Why weren't you in LA last weekend? It's like you don't want to meet girls who play vidya. Are you homo?

Why weren't you in LA last weekend? It's like you don't want to meet girls who play vidya. Are you homo?

Put numbers on them for rolling.

I live in the OC and where was this. Some qt d.va

I am too autistic to even interact with any of the people at cons.

I go with my sister and she's basically my handler.


Because AX is fucking expensive. I'd much rather just go to Akon which is at least in my state.

Oh ok glad I didn't.

Why the fuck are there vidya cosplay at an anime convention?!?

Sounds just like my Chinese cartoons.

>Anime Expo
>Overwatch cosplaying

Good to see Anime Expo is still just a huge shilling station and nothing to do with anime.

8/10 cosplayers at any convention will be video game related.

Expect more overwatch cosplay in the future. Its the new LoL in that regard.

>Finally get out of the badge line to get into line to get into the hall so that I can wait in line for the panel

Why are you surprised? You see non-comic book related stuff at Comicon every year. Same goes for pretty much any other convention/expo.

Small conventions > big conventions any day

Going next year though, if anyone's down to party

Because I went to Supercon instead. Wasn't worth it to buy plane tickets or drive cross country when there's a con right here.

>"hanzo shot first" girl

And that's bad
I want them to diaf

>fat girls cosplaying as d.va

simply ugh

>wear headphones and facepaint

I'm not surprised though, I was just saying how I would rather spend less money for more or less the same thing. Went to AX once and while it was fun, it was also made possible since friends and I split a lot of costs and its ahrd getting everyone together for something like that again

i hate being out in public

>gets asshurt because of western content at an anime convention

What is with this garbage forced doritos mountain dew meme?

but holy shit the bunny d.va oh my fucking god

>tfw no brown dva gf

do these losers seriously carry around mountain dew and doritos all day?

>wanting to hang out with overcucks

After years of SJW indoctrination, I can only assume those fatties are being oppressed by all those thin, beautiful bullies in a systemic privilege build on hundreds of years of western, colonial destruction.

No I don't give a fuck about that. It's a convention for anime so stay anime. Same with fucking comicon. Has nothing to do with comics really so why the fuck is it even called that anymore.

Change the name and I'm good

I'm not travelling a few states for 1 con
I'll just be going to animefest this year.

Fucking fake geek girls. I bet none of them have even played Overwatch.

their boyfriends hold it until the photo

I bought a ticket and went and I regretted every minute of it.

It turns out that I like anime and videogames but can't stand the fanbase. I never believed in the whole nerd thing until I dived deep into my hobby. Now it's obvious to me why these hobbies have a bad name.

You guys are honestly pathetic looking in real life and you act weird as fuck. You meme spouting shitters are right to stay in your basements and little social clubs. They act like containment boards for Sup Forums do.

>Why are you surprised?
I was surprised back in 2004 when I stopped going to anime expo. Now I just expect it.

Because the official event is centred around anime, not comics. Can't say the same about SDCC though since they do TV shows and movies now.

>girls who play vidya
I'll stick to meeting girls in the gym/club, they tend to take care of themselves a little better.

I like videogames and I'm a loser
Why would I want to meet other losers

>city convention center hosts at least three different cons every year (gamer con, anime con, comic con, horror con, etc)
>it's all the same shit with the same people and same costumes, just with different B-tier guests, maybe one A-tier now and then

I hate it. Just save money and make a big con once a year

>me 10th from the left, top row

implying one of them even plays the game

Where my Dragon Con niggas at?

>Dallas TX

Common son ..


>bringing video game bullshit to my ANIME convention

>Be American
>Go to anime con
>Get shot by cosplayer dressed as a nigger
>Everyone just stands there and claps

I've been to a decent amount of conventions but I've never made a lasting friendship with anyone I met there. I guess I just don't know how to be social. I guess the appeal is to meet people but I just can't get the hang of it, I feel like cons are just an expensive way to do shit I could do at home or buy shit I could buy online

all cons are like that now.

And is it that big a deal?

>going to anime con

No sorry I don't give a fuck about normalfags ''xd im such a weeb xd look at me!'' attention whores sluts.

A while ago, pre 2000, conventions were the best place to find anime merchandise and learn about new shows. Unless you had actual Japanese friends or lived close to an active asian community.

It quickly just turned into a paid advertisement for dubbing companies and any group who spent enough money to buy a booth. I remember seeing video game companies like SquareEnix having booths at anime expo as far back as 2004. Granted, they were showing off Dragon Quest VIII and FullMetal Alchemist, which have plenty of anime connections. But many other booths didn't have such an excuse.

