I bought this 2 days ago

I bought this 2 days ago.
What does Sup Forums think about it?
I think it's __________fun_____________

_____it is______

Best Souls game, with flaws though
Considering it's the first one, the series really hasn't advanced much since then

bloodborne is a lot better than that piece of shit

Old Monk best boss. But that's it, bloodborne is better.

das a good game mayn.

I like it but Souls has become to big for Sup Forums to still like it.

I bought it recently and was really angry that I couldn't disable the motion blur.
The game is good but the PS3 limitations hit hard.
Hopefully it will get a PS4/PC remaster one day.

Really liked it but it was both too short and too easy for me, probably since I played it last after DS 1,2,3

Great music and nice boss fights but desu it doesn't compare to DaS1 in complexity, level design, and overall as a game.


tfw still havent been able to play bloodborne

Aside from some easy gimmick bosses (excluding Storm King)
World Tendency
Near-impossible drop rates
Item burden
overcomplicated weapon upgrade system
and pretty much dead multiplayer
It's a great game

I like Fashion Souls so the lack of armor sets bothers me. Running and rolling feel less stiff and heavy. Other than that it's pretty much the same thing as the other Souls, but without running around not knowing where to go.

>hating on Item burden

I played it after playing all of the Dark Souls and I really enjoyed it, although I really didn't understand how weapon upgrading worked.
What I really liked was how the game was consistently great (unlike every DaS game). From the first area to the last area, the bosses and settings were great (even the notorious swamp area).

>Oh hey an armor set, better stop what im doing and head back just to drop this off and reset the level just to progress up to this point

The game is fun but the problem is that online is dead and trying to achieve proper PWWT or PBWT is a fuck.

>Hopefully it will get a PS4/PC remaster one day
>PC remaster

You faggots really can't be this fucking delusional/thick headed, jesus shit.

how about you fuck off?
I already bought the fucking PS3 and the game, I even said a PS4 remaster would be just as good.
Fuck off with your platform shitposting, it ain't fucking welcome here.

Done with the help of a SONY DEVELOPER.
I don't care what you fucking bought or not, use your fucking head and think for once why it won't ever be released on PC.

Retards are the ones not welcome here, but I really didn't expect less from a port begger.

it was always hypothetical, fuck off to your containment thread

>DeS thread
>console war shitposter
>mlp shitposter
>bloodborne shitposter

jesus christ this website is starting to piss me off, can you all go fuck off to another thread instead of ruining this one

>it was always hypothetical

No it fucking wasn't. There has always been 0 chances of it coming to PC, I just don't know how retarded you have to be to think a Sony developed game would be released on your other platform of choice.

How is it even console war? Please tell me what else are you supposed to tell someone who legitimately believes Demon's Souls has a chance to be released on PC.

It's Sup Forums, what the fuck else did you expect? Just ignore them.

how does it feel to be the biggest trash on Sup Forums?
someone simply says a game would be better on PS4 or PC and you launch into shitposting, buzzwords and cropped porn.
kill yourself.

>Done with the help of a SONY DEVELOPER
Oh really is that why Atlus published it in the US and Carl's Jr published it in Korea?

It's really annoying to make a Souls thread and you have that one retard that goes "B-BUT BLOODBORNE". We don't care. We're not here to talk about BB, we're here to talk about DeS.

Top10 ps3 games

I couldn't finish. I tried again like a year later and couldn't beat the first boss. Oh well.