Now taking opening arguments.
The 95% of you who are under 25 need not post.
Now taking opening arguments.
The 95% of you who are under 25 need not post.
Other urls found in this thread:
OP is a faggot.
argument: this thread.
Not comparable, different genres.
>we're now living in an age where ff7 vs OoT gets no replies
agreed, all in favor say aye.
It's been so done to death it's not worth talking about. BotW vs. FFXV would max out replies easily.
For real, this shit would be at 30 replies already only 5 years ago, let alone 15 years
The real question is, which one is more overrated?
I haven't played FFVII but I have seen a lot of gameplay. Both are amazing games but I'm going to give it to Zelda because it doesnt come with random encounters - something that didn't need to happen so abundantly in all FF games.
>It's been so done to death it's not worth talking about
I honestly think it's just more likely that the average Sup Forumsirgin nowadays has not played much of either game, especially FF7 since it aged worse and doesn't get much Let's Play attention.
But Zelda does have random encounters, at night on the plain.
Both are clunky nostalgia bait trash.
the two of them are the most overrated games of that time (now is memetale, of course)
FF7 is trash and OoT is decent
They both arent Ape Escape.
neo Sup Forums hasn't played either because muh graphics and muh overrated games
you can physically just not be a part of it. when ff games have a static environment. why did I think that people would post this. I knew it.
fuck you
>I can't compare things because I'm retarded
>only actual manchildren can post in this thread
You can just use the "No Encounters" Ability from a materia, or run away from them.
You know how I know current-Sup Forums only played the first couple hours of FF7 at most?
They're more nostalgic for this fucking cutout than they are for Aeris
>Being old on Sup Forums
Fucking nerds. Almost as bad as the 40+ year olds in Something Awful.
running away in ff7 takes 2 seperate PS1 loading screens
Your honor, Link's Awakening and FF6 are both better.
The two in exhibit A were only adored by circle jerkers.
Jessie was there by your side constantly man
Meanwhile Aeris warms the bench because she doesn't do damage and the only real party is Cloud Barret Tifa.
This website isn't miiverse friend.
>implying either of them are GOAT material
FF7 has better story, music, and far more content.
OOT has better graphics and gameplay systems that literally revolutionized 3D action adventure games, its influence can still be felt to this day. However, most of the aspects that people usually praise the game for are actually average at best.
True, but using the Ocarina to warp/change to daylight also takes up considerable time.
In FF7 you can just turn off fights, except boss fights. In Zelda you're forced to fight some stupid bats in every dungeon for the entire game.
At least SA has names, long-lasting communities, people who've met up IRL repeatedly, a culture that isn't entirely just shitposting, etc. I can understand being 40 on there, it's an old site compared to what's popular today.
Being old on Sup Forums is what I'd never understand. I think 16-17 is the age where the ebb and flow of this place could be understandably appealing. I don't see what appeal it would have in college unless you're a failure like me, and god help anyone in their mid-twenties browsing this place trying to convince themselves they aren't talking mostly to teenagers.
I like Tifa more than Aeris desu.
I'd been spoiled years before I got a chance to play so I went all out on Tifa and mostly ignore Aeris
The trick is not to spend your entire day on Sup Forums and just come here occasionaly.
>tfw barely legal for Sup Forums
>already feel like an old man shitposting about nostalgia around all the 13 year old neo-Sup Forums shitposters
>I was 13/14 shitposting here not too long ago
FF6 I could understand but Link's Awakening? bruh
> implying they both are not the inspiration of what we have now
and as for the OP I'd say OoT over FF7 even though I enjoyed FF7 more due to giving birth to the cinematic experience attitude plaguing sony at the moment.
Get out. Just get out while you still can. I made almost this exact post 6 years ago. I'm 24 now, a hundred pounds fatter (on top of the extra 5-60 pounds I already had), and balding profusely.
This site is poisoning your mind and making you a bitter autist who comes across like a fucking weirdo in person, all while the energy of your youth is atrophying rapidly. Just get the fuck out PLEASE. Go open youtube and search for programming lessons or something. Do just one today and see how it feels compared to refreshing another thread on this shitpile.
