Why is this genre so forgotten now?
WW2 Games
They over saturated the market.
But now modern warfare has over saturated the market
Historical shooters are boring
>our next game could have jet packs, laser guns, and demon invasions
>but what if we made it about primitive weaponry and tactics and included no enemy variety?
And now they're trying to find the next thing to run into the ground.
>WORLD war
>you play as either US or UK... maybe USSR
So 3 of the 5 relevant factions then? Still over half.
Because stupid casual shitters had a big sook that there were a few WW2 games here and there for a few years in the early 2000's. They screamed and cried and made out like every single game was a WW2 FPS when that was far from reality.
These fucking pansy ass faggots literally pretend to have PTSD remembering the WW2 era and still pretend like it was in any way bad.
WW2 needs to make a comeback. There should be multiple WW2 games coming out every year. WW2 is the best setting of all time, prove me wrong, you literally can't. Arguing against me only reveals you own latent homosexuality.
It's not though
>Enemy Front
>Heroes & Generals
>Red Orchestra 2
>Traction Wars
>Iron Clash
>Festung Europa
>Days of War
>Battalion 1944
And Day of Infamy soon
Why are those men riding around in bushes?
So History can repeat itself.
>Airborne Vet who dropped on Market Garden
>Talked about Assaulting a Flak 88 Nest
>Guy next to him charged
>88 took off his torso
>His legs took a few steps forward and fell over
War was hell man, they weaponised everything including the shrubs. My grandpa died after he was run over by a siege log.
Mostly lost their style. Medal of Honor, was a game about sabotage and special forces of intelligence doing indoor operations in enemy territory. After the Call of Duty success, became a open battle shooter with lots of screaming and useless bot soldiers shooting everywhere.
Today , EA don't need the franchise, so they left behind and made two awful games without soul.
It's a shame too.
There's so much cool shit that a developer could still do with WWII. Oh well, guess there's still the RTS genre.
>mfw bought world at war during summer sale
>mfw it's super fun
I just need to figure out how to change the fucking ui scale. and keep the fov up above default.
WW3 is coming soon so there will be a ton of games about that after it happens
To bad it will not have recoil or require the skill that old FPSes used to have
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
Fuck COD and Fuck you.
COD is the worst fps that has ever been released
What's the source on this? Documentary of some kind?
>world at war
>Chernov's Journal
>Having to ignore all the sailors for The Sum of All Zeros
>Getting Guardian Angel
WaW hurt.
World War II in HD Colour - Closing The Ring - Episode 10
WW2 in color.
>tfw imagining slding those shells into that well greased chamber
anything that could be done with a WW2 setting has already been done.
Hating COD isn't popular anymore kiddo.
Hate for cod is at an all time high.
I hated call of duty when the second one came out when I was a teenager
you shut the fuck up kid.
I want a wargame style ww2 game. I think that type of game would be more fun than wargame alb or red dragon because of the relatively simple technology in comparison and it could focus more on infantry
>Hi, I'm uneducated and know literally nothing about WW2
The majority of all WW2 media, games, films everything is just fucking D-Day and America, and if it's not that, it's Stalingrad. There is so much stuff left undone.
Hell, 1939, 1940 and 1941 barely have anything set in those years. It's all muh 1942 and 1944. With tiny bits of 1943 and 1945 in them as well as an opening or ending mission.
WaW and CoD 2 are decent ww2 games from a single player perspective though.
I bought the original Medal of Honor on PS1, and it's sequel Underground. I funded WW2 getting popular. I bought the original COD on PC and console. I bought all the PS2 and PC Medal of Honor games. I bought tons of niche lesser known WW2 games as well.
You shut the fuck up you child. You fucking shit taste common pleb who can't appreciate good history in vidya.
>he thinks United Offensive is a bad game simply because it's in the same series as shit like MW3
But it's not cool anymore.
People who hate it now are just late bandwagon hipster wannabes.
Well there's RUSE. They pulled it from Steam though.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
The people who hate COD now are butthurt MW2 fans who don't like that COD is finally getting good again and doing more original and interesting settings like going into space and having 3D zero G maps.
Fuck people who hate COD now. Modern Warfare was the worst and most cancerous phase of COD.
WW2 COD was goat. Black Ops trilogy was also goat. Modern Warfare was shit aside from COD4. Space COD could be alright.
It's just butthurt MW shitters jumping on the COD hate bandwagon (that started precisely because of MW shitters) like 5 years too late.
