Can someone explain to me why people that play video games are always nerdy and out of shape...

Can someone explain to me why people that play video games are always nerdy and out of shape? I swear it's the same archetype every time when I start talking to people about their hobbies, what they do outside of work etc.

It's gotten to the point when I'm at work, that I can literally pinpoint who plays games ("seriously") and who doesn't. I simply mention in passing "oh yeah I've been playing Overwatc-" "OH MAN WHO DO YOU MAIN!?".

because for most video games eat up the time they could be doing something like getting fit, gardening etc. Whether thats due to laziness, depression or just addiction i don't know but those are usually why.
I'll place my bets that 90% are lazy, none i know live away from their parents or ever mention going out and doing anything, even shopping

there's your answer, chunks

I play video games ("seriously"), has a growing Warhammer 40k army that I assemble and paint myself and code for a living.
I also have a 8/10 fiancee, 4 years of boxing under my belt, can squat 120 kg, bench press my bodyweight and run a 5k every month.

Not all of us are misshapen transgendered NEETs who's just celebrated our 2 years transformation anniversary user.

>tfw being a fattie with a huge cock

Depends what you mean by "out of shape" I'm not fat but I'm pretty thin.

>hurr durr all People who Play videogames are out of shape

Sup Forums is not one person

Klokov thread
Post your collections

Because theyre lazy, seriously, my friend is extremely pale , skinny and has long hair. litereally looks like a girl but even if I tell him to fix his shit he just doesn't care.

You can't change people user, just focus on yourself.

They aren't fat because they play video games, they are playing video games because they are fat. They are already lazy and have no motivation and video games just happens to be one of best things to do while at home with nothing to do.


Cause my room is safe and cozy. I do go out with friends though but I rather stay inside i think I'm a hermit

Did you fuck him?

Can someone explain to me why people that eat food are always fat and out of shape? I swear it's the same archetype every time when I start talking to people about their lunch, what they eat outside of work etc.

It's gotten to the point when I'm at work, that I can literally pinpoint who eats food ("seriously") and who doesn't. I simply mention in passing "oh yeah I've been eating burg-" "OH MAN WHICH BURGER IS YOUR FAVORITE!?".

>he doesn't main triple patty jalapeno

>Sup Forums is one person

OP just focus on yourself, being /fit/ and Sup Forums is great.

>*chugs nasty protein shake*

Nah, I feel good about myself desu. You do you, though. More power to you.

wat a nice little cocksleeve

>food analogy

Why should I? Hes a lazy shit, women are made for sex, not my skinny ass friend.

you dont have to drink protein shakes desu
they really only make a difference for tryhards who are actually in the world of bodybuilding

otherwise your routine should appropriately give you enough protein from actual food

top tier hair

I wanna lick frosting off your abs and run my syrup-caked fingers through your glorious mane.

subtle husbando thread?

Because video games give them enough dopamine to feel content with life. It's no different from a drug addict really. A drug addict loses most aspiration for life because drugs has replaced his passions and desires, replace drugs with video games and it all makes sense.

Because that what he want so be a good friend and pound his ass

>/fit/ will never fix your shit sense of style
feels bad desu

>5k a month
>A lot
>265lb squat
>Even worth mentioning
Shoo shoo gains goblin

> can squat 120 kg, bench press my bodyweight

hjahahha look at this dyel and laugh

You should really bone him up and make him your sex slave

don't let that one go user that's the one that will get away

I know a couple of really swole guys that are like

because the actual gamers are either really skinny because they dont generally eat because they are so into their game, or they are fat because they snack hardcore and eat cheap fast shit

or like my chubby ass, i only really play games when i'm drinking and eat like shit since i get the drunk munchies

spoilers - your friend enjoys that he looks like a girl.

he isn't lazy, like you said - just focus on yourself.

some "friend."

>running at all
enjoy being in a wheelchair by 35

Nah, last time I fucked him he spazed out and his legs were shaking after I hit his prostate and made him cum all over himself , yet his ass felt so boring compared to women. It's overrated.

