Sup Forums now likes mobile shit
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Sup Forums only likes what's popular at the moment.
Sup Forums just likes whatever normie flavor of the month shit that's currently popular, e.g. overwatch
Came out 2 months ago tard
wait so this is pretty much how it plays? how the fuck does anyone put "pokemon go" and "enjoyable" in the same sentence?
Man I can't believe it's been popular for 2 months now.
>released July 6
Autists get to walk and meet other autists
play it and see
it's actually kind of insane to see hoards of people milling about pokestops catching pokemon
late-blooming normies*
Sup Forums is full of normalfags sheeps.
Um.. I'll have you know that this is the FUTURE of video games, shitlord. This isn't like the stupid nerd toys you've been playing with, this is a social phenomenon that you can't even begin to understand.
Pokemon Go is fucking free you autists. How can you shill a free game?
that's retarded, league of legends is also free but you wouldn't say you can't shill it
True, but Pokemon Go is also far more easy going in allowing you to play it however you want. It takes ages to get characters in LoL where as in Go you do not need to spend a single cent to play the game to its max potential.
Don't be dense.
Read post right above yours. There's really no reason to use this shit. I'm already level 20 and I haven't spent a single cent.
Oh look, the same defense people use for every cash shop shit ever.
Each and every one of you set yourselves up for this when you decided Sup Forums was about shitposting, pointless contrarianism, and masturbating to corporate failures instead of a coherent video game oriented culture. This is what the last 8 years of driving Sup Forums into the ground has created. And the sad part is, it's a fucking improvement.
they're not even trying, holy shit
they could've at least used the standard pokemon currency
That's because its an indisputable defense. You literally just need to play the game and you get rewarded. Or you can decide to pay to get the rewards, which probably means you don't like the game to begin with.
>defending freemium model mobile gaming
playing a scavenger hunt is fun
Mere existence of a cash shop means the game is designed in a way that rewards spending small amounts of money frequently.
If the game has one of those, it's irredeemable trash 100% of the time.
>You literally just need to play the game and you get rewarded.
>"I get my opinions from Sup's \V\ - Video Game's forum board"
Nothing puts me off of playing more than this image in my head.
You don't actually know what a skinner box is do you?
>i have zero critical thinking skills and I am mad
>There's really no reason to use this shit
That's not going to stop every retard that plays, though. How does that old saying go? "A fool and his money are soon parted."
Nintendo will not be able to resist gouging these customers in the future.
>autists leaving their house and not subsequently getting arrested for macing a retail store employee
You don't know what that word means.
For real though Pokemon Go is normie as fuck.
The game has only been out for a few days. You and everyone else will be hitting the pay wall soon, but it does take a few days. No one would fall for it if you had to start paying right away
>Pokemon is normie as fuck
>extra credits
>people who watch extra credits are the ones who hate pokemon go
must mean pokemon go is good after all
It's literally free fucking money
You'd be stupid to thi this wasn't coming
You take the same shit that people get hype for every year or few, and put it on a phone.
Nintendo just need to make Pokemon amiibos, and suddenly they can afford another 10 failed consoles.
>ad hominem
looks like I'm right after all
ITT: faggots who don't have friends/play Lol or DOTA all day or worse never leave the house due to crippling illness
stay mad cucks
>literally "artificial fun" argument
holy shit, kys for posthing this
>actually falling for the pokemon go meme
>needing a mobile phone game to justify leaving the house
the only thing more pathetic than your post is what it implies about your own behavior
It's just that Pokemon gets a pass.
lol and dota are at least real games with much lighter skinner boxes
Scroll up, you'll see all the shit you actually buy with those are useless if you're actually playing the game.
Pokecoins and the shop seemed to be designed for basement dwellers who don't want to actually go outside.
as much as I hate extracucks
artificial fun is a thing
or are you saying that people with a gambling habit are having fun?
It extends my walks significantly and has me going places I usually didn't. My trip to the grocery store now takes a half hour even though I live five minutes away and its nice.
>You literally just need to play the game and you get rewarded.
you just described every pyramid scheme pitch line. literally.
>doesn't understand fundamental concepts of behavioral conditioning
You had to create yet another thread for this didn't you ? You couldn't fathom the idea of shitposting in one of the MANY existing Pokemon go threads didn't you ?