I'd like an fps from a german perspective about operation barbarossa from the very beginning, like you're stationed in france and hitler comes telling the military that russia is the focus now. You triumphantly encircled over a million russians and push all the way to moscow. Then the rainy season starts and it's all downhill from there. The day comes where the siberian forces rush you with tanks and you look over and your panzers are all frozen in the mud and wont even start and the next few years are the bloodiest land battle ever fought.
I always wanted a WW2 game where the world is all open, you're not exactly free to move around but instead of missions taking place with huge gaps in between theres some sort of travelling mechanic from battlefield to battlefield and you can talk to the other soldiers and officers along the way.
MoH was good though on the ps1
MoHaa Was the shit online everyone i knew played it.
Though fucking call of duty is a turd in a toilet bowl.
Pleb?The fuck you are playing call of duty
you are the pleb
I fucking played this at a friends house, wed go to school together but id stay up and play it till we had to go back to school
Original COD was good
2 They dumbed it down
3 it was dead in the water for me.
Fuck Call of duty
it was the same fucking game made over and over again
you are literally killing video games when you buy a game where it is exactly the fucking same
charged you for skins on guns or different weapon BUT IT SHOOTS THE SAME
it is the same fucking game every fucking time.
It is the most lazy
fucking unloved and uncared game design i ever seen in a video game.
>Generic shit shooter
>F2P Pay to win garbage with the same 4 or so maps for years now.
>Only good game in your list
>Not out
>Never heard of it
>MIA Never coming out
>Not out and is essentially just dod source remake
>Not out
Yea ... nice one user.
>wow he played something that is popular that millions of others have played
>must be a pleb
Nah. As I said before, I started this series before it became popular you fucking dickhead. Same with GTA, I started the series with GTA1 on my PS1. No one had fucking heard of GTA at my school when I told them about it. Times have changed.
I agree that 2 dumbed it down by taking out medpacks and having regen health, but it was still a fairly decent title. United Offensive is the best COD title to date. Everyone fucking knows 3 was shit though, that was because Activision forced Treyarch to make multiple versions of the game for every console in 9 months. Activisions fault. They showed us all later they were competent devs. COD got better again with 4, W&W and Black Ops. Blops 2 was also really surprisingly good.
I am talking about single player of course. I stopped playing COD online in 2008.
Unfortunatly it got shit again after IW got fucked over, and then it was in a quagmire of modern warfare for a few years, that is when COD got popular to hate.
>you're not exactly free to move around but instead of missions taking place with huge gaps in between theres some sort of travelling mechanic from battlefield to battlefield and you can talk to the other soldiers and officers along the way.
that sounds so fucking boring
Doesn't matter if you heard of them or not, those games show OP that the genre isn't forgotten.
Only game worth playing on that list is Red Orchestra 2, though I am hopeful that Days of War and Battalion 1944 could be fun arcadish shooters.
you're an idiot if you think that's all that matters in a game.
The best shooter released since 2010 is a WW2 shooter, so no need to complain.
It was fucking popular when it first came out dickhead
If you wanted to play a game that got no love that was better then that game you should of fucking played day of defeat
CoD past 3-decent
How do you like playing 2/10 60 dollar skins with the same gameplay over and over again
No recoil
No skill
>you are literally killing video games when you buy
kek. I haven't bought a COD game since 2008.
I just torrent for the campaign. Multiplayer is shit.
I play RO2 and RS online now.
I don't care about your "points" or whatever, nothing has recoil compared to RO1/2, Arma and Insurgency anyways. But COD campaigns have always been fun as fuck, and the older ones, and Treyarch newer ones are usually legit good at the same time.
Thats why Red Orchestra 2 is fucking good. Its different and has many things that other games simply dont have
Its probably the best cod, its cod4 but in ww2 + zombies
Not the guy you are replying to, i mostly agree. I didn't play any of the cods after the second one. It became more and more of a console series.
Day of defeat retail wasn't that good though, it was allright but it too had all of its soul removed from 3.1 beta. Then when it went source all hope was lost, just a pure garbage game. Valve thought they could make it counterstrike in world war 2 or something and defecated all over what made it good and then chucked it into the river to fester and die.
...fuck i hate valve.
I play this game a lot, the feels while playing it are incredible. The only thing I hate on it is the stupid MKB
from the little i've seen about Battlefield 1, seems like a WW2 game with a WW1 skin ontop.
