep. I misunderstood what you meant.
I don't mind playing as a human, the few times that I do that is. I main a corpse.
Well fuck. How did Garona lose her daggers? That's what I'm going to get as an assassination.
>trolls run away from you
>even raid boss trolls
holy shit
You would think they would have wised up by now. But of course fucking Overwatch gave them such a massive ego because Blizzard out-jewed Gearbox with marketing their shitty TF2 clone.
So now people are defending WoW again. Morons.
Even worse than Hunter ones?
It's always marketing when it's game you hate, when iot's games you like it's all your bros sharing their love for a game you also enjoy.
Same goes for a bunch of other games old and new and upcoming, I guess that means every thread is shills.
>make a thread with unique picture, unique post trying to inspire discussion
>0 replies
>make thread with the same picture as always
>post the same bait as always
>200+ replies every time
you fucking retards fall for it and you blame us? lel