Is this the best fighter on the market until Tekken 7 comes out?

Is this the best fighter on the market until Tekken 7 comes out?

No, guilty gear might be better, if you're into that... But still, yfw MK is now legitemately good and garanteed to give you a shitton of decent content every time.

MK thread, compare with other fighters, talk trash, praise, predictions for MK XI,...

Who do you main?

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I main Cassie Cage, the goddess of perfection.

trash online, dlc out of the ass, no pc support, removing half of the legendary cast, x-ray moves that stop the match for 10 seconds only for your opponent to just get back up, stupid story that a simple conversation could have avoided, guest characters need I go on?

>trash online
They fixed that shit, m8.

Mortal Kombat XL is absolutely brilliant on Xbox One and Ps4.

Shouldn't have pirated the PC version, just saying.

My main gripe with the game is 90% of the characters have braindead offense. Literally every character either has simple 50/50 mixups (most of them are completely safe) or they just leave you in blockstun for almost 10 seconds and do a shitton of chip damage or set you up for (you guessed it) a 50/50 mixup.

Playing defensive will get you killed. Only certain characters can do it like Piercing Mileena or Acidic Alien.

Anti-airing is also inconsistent. Certain character's air options are just too damn good, and some characters can't even antiair them unless they use armor.

So you basically get a game where it's good to be super aggressive and jumping is usually without consequence.

I still play it for fun once in awhile but I prefer MK9 and Injustice. Hopefully NRS learns from their mistakes for Injustice 2.

Also my third biggest gripe I forgot to mention are the normals in the game. Most of the cast have ridiculous normals that you don't see in a lot of fighting games. Normals that go almost 1/2 to 3/4 of the screen, can be advantage on block, lead to combos, etc.

Cassie's b1, Cage's f3, Kotal's b1, etc.

It really makes the neutral game silly at times.

No, Tekken Tag 2 or Street Fighter V.

MK is fun and I love the series but it'll never consistently stay in the spotlight now unless they change some core gameplay features, and if they do it won't really be MK anymore.

Online is fixed as far as it wasn't good enough

You're lucky you even got it on pc to be honest.

Half of the cast was shit, and they know it. Killing them off was an awesome and bold move, but not too bold for comfort since its MK and some can always return.

Most of the new characters are actually really good and awesome. Whereas MK9 was brilliantly classic, MKX is wonderfully refreshing thanks to the partly new cast, it was a good move.

Who hates x-rays? Only people who hate fun.

Story is about as good as you could wish for in a fighter, in fact MK is kind of a pioneer of sorts in fighting game story modes since MK9. You lotterally can't hate on this, it's only a great addition.

>dlc out of the ass

I'll give you this one. I haven't bought anything, and i was lucky enough to get goro despite not preordering. Who cares about fucking guest characters anyway. I sure don't. Wouldn't mind trying triborg though,

My dream MK game is something with mechanics similar to MK9 (I feel MK9 did it right, it just suffered from balance issues and some glitches) but the story and setting is darker like MK2.

Also fuck most of the newer characters that were introduced. We need Shang Tsung, Baraka, Smoke, Rain, etc. back. Not fucking Jacqui Briggs and Cassie Cage.

Only newer characters I liked were Takeda and the Outworld characters.

Literally a perfect MK game in my eyes.

>Who do you main?

Triborg is pretty fun

>Only newer characters I liked were Takeda and the Outworld characters.

So, most of them?

>We need Shang Tsung

He'll almost definitely return, so many hints.

> Baraka, Smoke, Rain

meh. Prefer Noob Saibot and MAYBE the robot ninja's, though they should skip another game to get the hype to a max when they are announced.

Jacqui and Cassie can stay, if Sonya, Jax and even Johnny Cage are all worked into these two characters and replaced by three new original chars in the next game.

So thanks to the Boruto's, we can probably say goodbye to Jax, Sonya, Johnny, and Kenshi.

Do you think Kung Jin will return? Probably, but they'll make him more interesting.

People keep talking about a KP3 but you just know it's another one of Boon's lies via twitter.

I especially want that crazy fucker back looking at all these Brutalities and Fatalities in X. He had one of the most entertaining ones in 9 where he spins your impaled body on one blade and slices you up with the other.

The other one was more brutal but this one was kinda funny.

Tarkatan Alien is no replacement.

>where he spins your impaled body on one blade and slices you up with the other.

isn't that a classic fatality of his from way back? i might be wrong.

