What does Sup Forums think of Killer Instinct?
What does Sup Forums think of Killer Instinct?
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It's bretty gud, I haven't been feeling S3 as much as S2 though. Love Mira and Kim Wu though, even if they're kinda of shit.
Aw man is Gmeen back!?
I love the vicious anal pounding gifs. They make me want to experience it first hand!
Also Killer Instinct is ok.
Would rather use my xbone for halo
> They make me want to experience it first hand!
uhh you need to be more specific, what exactly do you want to experience?
I wish Hisako looked remotely like that.
I wanna fuck that ghost
It's pretty great, but learning all the gimmicks each character has is such a hassle.
Love me some Spinal and Hisako though
>ywn be Mira's plaything
Why even live?
It´s an amazing game that deserves a bigger install user. My only problem is that you can see thata the game was made with a small-medium sized budget for a company like MS.
Japan didn't have boobs 500 years ago, user.
Prefer traditional fighting games over gimmicky fighters. Looks pretty, never cared for Combo breakers/counter combo breakers or the combo system itself (attack)x2 (special) (repeat until ender)
i think you need to post more booty
They ran out of ideas or budget for season 3, and are including as many generic fantasy fighters and other IPs as possible.
Did you see the poll for future chracters?
>Fantasy archer
> "Lovecraftian" character
>Joanna Dark etc.
>Crackdown officer
More crap on top of crap.
WORST OF ALL, the new characters don't fight.
They just span some attack pattern to overwhelm you,
Then (thankfully) the new character interest dies off in a week and people go back to playing "normal" characters.
The floods of Arbiter, Rash, Gargos etc. after release are gone. These "wow did you see that?" feels like a last ditch attempt to get players interested because this is the last season after all, so they're all style and no substance.
Do people still play RAAM?
Ki coulda been great.
IG killed one of my favorite child hood franchises.
Pretty fun. Has one of the best rosters in fighting games.
>need to be more specific.
Thickness, length and endurance!
I want to be haunted by Hisako. The ghost my apartment has doesn't like rough sex, the bitch.
Sadira is best girl, you guys have shit taste
pls sauce
Haunted apartment, huh? What's that like?
Better than masturbation.
thanks pal
No problem... frenemy!
lurking for hot robo dino babes
What is this, the 90's?
Hopefully it is.
well ain't that specific
Boner activated.
I wish I played it when it was still in season 1.
Right now there are too many characters, too many systems, and too many individual character gimmicks I have to bother with.
It just kinda makes me want to wait for Tekken 7 and Injustass 2, since I already know how to play those.
pretty good
look at this slut, she's just begging for her ball and socket joints to be lubricated with my cum.
I swear, between her and Jurassic World, 2015 was the Year of the Raptor Waifu.
Blue was the shit. We need more qt dinos.
>Hisako will never haunt you
>She will never enter your body and contort your cock and balls to orgasm
Why live?
Funny thing, Legoman did a picture of the T-rex.
I want to cuddle with T-Rex-san!
>WORST OF ALL, the new characters don't fight.
>They just span some attack pattern to overwhelm you,
It's ok if you're bad, you don't have to make excuses.
>tfw want to try out the new KI
>tfw have to install W10
Guess I'll have to update after all.
>Still no Shadow Lords mode.
>Meawhile Steet Fighter gets to have a full Story Mode.
When will Microsoft finally give them a proper budget? The fact they managed to make KI lore interesting with mere stuff in the website amazes me.
S3 was a little rushed to be in time for when SFV released I think, or maybe at least for Evo. Not sure, but KI has always been kind of a monster mash so seing the stuff like fantasy archer or lovecraftian creature is ok, I'm just worried about mroe guest characters.
I like Rash because it's a Rare character still in a Rare franchise, Arbiter makes more sense over captain king and represents the MS side, but RAAM is really pushing it. I like the Kryll DOT he has but thats it.
I think if they're gonna have yet another guest, it should be some grizzled safari hunter version of Sabreman.
You say that like SF story mode is anything decent at all. Most people just played through it twice for the 80k FM. And I think it should be coming this month, we'll most likely hear more about it and final character at the evo pannel on friday
Guest characters will ruin KI.
I fucking love it.
If Shadow Lords didn't have the fucking microtransaction shit I'd be really REALLY excited for it.