I'm 24 and balding too it's okay user, but you can go to the gym for fatness
He said no under 25s. So that basically only leaves 12 of us.
Neither are even the best of their series
I'm brown so shaving my head doesn't seem like a big deal. I am probably not exaggerating when I say growing up with severe manboobs ruined my life however. Will definitely need surgery after I'm done losing weight.
Agree. AttP is the best Zelda
FF7 is only more popular and received meme status after 20 years. OOT is still regarded as pure fun and nothing less.
Really make you think why worse game is more popular
>FF7 is more popular
>FF7 has meme status
>OOT is regarded as pure fun
do you have any citations for these claims?
"You're retarded" is not an argument, faggot. He's right.
Both of them pushed shit forward in their respective genres. Are they good games is really up to you playing the games.
This is the board where we see which opinions are facts by furiously smashing keys and memeing in the between.
I had thick red hair and it's been my entire identity all my life and now I'm down to buzzing my hair constantly to pass for not going completely bald. I'll manage and you will too
Rock solid evidences only for 1 and 3
2 involves meme so it's impossible to prove anything but I believe it
>under 25 to post
I just prefer VII over OoT. It's really hard to compare since they are very different genres and styles of gameplay.
But if there is one thing they have in common then it is they both have worlds you are supposed to immerse yourself in and which one you would prefer would also be subjective, one is very happy and the other one is kind of dark and half-realistic.
I think OoT does a better job at making areas more playable and explorable, but VII just has a much bigger world and multiple towns with all kinds of different feels, while OoT doesn't have that many towns.
But I still think Hyrule Field and the feel you get when traversing there is pretty great, looking for little secrets and stuff
I think OoT has better NPCs for sidequests and allies and such, while VII has better NPCs for villains and bad guys in general.
But in VII you also have an entire party with you and that weighs up the lack of good ally NPCs.
It is much easier to both love and hate the main characters in VII while in OoT you don't really care - I mean, you are supposed to be Link - so in the end you go for your own motivations to save the world (in other words: to have good time).
Both have great tracks, I still prefer VII over OoT though.
All right, I don't feel for writing anymore - just wanted to try a comparison for fun - I would always pick VII because I do prefer JRPGs over Zelda-games and that's why it is hard to compare them both - but I think you could do a good comparison if you just looked at them from narratives, settings, music, characters, what they are trying to convey etc
I'm playing FN >VII on my phone right now. Actually pretty boring
go to bed grandpa
While FF7 is a wacky technical mess, OoT was a masterpiece in everyway. Being able to see the end of hyrule field, day/night cycles, real time animations, non looped idle animations, Link had so many expressions depending the place he is, etc. All characters where likeable, OoT was perfect from get-go. FF7 is a brute gem that needed to be polished.
It's been argued since they both fucking came out
The games are too different to compare.
ill coin flip it. they were both incredible.
Your honor. I've never played FFVII.
I may not know who Cloud Strife really is, why Sephiroth kills his girlfriend, or why said guy becomes a one-winged angel demon at the end. But what I do know is that no software-rendered game can compare to a fully realized Reality3D game that pioneered every aspect of the 3D gaming world that came after it.
Apples and oranges your honor. PS1 games are closer to 2D games. It's a slight to the medium to compare them to 3D games. Consider this, why is Ocarina of Time so commonly pitted against FFVII despite coming out a year apart? Why is it not compared to say, Halo 1? Surely they're closer thematically in retrospect - Elite Soldiers from the future trying to prevent some faction from causing galactic genocide using some mechanical contraption? They literally have the same plot!
I'll tell you why!
It's because PS1 has no gaems! It's all a sham! A ruse by PS1 fanboys jealous of the N64, trying to match merits with it at any odds. THIS KANGAROO JURY IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT, TO DIGNIFY THE ARGUMENT.
They already know they can't win, but by pitting Final Fantasy VII vs THE Ocarina of Time; they can gloat among themselves as a victorious in a sense.
The right thing to do is ignore them, just like everyone ignored FFVII after Ocarina of Time came out.
No further arguments at this time, your honor.
>Rock solid evidences only for 1 and 3
And you can't provide them?
As for 2, they both feel like they're beyond meme status. They're at the point where it's a meme to hate them (not that I don't hate them).
thank fucking god.
