Finally platinumed Witcher 3 and it's was boring as fuck, clunky combat, boring sidequest and uninspiring story...

Finally platinumed Witcher 3 and it's was boring as fuck, clunky combat, boring sidequest and uninspiring story. What went wrong?

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Your life.

>14 hours played
>didn't like the game

yea, right

Surely if it was that terrible, you wouldn't have gone through the effort.


>What went wrong?
You didn't play on the PC and use experience-enhancing mods like BTC and BTY

>14 hours played


>You didn't play on the PC

It's still same game

You obviously liked it since you 100% it.

Well you didn't play it enough to form a proper opinion

but is it better or worse than skyrim?

I don't believe you.

but muh graphix

Well, I also 100% FF13 but that doesn't mean I liked the game. Since I was stupid enough to get the collectors edition because I trusted Square(Enix) I felt I should complete it and that's it.

Skyrim has better atmosphere

10 hours into witcher 3 and while i think its a good game. I also think its grossly overrated and misleading on pregame advertising in that its supposed to be a huge open world with no loading times. When in reality its not that open worlded, but a series of maps that do require loading times to travel between, much like inquisition. In fact this game is very similar to inquisition in alot of aspects. Which was also a good game.

But. I was expecting something new and amazing with perfect review scores and all the hype. I am severely let down. I will take a last gen skyrim over this for a few reasons.

1. The one map open world of skyrim was amazing.

2. The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched, from killing an orphanage headmaster, uncovering mage school plots, thieves guild quests, demon quests, cisero lol, on top of the main storyline, etc.

3. 1st person is awesome. Even the dull melee combat of skyrim feels fun in 1st person. But ofc using magic was much more fun and varied.

4. Level system in skyrim is also unmatched imo. Even inquisition had a better leveling system imo.

Witcher 3 has good graphics, good story n quests, good combat, good crafting, etc but just doesnt live up to its hype nor surpass skyrim in any way for me. What u guys think?

Yeah I'm doing that right now with Atelier Shallie. It's really easy to get, so I might as well finish it all the way.

>The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched
this has to be bait

>What went wrong

Wasting your time on a game you didn't like just to platinum it.

Why? Witcher 3 overrated as fuck.

so, this... this is the power of witchershills...
14:51 is the unlock time,retard

Well you're either looking to stir shit or you must have some severe OCD because why the fuck else would someone 100% a game they dislike everything about?

You're either mentally ill or you really love the game but are baiting.

Bloodborne way better than Witcher 3.

>cisero lol

yeah, it's bait

didnt like it either
clunky comtrols, shit combat, choices relegated to yes and sarcastic yes, press x to follow red shit.

Sup Forums likes it because most users are redditors

>play a few hours and drop it
you didnt play enough!
>fully complete it
this means you must have liked it!

Sup Forums like it because it's PCuck icon.

Again, no one could be so devoted to shitposting that you'd 100% the game just so you could make this exact argument.

How long did it take you, by the way?

>platinums a game
>doesn't like it

if you take a bite out of something and it tastes like shit you can stop eating it you know, don't have to munch the entire thing

ask OP, im not him
i dropped it 20hrs in

See, that sounds reasonable.

Some people enjoy grinding trophies

>How long did it take you, by the way?

329 hours, but we didn't have good alternative. Fallout 4 is shit, only Bloodborne was best rpg of this gen. I can predic new Deus Ex also will be let down.

Those people also forfeit their right to complain afterward.


>Hated the game
>Grinded through the platinum

>play a few hours and drop it
>you didnt play enough!
Nice strawman. No one ever makes this argument

There's a middle ground where you're around to drop it

That basically exists from after you complete half the game

I'm really enjoying the game but I'm having a hard time finding the motivation to carry on. Currently at Skellige and trying to ignore the points of interest at sea but being a completionist otherwise.
Skellige just feels much more lacking in content than Velen. Things are really stretched out and the sidequest formula is starting to burst at the seams.

I kind of just want to play the DLC locations and call it quits there, because I'm not invested in the main quest at all. The side quests and exploration is much more interesting to me.

That's pretty much the correct thing to do

Don't even bother with the points of interest

just disable POIs on the map and find them organically as you go along. they were literally only added so maps wouldn't be as empty in the wilderness.

Actually no they further earn that right since they unbiasedly finished the game did everything it had to offer and thus have there opinion matter the most.

Its reviewers do so why cant others?

I'll do that, then. I wasn't getting much enjoyment out of them anyway. I did a bunch of Smuggler's Caches at Skellige and the monotony was unbelievable.

Toussaint best location

both expansions showed CDPR is still at their best when doing smaller focused locations as opposed to larger maps they than have to populate just for the sake of it. they're much better when everything in the game is story related and important to overall narrative.


>play Witcher 3
>groan at Oblivion 2: the most generic environment boogaloo

>Play Blood and Wine
>absolutely love it
>the best part about Witcher 3 has been the pastiche of fairy tale landscapes/themes rather than the base game

Too bad. 13 was a great game. So it looks like you just have shit taste.

Reviews are paid for it. You pay for the privilege to waste your time for the sake of digital accomplishments.

>>groan at Oblivion 2: the most generic environment boogaloo

You only felt that way because you most likely don't know much about the mythology Witcher was based on or source material. B&W was much more inspired by universally known fairy tales in many ways.