Anime Expo is trying to be Comic Con 2.0 now. And I can't exactly blame them since the American anime market is all but dead. But at the same time, anime expo helped that demise by pushing dubs and dub actors over the original Japanese. You wouldn't believe the shit I saw at anime expo. Like Crispin Freeman getting 4 separate panels of his own, while also crashing the Tomokazu Seki and Maaya Sakamoto panels. Anime Expo is just a big paid advertisement.

The point of cons is to go there and meet people who share your interests, that's why it's called a fucking CONVENTION not a ISOLATION.
If you go to one and feel miserable, congrats you have autism

i too, remember puberty being tough.

hang in there angstbro.

>Crispin Freeman is at the Maaya Sakamoto panel
>interrupts a fan question to ask: "Who is Yoko Kanno?"

>I want to hear a language I don't understand

Fuck you. Everything should be dubbed. I'm sick of poorly translated subtitles I have to read while trying to watch a high speed action scene.

You and your faggot weeaboo kind need to fuck off to Japan if you love it so much and elt the normal people enjoy anime in their own fucking language.

because I live in Germany and almost died with my jacket on

Blow your brain out normalfags weeb.

You people are so fucking cancerous.

>More weeb games aren't getting dubbed
>People are finally getting tired of Crispin Freeman and JYB same voicing everything

The golden age will happen soon


Make your own American anime then, tough guy :^)

Yes. Keep projecting.

Just stick to your shitty western cartoon.

Female gamers only want Chad just like every other girl.

Nice repost faggot

Half of those aren't even cosplay they're just wearing T-shirts and holding mountain dew and Doritos


I already have a wife who plays video games.

Step it up Sup Forums

>Fuck you. Everything should be dubbed.
America took this policy basically from the 1930s and on. And all it did was limit the quality and quantity of material that came to America. And Hollywood still uses dubs and a form of control for what movies can be released in the US.

The anime market is really the only market where subtitles became standard. And it wasn't by choice. They spent 30+ years trying to follow the same practices Hollywood employs of only allowing a show to be released in the west with a dub track. But it eventually led to the majority of people just going online and downloading the show for free. The anime market in the US went from a billion dollar industry to losing money in the span of just 10 years. Because despite people being sheep and defaulting to dubs (like you), enough people realized that anime was free online. And free will always beat out paying for anything. Let alone a censored, altered product.

anyone make a play of the game version of this?

>crowd full of blacks, uggos, fatsos and balding numàles

Because girls who are GAYMERS are normally cringy as fuck. Even if they're attractive I just can't stand their personalities most of the time.

I can't bring my dick to want to fuck these girls.

You could have just summerized your post by saying "Girls who are desperate for attention are not desirable."

That's literally every cosplayer. A person, boy or girl, who is just desperate for attention. And probably pushes people away because of it.

In short, don't put your dick in crazy.

dat gundam armor

>The anime market in the US went from a billion dollar industry to losing money in the span of just 10 years.


anime industry went down the drain in 10 years of three things

- they stopped altering things for western release (anime was only making hella money in the west during robotech/pokemon/original censnored dbz era) so they lost the prime time normie audience

- they started releasing everything even though the majority of it sucks ass

- anime stopped being a fad

anime is a niche market in both the west and east, it's spiraling the drain has nothing to do with dubs and everything to do with lack of interest, lack of people are retarded voice acting rules

I've never played Overwatch, but is that character supposed to be an egg in a latex one-piece?

Because I don't live in America. Would love to go to one of these big cons instead of the shit we got here but too poor plus can't cosplay cuz fat shit since I imagine these would be much more fun if you could do so.

The comic con in Melbourne last year was pretty shit. Didn't even bother again this year.

Your entire post is so wrong it hurts.

The anime market in the west died because they lost the monopoly on the market. That is, people started to learn where anime came from and that they could get it for free online. In other words, anime fans were no longer ignorant enough to buy a product that was free. And the only incentive western companies like ADV, Viz or 4kids gave them was a dub and a pretty box.

If these same companies had spent the previous two decades marketing anime and establishing a solid market, then they could have combated online piracy and had a more devoted fan following. But when your entire market is the most ignorant and gullible people, they are not going to support you when a better medium comes along. That being free fansubs on the internet.

Notice how people in Japan are still buying anime despite it being free online? That's because of fan dedication and inventive. Neither of which exist in the west because the market never existed. The entire market was based on dubbing. And dubs were of such low quality that people eventually preferred to just read subs for free than spend $20 for 3 dubbed episodes.