It's not too bad of a thing if you look at the whole package. 3, potentially 4, out of 26-27 characters. The issue with guest characters is that after you implement them, they become expected and since the guest character trailers all have way more views than the returning or original characters, we already know there will be more.
I don't think it would be so bad if they just kept the guests as Rare characters though, but I would really prefer to see originals.
I'm surprised the guest character bother people so much.
Which is why it amazes me KI doesn't even has the budget to do that.
Street fighter gets to a an overwhelming story with a lot of missed opportunities and a really anti-climatic ending.
Meanwhile, from the small bits of story they have managed, KI has done a lot to build hype and depth to what were basically the tropest group of characters ever.
>They build up Gargos through the first 2 seasons
>ARIA actually has a complex character. Her diary entries and the last few novella chapters having been pretty good for her.
>Hisako owing Shago the fuck out.
>Cinder being a loud jackass
>Thunder and Aganos being battle bros.
>Mira is not a mary sue nor a jobber
>Glacius freeing Eagle from Ultratech
shadow lords is shit though, why they chose that over just a simple arcade mode was stupid. Tons of fighting games has this game mode, guilty calls it MOM for example.
So you can be a REAL womans plaything.
I think it's mostly because of how well received the new characters in season 2 were. I just wish they put in a bit more effort to some details about the guests. Arbiter's costumes were pretty well done, but Rash's retro is literally just a lighter texture and RAAM's is just his Gears 1 uniform which is barely any different from his default in KI. If it was just rash and arbiter I dont think anyone would complain, but it's also the implications that there will continue to be guests.
I like it a lot, but I wish it had more of the motions of a traditional fighter. Like, I expected to be able to translate what I learned in KI (fundamentals) to Street Fighter, but that's simply no the case.
That said, I'm glad it's its own thing, and I really hope the next character is either new or Eyedol. No more guest characters please
I love CInder being a loud jackass. I want to get good with him, but his combos are hard as fuck
You get some fundamentals but footsies in KI work differently. Pretty much everyone is a motion character and those that arent are just flick instead of charge characters.
>Glacius freeing Eagle from Ultratech
Lame. So eagle confirmed for next character I guess. He was one of the characters in the poll.
Yeah, I should have clarified that some did translate, but not enough since they are different games. Love em both so. I'm finally getting into fighting games and man, is it rough
The new characters they made were really good (Hisako, Kan-Ra and Aganos in articular) and people wanted more new characters over guests.
But then General RAAM was an idea people wanted to do for years since Ed Boon wanted him as a MK 9 guest (Too late as MK9 devs moved on to Injustice and MS Studios was such a clusterfuck at the time Ed couldn't even get to the people he knew in MS. Though Ed wanted Fulgore first) and MK X (They decided on all versions having content parity)
Shadow Lords has story cutscenes and you unlock lore and more cutscenes on subsequent playthroughs from what they said at E3. They are going to reveal the release date and final character at Evo as well.
I doubt it. Everything in the polls is for S4 besides the remix bonus character which will be later this year.
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Banjo
Story cutscenes are just dialogue boxes and they all vary depending of who do you chose in your team, meaning a lot of people won't even see them.
Is not like I don't trust them, I just feel they may have overhyped.
Post your favorite track lads.
its literally the same as the cutscenes in arcade mode for season 2, combining mom and story is retarded. They are over hyping this game mode when its been done.
Celldweller really pulled through with living up to Season 1 and 2's music that Mick made.
>Tfw no mods to make Hisako a sp00ky qt.
The absolute best
Shame he departed but DOOM was all the better for it
But she's already a sp00ky qt???
But she don't got a thick booty.
Though In some costumes you can kind of see her upper thigh in the gap in her kimono
Her alt makes her a qt with short hair
S3 was actually delayed since S2 they originally launched in October 2014 and finished in June 2015. This time they decided to launch March 2016 and finish in July. Considering S2 was buggy as shit and the Hisako update fucked it for three days (They uploaded the wrong revision which caused Hisako to tank the framerate). They took the better option.
From what they put on the hints on the forum they said the last character wasn't a guest, and neither were they returning (Sorry all five of you Eyedol fans) but they have a "lot to talk about" during their Evo panel on Friday.
