Sup Forums, Blanco needs your help.
Sup Forums, Blanco needs your help
You are the guy from the gamedev threads, right?
Love your game. But beware from shitposters that will call you shill and similar shit.
Looks fairly decent, but could really use a hud or at least something indicating your status
I'm already prepared to receive it. I'm 30 percent of the way on being greenlit, and I really need the help lol
Gave you my support, good luck.
There's a hud, It's just not visible on screen at this time. I'm trying to think of a reason to put collectibles in the game, like coins.
Camera and controls look janky as hell.
Don't know if I'd even consider buying it. Is there a demo?
Saw you in the gamedev threads, OP, real nice game
you should put a nod to Sup Forums somewhere in the game as an easter egg though
Yes, a minor demo is available on gamejolt. a mouse controlled camera is in the works, and is coming along pretty nice.
Good idea. I'm going to be putting Sup Forums as a special thanks in the credits as well
Thanks for the support mates. I'm finally catching up.
voted yes, god speed user
>dude retro lmao
>Playing cards
Is it like "You in a giant Casino" level thing?
Or are you going to replace those with carpets/platforms?
Seen your shit around and really liking it.
It's supposed to be kind of like the bonus level from SMS, but with casino related items
Don't put in coins.
Put in some sort of collectible creature that runs around the level.
Like spiders with a chaotic AI.
>Given infinite time, you could collect them all without ever moving
That's pretty unique. the collectibles run around the level with their own ai. I'm gonna give that a go and see how it goes.
Have my yes.
Nice soundtrack.
Steam community just went down again...
Is Blanco autistic?
He's whatever you want him to be.
fuck you I'll help
godspeed, OP
I know you got a good basis of what type of game you want to make, but what are your long term plans for blanco, like game length and whatnot.
>steam community is currently unavailable
The game's length itself should be 32 levels. about 3-4 hours of gameplay. plus the extra modes and levels i'll add after launch should add a few more hours of gameplay. I'm also planning a vr mode to cater to the headset owners. Considering the game ends up semi successful, I'll make console and mobile ports of it.
Their servers have been messing up today for some reason.
Looks awful, from both a gameplay and visual perspective. Fuck off and put actual effort into a product.