Mortal kombat movie comfirmed?

By out of shape do you mean "not bodybuilders"?

You are right though. In fact for me the hardest lesson I had growing up was learning that all the big stereotypes, e.g. Blacks committing the most crimes, Jews being moneygrubbing schemers who control others, and women being irrevocable liars; all the big stereotypes are true, or at the very least grounded in an undeniable truth.

I mean its kind of a no brainer.

Just about all games have you sitting there pressing buttons,combine that with a poor diet and then you have that.

man that sounds really good, can I have his number?

It aint all bad, the emo girls love it.

>Protein shake is nasty
Protein is shit you're meant to take in brah
It's in natural food

Red Bull is the "nasty shit" you hear about

And besides, Protein won't make much of a difference except as a supplement to your already tuned-for-workout diet which you should have already prepared for yourself

>its another /fit/ crossboarder comes to Sup Forums and tries to preach his belief that everyone should be in the gym
i wish these threads would be banned on sight, they're off topic for fucks sake.

No, he's my friend.

>tfw you won't live long enough to experience full VR
>you'll never play in an entire virtual reality game, while also having an intense work out session.
>Even if you do live long enough, you wont be in the prime of your life anymore, so it doesnt matter.

Truly, we were born in the worst of times.


come on I know he gets off on getting dicked down by a bunch of dudes

>emo girls


aka jailbait


>hasn't even hit 1/2/3/4
What are you trying to prove?

I've posted some on other boards before.


yeah but I'm his only friend and he's shy as fuck. Basically no good for you.

that is hularioos

don worry ill train him to be good ol slutty cocksucker basically he'll never wear pants again and will always have his tongue sticking out like Odie from Garfield drooling over cock

So, am I the only one who's fat?

I'm skeleton mode because I forget to eat since I'm too occupied with shitposting and video games.

My wife's bf is pretty jacked and he's super into games. We are talking about getting him a ps4 for his bday but now I'm leaning toward an xbone since he always borrows my playstation anyway

skinnyfat 6'7 here

Everyone really should be in the gym though, or have at least some form of exercise they perform often. Diet should also be at least somewhat monitored.

There's literally no reason not to. It's a very small time investment. Even if you are broke penniless there's plenty of stuff you can do that doesn't require gym equipment.

Just don't fall for the /fit/ memes. Just eat a decent diet, lift heavy objects occasionally and you will eventually have a better body than like 90% of the western world.

Not the only one man.

>Parents wont let me play with other kids
>Parents wont let me invite other kids
>spend all my free time as a kid playing video games
>as a result, I never learned how to be social, and became fat. metabolism slowed immensely
>Now im a senior in colllege trying to lose weight, So i can actually feel proud of myself. and possibly pull bitches

You're missing a lot of people who also play games but you don't know that because you didn't ask them because they didn't fit your preconceived stereotype.

>working out at a gym
>NOT at home

>hear conversation from clerks at checkout about borderlands
>have this feeling of wanting to also talk to them
>realize taht would be fuckin weird to join in their conversation

yeah id rather not let people know i play videogames in the end

I'm tired of looking like a fat, man-tittied autist stereotype. So I started dieting and lost 15lbs since March.

The key for me was to stop playing vidya so much & mental discipline.

dang that ass

> Even if you are broke penniless
>Just eat a decent diet

Choose one faggot. I literally eat once a day and you expect me to start working out on top of going to work 8 hours a day? I also don't live in america where burgers are cheap as fuck, rice and beans is all I can afford.

How did you diet? I only eat two times a day now rather than 3 is that enough?

>Claiming things on a anonymous board

I play vidya and literally know 1 dude who's fitter than me. I can do 12 muscle ups now.

>that lack of cock bulge

muscle bottoms are the worst.

Whas a what a plan?

What drugs do i use to get a body like that?


