It's estimated that Pokemon Go at #1 is grossing over $1.6 million each day from the iOS app in the US alone

>It's estimated that Pokemon Go at #1 is grossing over $1.6 million each day from the iOS app in the US alone

hahahahaha holy fuck

Other urls found in this thread:


I just caught a squirtle in the wild... Did I just steal some new players starter pokemon in my area?

No. They do appear in the wild you know.
One guy caught a wild venusaur.

Nice gameplay lol this game is so gud xD

No, you can catch and hatch all the starters. If you couldn't, you'd never be able to evolve or powerup them.


>no proper battling
Why do people like this "game"?

>sitting by computer in just my boxers
>look at Pokemon GO
>a Horsea Woodard across th street in someone's backyard
>click it and manage to engage it even though it's too far away
>catch it

Suck it walking fags, I can catch Pokemon by being a lazy fatass.

>its not even out in Europe, Japan, or China yet

yo is it possible to buy nintendo stocks now?

This is NX. FTP mobile shit

Because walking is actually really enjoyable when you have something to occupy yourself with.

Because the battling us more than fine for a phone game, fgt.

I wonder why

Also I've seen some friends post about how they bought 200 balls

... I have so many from running around yesterday I had to start deleting them to collect revives and great balls

sure, why not

pokemon is a casual af game anyways. I'm enjoying the shit out of this and wouldn't be mad if this is the future of the series. especially after seeing these new gen 7 pokemon.

>it's ok for it to be shit because it's on mobile
People like you are the reason this game will never reach its full potential

Can someone explain how I track down Pokemon once they're nearby?
I select them from the nearby screen but all that does it make some leaves fly in one area and then the next minute a completely different area.
And what does tapping the map do on its own?

seeing nintendrones gleefully suck a corporation's dick for this is disgusting.


>3 paw Squirtle shows up
>walk 3km in one direction
>still 3 paws

With that much money, you'd think they'd put some of it into the actual game.

seeing sonyggers being buttdevastated is glorious.

Just because they're not going out of business doesn't mean they're not dead.

I think any anti-nintendo posters are happy with this development seeing how cancerous mobile shit is

So it's made about 7 million dollars. Big whoops.

I find it fucking hilarious how Sup Forums is always so mad that mobile shit sells.


>Nintendo will finally leave the console race in order to make freemium mobile shit

feels good

>(translating from whalespeak)
>"Help, I can't find my feet or penis under my 'healthy' layers of fat. I want to use my Rascal but I'd rather make fun of these anorexic fags."

fucking this
I walked for 3 hours following the blinks of a geodude's silhouette and couldn't find shit, still 3 paws
even hatched 3 5km eggs fucking fuck this shit game, its just better to stay at home and use your shitty incense

I'm not mad or surprised it sells I'm mad that Sup Forums is also part of this cancer. This kills pokemon and nintendo. Hell this might go even further and bait other companies to go mobile centric. Look what happened to Konami and Capcom.


>pokemon go made more on its own than all of the Wii U lineup

Nintenshits on fucking suicide watch jesus christ
>b-but it's ok when Nintendo goes mobile!
>j-just $5 more dollars mommy! I gotta recruit this waifu into my Fire Emblem harem!

Bruh, try turning 90 degree in a direction. You're probably doing pic related.

I went to the lake near my house and there were at least 30+ people catching shit with lures every where.
I didn't really think it would be this fucking crazy. There were people riding around the lake blasting the pokemon theme and rap.

Casuals win again.

Don't bother, nintendrones will never try to see further than their own backyard

>every thread has people here who scream and cry and throw internet tantrums about how much they hate this game and hate seeing people having fun
>post threads about car accidents and people getting mugged / raped in allies
>this changes nothing and this game will continue to rise along with the collective IQ

They can be dead to you personally, sure.

For me, that wouldn't be because of mobile games though, but because of DLC and amiibos.


You were walking away, dumby.

Fuck me, it doesn't even have ads, it's all by in-app purchases. What a fucking business.

Well, then there's the Android version. And the game's out in both Japan and Europe now.

It's gone now, but 3km should be far enough for that not to happen.
Wish there was at least a hint as to which direction I should be going, it's hard enough to go in straight lines in European cities as it is.

If I was walking away, it would have disappeared long before I walked 3km.

Holy shit this game is piss easy to catch shit if you live at a university. Lures up 24/7 with stops every where.

A lot of us are adults with jobs who can buy girls for our harems with our own money, thank you very much.