>seems like a WW2 game with a WW1 skin ontop
More like a Modern Warfare game with WW1 ontop
>noone has mentioned any of the wolfenstein games
You dissapoint me Sup Forums
I played Wolfenstien instead of DOD at that time.
And while COD 1-2 were popular, they were nothing compared to today. They were popular among people who play games, not outside gaming. COD4 propelled COD to new levels, and MW2 did it again and even further.
COD1-2 was not a super popular game that all the casuals played. It was AA popular among gamers. The casuals at that point played Halo.
>$60 skins
I pirate them
>same gameplay
I don't mind playing an interactive blockbuster war film once a year though
>no recoil
Nothing has recoil compared to actual realistic games like Arma or RO though. Battlefield, COD, MOH is all the same arcade style shooting. It doesn't bother me. I don't play these games for realism.
>no skill
Not many games require skill. And as I said I don't play the cancerous online. Just single player.
What i dont like about ro2 is how most servers have a bunch of bots to fill in the empty spots of a team. The devs made the maps so they would shrink according to the number of people playing.
I hate playing against dumb fodder ai.
Seen more USSR than UK characters in world war 2 games
Try Squad. It may not be as quick as ro2 to get into the action, but damn is it amazing with gunplay and sounds.
Man, how good was Enemy Territory. To be honest i had a blast with Wolfenstein multiplayer objective modes before the expansion too. I don't think a flamethrower has been done as well in any game since then, including rising storm.
You are right too, cod 1 and 2 were not popular outside of pc gaming and the people that played it were mostly fans of mohaa that moved over after EA started to make mohaa cancerous.
It pains me that we as ww2 pc gamers built up that series only for IW to shit on us for the console market. No longer even having server browsers ... 3 rip get fucked Infinity Ward.
Day of defeat has more recoil then RO2 for sure and probably might have more then RO1
Dunno where your from but there is always servers full. Ignore pings cause they are always shit, set servers by fullest to least full and spam refresh till their is a spot. The western front even has a server thats full most nights. Sometimes you may be waiting a while to get a spot though.
DoD s sucked
you are totally right
no british military at all
I loved DoD so much i think it is like my favorite fps of all time
Not the user you were replying to, but my thoughts exactly on Wolfenstein ET's Flamethrower. The wolfenstein sequel one seemed good, but i still think the ET one was the best ive used in a game.
Ill give it another go. I used to play a bunch
I like the idea of the bots, but you cant blame the devs for that, its the server owner the one who decides to put bots or not. They are useful to fill maps quickly
Not in the old times
>modern warfare
Flamethrower in CoD: WaW is really well made. RS one seems to fail at short distances, but overall is more realistic
I know it's supposed to come out in July but when exactly? I check everyday for a date but nothing.
I had a lot of fun with the original RTCW, it was fantastic, but I could never got Enemy Territory to work on my PC back then, no idea why. I did play it in my schools computer room though but only during IT class for short periods or during some lunch breaks when we were allowed.
I don't know if anyone still plays it, I'd like to go back and try ET properly, pisses me off that I missed out and could only play the base game most of the time.
I remember having the same feelings as you though, I was dedicated to buying every WW2 game I could get. And then COD4 was announced to be set in modern times. It was like a betrayal. I still bought it and ended up liking it though, but yeah after that IW went to fucking shit afterwards, COD4 was their last decent game.
Try out heroes of the west mod, its very good. They keep updating it
Is the single player of Enemy Front at least decent?
Im not blaming the devs. Blaming people who add bots.
I loved the idea of shrinking maps down.
The post said greatest shooter since 2010, not greatest ww2 shooter.
>but yeah after that IW went to fucking shit afterwards, COD4 was their last decent game
This, WaW was superior to CoD4, but the devs were different
I have fond memories of the beta and the "para" style maps, that for some reason most people hated. They were the ones with objectives and tnt to blow shit up, started each one with a cool little intro. That FG42 rifle had the most insane kick but what a noise it made. The brits were by far my favourite thing about dod retail. I remmember the shit storm caused by the upgraded graphics causing major fps issue's for some, thankfully i wasn't one.
Good times user.
it got popular with normies and every shitty studio tried to make their own ww2 game, which lead to most of the games being shit
The genre is saturated with online F2P MMOs.
Also genres are always coming in and out of fad. Thankfully I feel were coming to the end of the "futuristic warfare" era finally
This game was also great, but it was full of bugs, glitches and was laggy as hell. Then the publisher decided to cut development, thus killing the game. Well, at least they gave the DLC for free then. The game is set in Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive, which is not seen in other games
>CoD2 is still the only good game ever made to feature the fighting in North Africa
>The one theatre in WW2 besides Stalin's conscripts where the Allies got to use tanks with any regularity, and it wasn't a one-sided push
We have to go back.