You know what ? Fuck you. All that get posted on Sup Forums lately are Pokémon and Overwatch threads. When will the cancer end ?
Yes they are having fun. Its not 'good' fun (as in its not the healthy type of fun) but they are having legitimate entertainment in the end.
You just have very little going for you in life
Congrats you watched a video on what a Skinner box is. Maybe you even understood the words said in that video.
That's different than actually understanding how operant conditioning applies to game design. You can boil down LITERALLY ANY GAME to a Skinner box if you wanted to because it's such a generalized model.
It's different when a game has merits beyond simple action->reward, which Pokemon Go does.
>Pokecoins and the shop seemed to be designed for basement dwellers who don't want to actually go outside.
Which is Nintendos second biggest customer demographic next to children, who half the time can't go outside all day to catch pokes
Oh sure, nintendo will make billions off idiots. Why should I care?
Can we all just take a moment to marvel at The Indestructible Nintendo?
We all said it wouldn't work, we all said Nintendo was done then, they did it again and created a genre defining game that will sell 80 million copies and fund them another 3 years.
>autists on Sup Forums are actually mad about a free game that improves your health and social status by using an iconic franchise literally everybody and their grandmothers love simply because its on mobile
This is quite literally not genre defining
>We all said it wouldn't work
No we didn't. We should it would work perfectly.
>You can boil down LITERALLY ANY GAME to a Skinner box
No you can't, you fucking retard
Man, people sure get mad when Nintendo wins
>Pokemon Go has merits beyond its freemium model making millions of dollars per day from slack-jawed mobile users
you wish
It sort of doesn't, you go out and randomly get rewarded by walking around. There's little gameplay, but that doesn't mean it's not worth playing.
Nintendo will realize that they're wasting money developing actual games and proper systems when it's far more profitable to simply shit out mobile garbage, instead.
>playing Pokemon go will improve your social status
next you're going to tell me it will make my hair grow back and that I'll never have to worry about money again
Name one where I can't. Positive/negative reinforcement is basic to game design.
It's not out for EU yet?
Can we play it if we get the .apk ,though?
it's different when it is prompting you to give them your credit card details every time you run out of pokeballs
dota 2
what do I win?
>run out of pokeballs
I don't even know how one would manage this.
I will say this.
I thought the idea of Pokemon GO was stupid, and I still think certain aspects of it are pretty lame. Like, the combat is essentially non-existant. I thought that the combat and trading would work out like the Gameboy game. Imagine if, while you were hunting Pokemon, if you passed another trainer, you had the option to challenge them to a battle?
But last night, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to walk with him while he played Pokemon GO. I said, "Sure".
While we were out, we ran in to dozens of other people in our tiny town, all catching Pokemon and having fun. We actually met a lot of people that we wouldn't have met otherwise, thanks to Pokemon.
Now we're going to meetup every Sunday night to go Pokemon hunting in the park. I'm excited and I don't even own the game.
They'll regret it once Nintendo pulls a Konami.
And I'll sit back and laugh.
In short "the actual game part is a steaming turd, but it's fun if you hang out with friends instead of paying attention to it"
>genre defining
In your dreams, Nintoddler.
I like Nintendo games, but even I have to admit that Sup Forums and Nintendo enthusiasts in general behave like beat-up-wives with Stockholm syndrome.
> There's really no reason to use this shit.
> I'm already level 20
Poor faggot, soon you'll be left behind, because that's the point. If the game starts asking for money right off the bat, no one plays. If it allows you to play enough to get addicted, and THEN it starts asking for money, people will want to keep playing because they already invested much time in it. And when you'll see full autists around you at level 50 while you're left behind at 30, what will you do? Pay.
So how long do you think this mobile fad will last? 2 or 3 months at best?
how long until you stop caring
Yes, essentially this.
If they did some sort of major overhaul of the game, I could see myself being very interested in this game. But as it is now, it's really just a social thing.
As far as Multiplayer games go, I've only ever been interested in the social aspects of them. I'm just not competitive.
Kill yourself neckbeard
have your mom make you some tendies and go fuck off fat fuck
>projecting this deliberately
depends on where you live. im in a suburb and theres only 1 pokestop near me. I cant keep my pokeballs up unless I were to pay