I walked around campus and there are literal bands of pokemon trainers walking around.

This is what I wanted life to be like when I was a kid. I woulda given anything.

So, question.

How is this even really a game?

I know. It's just hard to believe that it hasn't even been out for a week yet. Will the steam die down by a month?

Nintendo's stock is the highest it's been since 1983.

>Nintendo has to rely on a gimmick to succeed
Why is this news? and why aren't Pokemon threads moved to /vp/?

I'm out of the loop. Does it have microtransactions or something?

>Nintenshits on fucking suicide watch jesus christ
>Nintendo making millions off just 1 game

Did it move up the position at all? It was probably two separate ones. Or did you have an incense?

Because they aren't actually against the rules.

>Stocks are at the highest since before the Wii U
>Even higher than when Nintendo announced they were making mobile games
>Still hasn't even released in more than a handful of countries


Buy right now before they launch Animal Crossing in Japan

Unless you own a ton of Nintendo stock enjoy your phoneshit lmao

It moved up sometimes, but then got further away again, so I turned around and walked 90° from where it started getting further away, still never changed from 3 paws though.

Maybe. I hope so. The more money this makes, the more bullshit like it we will see.

Yes, but you can complete a good chunk of the pokedex without them if you live in an area with tons of stops and people.
Let other people spend their money on lures.

If they add more Pokemon it's never gonna die down

Pokemania took at least 2 years to die down

>This kills pokemon and nintendo

Nintendo killed itself long before this

>rely on a gimmick

You make that sound like it makes any amount of sense.

Gimmicks are always a gamble.

So what's the grass sparkle stuff everywhere? It's not Pokemon cause shit all happens when I walk to it

>live in Texas
>if I go for a walk to catch pokemon I will literally die from heat stroke.
Why live.

>A game about evolution bringing natural selection to our world in the form of people getting mugged and run over in the pursuit for fictional animals. Pottery.

>blue is full of fedora-tipping nerds
>red is literally hitler


Specify the point in time.

As far as I can tell, it's little more than a Pokedex app.

It's a game by definition.

Oh OK.


Why do normies like shitty games like this and flappybird?


3km shouldn't even be remotely possible if each paw represents 50m as most of the internet has been saying.

It is doomed now because they have discovered the wonders of smartphone games.
Nintendo might be alive, but their paper in console gaming is coming to an end.


>Nintendo makes profit by releasing games
>Sony makes profit by forcing paid online


Could just be GPS issues. Sometimes it takes as long as five minutes for the GPS to catch up to you. Or if you have an incense, the Pokemon could actually be coming to you but you're walking away from it.

You'll care in a month when it's still making bank and Nintendo questions doing anything else.

the fact that you even have to do this is retarded,

Don't rag on FlappyBird.
It's a legit arcade design with fail condition and high scores.

November 2012

mobile shit isn't a game

>mfw all of my friends play this shitty game and we're all 24+ years old

I should get new friends desu.

>Nintendo releases games


>If Nintendo loses money they're dead
>If Nintendo makes money they're dead
Holy shit can Nintendo ever win with these people

We'll see about that.

I'm very curious to see what the fuck NX is.

Does this meme game works on Tablets too or is it phone only?


>This salt

This is a good thing. With more money, Nintendo can afford to try new things and innovate.

Yes it is whether you rike it or not


Is that a real fucking article?

The game is about walking in the street and using your camera to find Pokemon like Invizimals.
You could, but you'd need a data connection, and you would look autistic as fuck going around pointing with your tablet's camera.

>if nintendo spiritually and culturally is dead they're dead
>if they aren't they're alive

it's that simple, they've been dead since the wii. You fags who buy their shit out of nostalgia are pretty pathetic to be honjest



Nintendo died years ago, neo-Nintendo turning to smartphone shovelware should surprise nobody.

It might be too late to jump on that train.

Nintendo's stock value has gone up $7.5 billion in just the past two days. Might be a little risky buying now.

Specify event.

>Buying items
Or you could actually do what the game wants you to do, and walk around your town exploring and discovering new things to get items. Yes. Actually GO OUTSIDE and get a minimum of light exercise. I've literally seen a bunch of autistic nerds, chads, and a couple cops come together outside a cafe downtown that had a lure. No one got bullied, everyone had a good time, everyone got pokemon, and we all discovered a neat cafe. Shit, I'm heading down to the delta with some friends this weekend to drink, go rafting, and try and catch some water pokemon.