Ah yes, Sup Forums only likes games such as Cowadooty.

Any game will be boring as fuck when you complete it 100%.

no, it just felt pretty generic to me.

the lore behind the various monsters was great, certainly.

would an understanding of Polish folklore/familiarity with Andrzej Sapkowski's writing have made me appreciate the world more, from an aesthetic point of view? doubtful.

Call it bad taste, I just found snowy-Viking-isle and green pasture yurop to be rather boring.

you're not wrong
see the infinite warfare thread

>hates the game
>puts at least 150+ hours into it


>would an understanding of Polish folklore/familiarity with Andrzej Sapkowski's writing have made me appreciate the world more, from an aesthetic point of view? doubtful.

Actually yes because much was lost in the translation, books and games. There simply aren't words and concepts outside of Slav languages to convey some ideas. I think English translation is probably the worst when it comes to "generifying" source material because the language is not up to par. Books are especially guilty of doing this.

>there are people on Sup Forums who only own a PS4

Good Shit

I'm not sure if this is bait or not. Seeing as how the majority hated it, it seems as though you're the one with shit taste pal.

How could you not like the sidequests? They were largely brilliant.
The series of vignettes is really the primary thing W3 has going for it, the main quest is certainly a letdown after the baron.


>clunky combat
Better than ever single entry in TES, but that doesn't seem to stop people from sucking off the latter.
It's just bloodbornefags that shitpost this. Prove me wrong.


stop trying to tell me how I feel. It doesn't matter if the Witcher had the best writing in the world, I would still find the world generic - just to make it clear, this is from (primarily,) an aesthetic standpoint.

Slavs literally cannot design games with decent gameplay

Every single Witcher

There's just something about Slavs where they can do great atmosphere and graphics, but they can't understand good controls or combat.

>largely brilliant

I guess you've never played an Assassin's Creed or Batman Arkham game, because "activate assassin/batman/witcher mode and follow the multicolored shit" has been done to death and adding a piece of text next to it that says "this guy that was eaten by a troll was about to live happily ever after" doesn't make it good.

>platinum a game you don'T like

supreme autism


>witcher 3
>good combat

>How would you know the game is bad if you didn't even play it?
>why did you play a game if you don't like it?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Sup Forums!

>I played 329 hours on a game that was boring as fuck, clunky combat, etc.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

i'd do the same thing. platinum a game or do something in it and make a thread just to call out on it just for shitposts. its fun because people will believe you since you played it. you loved the game, you're just fucking bored as shit.

Here's a challenge for you CDPR drones.

Name one single CDPR game with good gameplay.

I'll wait.

>I can only think in extremes

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Sup Forums!

Literally the first time i've ever seen someone say Metro has bad gameplay. The gunplay gets praise even on Sup Forums

All three witcher games

They all play like shit.

Guess again.

Ask your parents, they might have plenty of theories, provided they'd even talk to you.

You may not like the combat but gameplay isn't only combat and the gameplay aside the combat (which isn't even that bad but whatever) is very solid.

is this supposed to be a bait or troll or something?

>Reviewer plays game on easy and only completes 3 missions
>states the game sucks and not worth picking up


>Reviewer plays game on hard, completes game
>Says game is shit and not worth picking up


>skyrim combat
>anything but dogshit

i played it right off the bat on death march. After the red baron questline I threw it into the trash. Every single aspect of the gameplay is a joke.
I will go play KH2FM ty very much.

Some people can hate the game because they grinded through the platinum.

PC didn't have good alternative RPG games

It's too late!

You missed the party OP. You were supposed to 100% months earlier.

>Witcher 3 has good graphics, good story n quests,
>good combat

Tried way too hard.

>getting Platinum in a game you don't even enjoy

Now that right there is genuine autism.

>What went wrong?
You platinumed it. You forgot how to enjoy video games

>platinum TW3
>take a screencap
>come to Sup Forums
>make a thread with the screencap
>say its shit
>guaranteed replies

Every last one of you are fucking retarded if you think he dislikes the game. You all are being baited and it's just like idiots on Sup Forums to fall or the shit.

my only real problem with this game besides the combat being boring is that most side quests are use detective vision to find a spot follow the trail and then investigate the area until a monster attacks

hoping blood and wine has cooler side quests

Man CDPR drones really can't take criticism, can they? Autistic Polack fucks

>someone says they dislike a turd game
>no OMG he loves it
Fuck you CDPR shill fuck.

Why do drones think Witcher 3 is some masterpiece game without flaws when its core gameplay mechanics are a joke?


i platinumed both new R&C and Gravity Rush hd and i enjoyed the shit out of them both.

in OP's case you are right though, since he did not enjoy the game but bothered getting a hard platinum anyway.

>hoping blood and wine has cooler side quests

It's worse than Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

>R&C and Gravity Rush
those two games are complete shit though. GR is literally clunkier than TW3 but except for just the combat being clunky it's literally every move you make.

Is calling other games shit making you feel better, CDPR shill?

what do you gain from being pointlessly negative? you know you're just shitposting to piss people off. you obviously don't know what you're talking about at all. yet you are compelled to post and shit on what other people like, as if your brainless perspective is more valuable.

why don't you try being positive instead of just gunning to make other people unhappy?

Its really not that good 7/10

>"The fact that you platinumed it means your observations on it are not valid"
Witchershills are another kind of deluded.