If anything i like how pationate we all are about ww2 games. Its just a shame that theres been no game i feel thats done us justice. A game the size of WW2 Online (i never played it but the scope seemed impressive with supply convos and all sorts of shit) with the playability of dod/mohaa/cod1/rtcw and the graphics of an arma style game.
I'm lookin forward to the 2 kickstarted ww2 games but its a shame its just more of what we played in our teens, i'd love for them to improve upon that scale. I'll take what i can get though.
>CoD2 is still the only good game ever made to feature the fighting in North Africa
But MoH AA did it too
There are actually a decent amount of WW2 games that had a North Africa campaign. It was the popular thing to do right before doing a Pacific theatre campaign was popular.
Allied Assault had some OSS work in North Africa too, and the expansion packs have a Kasserine Pass mission IIRC as well as more OSS work in North Africa, fantastic games. North Africa is underrated. Also don't forget COD2 on consoles, Big Red One, it was surprisingly good and had a great North Africa segment followed by Italy.
Some of the lower tier MOH games features NA campaigns too, like European Assault and such if you really want some more desert action.
Also for more modern stuff, try out Men of War. The original MoW has a large campaign in Africa (the first mission is actually in Crete which is awesome too, then Africa from then on) and you actually play as Germans in Tunisia fighting against British, Australians, New Zealanders and finally Americans at the end.
This is the most complete thing out there, but is BF1942 based, so graphics and engine are outdated
You can get ET for free, and a good amount of people actually play it.
Downloading Company of Heroes 1 right now.
What am i in for, lads?
Make sure you get your squad at the shingles.
The other thing I should mention I am Aussie, trying to find a server that isn't shit ping is hard for any old game, I think that is some of the problems I had originally, I remember it refusing to connect to the server list.
I am just so glad that RO2 picked up a community over here with the Awesome mode server. So good. I am in process of moving to Yurop right now though, so maybe once I get my PC over here, I will get ET and try to find some populated servers, and also try RO1 and Darkest Hour out, it's so fucking rare that those get populated in Australia, basically only on big sales or during Christmas, only time anyone goes online and it sucks.
>tfw a few days after christmas 2015 Darkest Hour got a big update and became mildly populated in Australia
>I literally cancelled fucking every plan I had and played the fuck out of it for 16 hours straight until the server had died again and I was only person online
So worth it.
I honestly just want the old Ace of Spades back, the one that somewhat felt similar to a WW1 game could be.
Sadly these fucks made it into some Minecraft/CoD and released it for 30 eurodollars.
What does that mean?
Can you give me a short explanation?
I was trying to be funny
The first mission is you controlling your squad/platoon on Omaha Beach
do you have any gerneral tips?
iam quite new to playing RTS games.
Started with Commandos, but that was along time ago.
Take cover. COH is a cover shooter RTS.
It's good but I think I burned myself out on Skirmish before I went into the campaign.
I was a little underwhelmed by it compared to just playing online or playing the mods. Does anyone else think this too, or was the COH campaign pretty good? I am willing to give it a replay sometime.
Get Blitzkrieg mod btw, and if you are into WW1, the great war mod is now on steam too. Eastern Front mod is a good alternative to buying COH 2 as well.
Because it is not a genre, and we don´t like games with it anymore because they have poisoned the well by releasing too much of them, with too many of them being really bad.
Can you explain what Skirmish is?
I just wanted to start with the normal campaign before getting into online battles.
Remember hotkeys
Don't let your tanks get hit on the side or rear
Place MGs at chokepoints and buildings
Human vs. CPU matches if I remember correctly
black and white footages make it look like a fantasy, but this... this is actually scary as fuck
>tolkien fantasy with elves, dwarvs, orcs in a medieval time period is completely okay
>WW2 isn't
Fuck you.
WW2 is literally it's own subgenre just like medieval fantasy is at this point.
I want a fucking WW2 WRPG at this point that plays like Mass Effect 1, or maybe like classic Fallout even. I want a WW2 game in every fucking genre. When will I get Dead or Alive: Extreme WW2 edition where qt Japanese, American, British, Russian and German girls compete against each other in a variety of 1940's esq games in 40's style fashion, and then go and do lewd poses on a Tiger tank while holding a Kar-98k. Fucking when?