That's interesting. I always figured it was rushed due tyo lack of stages, but then again they did rehaul the lighting system so I guess it really was just budget.
You know what, Gargos' theme is pretty good.
>From what they put on the hints on the forum they said the last character wasn't a guest, and neither were they returning
It's probably Eagle then. Neato
They did a good job keeping it in line with the original.
shitty meme game made to cash in on fake KI hype while giving us another shit mortal kombat game but now with a cast entirely of cameo characters
its like people look for a good fighting game over story in a fighting game or something
Confirmed for never have played ki.
Everyone knows the characters are gmmicks now.
>remix bonus character
That's all on the KI site like all the good SF stories are in the Udon comics
It was like that for most of S2 as well
IG also said the stages . Though the budget was fucked from the start considering the original S1 only got made as a tech demo for Xbone launch as MS studios "Fighting Games are a dead genre" by one of the execs above them (MS Studios and Xbox management used to be seperate back then. They are joined together now but holy fuck MS ran a shitshow back then) and they could only get a small budget and small developer to do it as a "Tech Demo" in a very small timeframe (Hence all the flashy as fuck hitsparks and particle effects). So it was always a small "AA" budget game just above indie and licenced cash ins but not huge AAA money. S2 and S3 got budget increases but IG wisely did it on new modes and deeper characters than flashy shit but the problem is MS can't really give them a huge wad of cash for what forever was cursed to be an "AA" budget game since the start.
Not that it's a bad thing. We need "AA" mid tier games back again instead of everything being indie shit or AAA $60+Season Pass tip. KI showing that model can still work is something, at least.
>Doesn't know to keep Gargos out of the air and in your sights
>Doesn't know how to make Gargos, Garbos
Nah, nothing that intense. The optiosn on the poll were Shadow Orchid, Ent Aganos, rushdown Glacius (Kelvin), Sharkman TJ, pre-transformation Cinder, and I think there was one more
Thicker Instict.
yfw 1:58
>IG also said the stages were the biggest asset that took the most time to do correctly and wanted to focus on the core instead.
Fuck, forgot that. But the stages were a problem for them because IG was taking it to the wire. Riptors was buggy as hell when it launched and it launched hot. Especially as they had to replace the music as the track Robin Beanland and Mick Gordon made was apparently not very good. It was a really dubstep/D'N'B track they named "Junglestep" that was sounding good on the initial run but was horrible mixed in with gameplay (Because KI really relies on its sound design as part of the fight) so they had to do a new one in three days.
Best Girl got the lamest music.
>Since season 2
IG wants to make a balanced competive fighter with interesting characters and gimmicks and mass appeal.
is there a link to the original riptor song before they switched it?
But everyone agrees that by the end, once everything had been tidied up, S2 was better than S1.
Season one was a solid 8.5/10
Season 2 gimmick/10
Season 3 inbetween the other seasons/10
I've lost more and more faith in the game as it's progressed. And hearing about micro-transactions in Shadow Lords, and how Story Mode is once again is budgetted heavily like Season 2, I have no interest. Haven't even tried Gargos or RAAM yet, since they both look unfun, made worse by buying Ultra Edition, when I hate this season.
Mick put some samples up on his Vine page but never the full song. It sounded great for dubstep, but it didn't sound very Riptor. There's no doubt Mick could do D'N'B since that was ARIA's music and the whole Doom soundtrack. Kinda sad Riptor got something generic when even Kan-Ra's was expected of an undead sorcerer but also baller as fuck.
What ever happened to that Japanese stereotype.
I just hate the micromanaging of all the dumb abilities. Like every character has something, Maya's daggers, Aganos' rocks, Arbiter's carbine/grenades etc. etc. etc. I just stick to season 1.
But that's the one song Mick didn't perform, though. That was that Mills guy.
They both worked on it
He wrote it, and had the main guitar as Lil V Mills, that's it. Everything else was him.
I was looking forward to it on PC but LOL WINDOWS 10 DUDE happend.
Really, because that shit is why I like S2/3 so much. S1 characters, minus Glacius and Fulgore, feel boring IMO.
This or what posted.
It also used Robin Beanland's original composition. Mick didn't want to make a new theme because the original Cinder theme was perfect to him and one of the first songs he learned on his guitar as he was a huge fan of the Killer Cuts CD.
Hisako has some nice legs.
Now you can.