Forgot to add that DVD/BD sales for anime in America also fell because the official subtitles were even worse than fansubs. Even if you wanted to support the western market, its hard to do so when the subtitles are Hong Kong level bad.

You forgot to mention that you can be literally sent to prison for pirating and distributing anime online in japan

I did, except I avoided the gatherings like a plague.

The same is true in America. Just few people ever get caught torrenting.

your argument that the western "anime fanbase" is making way less money now then 10 years ago is flawed because the actual amount of "anime fans" didn't decrease, the amount of normies that were into anime decreased. people that were way into dbz or robotech back in the day didn't all become "anime fans" that would know or care how to torrent.

I'm confused why you say "people in japan are still buying anime" when they've been making less and less sales every year and only keeping their heads up via blatant scamming of NEETS that don't know any better with insane DVD prices and merchandise. These are things the western distributors could never get away with, the entire comparison is bullshit.

You are out of your mind, fansubs have always been garbage. I know they've been dead for years but there's a reason that there's only like four sub groups these days and everyone just steals crunchyroll translations, and that's because during the 00's fansubs were full of retarded translators notes, weeb as fuck translations that for some reason think japanese is a sacred language and translating concepts is impossible, clunky as fuck grammar and inconsistent release schedules

>anime is dying
>Anime cons post record attendance
>See more AMWF couples
>People spending tons of money on useless expensive crap
>Anime is dying


> Those exploding tits

Seriously, her fucking in-game model looks like a man with long hair.

if people actually buy it, then why has anime turned so shit during the last twenty years?

It's 999,99% garbage now.

Thank God I stopped watching this low quality animation around the age of 16.

>1,000 each
What the fuck?
I fucking hate angel beats and the fact they butchered the whole scripts from 26 episodes down to 13

Anime is dying, much like videogames. It's just that idiots pay for and watch really shitty anime because they have no taste or self respect. Much like people pay for and play shitty games because, again, they have no taste.

You mad raijin went bankrupt baby weeb?

I don't like in America, nor do I have the face/body/whatever for cosplay.


>your argument that the western "anime fanbase" is making way less money now then 10 years ago is flawed because the actual amount of "anime fans" didn't decrease, the amount of normies that were into anime decreased.
Uh...that is part of my argument. While interest in anime did increase over time, most of those people are downloading stuff from the internet. In fact, it is because of the internet that knowledge of anime skyrocketed.

>people that were way into dbz or robotech back in the day didn't all become "anime fans" that would know or care how to torrent.
Plenty of them did. Hell, my 16 year old cousin who buys every single hyped game that ever comes out still has enough sense to download his anime instead of buying it.

>I'm confused why you say "people in japan are still buying anime" when they've been making less and less sales every year
Anime sales in Japan have gone down compared to 2006 levels, but are still exponentially higher than they were between 1970s-1990s.

>and only keeping their heads up via blatant scamming of NEETS that don't know any better with insane DVD prices and merchandise.
Hence my point about dedication and incentive. The west never developed a
'market' for anime so it doesn't have the rabid support like Japan does. Everything was done by secondary companies who were just milking the short lived anime fad. The main companies who make anime should have retained the rights to sel anime DVDs/merchandise in the west.

>It's 999,99% garbage now.
It was in any decade. You're comparing the 20 or so shows you liked in the past to everything coming out today. Learn what Sturgeon's Law is.

>Anime is dying, much like videogames.
>Sup Forums 2005

>Anime is dying, much like videogames.
>Sup Forums 2016

>Anime is dying, much like videogames.
>Sup Forums 2025

One of these days, you'll be right.

You obviously don't know shit then

I love Cr1tical

>You are out of your mind, fansubs have always been garbage.
And yet often were still better than official subs. Which just used the horribly inaccurate dub script for the subtitles. Or would even completely change shit for no reason. No ADV, Kenshin wasn't saying 'Spite'. No 4kids, Brock is not talking about Tacos while fondling the air.

>full of retarded translators notes
Keeping the original context with translation notes is better than completely changing a joke or meaning into something 'American'. Neither version is perfect. But telling someone with a quick note that Takoyaki is fried dough with squid inside is a hell of a lot better than changing it to meatballs and changing the entire joke to be about Texas. That doesn't make it more relatable to the American audience. Its a fucking show about Japanese schoolgirls. If someone is watching it, they will expect there to be some Japanese references in there.

The big problem here is alteration, which shouldn't be acceptable in any form of media. We have daily threads on Sup Forums about people complaining that a simple bathing suit has been covered up. Well how about completely fucking up character dialogue and scripts? That's on a whole other level of censorship. But since you love dubs so much, you probably don't even know what parts have been changed. Which I really feel sad for you.