PS1 vs N64 was sort of the PC vs PS4 of its time. PS1 got almost everything N64 got and often ran it better, and had a fuckton more games on top of that, but N64 had a handful of legitimate NEVER-EVER's that made it a worthwhile purchase, thus there were flame wars.
Which game made you happier
ALttP > OoT
ALttP's greatest merit is that it was an early prototype that facilitated the gameplay staples that made Ocarina of Time the greatest game of all time happen.
Thank you ALttP, and ALttP fanboys, but your services are no longer necessary.
I don't particularly care for either.
I never enjoyed turn based games.
Good, then nobody here cares about your opinion. Thank you for bump, now leave.
So an JRPG known for their random encounters mechanics its bad because you dont like something thats been there since the start of the series.
And if you hate random encounters you should play the 1-4, those fuckers have fights every 3 steps.
why did are you here then?
>I also can not compare things because I don't know what the word compare means
pro tip: everything can be compared to anything.
OoT revolutionized gaming. FF7 was just a FF game with FMVs and not very deserving of it's praise. It was ok, but it didn't really add anything of value and it's legacy consists of bad spinoffs and being outclassed by other entries in the series.
why people say OOT aged like milk i played this game for the first time some time ago it was pretty good though the combat and movement everything
FF7 came out on mobile yesterday so now the kids know what it is
Why did you make a thread on Sup Forums if you're not interested in hearing from 95% of the userbase.
Oh! Okay...?
Because it's fun seeing console warring millennials and franchise fanboys arguing over which of the two most overhyped/overrated console games from the late 90s was better, even though they don't really play alike. One was a turn-based RPG and the other an action RPG.
>inb4 Zeldafags get triggered over calling their series an RPG.
For years I would have said OOT.
But now I think FFVII is better.
Casuals who can't handle controls. The same morons who say tank controls are unplayable.
>am 30.
>I never played either.
>was into local multiplayer back then, no single player.
>rented ff7 as a kid, never got past the entrance.
i dont know if its considered cheating but i played it with keyboard
OOT is the better game. FFVII felt like the better game
>PS1 got almost everything N64 got and often ran it better
Name a game that runs better on the PSX than on the N64.
I really don't understand why they would make a character forever bad at attacking when every character can use every form of magic. You could argue that they don't get to deal damage if they're healing, but they won't need to heal every single turn and killing enemies faster always translates to healing less often.
That sounds incredibly awkward. I played it once with the Classic Controller and even that was a pain to use.
OoT is considered as the greatest game of all time by many sites, publications, and people
That being said I have never played FFVII myself so take my opinion with a grain of salt
OOT is far better but neither are anywhere near the best games of all time.
it was amazing though getting past hyrule fields with fast forward which is usually on tab was cash
happy 25th OP
It would have fit on one cart than three disks like RE2.
Good man.
OoT did more for gaming, and it's a better video game. The fighting, dungeon crawling, and puzzle solving are all more engaging than any of the mechanics FFVII has going on.
FFVII is actually barely a game. I got through it with basically no resistance, and I'm shit at JRPGs. It's a very pretty game and a very cool game, especially for its time. I played it for the first time in 2015, and I still really enjoyed watching the combat animations. I also found the dialogue and little chibi lego people very charming. The core plot is retarded, but the game still succeeds on the scope and overall ridiculousness of its narrative.
I think I'd pick OoT. I still really like FFVII, but that's mostly due to the fact that I'm a sucker for anime and cyberpunk shit.
What metrics are being used to determine this greatest of all time marker? There are certainly better games than both. There are more influential games as well. Is it that they have a good combination of both?
is that when you are trying to get out of compton?
Same. Played it not too long ago on the Wii and I really enjoyed it. The graphics are actually surprisingly good and easy on the eyes even by today's standard. Well maybe not good by today's standard but tolerable. Although the even with FF7 I don't care about the shit graphics.
>He is actually mad that a bait thread that has been produced over a billion times by now is not getting replies
Do you actually want us to create the same threads forever?
Oot, but to be honest, I am biased because I played it first. I was saving my allowance for 5 months to preorder it so I could get the golden cartridge.