Anyways, what are you guys hoping / expecting for the next game? I don't want to russle anyone's jimmies, and this is not bait, but I really want them to redo Onaga better. The dragon king as the original and true ruler of outworld is an epic concept and I love the character in theory, aswell as his epic trolling of Shujinko in MK deception rpg, but his design etc. needs a reboot.

Kung Jin's not so bad.

Besides I'm getting tired of Kung Lao anyway.

next game probably won't happen for a while but KP3 is our best bet and i'm hoping for Noob+Jade only two i want in

I kind of don't hate his playstyle, but i hate the character. He's just a shitter, and looks too plain.

If they do Onaga again then do it without posessing Reptile and taking over his body.

His Primary sucks ass I'll give you that but I like the Marksman and Shadow Costumes.

Besides if I had to rate them from best to worst: Takeda, Cassie, Kung Jin, Jacqui

>next game probably won't happen for a while

hmm four years between MK9 and MKX; probably something similar for next game.

Watch them announce it next year at E3, and deliver a year and a half later.

Are they making a kombat pack 3? hopefully with less movie monsters and more cereal mascots!!

Kombat Pack 3 Confirmed!!!
Captain Crunch
Trix Rabbit
Sugar Bear or Honey Smacks Frog
Cheerios Honey Bee

Are there no chick cereal mascots?

D'Vorah > Takeda > Cassie > Kotal Kahn > Ferra/Torr

These can stay. Jacqui and Kung Jin can be deleted of the roster and canon murdered in the next game, giving the surviving Boruto's some extra baggage and fuel for revenge.

i bought the pc version
i got fucking ripped off
ive played 20 online games in total
half of them were instant disconnects

>If they do Onaga again then do it without posessing Reptile and taking over his body.


>anything related to ashly burch

it was clear from launch that the pc version was pretty fucked. which means you bought the pc port made by another team without even waiting to see if it was any good. tsk tsk.

>NRS animations
>NRS mechanics
>a fucking block button in a 2d game, kill yourself
>literally an 8-button layout required now
>still utterly uncomfortable on an 8-button arcade stick
>every character is dial-a-string with a few basic specials
>literally *teleports behind you*: the game.
>EXXXXtreme gore, so dark and mature vomit inducing 30fps cinematic attacks, i love getting a migraine every time there's an X-Ray

there are few games or playerbases i have less respect for

Bring them all 8 of them back just improve them a little.

KJ and Jacqui need better designs.
KJ was a cunt in the beginning but he got better near the end.
Jacqui needs a personality.
Cassie should grow her hair out to look like her concept art picture.

>buying a title from an established franchise published by a huge name in the business that had plans for future dlc therefore was safe to assume there would be support in said future
>fuken iddiot lmaaa0

>but it was a safe bet! there was no need to first get my facts straight!

apparantly not, dipshit.

I didn't really like Cassie, Jacqui, or Jin. But they're major characters now so I'm sure we'll be forced to have them in the next game. Ferra/Torr was my least favorite new Outworld character and could care less if they come back.

Noob definitely needs to come back.

those assumptions don't carry over to it being automatically safe to get the pc port by a B-team on launch.

tbqh i don't want new game Mkx is perfect and would rather they just support it

Not a fan of the movie characters but I'm sure Warner Brothers is going to force NRS to put some fucker in the next game.

>tfw I run into 3 Cutthroat Kanos in a row online
Why though

It was fun, the PC port was fucking god awful and I'm glad they Steam Refund system came out when it did, because I managed to get a refund for it despite owning it for like 2 months.

I'm still mad that they didn't bring over the DLC characters to PC.

Because of that I've renounced MK10.

He's good.

Tierwhores and he has safe 50/50s

Stunt Double Johnny is fun as fuck to play. Recommend it.


so dramatic.

PC Port doesn't even include kombat pack 2 lol.

Also . The pacing of the game is moronic.

I should've got it on sale.

Well whatever. I still have MK9 I've yet to start.

Injustice 2 looks like an ugly trainwreck so I doubt it.

I'm going to try it out still, but there are so many other fighting games coming out or already out that Injustice 2 is basically at the bottom of the list for me.

Injustice games aren't even on my list

it wasn't even the best fighter of the time it came out.


ok now make one for doa and street fighter

>mfw bought PC version at launch

At least I got it from gray market for $20. Fuck Netherrealm for not supporting PC

fuck off

looking at how batman was on pc not surprising