>Not appreciating a great trap when you see one and fucking his brains out

Thou art the faggot, the villain, the vassal, the miscreant, the plebeian

I been telling the guy whole thread mang just tryinna get up in dat ass like a pro

6'6 plank of plywood here, trying to put on weight is suffering because im not used to eating a lot. I'll make it some day, I hope.

Reminder that "bulking" is not a good way do building up real strength. It's for fags who think that looking like a mutated piece of meat is good

I play video games ("seriously") and I am the Queen.

Bet you didn't expect that, did you??

Man, i'd make love to that trap. I'd buy him dinner take him to bed and make sweet love to his boy pussy. I'll even jerk him while i ram him.

*to build up real strength

>not taking your phone to the gym and grinding in mobage between sets (grinding irl)

It's like your'e not even on the spectrum

To be a muscle bottom? Mainly poppers but you really just want to focus on relaxing and letting your partner control the rhythm

>120kg squat
>bw bench

and you even brag about it. seriously someone who trains for 6months should be able to do that.

I stay thin because I run and workout, but I never get fat because I eat poorly so my body fat percentage never goes down

If I could just change my diet I think I'd be pretty well off, but I can't go without sweets. I've a huge sweet tooth and can't give them up

*never get fit*


>very small time investment

lol no. You have to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day to look anywhere near worth working out for and if you want to look really good, you need at least an hour a day.

I can get myself to do 10-15 min max before I get bored and want t play some video games.

If you know some secret to working out, b all means let me know.

I'd love to look good but I don't have the motivation to spend so much time working out.

Why are /fit/ posters so pushy about going to the gym? I have a gf I don't see the point.

>check out all my evidence and arguments

Reminder that posting things doesn't make them true faggot.

Because bro, if you aren't at peak physical condition at all times your just a cuck

>on average 30min a day is a lot
>plays vidya for 8h a day

yeah I dont know how people manage to stay fit dude.

>I am my bf's gf and I don't see the point

I bet she could bench press you you weakling.

we are on the same page my man

fuck working out that shit is for gays

In montreal (basically one of the 3 best cities to be in terms of game development) a much higher proportion of game developers are fit, due to a culture of wellness promoted throughout the industry. We nerds know that we're sitting in a chair for a large part of the day and therefore have to go the extra distance to offset that for the sake of our health. We know that being in shape only helps our mental performance.

Of course all the strictly video game consumer plebs are useless (and therefore fat) because if they were any good at anything they'd be involved in making the games they so love.

I don't understand nutrition and everywhere I go it's a billion calculators that don't make sense. I get bored of weight lifting so I don't do it. I use to do it for 2 years, but one day I just stopped caring. I went from 480 to 260 and now ive stayed at 330 for like a year. I stopped caring really.

I know I can drop 60-80 in 6-8 months if I REALLY wanted to and since I'm 6'4'' I really only need to be 220 to me classified as regular, 260 to be classified as fat and 300+ to be classified as obese

id rather work all day, nap when i get home and browse Sup Forums on my phone as i fall asleep

hey man im gonna find out what company you work for and im gonna boycott your shit yeah take that how do you like that you bitch

I go to the gym 4 time a week and do jiu jitsu 3 times a week, and I also did boxing before I had to take many classes in college. I spend just the healthy amount of time playing videogames, just like everyone should

How do i get fit guys? is there a guide?


>swim for well over a decade
>as the years go by and the guys in the coaching group I was in get older, the practice times get pushed to more and more outrageous timeframes so that the younger swimmers and other activity groups using the swimming hall get the afternoon/evening times while we're expected to show up at 6AM
>this is impossible for me, not because I have anything resembling a life at that point but because going that early means staying up the entire night
>start swimming less
>eventually my life moves on and I get into a uni
>there's a swimming hall in the town I moved to but feel hardly any motivation to go without a coach
It's not like swimming makes you buff though. If you see lean swimmers they're doing other exercise on top of it. We had practice 6 days a week and I've always looked skinny as fuck (well, after I first lost some of the chub I had as a kid)

Underrated post